Master´s desires

Pairing: adult!Sanada x Atobe

Warnings: This lovely fic of mine is not only yaoi but also contains lemon (if you don´t know what either of this is you will probably not like it)

Disclaimer: Let´s think about this - do I own prince of tennis? Here´s a tip: if you think I do you are wrong.

Atobe groaned as streams of sunlight hit his eyes which led unavoidably to the disturbance of his, not really needed, beauty-sleep. Trying to move his arm to cover his face he had, to his greatest dismay, to notice that both of his arms were held down by some mysterious weights. Making his head work hard searching for the cause of these weights, just so he was spared from having to open his eyes just jet, he quickly remembered. Last night...

A loud ´woosh´ was heard as the blanket was fast, and very cruel, drawn away from his body, taking that heavenly warmth with it. Now also confronted with coldness the young heir had no other choice but to open his eyes. Just to be greeted by an angry stare.

Sanada took three deep breaths, trying to calm himself down to a manageable level. It was not as if seeing his young master completely naked with two equally naked bimbos at each arm was a rare sight - no he really couldn´t say that - but it surly would never be a welcomed one. Taking the arm of one of the girls he tugged at it to get her away, even accepting that annoying squeak he got in return.

Staring both girls, now that all three occupants of the bed were wide awake, down with a glare he waited till their attention was solely focused on him before pointing his thumb at the door - a sign so obvious even those two would understand it. Handing them the clothes he had picked up from the floor where the had lay in great disarray he waited for the satisfying bang of the door.

"That was very impolite Sanada as you could see they were my...guests and should be treated like ones especially by you" said the boy without real emphasis, all the while stretching his body slowly like a cat, completely ignoring his state of nakedness. With a lazy grin slipping on his lips he looked up at the raven "you know as my personal butler."

"As your personal butler it is my foremost duty to watch your life style as your parents told me to do, bocchan. And I am sure that they would not approve of your company in the last weeks" answered the butler his word stiff and hard as usually but Atobe was able to hear the repressed emotions of some kind in them.

" you also not like my company, Gen-chan?" it was an old habit to use that nickname whenever the other would use the honorifics but he never got tired of seeing the others reaction to it. How the corner of his mouth and eyebrow twitched simultaneous was just too cute! Swinging his legs over the edge of the bed he slowly stood up, giving his butler a nice view of his magnificent body.

"Are you jealous?" he asked as he moved over to the other, slinging his arms around that manly neck - having to stretch a little bit to override the high difference between them - enjoying their closeness. "You don´t have to be. They mean nothing, those women, are nothing in comparison to you. If you were my lover I would never let someone else touch me. Only you, only you..." the whispers turned sultry at the end as his lips neared the others till they were only centimetres apart.

With a slight push to the others chest Sanada ended their contact. "I´m not jealous, I am worried about you. Instead of going out with those women you should search for some respectable girl which will suite you better" he said the words as monotonous as possible knowing full well that his master would never take them to heart but doing his duty as butler nevertheless.

Atobe let out a barking laugh at that "As is expected of me? I don´t want some meek little girl I want YOU!" he knew he sounded desperate but he had said these things one time to often. They had had that conversation one time to often...

The only thing he got in return was a small sigh. The raven bowed down to pick up the crisp white shirt laying on the ground, giving it to the boy with an outstretched arm. It looked just like a shield.

"You should dress now, bocchan" was the last thing he said before turning around and leaving the room. Not once looking at the others face.


Feeling a hand on his ass, disturbing his more than unwelcomed thoughts, Atobe didn´t even have to turn around to know who the shameless intruder was. In his environment existed only a handful of people who dared to come near his marvellous being and only one that was insolent enough to touch him. "Stop it Yuushi, I´m not in the mood."

"Are you ever in the mood?" The hand didn´t move away but instead gave a hard squeez. Turning around sharply the Atobe heir stared into his childhood friend's unimpressed eyes, the offending appendage now in his grasp. "Stop!"

"My, my what a bad temper, princess. A lover´s quarrel?" asked the blunette while trying to free his hand from the others steel grip. But seeing the his friends anger rise and the pressure grow, he concluded that it was maybe not the best question.

Luckily the blond let go again, sighing heavily and leaning against the window in his back. "I wish" he said with a humourless laugh. Noticing his friend´s confusion he clarified "You need a lover for a lover´s quarrel."

This time it was Oshitari´s turn to sigh. Even if he had taken kind of a interest in his friend´s love-life previously, the ´Butler talk´ was tiring for good - especially if it continued for over four years. He had never understood his friend obsession with this uptight geezer. And he told his friend just that on their way to their next class.

