
Four Elements Hotel, Badgermole Suite.

Like the other upscale suites of the hotel, the decor of the Badgermole suite absolutely screamed Earth Kingdom through and through. The richly paneled walls were painted in a deep uniform shade of green, while the trimmings were made of soft gold that she already sensed was fake as soon as she had walked in.

President Raiko had decided to match the delegates from the Four Nations to their respective nation's suite. Zuko and his daughter got the Dragon Suite. No surprise there. Desna and Eska resided in the Full Moon Suite occupying the other half of the hotel's 23rd floor. And even though Tenzin and his family just went back to their home at Air Temple Island, the Sky Bison Suite was still registered for their use.

Suyin's sigh carried on it's own in the cavernous suite. She sat on the edge of one of the plushest couches she had ever seen, sinking into the brown cushions slightly. The drained woman shifted deeper into the couch and tipped her head back with a groan, staring up at the geometric patterns carving up the ceiling.

There was a knock on the door, and Suyin glanced over at it.

Lin pushed them open, walking in without much of a announcement or a greeting. She simply came over and stood behind the couch, looking down at Su with a raised eyebrow. "How'd it go?"

Suyin closed her eyes. "It was like talking to a metal wall."

Lin folded her arms. "Mhm."

"Kuvira used to be so loyal to me." Suyin sighed and hid her face in her palms. "First Aiwei, and now her. They were the two people I trusted most in Zaofu outside of my family."

"It reminds me of trying to tell you not do so something stupid back when we were kids."

Suyin paused and frowned. She scowled at Lin as her sister slid onto the couch next to her. "I'm sorry, but there is a world of difference between being a difficult pre-teen and being a would-be dictator."

Lin shrugged. "Really? Both of them won't listen to anybody else."

Suyin rolled her eyes and sat up. Her eyes fell. "Kuvira has changed so much in the past three years. I'm terrified, Lin."

"She's brought much needed order to the Earth Kingdom. You have to admit that." Lin laced her fingers together and rested her chin on her knuckles. "Still, doesn't make what she's doing the right thing."

Suyin frowned, looking across at her. "I thought you'd be supportive of Kuvira's methods, to be honest."

Lin pulled a face and scoffed. "Hardly. There's a fine line between upholding the law and making your own."

"I must have missed that part of mom's famous lectures."

Lin saw Suyin's face darken again. "She stole my oldest son from me, half of Zaofu's guards deserted to join her army, and now she's threatening to take over the Earth Kingdom."

Lin nodded. "Seems like quite a departure from the loyal Guard Captain you once knew."

Suyin frowned and clasped her hands.

"I suppose it might make things clearer if I go back to the beginning."

Lin leaned back against the couch, her pauldrons clinking as she shrugged and folded her arms. "I've got some time on my hands, Su."