"You're just gonna break my heart all over again and I can't handle that.."

"Avery please Just hear me out."

"I wish I never met you." Those words we're the end of me in that moment I knew it was over. But despite how much he hurt me with those cutting words, he needed to know. He turned to leave and I knew it was now or never.

"I'm pregnant." And he froze. He slowly turned and looked at me; in clear shock.

And that was the moment it all changed..

Avery's POV

2 months had gone by since Juliette had told me she was pregnant; I pulled myself together and was there for her strictly for the sake of our baby. We would go together to the doctor's appointment; but things we're beyond right. Shortly thereafter Rayna asked me to produce Juliette's album and I protested not being able to work long hours with Juliette in close proximity but eventually I agreed knowing it would be great for my career.

"Juliette we really need to finish this song tonight."

"I know I know. Can we take 5?" She asked me. We we're almost done recording the album there was only 2 songs left to produce.

I was about to protest when Glenn knocked on the door.

"Sorry to bother you guys but Juliette someone is here to see you."

"Glenn can you tell them to leave, we really need to finish this song." I told him but no Juliette had to have her way and told him to let whoever it was in.

"Juliette Barnes?" The voice said. I didn't know who he was but clearly she did.

"Matthew? OH MY GOD! Matthew McKnight? Is that you." She squealed. Who was this guy I had no clue, Juliette never mentioned him. She got up and ran into his arms. I already knew I didn't like this guy for the way he was holding her in his arms. As soon as she pulled back she slapped him on his arm playfully.

"And where the hell have you been for the last 10 years?" She asked him

"I could ask you the same thing Jules." JULES? Who calls her Jules? She wouldn't let me call her Jules but some random dude was calling her that.

"Damn I haven't heard you call me that in forever. I missed it." She said beaming at him. Now I definitely did not like him not one bit.

Juliette's POV

"I tried to find you so many times; do you know that?"

"Yeah I kinda went MIA after I enrolled in the Navy."

"How come you're here now? "I asked Matthew

"Well I got medically release a month ago and thought I'd find the love of my life."

"Yeah okay." And suddenly it got awkward. I totally had forgotten that Avery was in the room.

"Seriously, you're the one that got away." He joked.

"Sorry to interrupt this happy reunion but we really need to finish this song Juliette." Avery said.

"Um yeah. Sure." I told him just before I turned back to Matthew.

"Are you staying in town for a bit?" I asked him.

"Yeah I was going to go to one of the hotels on main for a few days." I couldn't let him stay there. He was the oldest friend I had, my childhood best friend.

"Non sense, you're going to stay with me and that's that." I could see he was about to say no so I put my hand up to stop him.

"Don't even think about it. You're the only thing I got even close to family so you're staying with me." We both turned when we heard something drop. Avery was getting impatient so I hugged him quickly.

"Is he your boyfriend or something?" Matthew whispered in my ear.

"No no, Avery is not my boyfriend." And I guess I said that too loud cause we heard him cough.

"Sorry I forgot to introduce you two."

"No need." Avery said. I ignored him and proceeded to introduce them anyways

"Matthew this is Avery; he's producing my album. Avery this is Matthew my childhood best friend." I said smiling looking up at Matthew.

"I really want to finish this Juliette so.." He motioned with his hand for Matthew to leave.

"Fine, you don't have to be an ass about it."

"I'm not being an ass. The quicker we get this done; the faster you can have that reunion you want so much." And with that I knew Avery was pissed. Why that I had no clue. He and I were clearly done.

"Whatever" I mumbled to Avery and turned back to Matthew "Wait for me. And we'll catch up." I told Matthew and then kissed him on the cheek. Glenn and Matthew left as I turned back to Avery.

He could sense my stare as he just said


"What's wrong with you? You almost seem jealous or something?"

"Jealous? Why would I be jealous? I'm the one who broke up with you, remember?"

and I was stunned.

"You know what? SCREW YOU! Don't talk to me like that."

"Yeah cause you're Juliette Barnes and you can fire me right?" He countered

"No because I'm not some garbage you picked up on the side of the road that you can just talk to like that."

"Can we just finish this already?"

