Hey guys! So inspiration hit, and I just had to get this idea down somewhere. Bit of a weird pairing, I know, but all my pairing are weird. Random, unexpected pairing are the best kind ;)

So Crowley/Clara, let's see if I can make it work :D I just really wanted to do a Supernatural/Doctor Who crossover, writing the interaction between the Winchester's and the Doctor was so fun!

Oh and, Danny Pink either doesn't exist in this, or at least Clara's not going out with him, I haven't decided yet, I'm not sure if that will even come up. But anyway yeah, I hope you guys enjoy this fanfic, lemme know if you want more :D


Clara quirked a quizzical eyebrow at the grey haired man who was currently prancing around the Tardis console at a pace that was quite impressive for someone his age. His expression remained neutral with a hint of impatience playing around the crinkles by his eyes and he whipped his coat behind his back in annoyance before answering her.

"Yes, yes America, you'll find it on the map of the world. Ring any bells, Miss Oswald the geography teacher?"

"I'm an English teacher, as well you know and I know where America is," Clara huffed indignantly, crossing her arms across her chest and glowering slightly at the Doctor. "But like, present day?"

"Yes, why what's wrong with present day?" The Doctor finally stopped long enough to focus on her properly, his bold eyebrows making him look fierce, a change she still wasn't entirely used to.

"It's just… Why America?" Clara spluttered. "Anywhere in time and space, that sound familiar to you, Doctor?"

"Of course it does. Your point?"

"Then why are we going to America in the present day?!" Clara burst out in an attempt to get her point across. She clutched onto the edge of the console to prevent herself from losing her balance as the Tardis set into motion. "I thought you were going to show me that thingymajig planet today, the one with the exploding stars?"

"Well, the Tardis thinks different," The Doctor grimaced, pulling a final lever. "She already had her coordinates tapped in and I thought, why not?"

"I could've just caught a plane," Clara grumbled as they landed without much hassle. This new regeneration of the Doctor had improved dramatically in his Tardis flying skills.

"Now don't be like that," The Doctor smirked slightly, ushering her towards the Tardis doors. "Plane food isn't half as nice as the burnt soufflés you could whip up in the Tardis kitchen. Besides, you might enjoy it. Who knows what could be out there?"

"Not an array of exploding stars anyway," Clara grumbled, yanking the doors open and taking a step outside. She frowned, squinting at her surroundings and cautiously leaving the comfort of the Tardis.

"Doctor," She began slowly, spinning around and pointing an accusing finger at the Time Lord. "We're in some old abandoned-"

She let out a shriek as cold liquid was unexpectedly thrown at her, causing her to jump in fright.

"What the hell?" She yelled, turning to face her attacker and wiping the water off her face furiously. "What did you do that for?!"

"You got any weapons on you?" The strong deep Texas accent came from a young man standing just feet away from them. Clara's heart began to race as she realised he was holding a gun pointed straight at her.

"Well that was definitely not what I expected," The Doctor's Scottish lilt joined her and she could tell he was intrigued by the situation, life threatening or not.

"Give it up, Dean, they're not demons," A second voice was brought to Clara's attention and her gaze snapped to the first man's companion. His face held many of the same features as the first, though his brown hair was slightly longer and he towered over his comrade. His voice was gentler than the first speaker's and Clara breathed a sigh of relief as he lowered his gun.

"But, Sam-"

"They didn't react to the Holy Water, and I'm pretty sure they're not ghosts," The man now identified as Sam rolled his eyes at Dean.

"I could hit 'em over the head with an iron poker, see if-"


"They just came out of a freaking police box from the 60's man!" Dean turned to face his friend, gesturing wildly at the Tardis with his gun. "How is that normal?!"

"And you think throwing Holy Water over someone is normal?" Clara edged closer to the Doctor, still nervous about the fact that both men were holding guns. "What's going on?"

"She has a point," The Doctor inclined his head in Clara's direction. "And I think we'd all appreciate it if you'd stop waving that gun around like it's a toy."

