Author's Note: I'll try not to cry as this, the last chapter, is posted. I should tell you that this chapter contains some saucy, M-rated Pipink action, so if you're under eighteen I'm supposed to say to not read this chapter. Anyway, I know many of you have likely been following this story simply because you've hoped for lemons, and now here they are. Please enjoy!

"Perhaps it is our imperfections that make us so perfect for one another." – Jane Austen

Link flew back to Skyloft in a daze. The words Pipit had written in his letter to Keet were swimming across his vision, and he blinked repeatedly to clear his head. Phrases like my heart lies with Link and my love is eternal kept buzzing through his ears as though Pipit was beside him, whispering to him lovingly.

The sun was beginning to set and the sky was an explosion of colors, and Link gazed upwards dreamily, drinking it in. Crimson drifted lazily towards the island and Link relaxed, enjoying the feeling of the wind in his hair.

Crimson dropped him in a wooded area in a secluded part of the island, and he landed easily on the shores of a small stream. He followed it and found himself approaching the Statue of the Goddess. He looked up at her and he suddenly realized just how beautiful she was. The setting sun struck her face, giving her a golden glow and contrasting her against the deep blue of the darkening sky.

After closing his eyes for a moment out of respect, he turned away and walked to the Knight Academy.

As he approached the dorms, Zelda came running towards him. "Oh, thank the Goddess! I was about to fly to the Lumpy Pumpkin, and then who knows how long it would have taken to find you! You'd better come quickly, Link! Groose told Daddy something about you beating him up, and Daddy's furious. You didn't do that, did you?"

Link smiled mischievously, and Zelda gasped. "Link!" she admonished, sounding thoroughly distressed, "Daddy worked very hard to prove that Groose beat Fledge up, and you pay him back by doing the same thing!"

"Relax, Zelda. I hardly beat him up. I just kicked him in the balls and maybe landed a few punches. He's probably told some overblown story to try to get me in trouble. And anyway, what's the worst that's going to happen? I'll be put on probation."

Zelda rolled her eyes. "Yeah – which means you'll have a curfew, you'll have to attend weekend classes, and you'll be forbidden from riding your Loftwing."

"Would you just relax, please?"

Rolling her eyes again, she grabbed his arm. "Come on, you have to come see Daddy right now." They walked towards the Knight Academy school building, and Zelda continued to make noises of outrage which Link ignored. "I don't know what would have happened if I hadn't found you so soon – he thinks you left quickly because you knew that you'd get into trouble."

A few minutes later, they had arrived at Headmaster Gaepora's office. Zelda opened the door and pushed him inside, remaining in the hallway as she closed the door behind him. Headmaster Gaepora was sitting behind his desk, staring out of the window on the back wall of the office. After a moment, he turned around, glaring at Link with barely concealed anger. "So… you decided you'd face up to your mistake at last. Thought you'd run off and prolong the punishment?"

"No, Sir," Link mumbled nervously, "I had to take a friend to Pumpkin Landing."

Headmaster Gaepora gasped dramatically. "Oh, but of course. Lord Link, the sublime student of Skyloft Knight Academy, didn't need to wait for his punishment. He doesn't ever do anything wrong, so why would there be a need for discipline?"

Link decided to play dumb. "Sir?"

"Don't 'sir' me. You know what I'm talking about. You know why you're here. Did you or did you not beat Groose up earlier today?"

Biting his lip, Link took a moment to think about his answer. Though he didn't want to lie outright, he didn't mind sugar coating his story to get him off with a lesser punishment. "Well, I definitely wouldn't say that I beat him up, per say…"

Headmaster Gaepora rolled his eyes. Link had never been on the receiving end of such anger from the Headmaster before, and had o admit that it was very intimidating. "Do you deny having used violence against Groose?"

Link sighed. "No, I do not."

The Headmaster sat back in his chair, surveying Link with disappointment. Link kept his eyes on his knees, trying to ignore the growing shame he felt. He knew what was coming, but giving Groose a good punch in the face had been worth it. Headmaster Gaepora shifted in his seat.

"Why did you do this?"

Link looked Headmaster Gaepora in the eye. "You know why." Gaepora cocked an eyebrow. "I punched him in the face because he beat my friend to a bloody pulp. An eye for an eye, you know."

"Yes. That situation has been taken care of. Link, I'm afraid that, as admirable as your intentions were, you still must be punished according to the severity of your misconduct." He picked up a form from his desk. "This degree of unprompted violence could result in your expulsion from the Academy, but, for the moment, you will be placed on probation, effective immediately and terminating at the council's discretion, and will serve a Saturday detention from nine to five."

"I understand."

Headmaster Gaepora continued to look over Link with disappointment. "Link, you are an excellent student, but what keeps you from fully embodying a Knight is your hot head. Groose has been punished severely for his transgression. As badly as you had wanted to punch him, you should have refrained. It was unnecessary, and has now resulted in punishment. Ask yourself this, Link: was it really worth it?"