It was really quite a sight to watch the other students part before them like the Red Sea as soon as they recognized Atobe, and his bad mood. "He isn´t old - he´s only 34! Besides age doesn't matter as long as..." "he´s hot?" interrupted the other, earning himself a hard jab with the elbow. "there is love." Making a gagging noise in response the blunette shot his friend a mocking look "Who would have thought that the day would come that Atobe Keigo would preach about the value of true love. I should have stood up sooner today to see the sun rise in west." Ignoring the blonds glare he continued "What do you like about him anyway?"

Before he cold get an answer they were, luckily for Atobe, interrupted by the bell signalling the beginning of their Latin class.

Idiot. But he was kind of right, what did he like about Sanada? The man was strong willed and a great lead figure. He had high morals and standards which he, other than most people, truly believed in and always stayed true to in every situation. He...
But no. Even if Sanada had many admirable traits he knew very well that they weren´t the reason for his infatuation, they just confirmed it.

The real reason was, simply as it is, that the man really cared for him. For others this may seem kind of petty, but for the young Atobe it had been everything he ever wished for. With his parents constantly gone on business trips, giving him everything he wanted besides their care and love, he had felt very lonely in that big, empty mansion in which he lived with his servants. That was until Sanada came. The man had managed to turn the boy´s world upside down in the second he had stepped over the threshold. He had made him work for the things he wanted, limiting his desires till he learned to distinguish the needed from the wanted. It had resulted in more than one tantrum from him, but deep down he had known it was only for his best - more or less.

But that wasn´t the problem. The problem was that by the time he hit puberty his childish admiration forged into love. The problem was that the first time he had touched himself it was with Sanada on his mind.

The problem was that he knew very well it was unrequited.


100g Sugar, 100g Almonds, Oil, 2 Eggs, 300g Whipped cream, Amaretto.

While reading through the receipt for the almond-brittle-Parfait Sanada couldn´t help but ask himself when his job had transformed into a mix of nanny, maid, gardener and cook, sometimes even bodyguard, even though in the job description was clearly written butler. But after starting his new job he had learned very early learned that butler translated into do-everything-for-bocchan.

Melting the sugar in the pan and mixing it with the almonds he tried to distract himself from his thoughts concerning the young master. Still the pictures of the boy laying completely exposed in his bed flickered in and out of his mind, making him a little bit bothered, just to vanish at the thought of the women laying next to him.

He had always known his master was a flirt, as he had shown on different occasions when the two of them where alone, but he had still hoped that he would settle for a quite, smart, classy girl...but that was also a lie, because the image of his master with such a girl made him just as uncomfortable as the things he had seen this morning.

Coursing as the mix in the pan nearly burned he suddenly remembered certain scene from their past.

8 years old Atobe sat beside Sanada on the couch while concentrating intently on the movie they watched together. It was a typical love story - poor man, woman from a rich family, falling in love, she´s engaged, blah, blah, blah and in the end they still get happy, everybody who was formerly against their relationship has suddenly a change of heart and the film ends with their marriage - and he really had no idea why they were watching this but his little master was completely transfixed from the moment it had started.

They were just at the end scene - the marriage - when suddenly the boy turned around and with a confident gleam in his deep blue eyes and declared "Gen-chan will be my bride in the future!" Confused he had found no better response than "I´m sorry, bocchan, but as a man I cannot be your bride." Looking confused at first the boy pursed his lips and frowned a little bit, seemingly deep in thought, before looking at Sanada again, smiling in a beautifully innocent way and saying "Then I will be Gen-chan´s bride"

God had that brat been cute!
That day he had been far too shocked to response - shocking himself with how much he liked that thought - just leaving the room and banning that moment deep in his memories.

Shaking his head at himself he repeated the mantra in his head he had first invented when the boy was twelve and he had heard the first muffled groans and moans from behind his closed door.

Master and servant, master and servant, master and servant - nothing more...

…..nothing more.

So chapter one is through.

I think I´m kind of crazy because I began four new fics nearly simultaneously but I just had to get them out of my system.
Well, anyway I love this pairing because I live in the settled belief that Atobe is an uke and in consequence Sanada is the only seme who can really handle him (well, there is Tezuka but I have to get used to that thought)

A/N: You should already have noticed that I am using Atobe´s manga appearance with blond hair and blue eyes because I just prefer it over the anime one.

bocchan - literary translated son but is often used by staff to call the son of a rich family.