This chapter may seem confusing. The scallions are actually the three scallions in VeggieTales. Why they are in the series will be answered at the last chapters. This is also based on how Rhett and Link met in 1st grade. :)

Chapter 2


On Bob's first subject, he chose a seat in the front, like a good student. His teacher came in on time. Unfortunately for him, he was seated right beside him was one of the worst people he'd meet in college.

"Hey, tomato, mind if I borrow a pencil?" A short scallion asked.

"Um… I don't see why not."

Bob handed him the pencil and the scallion stuck it into his mouth. Bob twisted his face in disgust.

"You know what? Keep it."

"Thanks," the scallion plainly said.

A shudder ran on his spine. What a rude guy. The teacher was giving a lecture and the guy at the back kept bothering him. He would just slide on him for no apparent reason. Bob told him couple of times to stop bugging him. But he won't listen. He became so annoyed and so distracted that he didn't realize that he broke the silence of the room.

"Mr. Tomato," The teacher said.

"Yes, sir?" Bob timidly asked.

The scallion got back to his position as if he was an innocent student.

His teacher walked up to his desk with a serious look on his face. "Would you mind keeping the peace?"

"Yes, sir."

One thing caught the teacher's eye. On the left side of Bob's table, there was a writing out of ink. The teacher's blood started to boil.

"What's this?"

Bob looked at where the teacher was looking. His eyes widened. That's a bad word. He couldn't have written that. That's a bad word. But it wasn't there when he got to that desk.

"You dare to vandalize school property with ink?!" The teacher scolded.

"But, sir, I-I didn't—"

Bob looked beside him. Of course. His scallion seatmate was trying to hold his laughter. All Bob can do at that moment was to scowl at him.

"Who else dares to tamper their desks?!" The teacher asked aloud.

"He did, sir!" A scallion from the back called out.

Bob turned around to see who spoke up. He looked like his seatmate. On the tall scallion's left was another scallion shorter than him. Both of them were trying not to giggle. Bob's seatmate winked at them. They winked back. Obviously, these three were brothers. And they loved to get people in trouble.

"I-I didn't do anything!" a high-pitched voice retorted.

The teacher came up to that desk and found another bad word written in ink.

"Since this is your first day, I will make your punishment less severe. But I will not tolerate this kind of behavior in class again. Am I understood, you, two?"

He looked at Bob and his other classmate. Both of them bowed their head in embarrassment.

"Yes, sir." They said in unison.

"Good. Class dismissed… except for you two. You are to color these."

The teacher handed them three sheets of paper each. They were all color pages of vegetables of their kind on a countertop, right on a chopping board. It was kind of morbid. But they had to. The teacher left the room and they started coloring.

Bob was almost done with his last page when he turned to look at his classmate at the very back of the room. He was more depressed than he was. He decided to help him out.

"Hey," Bob greeted.

"Hey," His classmate replied.

It was only then when Bob noticed who he was. He was a tall cucumber with one tooth in his mouth. He seemed a year younger than Bob.

"It wasn't your fault, wasn't it?" Bob asked.

"No. It was those annoying scallions' fault." The cucumber mumbled.

Bob chuckled. "Don't I know it? I have a seatmate as annoying as them."

"These pictures are kinda morbid."

Bob looked at the pages he had to color.

"Yeah. It's cruel."

"What kind of art teacher would make his students color these?"

"I know. I'm starting to question his style."

"Maybe he keeps taxidermies of dead vegetables in his house."

"Now you're starting to sound morbid."

The two laughed. The cucumber looked down to his work and realized he was done.

"Well, I go to go. My next class comes up within the next ten minutes and I still have to find my room."

Bob nodded. "Okay."

The cucumber settled his work on the teacher's desk then he turned to his classmate before leaving.

"See you around,"

"You, too." Bob said.

He shut the door and left. And they were right. It wasn't going to be the last time they will see each other.