"Hey shut it, Gramps," Dean took a step closer, squaring his shoulders. "What the hell are you? Shifter? Vampire? Ghoul buddy of the weird-ass ghost we're hunting right now?"

Clara stifled a laugh, realising that these two men were obviously insane.

"Ghosts…" The Doctor murmured thoughtfully, his eyebrows knitting together the way they did when he was deep in thought.

"Doctor, you're not really taking this seriously, are you?" Clara turned to her friend with an incredulous gaze. "I mean ghosts, demons, really? They're obviously mad!"

"You won't be saying that when a freaking vengeful spirit tries to slit your throat because your great great granny pissed it off," Dean raised an eyebrow challengingly. "See that's the kind of stuff we have to deal with here!"

"Hey, I'm still not over this being splashed with Holy Water thing so watch it, Texas," Clara glared at him in annoyance.

Dean paused for a moment in shock then turned to Sam with a smirk. "I like this chick."

"How did you two get here?" Sam demanded, ignoring his friend's comment though Clara glared in warning.

"If we told you, you probably wouldn't believe us," The Doctor slowly reached for his sonic screwdriver. "Most of your pudding brain kin don't."

"Pudding what now?" Dean took a step forward, fixing the Doctor with an icy glower. "Just who do you think you are?"

"I'm the Doctor, a much more powerful being than yourself, though that goes without saying," The Doctor gave Dean a smug look then gestured lazily at Clara. "And this is Clara Oswald, my-"

"-Friend whose main job is to stop his already inflated ego from getting any bigger," Clara smiled widely up at the Doctor who pursed his lips into a thin line, unimpressed.

A sudden chill fell over the dimly lit room and Clara shuddered. She watched as Sam and Dean tensed, casting their eyes around the room rapidly.

"Dean, we've got to get them out of here," Sam hissed hurriedly, gesturing at Clara and the Doctor quickly. "They're clearly just humans who ended up in the wrong place at the wrong time."

The Doctor cleared his throat. "On the contrary-"

"Get down!" Dean yelled, panic mingled with determination flashing in his deep brown eyes as he hit the ground, the other three following suite. A body of thick hazy fog flew over their heads, crashing into the wall and cracking the stone work with the force. Clara blinked in shock at the display. She turned her head towards the Doctor who was looking at the point where the smoke had disappeared in awe.

"For once, Doctor, can't we go somewhere we can relax for five minutes? Just five minutes is all I ask!"

"Relaxing is boring, it's not my style," The Doctor quipped back, his eyes darting around the room as Sam and Dean stood warily. Clara struggled to her feet, regarding the two. Their stance reminded her of predators hunting their prey, and she wasn't certain if she trusted them yet.

"Get them out," Dean gestured sternly at Clara and the Doctor. "I'll torch the bones."

"Ghosts? Demons? Torching bones?" The Doctor began incredulously and for once Clara smiled at his response, realising that for once they were both on the same page.

"Yes," She interrupted, finishing his sentence. "Exactly what he said. It's utter madne-"

"I wouldn't miss this for the world!" The Doctor sprang to his feet, cutting Clara off and making his way over to Sam and Dean. "Won't be using one of those, mind," He gestured towards the gun in Dean's hand with disdain. "But if you fill me in I might give you a ride in my Tardis after this whole apocalyptic mix-up is over."

"I'm sorry, are you talking about your wooden 'make out closet' over there?" Dean squinted at the Doctor, pointing at the blue police box beside them. "Look man, your miniature Batmobile isn't taking my ass anywhe-"

"Of course, I'm lying and wouldn't let the likes of you step foot in a ship that can travel anywhere in space and time, but I'm still interested in this demon-ghost you seem to be after," The Doctor ignored Dean's unfinished sentence as if he hadn't heard it. "Now, where were we?"

