He gave her a sly smile after he pondered for a brief period of time.

"Well, it all started back when I was a teenage lad. I always loved to dumpster dive for mechanical parts so I could work on my plans, but on the particular day, I was asked by my father to grab a screw driver from the dumping grounds. He drove me there and dropped me off to go retrieve it."

"Remember son, I need this screw driver by midnight and if you don't, then you're getting the buckle of my belt when you hop back into the truck!"

"I know, I know, Dad. I'm definitely going to retrieve the screwdriver for you before you get back."

"Good because if not, you know what'll happen to ya's."

The sight of his dads belt buckle made him sweat, but he just told his dad he loved him and before he could wave goodbye, his dad began to rush over to his work. Alvin sighed a breath of relief and felt pure content till he remembered that he had to obtain a screwdriver in the dump grounds. He searched around for a few hours before finding it in one of the piles. He was relieved to have found it, but at one point, he also got scared because of the sight of his worst fear, chickens.

As he tried to back away, they ran up to him and as he was being attacked, he saw a faint of white in the pile before passing out. When he woke up, he got up from the ground and he wondered where that faint of white came from. Though it could've been from another chicken coming up from his upside downward view, he highly doubted it.

He went behind where he spotted the white. He couldn't describe the feeling of seeing it. Though he was terrified from the chickens attacking him, he also had a sense of comfort from looking at the white. He felt a sense of calm for the first time in years. When he went over, crows flew away from the lamp. When he went to check the state of it, he saw it shredded at the seams and he felt compassion. He stopped himself.

He was having compassion for inanimate object? It sounded absurd in his head, but he ignored the reoccurring thought of that emotion, he decided to try to repair the outdated lamp. He went under a street light and he took out his emergency sewing kit. He started sewing the material back together and he eventually drew a smiley face with a marker. It brought comfort to his already disturbed view on the world, like a comfort item.

He sat with the lamp in front of the dumpster till 12am and when 12am came around, his dad was unsettled by what he saw, but he let him keep the lamp. The onion family was filled with intellects and eccentric type of people, Alvin was no exception. His father claimed him to be a child prodigy, but people never believed he could be, especially after the town found out his son was afraid of chickens. The onion family was a laughing stock and Alvin from that day forward, was ridiculed by his family for not being, "manly enough," to get over his fear of them.