The Grown Boy and the Assassin

Dead or Alive: Christie and Eliot


Somewhere in Miami


The city was alive at night and rarely was it ever quiet. Traffic flowed like a river with thousands of people going from place to place and living it up and partying, not worried about tomorrow and living for the moment.

Groups of people paraded around the city, whether they were as a group of friends, double dating, single pairing or riding solo they always found someplace to be. It was just the nature of living in south beach.

In a hotel somewhere near downtown, one particular couple was living their lives in a more quiet and somewhat subtle manner.

If you consider having opted to have hot, passionate sex as more quiet and subtle that is.

The tall British woman stretched luxuriously on the king size bed, arching her back and running her hands up from hips, over her toned midriff to her firm breasts and ultimately brushing hair off her eyes, she looked to her left and saw that her young lover had dozed off after their near hour and a half long session of lovemaking.

Or was it hot, sweaty, passionate unadulterated sex? Maybe fucking? There was no doggy or hair-pulling so maybe something else? These questions ran through her mind, but it didn't matter, she was with someone that she legitimately cared about and had even fallen in love with.

His blonde hair was unkempt mostly, but that was definitely an appealing part of him, besides many other traits. She looked down and saw his now flaccid member and the chiseled portions of his body that enjoyed pressing her own body against, as she knew he enjoyed her breasts and own womanhood against his.

The desire he had for her and that unstoppable lust and desire to do the deed with her was definitely a plus. Oh, it was definitely something she had trouble getting out of her mind whenever she was away from him as she was certain the same could be said about his thoughts of her when he was apart form her also.

The white-haired woman smiled and then sat up slowly, bending one leg towards and resting an elbow on it to look out the window. She still saw the active nightlife of Miami alive and well despite it being well after midnight. The woman pondered her reasons for being here, primarily so she could get away from her life as a cold-blooded and vicious assassin. But really, it was about having a chance to be with her younger man and watching participate in a tournament and provide - much to her own surprise – support in is quest to win.

Of course, to no surprise – at least to her – he won and did it decisively and was awarded the $25,000 grand prize. Naturally, they celebrated the victory these last two days and it ultimately culminated in this the second night of unbelievable and at times romantic sex.

Christie closed her eyes and laughed inwardly at where she was. Madly in love with Eliot a young man who was the only apprentice to Gen Fu, the master of Xing Yi Quan. She had found his skills impressive and determination to impress her cute at first before realizing it was clear he had developed a clear attraction to her.

Then again the She Quan practitioner shouldn't have been surprised by this revelation or the outcome from that attraction. She was a 28 year old woman and he was now 20 and had all that energy built inside that needed to be unleashed when it came to sex and to her own personal benefit, though maybe not to her hips, breasts, nipples and neck area, she had some of the best and most fulfilling sex she's ever had.

Opening her eyes again she stood and padded to the window and looked outside, even with the AC on, she could still feel the humidity and heat from outside. It was a summer night in south beach so that wasn't a surprise. Or maybe it was the body heat that she and Eliot shared tonight?

Reaching up with both hands she gently gripped the edges of the window and watched the world outside, not caring in the slightest that there was small chance, even if they were 21 stories up, that some pervert with binoculars was looking to find someone like her and get cop a feel over witnessing her in her glory.

Frankly, Christie didn't give a shit, never did, especially when she had a man that would do everything to please her and she'd do the same to him. She chuckled again, this time a little more audible at how she used to tease him in the beginning and how they didn't actually have intercourse until he couldn't stop himself from putting his member inside her.

The fact that she hadn't gotten pregnant from all their escapades was a small miracle. Though given the past several days and what he gave her just two days ago, maybe becoming a mother wasn't such a bad idea after all.

Pulling her left hand down, she looked at the gold band she now wore on her finger, the diamond was her birthstone and it was clear what the ring meant. Christie felt her heart skip a beat as she stared at the ring.

She was engaged. She couldn't believe and thought it wasn't real, just a dream, but it wasn't.

"Hey. Why aren't you snuggling with me?" Came Eliot's voice behind her as he reached around and wrapped his strong arms around her bare torso just below his favorite part of her anatomy.

Christie was slightly startled at first, but quickly recovered and leaned into him, his member still flaccid and unlikely to get to where she wanted it.

"Hmm. Thinking little boy." Christie said as wrapped both her arms around his.

Eliot paused, still unsure about how to respond to her even after sleeping with her and having the relationship they had this last year and a half.

"What?" Christie asked as she turned her to stare into his blue eyes. "Something wrong?"

N-no, no." Eliot quickly shook his head. "I was, uh, just…"

Christie laughed and Eliot swallowed a little. "You are still so shy and nervous with me."

Eliot bit a part of his lip in nervousness, feeling her turn around and press her firm, full breasts against his bare chest and wrapping both arms around his neck. She gently caressed the back of neck, which he always liked.

"Are you worried that I'm thinking twice about being your future bride?" Christie asked smiling.

"Uh, no." Eliot stammered, he looked away for a second. "A-are you?"

Christie threw he head back and laughed again before facing him again and pressing her red lips against his pink ones.

"If I was," she began pulling away as she started to lead them back to bed. "I wouldn't have said yes or be here fucking each other senseless in celebration of our future together or your tournament win."

Eliot sheepishly rubbed the back of his said and turned slightly red in the cheeks. "Oh, well, that's good – I mean, great to know."

Christie shook her head as she slipped onto the bed, sheets and comforter thrown about and brought their pillows together, Eliot slipping beside to her left as he lied back and pressed his head, neck and shoulders against the wood bedframe.

The white-haired woman pressed against him and rested her head on his shoulder placing one hand on his belly and another still playing with his neck. The blonde wrapped his arm around her ribs and gently his other hand on her breasts.

"I certainly hope it is." Christie finally replied.

He chuckled a little. "Yeah, it is."

"Good." As she pressed herself even more against him.

As she started to slowly fall into a deep sleep, she heard him say the three words that she never thought anyone would say to her.

"I love you."

Christie smiled warmly. "I love you."

They fell asleep together again, didn't matter how many times. It was together and no one could take that from them.