"You know what. I'm done. I don't want to work with you anymore. I tried my best but you're just making this too hard. And tonight just sealed the deal."

"Why because I didn't want to stand here and watch you make out with that guy?"

"What are you talking about? Matthew was my childhood best friend and that's it. It shouldn't even bother you anyways since as you just said you broke up with me."

"Doesn't mean I want to see you jumping some guy's bones."

I was about to say something but I just gave up.

"I don't know what your problem is tonight but I'm leaving." I grabbed my stuff and just left him there tuning out whatever crap he was screaming at me.

Avery's POV

I woke up with a pounding headache after getting hammered last night. I was pouring myself a cup of coffee when I heard "Juliette Barnes has been spotted with a new mysterious man in tow, that confirms it guys Juliette Barnes and her co-writer for the hit song "Don't put dirt" Avery Barkley have split amid months of speculation". I turned towards the television, they we're airing a video footage from TMZ with the two walking with Juliette's arm linked with his smiling at each other. I threw my mug at the wall watching it shatter. I needed to get dressed because I had my final session with Juliette today. After today I didn't have to see her anymore only when it involved our baby; and right now I really needed to get this over with.

Juliette's POV

For the past 2 weeks, Matthew and I had spent every waking moment together other then the times I was in studio with Avery. Despite my protests that I wanted a new producer, Rayna wouldn't budge; so I asked to get some time off to clear my head. I was still angry with Avery; I still didn't understand why he was giving me attitude ever since Matthew popped back into my life. The only thing that came to my mind was that he was jealous but that would mean Avery still cared about me and I knew that wasn't the case as he's made perfectly clear.

I was walking in the studio preparing myself for another day of Avery giving me attitude. But when I walked in Rayna and Avery we're both there to my surprise.

"Um Hi Rayna." I said politely smiling at her.

"Hi Juliette. I thought I would join both of you today as per the conversation you and I had a few weeks ago." Rayna said as clear as she could without giving too much details to Avery who was looking a bit confused.

"Ok I guess that's alright as long as Avery is fine with that?" I said looking at Avery hesitantly.

"No objections from me, she pays me so I'm good either way." He said.

"Ok before you guys start; I have 2 rules." Rayna began saying

"Rules? Really? What are we like five?" I said laughing at her so-called rules.

"No but you two clearly CAN'T work together without some sort of drama happening so I am giving you rules so you guys can finish this song of yours already that you've been stalling to sing."

"Can I talk to you in private Rayna?" She nodded in agreement and we left the room to speak.

"Listen Rayna, the reason I've been stalling is …" I began saying turning to look at Avery who was prepping everything "Is because this song is about him."

"Which is why you wanted a different producer?" She asked.

"Partly that and also things got a bit complicated when my childhood friend showed up." I continued.

"Which is why one of the rules is that he is not aloud here." Rayna explained she saw I was about to protest so she continued "Only until you don't finish this song and then he's free to be here whenever and wherever you want." I nodded in agreement knowing the last thing I wanted was a repeat of Avery angry again. We both returned to the studio where Avery was waiting.

"SO back to what I was saying. The rule is that you guys's are going to stay here today all day, all night whatever it takes until this song is not recorded." Rayna clearly saw my reaction "Juliette no arguments. No leaving till this is done, got it?" She asked and I nodded. She turned to leave when Avery called after her.

"What's the second rule?" He asked her as I looked from Avery to Rayna.

"Juliette is aware of the rule. Don't worry yourself about it; just record this song." And with that she turned and left us alone.

Avery's POV

If only you could see the tears
In the world you left behind
If only you could heal my heart
Just one more time

Even when I close my eyes
There's an image of your face
And once again I come to realize
You're a loss I can't replace

Since the day that you were gone
Why did you leave me?
In my heart you were the only
And your memory lives on
Why did you leave me?

I watched Juliette singing the song and it was clearly a song about us. Now I knew why she was so hesitant in making this her very last song to record. As she finished the final verse, I saw her get teary eyed, when she finished she looked up at me not realizing I was staring at her.

"I'm sorry" I told her

"For what?" She asked me wiping her tears.

"I don't know. I... I just... You're crying." Was all I could say?

