This was not at all intentional, I promise you. My friend made a request that I couldn't refuse, so I went ahead and did this for her, seeing that I couldn't say no. I hope you all like this, and let me know what you think. I have never done something like this before, and I want to expand on my writing, so I decided to do this. It's completely AU, so I think I'm going to enjoy myself with this one because I love AU stories, especially those about rouges and ladies in distress. Who know, I might actually come to enjoy myself with this one, and I hope that you guys, too. I really hope this comes out good, because the last thing I want to do, is give you all a crappy story. So, please enjoy!

Chapter One: Passion

The sea, much like the heavens, was an unconquerable, sacred world set apart from the lands trekked upon by mortal flesh. Their murky depths held indescribable mysteries, begging to be searched, to be discovered, and to be known; however, to this day, it has yet to be claimed. Many crews have cut across the surface of the glistening waters, allowing the waves and tides to court them into submission; and to their dismay, their deaths. Gentle seas were fickle in a sense, yearning to be pleasured with their thirst for adventure, only to lash out like a mistress on a cold bed, striking their lovers through the heart, and to cry as they sunk beneath the surface of their own blood. It's danger. It's recklessness. It's unpredictability.

It's passion.

Slender fingers stroked against the lushness of her lips, parting slightly as viridian hues took in the waters of the open sea. Passion. The meaning of such a word was still a mystery to the young heiress, unable to truly depict such a feeling within her many, silent girl-like fantasies. Nothing could compare to the savagery of the waters that spread before her homeland; passionate, wild, and free. It was thrilling to witness the ferocity of the sea, crashing against the rocks upon the shores, making its presence known. Unchallenged. Unrivaled. Unchained ecstasy. And it was the callused dogs of the salted waters that the sea favored; bold lovers that sprung forth without consequence and leaving behind a mark that will lay unforgotten. Was social outcast the hefty price one surly had to pay for freedom? Were there really scoundrels out there who threw away their lives and reputations in order to savor many passionate nights with a fatal lover?

Was this passion?

A small hand ghosted down her chin, the tips of her fingers gently kissing the soft skin of her neck. Digits carefully created a heated trail that led further downward to her collarbone, tracing small circles against the fabric of her beautifully woven dress. The sudden barrier that separated her from her own flesh brought a gentle frown to her lips, brows furrowing slightly as the ends of her fingers trembled slightly with a need to further explore what lay beneath. She imagined the sensation of hungry lips laying waste to her covered skin, making her swallow thickly as the images began to unfurl. The whispers of the sea were sultry and seductive, bidding her to continue with her self-sinning actions; to be led astray and become a devilled harlot herself.

"You're late for your fitting, Sakura." A stern, voice laced with thick annoyance interrupted the young woman's obscene fantasy. With a muffled gasp, she shot her hand up to her neck, feeling her pulse quicken at having been walked in during a falling moment. Licking her parched lips, she gently stroked away the heat of her neck with cool strokes of her fingers, not wishing to look into the eyes of the elder woman just yet. Moving away from the window and from the tantalizing sea, Sakura fixed a strand of hair back into place after it fell to during the rush of unexplained excitement.

Clearing her throat, Sakura's wide hues flickered towards the woman before her, pursing her lips slightly as the blonde haired woman reached her in a few, single strides. Sakura's Lady-in-waiting did not seem amused at the young woman's sudden loss of time and setting, gently tugging at the heiress to move. "Come now, Sakura, your dress has been completed and you're due for a fitting in order to finish up the preparations for your wedding gown." If there was one person that she was grateful for, it was Tsunade; a woman with a proper head on her shoulders. Whenever both women were alone and in each other's company, the former midwife would treat her fairly without titles, a bold move considering the fact that Tsunade could be viewed as uncouth for such disrespectful tendencies towards the future crowned princess of their homeland.

However, despite such an issue, Sakura was quietly proud with that fact that Tsunade did not fear in the judgments of others, nor did she hesitate to raise action or voice her thoughts if need be. She was a woman who raised Sakura as her own when her mother passed during childbirth, and so, because of such a thing, she could not see anyone else at her side who was as loyal as Tsunade. Still, the comforts of such a gentle bond did nothing to reassure Sakura's grievances.