Link held his tongue and stared at his hands, which were folded in his lap. Headmaster Gaepora sighed and waved his hand dismissively. "You may go, Link. And be sure to be at school tomorrow."

"Yes, Sir. Of course, Sir. Thank you, Sir."

Link rose and left the office. He should have been expecting that, especially after he saw Groose in the Headmaster's office. Groose would have done anything to shift the focus from his own punishment, especially if it meant getting Link into trouble as well.

He turned the corner and nearly ran into Zelda, who was pacing nervously. As soon as she saw him, she threw her arms around him. "Was it too bad?"

"Nah, just what I expected. Probation and a Saturday detention. He said that I could have been expelled, though, so it definitely could have been worse."

Zelda walked with Link back to his room. He wasn't very tired, but he didn't feel like talking to people. His punishment was like a weight that had settled in the bottom of his stomach. Not that he was worried about expulsion. He wasn't normally a bad student. And it wasn't like his parents would be disappointed in him, because he didn't have any. It was simply the first time he'd ever been punished more severely than a simple after school detention.

He sat on his bed for a while, feeling restless, but eventually sunk into a deep, dreamless sleep.

The following morning, Link woke up early and was ready to go before his alarm went off, which had never happened before. He waited outside Zelda's dorm for twenty minutes and then met her as she came out with Piper. They both were stunned to see Link looking so awake before school had begun, but neither said anything.

His first class passed without incident, but as he and Zelda entered their second classroom, he stopped in surprise. Pipit was sitting in his normal desk, staring glumly at the wall. His eye's met Link's for a fraction of a second, and he scooted his desk ever so slightly to the side.

Link glanced at Zelda and then sat down beside Pipit without saying a word. They passed the lesson like this, neither speaking nor moving so as to avoid attracting attention to themselves. Link never once turned around to talk to Zelda, and she and Piper were just as quiet. As the lesson came to an end and the bell rang, Pipit rose instantly and left, despite the fact and he and Link shared the next class.

For the rest of the day, Link and Pipit sat side by side in utter silence. As excruciatingly awkward as it was, it made Link miss Pipit. They usually were inseparable, and would talk to each other constantly through their lessons. Without Pipit to talk to, the minutes were made of hours.

Lunch was an uncomfortable affair. Link and Pipit walked side by side from their Combat Skills class and sat down side by side at the table. Zelda was sitting beside Fledge, and Piper and Fado were across from them. Fledge looked happier than Link had ever seen him. He was leaning back in his chair, grinning dreamily and staring at the ceiling. When Link and Pipit sat down, Pipit immediately folded his arms on the table and buried his head. Zelda nodded at Link, but nobody at the table spoke for a moment.

"Hi Fledge. You look happy."

"Hm? Oh, yeah."

Link smirked. "So… what happened with you-know-who last night, huh? You two seemed to hit it off pretty well. Are you like a thing now?"

Fledge glanced over at him. "I don't know yet. Thanks for introducing us though, Link."

"Don't worry about. You two are cute together." With that, the conversation once again fizzled out, and they spent the rest of the lunch period offhandedly exchanging remarks before lapsing back into silence. It was a welcome relief when lunch ended and they went to their next class.

Link had most of his remaining classes with Pipit, and as such spent them staring at the walls drowning in sheer boredom. Once or twice, he though Pipit would speak to him; the other boy would turn to him as if to say something, but would then turn away. He was silently pleading with Pipit to strike up a conversation that would break the wall of ice that separated them.

Pipit wasn't in their last class, however, and Link was finally able to talk to Zelda. "So how did it go with Keet and Fledge? You never said, and I didn't want to ask about it at lunch with Pipit right there."

"Oh they totally hit it off. Fledge was awkward about it at first, as you would expect, but they bonded because apparently neither of them ride Loftwings. They started talking and talking, and I left after a few minutes." Link didn't mention the letter Keet had given him.

Zelda was amazed. "Wow. How far do you think they went?"

"I hope they didn't go too far. I mean, I hope Keet doesn't abuse Fledge's innocence. I mean, I know Fledge can handle himself, but he's not really a match for Keet in terms of maturity. It's a shame I wasn't paying attention to when Crimson came back last night, or I would have known how long they were together."

At the end of the school day, Link made his way back to the dorms by himself. When he opened his door, he froze in his tracks.

His room was covered in muffins.

Literally every surface in his bedroom was covered in muffins. There was the perfect amount of space for the door to swing open, but otherwise the floor was a carpet of muffins with pink icing and small red hearts sprinkled on top. They coated his desk, were perched precariously atop his lamp, and even his bed was lost beneath the sea of baked goods.

