so I'm kinda back not my fault really and no I'm not dead however I'm having trouble with my other story and lost a bunch of work i did while I've been away. However i have decided to try my hand at a harry potter fic hopefully you all enjoy it. I'm promising steady updates since my life is incredibly busy with Christmas technically around the corner cooks know what i mean, so anyways without further ado i give you a new story.

Disclaimer: all harry potter related stuff in this is owned by J.K. Rowling not me if i did i would be traveling around the world with no worries at all

Harry Potter and the Destiny Within

Chapter 1:

Just outside of a small house in Godric Hollows where an infant has just lost his parents to a tyrannical terrorist, and because of it's mother's love the tyrant was vanquished.

A man wearing a red long leather coat he has black hair with streaks of silver white going through it and, fingerless gloves are seen just under the sleeves makes his way into the house. He looks to the body of one James potter with a shake of his head as he says a silent prayer to the man who sacrificed his life to buy his family time to get away. With his prayer done he hears the soft sound of an infant crying so he sprints up the stairs taking two or three at a time.

The man then enters the small bedroom and sees the body of a women and a baby crying. Making his way to the body he looks at the women in the highest regard picking up the infant he cradles him him gently rocking him back to sleep.

The stranger in red then hears a motorcycle roar down the street before it stops in front of the house so carefully not to wake the baby he moves to look out the window to seeing a scruffy young man quickly get off and make a mad dash to the house. He soon hears the other man's faint yell of anguish from down stairs.

With out wasting any more time he makes his way down stairs. He then sees the young man silently sobbing over the dead body of James Potter.

"You stupid bastard I know your better then this why did you try and fight him without your wand. Damn it Prongs!"

As the new occupant of the house has this one sided conversation the silver haired stranger silently waits. He can hear and feel the raw emotions from the young man in front of him as he makes an oath that will only be broken in death.

"I'll protect Hadrian through it all. I will make sure he knows where he comes from and how amazing his parents where. This I promise you brother of my soul."

With that the man stands up and turns around in seconds and has his wand pointed at the stranger that has Hadrian in his arms. Then with a feral growl that rips through his throat he speaks softly with a hard edge as to not wake Harry.

"Release my Godson or I'll kill you where you stand."

The man in the red trench coat give a silent laugh before he keeps moving.

"Hurry up we haven't got much time before Dumbledore will try and take harry and we need to get you out of the country before your auror corps try and hunt you down for leading Voldemort here."

Sirius doesn't move instead he goes into an attacking stance ready to defend his godson he then growls out.

"who are you? and why do you want harry? your a death eater aren't you!"

The man just clicks his tongue in annoyance before mumbling under his breath.

"we don't have time for this. I'll explain when we are safe so I'm sorry for this."

With that the stranger disappears in a burst of speed and knocks Sirius out cold. He then hears giggling and looks down to see the boy with emerald eyes looking up at him giggling and full of laughter the man smiles touching harry's nose and says.

"you liked that burst of speed huh well I'll be sure to teach you that as soon as you are old enough."

With that he lifts Sirius over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes with out moving the infant around and heads to his bike.

*time-skip 13 years*

In the cold outskirts of a small town a young man wearing a long black coat with the hood up shadowing his entire face walks on a path headed towards where a flash dark and powerful magic was felt only a few seconds ago.

'Wonder what that was.'

Is the main thought of this young man then with an exasperated sigh he says to himself.

"Knowing my luck probably something that's more trouble then its worth."

He then picks up his pace and begins to run in a full sprint towards a graveyard.

Back at Hogwarts the spectators await the arrival of the tri-wizard tournaments winner. It has already been a little over two hours since the start of this event and the three champions had entered the maze. The crowd is beginning to wonder whats taking them so long while the judges and teachers begin to worry.

" It has been forty minutes since Fleur was brought out, and we haven't heard anything from ether Victor or Cedric."