Wordlessly, Sakura followed with the unwanted reminder that she was to be wed to the crowned prince of her homeland in a matter of days. The idea left a heavy feeling in her heart, but it was not something she loudly protested against, having accepted her fate and submitting to the act in the name of the Haruno Noble Family. Bloodlines needed to remain pure and intact, to guarantee a strong future for the nation and secure the throne for many more years to come. The young Lady felt trapped in a world she feared she didn't belong in. Many a nights, she would settle against her pillows and wonder about a life outside the stone, castle walls. What was it that rested beyond the moon's silver glow? Was she bound to forever be the woman of a king that birthed him children? What joy was there in such a fate? To be crowned a Queen was blessed honored in the eyes of their great nation, but what enjoyment was there if she was to be shackled?

Again, Tsunade's voice cut through Sakura's thoughts like sharp knife, tearing past her troubles and insecurities. "You're awfully quiet today, what are you thinking about?" A slender brow was raised, a questioning glance thrown towards Sakura's general direction. It made Sakura sigh, noting that nothing got past Tsunade, no matter how hard one tried to avoid conflicts by sealing away troubled emotions.

"I am feeling unsure about a lot of things. Of course, I don't make this known, because I know this wedding is to secure the Royal Bloodline." Sakura spoke, gnawing gently against the inside of her cheek, her eyes focused on the hallway before her, unable to glance at Tsunade in the eyes. "But for a woman like myself, I'm not sure how to properly deal with this. A Queen's duty is to her King, am I right?" Softening eyes sought for a contradiction within Tsunade's firm gaze, but instead of receiving what she quietly hoped, Tsunade instead placed a hand on the young woman's shoulder.

Their walking ceased as the older woman took her turn in replying. "You're speaking as if you're being sold off to slavery, Sakura. There's much more to being a Queen than simply being with child. You're going to be the beacon of hope, and this nation is going to need both a King and Queen to look over the people." However, Tsunade illustrated her displeasure by rubbing her brows slightly. "This goes far beyond your happiness, Sakura, that's just one of many sacrifices you're going to have to make. We are at the edge of war, and we need to reassure the people that a strong nation is led by a strong monarchy." After Tsunade made her opinion clear, Sakura averted her eyes away from the woman, attempting hard to not show the seeping despair that threatened to overthrow her.

"I was just thinking selfishly, but thank you for trying to place my mind at ease. I still do not like what I have to face, but have I not had you around; I would have been lost in my trouble long ago." There was sincerity within her words, and the smile that soon followed infected Tsunade as well, making the woman shake her head.

Gently, she tipped Sakura's head upwards, her lips turning into a faint smirk. "There's a fire within you that reassures me about a lot of things. I know you'll do just fine; you're strong, but once you tap into the independent woman you are, soon enough, you'll make a name for yourself." As the two women exchanged another brief smile, Sakura willing allowed Tsunade to continue to guide her as they made their way for her fitting.

As they passed castle windows, Sakura allowed herself the luxury to train her eyes back onto the sea. The waters had gone silent, with gentle waves lightly kissing the shores and offering no form of comfort for the young Queen-to-be. Again, her heart grew indescribably heavy, a sense of distress clutching her heart as she walked; quietly yearning for a freedom she has long been denied.


"…he was surrounded and outnumbered…" A distant voice could be heard as Tsunade and Sakura slowly neared her father's personal office. Lashes fluttered as lids closed as Sakura continued on her way, feeling the corners of her eyes glisten lightly with unshed tears.


"…unfortunately, his ship managed to break through our barricade. Despite that failure, capturing their captain was enough to make up for it." The man's voice resonated with great ferocity, making it difficult for Sakura to drown out the words as they reached the doors of her father's office.

Something was muttered by her father, but the next thing that she heard, was enough to make Tsunade take a sharp intake of breath.

"Please save me from this undesired fate…"

"Sasuke Uchiha, he will be hanged before he sees the light of dawn."

