A\N: So here it is, the last chapter of this story. I can't thank you all enough for all of the reads\reviews\favourites and alerts you've given it. This chapter is a result of the 'All of the Above' option winning on my poll so it jumps around as every section is a different option on the poll. They're in chronological order though and I tried to make it so it wasn't to confusing.

Disclaimer: I do not own Chicago Fire, Chicago PD, NBC, Global or the name rights of the Paralympics.

Spoilers: None

Warnings: None


Gabriela woke up to the bright sunlight shinning through the closed curtains, closing her eyes she rolled over and dug her head into Matt's chest, "Too early," She moaned out.

"Uhm, it's almost noon," He kissed her nose and rubbed her bare back, "But we had a long night."

"Yeah," She snuggled in closer to him. They'd arrived at the hotel after midnight and had spent hours making love. If she remembered correctly they didn't get to sleep until close to seven o'clock in the morning.

"I'm not complaining though," He looked lovingly into her eyes, "I want a little girl that looks like you."

"A girl would be nice," She hummed, "But a little boy would be nice too."

"Twins?" He asked joking.

"I don't think so babe," She shook her head and sat up, "Why don't we head down and get something to eat, you know there's more here then the room. It is a four star resort."

"Yeah I guess," He pouted as he climbed out of bed and opened his suitcase to look for something to wear.

It took them close to an hour but they managed to get dressed and out of the room. Walking hand in hand they walked out into the hot sun and walked around the resort. They found a nice buffet restaurant and sat down to eat.

"This is nice," Matt spoke as they ate, both very hungry, "Just the two of us away from the kids."

"Yeah it is," She agreed, "It really is but I do miss them."

"So do I; but we'll be seeing them soon enough, for now we though we deserve some time to ourselves."

"I think after lunch I'll go lay out in the sun and try to get a tan."

"You're naturally tanned," He looked at her, "If you get any darker your look like burnt toast.'

"Oh very nice," She made a face, "Just for that I won't let you rub the tanning oil all over my body."

"Gabby," He groaned, "Don't do this."

She just grinned mischievously and continued eating.

Chicago- Three Days Later:

"All the rides look really cool Violet. Some of them are so big!" Annabelle explained to her friend as they got out of her grandmother's car.

"I can hear people screaming," Violet spoke.

"Yeah but those are really tall rides. Grandma can we go on them?" She asked hopefully.

"I don't think you guys are tall enough just yet," She told them as she got out the sunscreen, "Now I'm just going to out some more on you and then we can go get in line to enter, we already have our tickets."

"Oh this is going to be so fun," Violet cheered happily.

"Yeah I know," Annabelle grinned.

"Alright girls," Susan put the sunscreen back in her bag and took both of their hands, "Lets go." She then led them towards the theme park. After lining up to get into the park and then go through a bag and security check they were in the park.

"Lets go on some rides first and then go to the water park," Annabelle suggested, "Maybe we can go on some water rides too."

"Okay," Violet agreed and so they went towards the children's area. They went on six rides and both had lots of fun. They went on their favourite rides two or more times before they were ready to go to the waterpark.

"I'm not sure I want to go on any water slides," Violet held onto Susan's hand tightly, "I might fall on the stairs."

"You don't have to do anything you don't want to sweetie," Susan assured her.

"But they look like so much fun!" Annabelle groaned and complained.

"Annabelle! That's quite enough!" Susan scolded her, "I don't want to hear anything else about it."

"Yes Ma'am," She responded quietly, not liking the looks she was getting from other people around them.

"Now why don't we all go on the lazy river," Susan suggested.

"Okay," Violet smiled and so that's where they went.

"Violet if I help you we can go on the climbing structure," Annabelle told her friend as they saw she saw the play structure "Lets get out and go and do that," She began swimming towards one of the entrances\exits to the ride.

"I guess that's okay," Violet knew her friend sounded excited and didn't want to make her upset.

Going on the climber turned out all right for the girls and Annabelle did help Violet out when she needed it. They went down some smaller slides and stood underneath the huge water bucket a few times to get soaked.

After they finished up at the water park they had lunch and then spent the rest of the day going to shows and going on more rides.

