Sup everyone! I told you guys that I am making a new fan fiction of Maya and Lucas and here it is. This is rated for teens, and should not be read by everyone, except if you can handle it. c;

The gang is in high school, and they are 17; seniors.

Maya was in Lucas' house. They were making out on the couch. No, they aren't dating. Everyone knows that. They are completely single.

Lucas' mom busted in.

"Mom! Get out" Lucas yelled. Oh one more thing, Lucas is a bad boy. Weird right?

It all started last summer. Maya and Lucas both just wanted someone they could just make out with. If one just broke up with someone they would make out with the other. If someone got into a fight with a random person they would come running, and start making out. That's all they did. They never had sex, because they think it's gross because they hate each other. But all that can change, in an instant.

His mom scurried out. His mom, Ms. Shelby was a softy, she always cried.

"Why you gotta be so mean to your own mother? I'd kill to have it like you, Lucas" Maya frowned getting off his legs.

"See, that's exactly why I don't like you Maya. You're so into deadlines, and smart stuff" Lucas frowned.

"Why would you say that?" Maya questioned.

"Because you use words like canine, and spontaneous. And you brought that stupid device in here!" Lucas shouted.

"Canine and spontaneous aren't big words. And this device is called 'Tawhpedia'. It helps find answer's in just a snap" Maya smiled while snapping.

He rolled his eyes. "You're lame. The only thing I like about you, are your lips. And why aren't they on mine?"

She sat on him and started to kiss him again.

He rubbed her leg, and his 8 year old sister came out.

"Ahhhhhhh" She screamed. "Mom! Lucas is making out with his girlfriend again!"

Lucas gave one last kiss and pushed Maya off him.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa! She's not my girlfriend" Lucas snapped.

"Oww" Maya rubbed her arm, that was already bruised.

She kneeled down, and started testing out her device.

"Yes she is! You guys were just kissing" Ariel, his sister mocked.

"Yeah, because I just broke up with my dumb ass of a girlfriend Monica" Lucas shouted back.

Maya tuned the two arguing siblings out, and took notes on her product.

The two suddenly stopped arguing and Lucas sat on the floor with Maya.

"You want to ask it a question?" Maya turned to face him.

"I think I'll pass" Lucas frowned.

"Okay then I'll do it. What is Bruno Mars' favorite color?" Maya asked the device.

"Red" The device responded.

Maya smiled and looked at Lucas, who raised his eyebrow.

"Wow, a dumb machine" Lucas cracked his knuckles.

"It's not dumb Lucas. It will help with homework" Maya smiled.

"In that case. Give me!" Lucas grabbed it.

"Hey stop you'll break it!" Maya yelped.

Lucas stood up and twirled the machine in the air.

"Stop it I'm serious!" Maya frowned.

"You want this Maya? Ha ha" Lucas threw it in the air.

"Ah!" Maya screeched.

"Clam down goldie, it won't-" Lucas stopped talking when the device hit the ground. "Fall" he finished.

Maya kneeled down to the machine. She picked up some broken pieces as tears filled her eyes.

"Do you know how hard I worked on this?! This may not be a big deal to you, but it is to me" Maya yelled.

Lucas sighed. "May be we can fix it".

"We? I want nothing to do with you Lucas Reese Friar!" Maya took the parts and stormed out his house not closing the door.

Lucas turned around and saw his sister.

"What are you looking at?" He snapped, closing his door.

Lucas went to the library and saw Maya reading a book.

He sat next to her.

"What you reading?" He asked.

She didn't answer.

"It's probably a boring book; it has like a thousand pages." Lucas joked while laughing.

She closed the book and left, grabbing her stuff.

He watched her walk away.

The next day at school, Lucas walked up to Maya.

"Hey, Maya? Want to come by my place and make out?" He smirked.

She walked away madly.

Lucas crumbled an address paper and tried to ring the door bell but it was broken.

"I must have the wrong address" Lucas whispered to himself.

An old lady crippled out.



Lucas' eyes lit up. "Wait I'm at the right place?"

Maya came out wearing pajamas and a robe. She looked at him disgusted and tried to close the door.

Lucas stopped the door. She groaned.

"Listen Maya, I know I broke that device thingy, but I really am sorry. And you never gave me the silent treatment before, so I don't know how to act right now" Lucas frowned.

"Listen Lucas, we can go back to our make out relationship, but no tongue" Maya said.

"You don't do it right anyway" Lucas teased.

She punched him in the chest.

"Ouch" Lucas said sarcastically.

"Shut up" Maya snapped.

"So were good?" Lucas asked.

Maya nodded while smiling.

Sorry if it was too out there, I was going to go for a simple love/hate relationship. But I wanted to do a relationship, that was original and not many people would think of. Was it too long? I never right this long, but I really like this story; I don't know about you guys, but I love it. And also Riley and Farkle and the rest will be mentioned later in the story.