Sam and Dean exchanged a look and shifted from foot to foot uncomfortably. Sam sighed in resignation and tossed a can to Clara which she caught, surprising herself at her quick reflexes. She glanced at the label and couldn't contain her amused scoff.

"Salt?" She read aloud, giving the container a shake and looking to the two men incredulously. "You serious?"

"Serious as Mr Stick Insect here," Dean spoke gruffly, handing the Doctor his own tub of salt which he examined with scrutiny with a raised eyebrow before glaring at Dean.

"Watch your tone, or I might just land you and your gun in another dimension."

"Well as long as your other dimension has booze and chicks, I'll be happy," Dean smiled widely at the Doctor with an earnest expression, clearly enjoying annoying the alien as he left the room.

"I was thinking more along the lines of the interior of a volcano," The Doctor called back as they followed the two men out of the room. Clara matched her strides to the Doctor's and shoved his twig like arm lightly.

"Behave," She hissed, a smirk playing around her lips as the Doctor grunted in response. Sam glanced back over his shoulder at the two.

"Right, Dean and I are going to find the remains of this-"

"Son of a bitch."

"Yeah, thanks Dean," Sam rolled his eyes at his companion. "You guys just… Just stay out of trouble, alright? See this ring of salt right here?"

He proceeded to shake the salt from the container to form a circle large enough for two or three people.

"Stay inside it," His kind soft eyes turned firm as he looked from Clara to the Doctor. "You should be alright until we get back."

"Right, of course," The Doctor put on a fake cheerful tone of voice as he stepped inside the small ring of white powder while Sam and Dean exited the room cautiously. "We'll just stay here, waiting for you until- Come on, Clara, let's go."

"Hey?" Clara blinked as the spry Time Lord leapt out of the safety line. She rolled her eyes. "Why am I not surprised? Of course, you'd have to follow them."

"You just expect me to stand there and miss out on all the fun? This is new, Clara, this is new!"

"You take the saying 'worst place worst time' to a whole new level, you know that, Doc?"

"One: This is best place best place, my dear Oswald, this is a possible new scientific timey wimey discovery! And two: Never call me 'Doc' again."

"Suit yourself, twiggy," She smirked, passing him out and turning a corner. She gasped as she was met with the sight of a person standing a few feet before her, it's form haggard as it flickered slightly and appeared a few steps closer.

"Clara, don't move," The Doctor's voice sounded in her ear in the form of a hushed whisper as he moved to stand beside her. Clara couldn't have moved if she tried, her feet rooted to the spot with fear at this creature that was unknown to both her and the Doctor.

"Oh God," She murmured as she realised that it was a young woman, her clothes ragged and blood stained and her face a sickly grey colour. Dried blood streaked from a large gash on her head in a steady line down to her pointed chin, her mouth twisted into a pained snarl. She reached out a hand towards Clara, his features twisting in rage, anger flashing in her dark, unwelcoming eyes. Clara shrieked as the woman's image flickered again, this time moving closer. The Doctor snatched the salt from Clara's white knuckled hands and hurled a large dose of the powder at the woman. She hissed as the salt touched her form and disappeared.

Clara let out a startled gasp and looked to the Doctor, her own wide eyed expression mirroring the Time Lord's.

"Ghosts are real," She hissed, feeling as if her eyes were going to pop out of her head.

"Yes, I noticed," The Doctor replied, his expression equally as stricken. "Fascinating."

He grabbed her arm and darted off in the other direction, dragging Clara along behind him.

"Doctor!" Clara panted as they burst into another derelict room in the decrepit old house. "Do you think Sam and Dean are alright?"

"Something tells me they're used to this sort of thing," The Doctor replied warily as he released her and wandered around the room, studying it with a perplexed expression. He whipped out his sonic screwdriver and began to scan random objects in the dust ridden chamber.

"If we could lure it here again, Clara!" He voiced earnestly, continuing his analysis of the room. "And I could get a better look at it, scan it, see if it's some type of life form I haven't come across before!"