Nine Months later:

"Ugh," Gabby groaned as she felt another contraction coming, this one the strongest one yet. She had just gotten to the hospital and into a bed and she had a feeling this labour would be a lot easier then her last one.

"Alright," Matt walked into the room and kissed her on the lips before settling into the chair beside her bed, "Antonio and Laura are going to pick-up the boys from daycare and your parents are picking up Violet and bringing her here.

"I don't think it'll be that long," Gabby told him, "I'm pretty sure I'm almost fully dilated already."

"Good, the sooner I get to meet our daughter the better," He kissed her lips again, this time rubbing her abdomen as well. "When's the doctor coming to check on you?"

"Should be here soon," She took his hand, "I apologize in advance if I break your hand."

"No worries," He brought her hand to his lips and kissed it.

"Knock, knock," Leslie knocked on the door, "Up for visitors?"

"Of course!" She called through the door and Matt went to open it. Leslie walked in carrying Caleb, now ten months old and a spitting image of Kelly. Caleb was holding onto a balloon and behind him so was Kelly.

"Kelly couldn't say no to our son, so he as a balloon too." Leslie informed them as she rolled her eyes, "This boy gets whatever he wants."

"Baba!" Caleb smiled and batted away at the balloon.

"Hey its better then a melt down in a public place," Kelly informed his best friend as he took his son into his arms, "Right little man?"

Caleb nodded and babbled happily away.

"Oh he's a Daddy's boy," She sighed, "I can see him as Squad Lt. already."

"Well looks like we have quite the crowd in here," Gabby's OBGYN walked into the room, "You're all okay for now but I'm afraid only two people are allowed in the delivery room."

"I don't think that'll be very long doc," Gabby told her as she rubbed her stomach getting another contraction.

"Well lets have a look,"" She sat at the end of the bed.

'Come on buddy," Kelly covered Caleb's eyes and turned to walk out of the room.

Leslie had to laugh at her friend's antics and even though she didn't approve she loved hearing the sound of their son giggle.

"Well Mrs. Casey I think you're right," The doctor stood, "You're almost fully dilated I think we should get you into a delivery room within the next hour.

"Good," Gabby tried to smile, "I want this to be a quick and painless birth. My last one was long and very painful."

"But well worth it right?" Matt spoke for her.

"Of course but this time I'd like it to be easier," She informed him.

"Gabby! Matt!" Violet opened the door to the room and walked with the help of her cane.

"Hey sweetie," Gabby smiled, "How was your day?"

"It was okay, when is my new little sister going to be here?" She asked excitedly.

"Soon hopefully," Matt laughed at the seven year olds enthusiasm.

"I can't wait to hold her," She smiled, "It's going to be nice to have a little sister."

"Yeah," Gabby felt another contraction and began screaming and crying.

"Come on sweetie," Eduardo gently touched her shoulder and led her out of the room.

"I-I- can- the head!" Gabby breathed out heavily as she tried to hold the urge to push.

Her OBGYN sat back down at the foot of the bed, "You're right I think the baby is crowning."

"Uh-huh," She squeezed Matt's hand as hard as she could and pushed through three more contractions. That was when she heard the loud screams of her newborn daughter.

"Congratulations," The doctor placed the newborn on her chest and instructed Matt to cut the umbilical cord.

"She's beautiful," Gabby kissed the top of her daughter's head.

"Yes she is," Matt, agreed, "she has your hair," He gently touched his daughter's brown curly hair.

"Yeah," Gabby nodded, overwhelmed with happiness. "Hi Raelyn Kristina Casey

Two Years Later:

"Daddy! Daddy! Daddy!" Isobel and Nevaeh dropped the toys they were playing with and ran towards their father.

"My babies," He lifted them up into his arms and kissed them, "How was your day?"

"We painted and drew and-"

"And I built the tallest castle ever and-"

"Isobel!" Nevaeh frowned, "It's my turn!"

"No its not!"

"Hey, hey," Antonio looked at them, "Go clean up, there's plenty of time to tell me what you did today on the car ride home."

"They had a good day," One of their daycare teachers told him, "They ate well, we had macaroni and cheese for lunch and apples for desert, the love fruit. Very good eaters your daughters; I know we must keep telling you and your wife that but its true.