It was Tsunade's reaction that peaked Sakura's interest, forcing her away from her inner turmoil. Perking her ears slightly, the young woman attempted to catch the last few words that had been said, but by that time, they had already walked a good way past her father's office. Still, the pinkette did not hesitate to question her Lady-in-waiting. After all, by the look of Tsunade's fierce eyes, Sakura couldn't help but wonder. "Who is this Sasuke Uchiha? Is he a criminal?" Parted lips pressed together, waiting for Tsunade to enlighten her on the situation.

Tsunade, however, waited until they were well out of earshot before she responded to the question. "He's a pirate." The woman breathed deeply from her nose. "He's one of the last known survivors of the Uchiha Noble Family from the North, before they were decimated for crimes against the Crown." Tsunade's frigid tone was enough to let Sakura know that the accursed name was like a poison to the wound, and she almost regretted in asking more about the topic, but the curiosity was even greater.

A pirate had been captured? He was being held in the castle, perhaps, but where? Now that she heard the name more clearly, Sakura began to silently recall one of her old lessons as a child that involved the famed Uchiha. Did that mean that the particular pirate had once been a noble? Then why scourge the seas and take part in going against their monarchy? "Why would they go against the Crown? Surely they must have known that they were going to be overpowered."

Tsunade stopped in her tracks, her hand tightly grasping Sakura's arm, face intent with displeasure. "That's where legend sets in."


"I don't understand…"

Once more, Tsunade glanced about to make sure that the two were entirely alone in the hallway. "They say that the first Uchiha, Madara, made a pact with the Devil by sacrificing his younger brother in order to gain more power for himself and his linage. That power is unclear, but the evidence is in their eyes."

For an instant, Sakura felt her blood run cold at the treacherous words that were befalling her. A pact with the Father of Sins? Was that entirely possible? "Their eyes?"

"Yes…" Tsunade nodded, beckoning for Sakura to, once again, continue their walk. "Their eyes are as red as blood. Eyes of a demon, legend says."

"Eyes of a demon…" Sakura repeated within a whisper. A pirate with eyes of a demon, was it indeed true? An unwelcoming chill settled over her skin, forcing Sakura to unintentionally hug herself. Despite the severity of Tsunade's tone and the voices that begged her to keep away; it was the faint sound of crushing waves that whispered into her ear.




-Chapter End-

Preview - Chapter Two: Demon Eyes

Sakura shivered, fighting back the urge to chatter loudly, her steps already creating a magnitude of sound that she wished would go unheard of for at least a couple of minutes. The tray containing the meager meal of hard bread and water, lightly rattled against along with her hands, forcing Sakura to stop and press her back against the cool, stoned walls of the dungeons. She didn't know why she felt the need to come on her own, to enter the mouth of the wolf, and without being chaperoned by anyone. The consequences of her misdeeds would not go unpunished, but the urges to look into the eyes of a demon won over any logical sense.

The large, thick, wooden door of the prison that held the pirate was menacing. Cold air nipped at exposed flesh, as she neared, feeling her lungs struggle to take in air due to the frigid air's jabs. Sakura did not falter in her step, however, standing before the door with enough determination to continue on with her ridiculous ordeal.

He was a pirate; oh, how she envied such a man.

Setting the tray down, Sakura leaned up on her toes in order to clasp the bars of the small, barred opening that allowed one to peer at the prisoner. As green eyes sought for the famed eyes, she could feel her heart slowly rise in tempo, feeling a sudden fear dancing upon her chest as she gazed into a sea of endless black. Her breathing turned shallow, limbs slightly shaking due to the cold.

Not a sound was made, but in a sudden moment, her heart lurched up to her throat, her stomach spiraling into a jumbled mess. She almost could breath, as eyes leisurely opened at the sound of her presence, and she saw that Tsunade had been right.

Crimson hues glinted underneath the small light that the candles provided, lingering over hers in a demanding manner. "Stupid girl." His voice was sharp, crude, with darkened orbs devoid of any known emotion except for that of pure, unbridle hatred.

So much hate in such blood filled eyes.

"You shouldn't have come."

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