This was the comment from the Griffindor head of house but before they send anyone to investigate and see what's happened a loud 'POP' is heard and two people are on the floor.

On the field in front of the maze the two figures land with one of them landing on the other. The first one looks no older then seventeen with short blonde hair, a black and yellow jersey with the Hogwarts crest, the badger crest prominently symbolizing the Hufflepuff house on his left breast looking pale in absolute horrified at what he has seen tonight as well as speechless.

The other person then sits up, pushing the other male off him. He's wearing a black hooded long coat with a celtic knot for longevity wrapping around the right wrist and a strange motif on the back, that look to be a serpentine type dragon circling a raven with it's wings spread and ready to take flight in its talons what looks to be a dagger, under this is a banner that reads 'Toujours Pur'. This man soon starts laughing with an insanity that brought chills down Cedric's spine. he then Pulls something out of his pocket and holding it up to the light of the moon he calms himself while thinking.

'Sorry Tommy old boy guess today just wasn't your day.'

With that thought and another chuckle the hooded figure stands up and begins to walk away.

As the black figure stands and starts to leave both him and the blonde male behind him get swarmed by the spectators and reporters giving their congratulations to the older Hufflepuff and questioning who the black clad figure is. As this is happening the mysterious person notices two people one who he knows as the pain in the ass who his godfather refers to as 'sir twinkles Dumbledore', quickly making his way over to them. The second person who caught his eye is a blonde female keeping a fair distance from the throngs of people trying to surround them with her two friends at her side talking in whispers. Just before the old man reached him the black clad figure vanishes into thin air.

"Wow , I wonder who that is?"

Questioned a brown haired girl.

"I mean he just appears from no where with Cedric then proceeds to push the guy off him and starts laughing."

A girl with blonde hair and ice cold blue eyes glances at her best friend from the corner of her eye then with a practiced aloofness replies.

"Doesn't matter Tracy he's gone now and we probably wont ever know."

"Aw come on Daphne you have to be some what curious who that guy was?"

Before Daphne can reply with a sarcastic response she feels something being put in one of her robe pockets. So then covertly looking around for a suspect and not seeing anyone around she leaves silently promising herself if it was Nott she castrate the arrogant prat with the most painful curse she can think of. she then tells her friends that she is leaving and going back to the Slytherin common room.

After all three say goodbye Tracy wanting to hear if Cedric saw or heard anything and the other a taller tan skinned male decides to stay with his girlfriend.

Once Daphne put some distance between her and everyone she pulls out the note, it only says.

'When the snakes sleep come to where the stars shine brightest'

Daphne stares at the note strangely she understands that the note means for her to go to the astronomy tower when her house is sleeping but what she cant figure is who put this small note on her person. After all there was no name or mark of any kind. In the end her natural curiosity had got the better of her, so she makes her way down to the Slytherin common room in the dungeons of Hogwarts to prepare for a meeting with the unknown.

Back with the Tri-wizard champion and the judges Cedric finally calms down then proceeded to explain what happened in the maze how he stunned victor just before he reached the goblet. Then how he was transported to a graveyard and that you-know-who's death-eaters had used him in a ritual to bring back their master. He then went on explain how the black figure who arrived with him had saved his life and that he must have caused you-know-who to retreat since he had passed out as guy had walked past him to fight the monster. Then when he woke up he saw no one except the black figure holding something to Lucius Malfoy's head who was wearing death-eater robes begging for his life. Cedric then goes to say that he heard the boys voice because he sounded no older then fifteen saying

'For the promise of my little brother I give you the gift of death.'

There was then a soft 'pop' and Malfoy fell to the ground his eyes open and lifeless with a hole in his head and blood pooling around him. Everyone was shocked silent the minister began claiming all of it lies, and that you-know-who is dead and that the cloaked figure is to be captured then kissed for killing a noble lord of Britain. Before Dumbledore or anyone could even try and protest the minister runs off.