He chuckled, "Well thank you," He turned to look at his nephews who were standing nearby, "I'm taking them home too. My sister said she told you."

"Yes, yes," The young teacher smiled, "We heard lots about the sleepover weekend. They're all so excited."

"Did Javier sleep alright?" Antonio knew he sometimes wouldn't take a nap, which made him cranky later in the day.

"He had around an hour sleep," She responded, "We tried to get him to o back to sleep after that but it wasn't much use.

"That's alright," Antonio ruffled the young boys head, "Now say goodbye to all your teachers and friends. We need to pick up Raelyn."

"Yay!" Isobel cheered happily, she simply adored her two year old cousin, "Is she staying too Daddy?"


Rafael frowned, "She's a baby."

"But she's so cute!" Isobel happily got her backpack and put it on. Without asking she ran the familiar route to the Junior Toddler room and stood at the gate smiling as Raelyn saw her.

"Bella!" She ran as fast as her legs could carry her and stood at the gate, "Hi!"

"Hi, Daddy's coming, you're coming with us."

"Isobel you know better then to run," Antonio gently scolded as he and the other kids reached the room.

"Raffie! Tavie!" She looked up at her older brothers.

"Come here princess," Antonio lifted her up over the gate, Checking her diaper he saw it was still dry, "How was her day?"

"Oh it was great," One of the teachers told him, "She's really a sweet little girl. We re-did her hair after nap and she cried a little but it was so tangled that we really needed to do something.

"Oh no worries," He looked at his nieces light brown hair, "I know its thick, she gets that from my sister. It looks really cute."

"Thanks. Now we changed her around fifteen minutes ago and here's her information card on what she did today." She handed him a piece of paper. The older children had similar ones in their backpacks.

"Thanks," He smiled, "Now Raelyn say bye, bye."

"Bye, Bye!" She waved.

"Bye sweetheart," The teachers said back.

Antonio got the five kids home and was happy that Laura was back after picking up Diego and Eva from work.

"Diego!" Isobel ran towards her older brother happily, "I missed you!"

"I missed you too sweetie," He lifted her up, "How was your day?"

"It wad good, can you play with me? Raelyn too?"

"Oh sure," He nodded happily and carried Isobel over to where Antonio was getting the toddlers shoes off. "Hey sweetie."

"Dego!" She smiled, "Uppie?"

"Of course," He picked her up, "What do my favourite girls want to play?"

"Princesses and Princes!" Isobel cheered, "Outside we can play boxing."

"My favourite game," He kissed each of their heads and set them down on the ground. He put Raelyn's shoes back on her feet and helped Isobel with hers.

Eva took the boys into the front yard and played basketball with them until Caleb Shay-Severide came and the three boys started having races trying to beat each other's times.

Both Antonio and Laura and Leslie and Kelly had offered to watch the youngest Casey kids for the weekend. Violet, now nine was involved in Paralympics swimming and had a meet this weekend. Matt and Gabby wanted to go and spend time just with their oldest and adopted daughter.

So to make everyone happy and to give all of them a break Antonio and Laura had the kids for the night and then when Leslie and Kelly came to pick up Caleb in the morning they'd take Rafael and Javier with them and they'd stay with them for the rest of the weekend.

"I feel like I'm in a preschool class," Eva said as she helped her mother set the table for dinner, "Six kids. I can't believe you and Dad are doing this."

"Oh its just for one night," She looked at her daughter, "Besides don't tell me you don't like having them all here."

"I do I'm just waiting for the big fight between the three musketeers," She motioned to Caleb, Javier and Rafael. The three were best friends and inseparable when together but they were also known to have fights that usually turned into wrestling matches.

"They're little boys. I'm sure you remember Diego at that age and besides they're usually good with stopping when they're told to."

"I guess," She nodded in agreement and felt Neaveh's arms around her legs.

"Play with me Eva!"

"All right sweetie," She finished setting the last plate and turned around and took her younger sister's hand.

Four Years Later:

"Well if it isn't my teenage daughter looking so grown-up," Matt walked into the living room, "Happy birthday sweetie," He walked towards the couch.