He turned around and immediately noticed the red rose that was lying at his feet on the floor. In fact, he noticed a trail of them leading down the hall and out of sight. They definitely hadn't been there a minute ago when he'd approached his room.

He closed the door behind him and followed the trail of flowers through the dorm building. They lead past the double doors and outside towards the edge of the island.

There, he found a blindfold and a note that said "Wear this and jump." Link hesitated for a few moments, but Crimson flew past and cawed reassuringly. He shrugged and slipped the blindfold on before stepping over the edge. He was so familiar with mounting Crimson that he could do it easily while blindfolded, and as soon as he felt his Loftwing beneath him he had climbed into the saddle and they were off.

Try as he might, Link couldn't follow where they were going, but they hadn't been flying for long when Crimson went into a steady dive and then spread his wings to prepare for landing. Crimson immediately sank into a crouch, and Link instinctively slid off. He felt a firm hand on his shoulder, and the blindfold was lifted from his eyes.

The first thing he noticed was the blazing sunset that illuminated the Statue of the Goddess.

The sky was a cacophony of colors, from deep streaks of purple to light splashes of dappled pinks and oranges. The face of the Goddess was lit in the heavenly light, and her eyes came to life as she smiled down at him.

The next thing he noticed was Pipit, his face full of concern, holding his hand to his chest.

"Hi, Link," he said nervously.

"Pipit, what's going on?"

Pipit looked around nervously before leading Link to a bench at the side of the statue. "Pipit, why didn't you talk to me at all today at school?"

They sat down on the bench, sunlight shining from Pipit's face, and he took Link's hands in his own. "Link, I've been doing a lot of thinking since Saturday night, and I'm still not sure how to make you believe that I love you, but I can't just sit in my room forever and wait for this to sort itself out. I don't know how good I am at being romantic, but I'm giving it my best shot. I remember you saying you liked muffins, so I had those made for you."

Pipit lifted Link's face by the chin and pulled him into the deepest, most passionate kiss they'd ever shared. It was slow, and Link melted into Pipit's body until they were intertwined on the bench. Link ran his fingers slowly through Pipit's hair as the warmth of his mouth sent a current through his body.

Their kiss ended softly, and Pipit stood up.

"Link, let me take this opportunity to apologize for everything that I've put you through in the last few days. Ever since I've known you, I've always felt like we've had something special. I remember the day I first met you. I was mortified because the teacher gave us assigned seats, and I didn't know anyone at the school, but you turned to me and asked if you could borrow a pen to write your name on your folder, and it was the beginning of an amazing, beautiful and eternal relationship.

"When you fell in love with Nico, I was jealous. I think that was the seed of my own doubts in my heterosexuality. I saw you spending more and more time with him, and we were together less and less. When he left you, it broke my heart to see you so upset, and I remember thinking that I could treat you better. I know you still think about him, but I want to make all of those painful memories go away.

"Link, the time I've spent with you over the last two weeks has been the best time of my life, and I never wanted it to end. I didn't know what to do about Keet, but it was wrong of me to lie to you about it. The only thing I know at this point is that I want to spend the rest of my life with you. You make me happier than I've ever felt before, and when I thought I'd lost you on Saturday night I didn't know what to do. Link, I give you this as a promise to you that I will love you with all of my heart for as long as I will live."

Pipit sat back down next to Link and pulled a ring from his pocket. It was a simple silver band that was engraved with a series of symbols that Link recognized as the ancient written language of the Sacred Realm.

"Professor Horwell wrote them out for me. They say the flame of love will burn forever." Pipit looked at him anxiously. Link didn't know what to say. A tear fell down his cheek. "Can I put it on you?"

Link nodded. Pipit took his right hand and slipped the ring onto his ring finger. They both had tears in their eyes, but Pipit pulled Link up into a kiss.

Link paused momentarily. "I love you so much."

Pipit smiled in relief. "I love you too."

They kissed again, and Pipit sat on the bench, pulling Link on top of him. Link's body was on fire, and all of his senses were on full overload. He could feel the muscles rippling beneath Pipit's skin, and in no time he was tugging Pipit's shirt over his head and throwing on the ground beside them.

Hands tugged at the hem of Link's shirt, and he stopped the kiss with a grin. "Maybe we should reconvene somewhere else?"

Pipit kissed him again. "How does my room sound?"

"Let's go."

Giggling, Link grabbed Pipit's shirt and ran. "If you want your shirt back, it's going to cost you!" he called back over his shoulder.

"I think I can cover the price," Pipit said with a sly wink. The two made their way back to the dorms as the sun sank beneath the horizon

Pipit's room was much cleaner than it had been the last time Link had seen it, but he didn't have much of a chance to notice because as soon as the door closed behind them Pipit pushed him against the wall and kissed him furiously. Link's shirt was on the floor in an instant, and their shoes and socks soon followed.

