Light began to seep through the dorm's windows, igniting movement in a bed not so far.

Cerise felt the sun's warm rise of sun shine on her face annoyed she pull the covers over, at the same time realizing that her pillow was missing. Huffing, she crawled out of bed to a pile of clothes that was in the corner of the room, after changing she grabbed a small blanket and head straight to the castleteria. Where she was greeted by Maddie, Cedar, Hunter, Cupid and Dexter who was trying to flirt with Raven, HER Raven, still half asleep she paid no attention to the "good mornings", and the questions on why she was carrying a blanket, they asked and responded to them with a grunt or growl, Which the growl effectively shut them up, she drag herself to the seat next to raven currently occupied by Dexter,

"Move" Cerise told Dexter, and Dexter being a smart guy, and able to take hints, could hear the anger and tiredness in Cerise's voice and decided best not to annoy the wolf child, stood up and move to the royals table.

"That wasn't very nice Cerise" said Raven who still wore a face of confusion wondering what could have posses her girlfriend to be so rude.

"Don't care, all I care right now is to get some sleep and it turns out my pillow went for a walk." Cerise said and with that she landed her head on Raven's lap and laid on the table's bench covering herself with the blanket and closed her eyes for a well needed rest. While Raven on the other hand was blushing mad to the comments Cerise's actions and words created.

"That's so cute" said Cupid

"So, you like um sleep together?" asked Cedar currently trying to stop for giggling.

"Raven and Cerise, Queen and Hood/Wolf, Raise Quoolf!" Spoke Maddie, who was giggling and sipping tea.

"Have you no shame Cerise" said Hunter before being hit by a bagel thanks to Cupid.

"Let love be" she said.

While all this commotion was occurring Cerise snuggled more into Raven before saying,

"And you thought we would have a boring relationship"

Raven smiled down at her before scratching one of her ears,

"Me and my big mouth, mm" she said before kissing Cerise and started the task of scratching her ear, which resulted to a verying sleepily Cerise.