"Hi Matt," Violet put her braille book down and sat up, "How was work?"

"Oh it was fine, not a lot of calls. Everyone sends their love. Now are you all ready for your party today?"

"Yeah," She nodded.

"Don't worry I talked to Gabby and I'll try not to embarrass you."

"Thanks," She smiled.

"Daddy! Daddy!" Six-year-old Raelyn came running into the room faster then her older brothers, "Hi Daddy!"

"Hi sweetie," He lifted her up onto his lap, "Where're Mommy and your brothers?"

"They're in trouble! They got into a fight again," She informed him, "Mommy's really mad."

"Shut up Rae!" Javier bounded into the room and frowned at his younger sister.

"Hey, language," Matt scolded, "And you and your brother know better then to start a fist fight."

"Yeah especially because I'm better," Rafael said as he walked into the room followed by Gabby.

"Alright that's enough. It's your older sister's birthday. Her friends should be here soon so be nice."

"Yeah or I'll make your life miserable," She warned.

"Yeah," Raelyn copied her.

"Girls," Javier and Rafael rolled their eyes and sighed.

Two hours later Violet's part was in full swing, and true to there word Matt and Gabby stayed mostly out of the way of Violet and her friend. Mat had the boys in the backyard with him helping him BBQ and Gabby was able to keep Raelyn upstairs most of the time.

"Why can't I be sixteen?" Annabelle complained as she spied on Diego from her and Violet's spot on the couch.

"Hey that's my cousin," Violet shook her head, "Besides everyone knows you like him."

"Yeah everyone except him."

"Oh he's clueless; everyone always says he's like my Uncle Antonio. He didn't know my Aunt Laura had a crush on him until they were in the tenth grade."

"Yeah but they were the same age," She complained, "I'm almost four years younger then him and besides…."

"Dinner's ready!" Gabby informed the kids as she opened the door to the basement, "But we'll serve you all down here" She informed them. The majority of Violet's friends were blind, only Annabelle, Diego and five others could see. To allow all of the children to be independent they figured that bringing the food to them would help with that.

Three Years Later:

Everyone cheered loudly as Violet blew out the candles on her birthday cake. She was sixteen and Matt and Gabby could hardly believe it. She'd be going into grade eleven in September and she was getting such good grades at school, she even wanted to become a teacher for young children who were blind.

Since she was turning sixteen and it was such a big occasion Matt and Gabby had rented out a hall for the party. Lots of her friends and lots of family members had come to the party and the table for all of her presents was overloaded.

"Oh boy cake!" Caleb grinned widely as he saw his piece, "Thank you Uncle Matt!" He could see his mother's glare reminder him to use his manners.

"I can eat my cake faster!" Javier challenged his god-brother and best friend.

"Not today boys," Matt warned his two ten year old sons and godson, "Just eat your cake."

"Yeah be more like Isobel and Nevaeh," Violet smiled at her ten year old cousins who were sitting nicely and eating. Isobel even having her five-month-old niece, Eva's daughter on her lap.

"They're girls, girls are perfect," Javier made a face and shook his head.

"I don't like girls anyways. I don't care if they're my cousins." Rafael informed his older sister.

"I guess they're okay," Caleb joined the conversation, "They're nice."

"Ewe you like my cousins! Rafael made fake choking noises, "Man, that's gross!"

"Oh grow up!" Violet rolled her eyes, "And don't embarrass me again," She informed them.

The boys then stopped talking and focussed on eating the cake and getting a small piece afterwards.

When the food was finished music was played and a lot of people got up to dance, including Annabelle and Diego who had been dating for just under a year.

One Year Later:

Gabby and Matt couldn't have been more proud of Violet. She was up on stage receiving her high-school diploma. She'd overcome so much and still managed to graduate with honours and get a full-ride scholarship to a local University. She still wanted to become a teacher for elementary students who were blind and Matt and Gabby knew that she could accomplish everything she set her mind too.


A\N: Please leave a review and tell me what you thought! :D

New Story Coming up Soon: A coming of age story of a young Antonio and how to finds boxing. Lots of cute Gabby and Dawson-sibling moments and maybe Laura in later chapters.