Hey guys, sorry I haven't updated this story yet, I've been really busy lately and time is a little hard for me to scrounge up. But here it is, the next chapter for Changing Fate. Who's excited for the new Star Wars next year? I hope you guys have seen the trailer, it's pretty cool. Please leave a review telling me what you thought about the chapter and what I could do to improve it. No Flaming. Thanks Guys!

"Revelation Unfolding"
Luke was feeling nervous as he stood before the Jedi Council, he had never really considered what exactly he was going to tell them of the future, but he was thinking about it really hard at the moment. He stood up straighter trying to be pulsing with confidence. He looked around the room and saw that there was a mixture of species among the Masters, but most were human or humanoid. Eyes falling on the Little green Grand Master, Luke thought about when he had previously researched Master Yoda in the Temple Archives, no one had ever seen another of Yoda's species before and the species had quite a long lifespan considering how long Master Yoda had been around in the Archive records. Luke made eye contact with every Master in the room and silently exhaled away all questions, fears, nervousness, and dread of what he was still to say. Master Yoda grunted to make it clear that the meeting would begin. Yoda looked around the room and said with a quiet seriousness, "Wondering why we are here, some of you are." He paused temporarily only to gain a few nods from several Masters. He took a deep breath and continued, "Called here by the Force this Jedi has, let him tell his own story, I will."

All the Masters in the room shifted their gaze over to Luke and stared at him with overwhelming curiosity, they were probably thinking who he was and if he was a Jedi why none of them had seen him before. Luke pushed all of his anxiety into the Force and pulled as much courage as he could, he stood straighter with respect for the Masters and tried not to become nervous under their gazes. Giving a respectful bow he started with his story in a voice surprisingly stronger than he would have expected, considering it felt like his knees would give out under him at any moment. "Greetings, I'm Jedi-in-Training Luke."

One of the Masters frowned and said in a scolding, disapproving tone, "Then why do you not wear the traditional Padawan braid that all trainees are required to wear?"

Luke gave a small sigh and sent a small prayer to the Force hoping that his explanation would be well received. He gave the Masters a small nod, "A very good question Master." He started to be very cautious with his wording from that point on. "The reason that I do not wear a trainee braid is that I do not belong in this time." Suddenly all the Masters were talking at once and saying how outrageous this prospect was.

One Master's voice rose above the rest and Luke spotted the man and slowly identified him. The man was dark skinned and seemed to be a very well respected Jedi Master because when everyone realized he was speaking, they quieted down to hear what he was saying. "Let us not throw out the window what this supposed Jedi has just told us. With the Force everything is mysterious and can happen, even when it would not seem likely, like the idea of time traveling."

The Council was quiet as if digesting all of this new startling news that they had received. One of the sour faced Masters argued the point, "Why then, would we not have felt his arrival in the Force?" Yoda's presence seemed to fill the room with imposing peace and relaxation.

The Grand Master then went on to try and explain some things. "Maybe to hide his arrival from those who use the Dark side perhaps, hhmmmmm...?"

The Jedi Master snorted in disbelief, "Master Yoda, do you expect us to believe your previous assumptions that there is a still a Sith Lord running around out there? Because he would have shown himself long ago and tried to kill us after Master Kenobi destroyed his 'apprentice', don't you think so?"

Master Yoda sighed with weariness of trying to get his point across. "Rising disturbance in the Force, there has been."

Master Windu stood and addressed the council, "I have felt this disturbance in the Force as well, the danger always seems immediate and close by but nothing happens. I have tried to trace this presence several times before, but it always disappears." The council mulled it over, finally one of the Masters stood with an idea. "I firmly believe that the Jedi boy is from the future. If he is indeed from the future, wouldn't he know if there was a Sith Lord in the galaxy?"

Many of the Masters murmured their agreement. Everyone looked expectantly at Luke, and it seemed like the room was spinning before Luke's eyes. Luke took a deep breath and stated, "Yes, there is a Sith Lord." The whole room seemed very nervous, the Master who had the idea addressed Luke again, "Do you have any idea where he might be?" Luke suddenly felt the weight of all those gazes on him once again.

"Yes, the Sith Lord is in control of the Senate..." The room erupted into chaos, Masters were yelling trying to get their views about the situation in with the confusion. Master Windu stood up and was shouting above the noise trying to get the council to come to order. Masters were arguing and screaming at each other, and some drew out their lightsabers and started toward Luke with a crazed look in their eye. Luke felt a warning from the Force, but too late, and with a painful crack a Master's chair hit Luke's head. The last thing that Luke remembered hazily were three lightsabers lifted above him, ready to strike. There was a bright explosion, and as he drifted off into unconsciousness, he stared into a face like an Angel's...