Dumbledore then silently leads Cedric to his office telling everyone he needs some rest and that they can ask whatever questions in the morning. once they reach his office Dumbledore moves to the opposite side of his desk and takes a seat. He then offers Cedric a lemon drop as he asks the young adult if he heard or saw anything else before or after he passed out.

Cedric then just nods his heads and takes a deep breath before asking Dumbledore

"He called you-know-who 'a foolish and arrogant A-class half-blood' and that dancing with him would be a waste of time, what did he mean professor."

Dumbledore showed the briefest hint of shock but it disappeared in a blink of an eye and put on a grandfatherly smile before he spoke in gentle voice.

"He was just trying to shake Voldemort and get him make a mistake if that's all then you may go, you need to sleep its been a stressful night my boy."

With that dismissal Cedric got up off his chair and left Dumbledore to his chaotic thoughts on how a child knows about the 'class system' of the wizarding world when information is for high ranking people in the ministry and the headmasters of the whole wizarding world.

Dumbledore then pushes these thoughts to the back of his mind for the moment when he looks down at the note that he had received earlier in the morning it seems harry potter had finally been tracked down and has accepted his Hogwarts letter. He couldn't help the smile that made it's way to his face, he could finally begin the plans he had made for the boy all those years ago.

Much later that night Daphne Greengrass begins to make her way up to the astronomy tower there's only silence as she heads up the stairs while questioning her sanity for even considering following the instructions of the letter. She then steels her resolve and prepares just encase of an ambush. She knows that she is one of the more beautiful girls in school that much was clear with so many of the boys from all houses and even some of the foriegn students trying to win her affections for the yule ball, but she just walked away or hexed them when they tried to get a bit more forceful. However even throughout it her thoughts where always on one individual. Daphne comes back to her sense as she reaches the door leading into the observatory taking a breath she opens the door.

The sight that greets her is the person in the black long coat who had returned with Cedric the Hufflepuff champion of Hogwarts sitting on the windows ledge looking out to the side, watching the stars one leg resting in front of his chest the other dangling out the window. She cautiously takes in her surroundings when she sees no one else hiding in the shadows and its only the two of them a soft voice is heard.

"There's no one besides you and me here."

Her observation being interrupted when the stranger finally decides to speak.

When he spoke it caused Daphne to jump in surprise then trying to hide an embarrassed blush that stains her cheeks. She then hears a faint chuckle from the man sitting in front of her his head still facing out the open window looking at the stars like he is searching for an answer to a long forgotten question. After she gets her blush under control Daphne crosses her arms raising her developing bust up her eyes shining with with deathly cold and demands to know why he wanted to meet her at such a late hour and in such a secluded place.

The stranger just chuckles as he turns to face her, then hopping off the ledge onto the floor in front of her with the grace of a apex predator a soft smile hidden underneath his hood slowly forms on his lips as he gazes at her.

Her radiantly golden blonde hair bathed in the moonlight from the window giving it an almost ethereal glow, her tundra cold blue eyes almost look like they are glowing with a hidden power and intelligence, the softest vibrant red lips, and finally the soft pink lightly dusting on her cheeks of her porcelain like skin like an angel fallen from heaven to torture mortal men and lead them to sin.

The hidden smile never leaves his face as he slowly removes his hood and speaks with a slightly arrogant and playful tone.

"Its hasn't been that long since we last saw each other, only four years of I remember correctly but you have become so much more beautiful my fallen angel.

Daphne lets out a shocked gasp escape her lips when she registers who this man in front of her is, with his midnight black hair, and emerald eyes with glowing purple pupils she can only breath out a single word a name that she has known for a very long time one that can pull her from the coldness she usually shows to the world


alright so here the first chapter hopefully you enjoyed it and again I'm sorry I haven't updated The Flame of the Maelstrom but im having problems getting back into it since i lost like 16 chapters while is was working abroad and had no internet or laptop so it was all written anyways please read and review and give me feedback on this one.