"Don't worry… I'll get over it." I saw her get up and turn her back to me as she was packing up her stuff.

"I know, you're Juliette Barnes. You're a survivor."

She turned around abruptly with a look of anger on her face.

"You don't know a damn thing. So don't sit there and pretend to know me for a single second. You lost the right to know anything about me." She yelled at me.

"I didn't mean.." I began saying but stopped when I saw her burst out of tears. I got up to go comfort her but she put her hand up.

"Don't… Please just don't. Clearly you know this song is about you and that's fine. I never had any intention of letting you ever hear this song but Rayna really liked it so you heard it."

"It is a beautiful song; full of emotion. Probably why you nailed it in the first try." I nodded.

"I should go" She said looking at me. I was standing a few feet away from her just looking at her.

"Ok" Was all I could say. I watched her head towards the door but she froze in her spot. She slowly turned around; her eyes we're raw and full of emotion like the night we broke up.

"First, I need you to know something because this might be the only chance I have so here it goes… You have to know I feel terrible for what I did; to you, to us. It was the biggest mistake of my life and I can't take it back no matter how badly I wish I could; seeing the pain in your eyes every time I look at you is the worst. The disappointment is killing me inside more and more with each passing day."

"Juliette" I said stopping her. When I first came in this morning I was angry, bitter knowing she was moving on with Matthew but after hearing that song I didn't know what I was feeling anymore.

"You don't have to do this. You're moving on with Matthew and I'm happy for you so let's just leave this in the past." I motioned between us with my hands.

"What? What are you talking about? Matthew? Seriously?" She said with a surprised look on her face.

"You don't have to deny it for my sake."

"Look, Yes Matthew has feelings for me and it completely took me off guard BUT I don't feel the same way he does and I've made myself perfectly clear to him." She swallowed hard and continued "I told him I'm in love with someone else and that person will ALWAYS have my heart even if HE doesn't feel the same way and how I could only be friends with him." She looked away from me when she finished.

"That's not entirely true."

"What part?" She asked. As she looked up at me.

"I do care about you."

"Yeah as a friend I know and that's fine. I know Scarlett is the one who will always have your heart so it's fine but I really should get going now." She said picking up her phone to check her messages.

"Wait what did you just say?" And this time I walked to her standing inside her personal space. Her face immediately changed; I don't know if it was because I was so close or maybe she just realized she said something she didn't mean to but she remained quiet.

"Tell me what you just said." I repeated taking a step closer.

"I… didn't say… I… have to go." She said taking a step backwards. As realization hit me.

"You we're there. You heard us." I said more to myself then her. "How?" I asked myself out loud.

"I went looking for you after you left my house and waited for you all night at your apartment and I guess I fell asleep and woke the next morning with you not having come home so I went to the hospital and you we're there sleeping next to Scarlett." She said looking at me.

"And you heard me tell her." I continued not being fully aware of the whole situation

"That she would always have a permanent piece of you heart. Yes I heard you loud and clear." She said as I finally made eye contact with her having more of an understanding of everything that went down.

"Juliette I'm sorry; I… I didn't know."

"Don't apologize for the truth Avery. The truth is she was your first love I wasn't."

"It's not why I'm saying sorry.."

"Look what's done is done. There's no going back. But see for me you we're my first love and as far as I was concerned you we're the one person I wanted to spend the rest of my life with so it was hard to hear you tell Scarlett, well that she was THAT for you."

She took a step closer to me; gave me a weak smile, grabbed my hands and said "Avery Barkley, you ARE the love of my life and I love you I always will but I don't deserve you so just be happy for me okay? That's all I want." And with that she let go of my hand and turned to leave but before she could let go of my hand I pulled her back.

"Juliette, I .." I began and it must have been just my luck cause right at that moment Rayna walked in the room. She looked from me to Juliette; clearly knowing she was interrupting an important moment between us.

"I'm sorry I can come back." She said. Juliette looked at her and then back at me.

"No it's okay Rayna. We finished the album, Avery can play you the last song but I really have to go right now." By the time she let the last word slip I could hear the break in her voice and with that she just pulled her hand away from mine and ran out of the room while Rayna and I just looked at each other.