"Luck of the devil my ass" Alex thought to himself as he was started his designated 100 push-ups, pull-ups and sit-ups. Since he started training with C unit he was working three times harder than his previous routine. In addition to the obstacle course, swim and hand to hand training, a 5 mile run before breakfast, after lunch and before dinner was required for all 5 members of the unit, which was strictly enforced by Bear. No exceptions. Alex had to respect his training routine but when He didn't deserve the punishment, he resented being sent with C unit. Bear exploited any chance he could to sentence Alex to more work. Maybe Bear thought if he pushed Alex hard enough he would "drop out". As if. On that particular day, Alex's last run before dinner was interrupted by the higher ups. He was being called into a meeting with their head Sergeant. The message came when he was more than halfway through the 5 mile run; no scratch that, sprint seeing as he had twenty five minutes to complete them. When he started Bear's training schedule, he was given thirty-five minutes to finish the run. When he had finished before the allowed time, the thirty-five dropped to thirty. And now it's at twenty-five. The problem was that he didn't have a watch so he had to gauge the timing.

When he headed to the Sergeants quarters still sweaty, he already knew what the meeting would be about. Actually, he expected it to cone much sooner than the 3 months he was there. Of course the topic would be about a tutor. Alex knew that MI6 would want to continue his "education" which would no doubt include spy training as well. He was also almost 105% sure that Ms. Jones would put in someone who is also qualified to do a full psyche check. The way he saw it was that he didn't need a therapist or anybody to tell him he was screwed up in the head. He already knew it was true.

Nonetheless he was given instructions to report to one of the rooms they kept open for seminars everyday at 1 o'clock in the afternoon and stay until 7pm. He would take a test at the end of every week on what he learned and one big test at the end of every month. He was supposed to be excused from any SAS related training in the time he was learning, but judging by Bear's rigid rules on training, he doubted he would catch a break. When he left the brief meeting, he wasn't surprised to see Bear in his usually empty cabin.

Since K-unit left, he had been living in seclusion and the only real interaction he got was the occasional order or mocking phrase directed towards him.

The jokes at his expense didn't really bother Alex, and if anything, he was annoyed that these grown men were acting so childish. If this was Britain's best defense then no wonder they turned to a teenager to save the world multiple times. But of course he didn't say that.

Bear broke the silent stare-down going on between the two soldiers and said, "Since you decided to skip out on the last mile of your run, you will do an equivalent plus some. 100 push-ups, pull-ups, and sit-ups. Have fun."

He smirked at Alex childishly and left the cabin.

Alex sighed and sank to the ground to do his push-ups. Bear probably would come in randomly to make sure he was doing them and Alex did not want to be caught defying direct orders. About halfway through his push ups, he heard a small thump against the outside of his cabin. He stopped immediately and listened closer. There it was again! But this time it sounded more like something dragging. Alex didn't hesitate -he jumped up to his feet and ran out the door. He scanned the darkening camp. Nothing jumped out to him as weird in his direct vision. He headed around the side of the cabin and heard the noise again. Alex carefully poked his head out to see what was going on in the back of the cabin. He turned just in time to see a needle plunge into Bear's arm. Bear's eyes fluttered and closed completely as he slumped clumsily to the ground. Bear's attacker wore a mask and was facing away from Alex. Alex decided quickly that this was his best chance to attack the guy, since he wasn't spotted. The attacker seemed well built and the way he got Bear indicated this guy was obviously a pro. He took a walkie-talkie out from the clip on his waist and was about to speak into it, when Alex attacked. He had managed to creep up behind the masked man and get the drop on him. He swept the feet under the unidentified man and he tumbled hard to the ground. He obviously wasn't expecting a fight. Alex was about to crouch and check on Bear, when he felt someone creeping up behind him. It was another guy. But this time Alex wasn't ready to take him on. He felt a cloth that stank of chloroform cover his mouth and nose and an arm putting in in a headlock. Alex held his breath but he already started to feel the drowsiness tug at his consciousness. He let his body go limp to trick his assailant. After ten more seconds the cloth was removed and Alex feigned unconsciousness. Alex remembered his earlier sentiment about not being lucky. He thought back to his earlier resentful thoughts and thought, "Maybe I am lucky."