Link forcefully turned and pushed Pipit against the wall before sinking to his knees and pulling Pipit's pants down to expose his already stiff cock. Link ran his hands down the other boy's taught muscles before taking Pipit's gorgeous cock into his mouth. Pipit moaned as Link's tongue ran up and down the length of his staff, dancing across the head and swirling his balls around sensually. His fingers raked through Link's hair and he began to thrust his hips into the other boy's mouth. Link slurped unattractively, making Pipit laugh and slide to the floor.

Laughing too, Link crawled forward and kissed Pipit deeply. The other boy could taste himself on Link's tongue, and Link's hand continued to absently play with his balls. After a moment, Link stood and pulled Pipit up with him. From there, he tore his pants off, exposing his bulging cock.

"Holy shit, Link. Your dick is the most beautiful thing I've ever seen."

He laughed again. "Thanks. I work on it."

"Maybe you could work on mine some time?"

"How does right now sound?"

Pipit looked jokingly at the calendar on his desk. "I think I'm free."

Link eased back onto Pipit's bed, and Pipit trailed his tongue along the underside of his cock slowly, making Link shiver and whimper. Pipit slid two fingers into Link's mouth and began frantically sucking as his cock while running his other hand over Link's stomach. Link bit down on Pipit's finger, making him groan and crawl forward to kiss the boy beneath him.

Pipit enveloped Link in a deep kiss, tentatively moving his hands towards Link's hole. He slowly pushed in one finger, wincing as Link's face contorted into a grimace. However, after exhaling deeply, Link moaned. "More, Pipit." Pipit grinned and kissed him again, adding another finger. Groaning, Link ran his hands over the other boy's chest. "I want you to fuck me, Pipit."

Hesitating, Pipit asked, "Are you sure?"

Link nodded, so Pipit pulled a bottle of lubrication from his nightstand and lathered it along his stiff cock. He positioned his dick over Link's hole and slowly pushed it in. Link gasped. It was painful, but not like he remembered and was expecting. He allowed himself to focus solely on the boy atop him as Pipit's dick entered his hole.

Whimpering, Link pulled Pipit into another kiss. Pipit pushed into him slowly. "Does that feel okay?" he asked nervously.

"Pipit, that feels amazing."

Pipit began thrusting, starting out with a slow, gentle rhythm. "Does that still feel okay?" Link nodded, and Pipit began to thrust faster. His hand found Link's twitching cock and slowly began to pump it in time with his thrusts. Link moaned carnally as his fingers clenched around the bed sheets. Pipit echoed his moan and quickened his thrusts further.

Link dug his fingernails into Pipit's back, overwhelmed with pleasure. "Oh Goddess! Pipit, I love you so much! That feels so fucking good! Oh Goddess, fuck me Pipit!" Pipit's thrusts came faster and faster still, and Link screamed in pleasure as his dick exploded and he came all over his chest and Pipit's stomach. Pipit released a deep, guttural growl and pulled his dick out of Link at the last moment. He came all over Link's stomach and chest, allowing his own come to mingle with Link's.

He let his tongue flicker over Link's chest while pumping the other boy's dick, and then they shared a passionate kiss.

Pipit collapsed beside him on the bed, sweating and panting. "That was intense."

"I have so much to tell Zelda."

After a moment, they collapsed into laughter.

"I love you, Link."

"I love you too, Pipit."

That was all they needed to say. Link curled on his side, and Pipit wrapped his body around the smaller boy's. As Link drifted off to sleep, he heard Pipit mutter again, "I love you." He smiled, thinking that he could spend the rest of his life in Pipit's arms.

Author's Note: OKAY! So, a few notes – firstly, I know I left many storylines very open instead of tying them up in an epilogue as was my original plan. THIS WAS INTENTIONAL because I am becoming more keen on the idea of writing a sequel (and possibly a prequel involving Nico). These storylines include Fado and Piper (though Fiper was only mentioned once or twice), Groose, Zelda (I mean, she doesn't actually do much in this story), Peatrice and Karane, and, of course, Fleet – though a fan in a review mentioned the possibility of a short spinoff dedicated to Fleet and I must say that sounds like a lot of fun. I might work on that during the upcoming Christmas holidays if I'm not too busy.

Secondly – an enormous thank you to EVERYONE who reviewed! I'm so amazed that so many people enjoyed this story and have given me continual support. I try to respond to every review, but I'm sorry if I missed one or two! Speaking of reviews – please leave one for this chapter (especially if you haven't reviewed so far) to tell me your thoughts! Make sure to favorite this story if you love it, and please follow me if you're interested in receiving updates about my future Pipink stories (and yes it is Pipink, not PipLink, and yes, I will argue about this).

Once again, thank you for reading! I hoped you enjoyed this story as much as I did!