Dean took out his phone and let out a string of curses. Thirteen missed calls, all from Sam. He knew he'd ignored one last night before Zachariah zapped him to the future, but this was way more than one call. Castiel gave him a confused look, maybe. Dean can't tell because Cas always looks like that. The phone rang in his hand.

"Sam. Listen, theres something I gotta tell you…" Dean started as he put the phone to his ear, wondering how to break the news to his brother that Lucifer wants to ride around in his skin. He shudders at how wrong that sounds and the memory of Sam in a white suit.

"Oh good, you're alive."

"Bobby?" Dean asked as recognized the gruff voice.

"Look, Sam's been pacing holes in my floor and won't talk about until you and Cas get your asses over here." The phone clicked off and Dean stared at it in worry before returning it to his pocket.

"C'mon Cas." Dean said, not looking at the angel as he passed him. His mind is filled with thoughts of Sam, as it usually is, and he knows his brother's not going to be sharing good news. Because just when he's handed a hint of hope, the possibility of The Colt in reach, it just has to get worse.

"Alright if you won't sit down to contain your own sanity, do it for mine! I'm getting a headache just watching you think." Bobby said.

Sam looked up from tracking his path across the wood grain on the floor. It wasn't because of Bobby's words, it was because of the familiar sound of crunching gravel in the driveway. He practically leaped to open the door.

Dean walked into the house, followed closely by Castiel. Sam couldn't help but feel giddy as they entered the kitchen. Dean grabbed a beer from the fridge and sat down.

"You gonna tell us what's got your panties in a twist now?" Bobby asked.

"Can't be worse than the apocalypse." Dean said with a fake smile that didn't fool anyone.

"That's just it… there may not even be an apocalypse." Sam said excitedly.

Sam didn't know how to convince them. He believed Lucifer. Thinking about it now, there was no way he was going to convince any of these three that the Devil himself had changed. Not after who he had trusted before. Well, there was no backing out now. Sam reached into his pocket and pulled out a piece of motel scratch paper where he had written the address Lucifer had shown himself writing. He placed it on the table and continued talking.

"I know what you're going to say...but you didn't see what I saw…"

"See what, Sammy?" Dean asked and Sam could see the suspicion in his face.

He needed Dean to trust him on this, to have faith in him again. Because he couldn't make it on his own. Not with the stuff they had to see everyday, not with the apocalypse. Not without Dean, just... not without him.

"Lucifer's memories." Sam dropped the bomb.

Dean looked shaken, he gave Sam the worst kind of look. There was no trust left.

"It is possible for vessels to share memories, I assume that Lucifer also viewed yours." Castiel said.

"How do you know I'm his vessel?" Sam asked.

"Zachariah." Cas answered.

Sam felt it unfair, this was two against one. He felt like he had already lost. He over to Bobby, who just shook his head. Make that three against one.

"And what…? You think the Devil won't flatten Earth like a pancake house special?" Dean asked.

"He's on our side Dean!" Sam yelled.

"You'd rather believe the Devil, the fucking Devil, than what you can see. The freak weather doesn't do it for ya?" Dean was one of those storms right now.

"That's the other angels!"

"The Devil, Sam?!"

The two brothers were standing now, yelling in each others faces. Sam shook his head. He couldn't deal with this. If they weren't on his side, he knew who was. He headed for the door.

"Are you going to say yes?" Bobby asked as his hand touched the doorknob.

"I surprised you would even ask that." Sam said.

Of course he wasn't going to say yes. Lucifer already had a vessel, somehow. But he let them believe what they want. He tried to open the door, but it was locked.

"Cas!" Sam laced his voice with a threat.

"I can't allow you to leave." Castiel said firmly walking over and grabbing one of Sam's arms to drag him back. Dean took the other arm and together they got Sam down into the safe room in the basement, but not without a few bruises.

"You're making a mistake! I wasn't going to say yes!" Sam yelled as the vault door was locked shut.

Dean grabbed his half empty beer from the table and chugged down the rest. He scowled and reached back his arm to chuck the bottle at the wall.

"Not in my house." Bobby warned and Dean put the bottle down. He sat down and put his head in his hands.

Sam had gone off the deep end, and Dean was sure it was for good this time. The way he spoke about Lucifer... The way Sam said his name made Dean want to strangle the guy even more for somehow ensnaring his brother. Sam praising the Devil, like he was some kind of answer to all their problems. Like he was a good guy. Dean tried to shade his brother from the world's harsh heat, but at least he understood one thing. There were no good guys.

Dean didn't know what to do. He didn't want to do anything... not without Sam.

He looked to the crumpled paper on the table, the address where Lucifer was supposedly waiting. Waiting for Sam. Dean read it, memorized it. Marked down his next step in his mind, to find The Colt. Yeah, Lucifer was about to see a Winchester. A pissed off one. With a gun.