"Something tells me it's not your average alien, Doc-"

Clara stopped mid-sentence at the sound of a surprised yell from one of the rooms close by.

The Doctor had ran out of the door before Clara could even glance at him to gauge his reaction and she followed at a sprint. For someone the Doctor's age, the man could run.

As they burst into the room, they were met with the sight of Dean pinned under a large bookcase, shards of broken ornaments littering the ground around him and Sam on the ground, reaching for his gun which was just out of his reach as the ghost of the woman loomed over him.

"Hey! Over here!" The Doctor yelled in his thick Scottish brogue as he brandished his sonic screwdriver in the air in front of him. A lot of things had changed about the Doctor since his previous regeneration, but the fact that he was still a madman had not. "Come over here and let me scan you!"

The ghost tossed Sam to the side where he crashed against the wall painfully and turned to face the Doctor who suddenly looked a tad less certain about the situation.

"Get the lighter!" Dean yelled, struggling to heave the heavy bookcase off him.

Clara cast her eyes around the room for the lighter, finally catching the glinting metal lying wedged underneath a nearby cabinet. The Doctor let out a yell, using the last of the salt up on the vengeful ghost. Clara glanced around the room hurriedly for something that could possibly help. Her eyes fell on an iron poker by the fireplace, something that Dean had said about iron earlier fighting through the haze of confusion to the surface of her mind. She darted across the room and grabbed it as the ghost materialised above Sam and slashed the weapon through the air, causing the ghost to vaporise as it connected with the metal.

"Doctor the lighter, the lighter!" She yelled, whipping around, struggling to see everywhere at once so she'd be ready if the ghost decided to make another appearance. She turned to see the Doctor toss the lighter to Sam who was now back on his feet and he raced across the room to the fireplace. Clara craned her neck to see an assortment of bones lying amongst the charcoal as Sam sprinkled the remains with salt.

"Sam, watch out!" She yelled, darting forward in a futile attempt to slash the ghost that had just appeared behind Sam, but to her surprise she realised she didn't need to. As Sam dropped the lighter into the pile of brittle bones, the ghost let out a warbling wail, slowly then quickly erupting into a cascade of wicked flames as it disintegrated in tempo with the remains in the fireplace.

Clara gaped at the scene with wide eyes as Sam turned to helped lift the bookcase off his brother.

"Have a nice trip," Dean grunted, giving the burning remains a disdainful look as he shuffled free of the large piece of furniture.

"Who are you two?" Clara shook her head in wonder, tossing the iron poker to the side.

"Good question," The Doctor bounded forward and waved his sonic screwdriver in front of Sam's face. "Odd."

"What is?"

"The normality!" He snapped his screwdriver back into place after examining the two and furrowed his attack eyebrows. "There's nothing wrong with them! I expected this one at least to be some sort of extra-terrestrial," The waved a hand at Dean without looking at him. "But it just out being an idiotic jackass is just part of his genetic makeup."

"Sam, can I shoot him?" Dean raised his gun while glaring at the Doctor.

"With a gun loaded with rock salt? I wouldn't recommend it," Sam rolled his eyes and turned to face Clara. "I'm Sam Winchester and this is my brother Dean. We're hunters, like… you guys?"

"Hunters?" Clara repeated with a frown. "What do you mean, like us? I'm not a hunter!"

"You're not?" Sam frowned. "Then how-"

"It'd be pretty unfortunate to the supernatural world to have them as hunters, Sam. They're pretty uneducated," Dean lowered his gun, then turned to wink at Clara. "No offence, sweetheart."

"Down boy," Clara folded her arms with a warning glare. "What's your definition of a hunter?"

"Let's just say we save people like you from Casper the friendly ghost on a regular basis," Dean shrugged nonchalantly. "It's kind of in the job description."

"And is getting crushed by bookcases and needing help from 'uneducated' people like us in the job description as well?" Clara smirked at the Winchester brothers.

Dean opened his mouth to reply with an indignant expression but closed it again, unsure how to respond.

"So who exactly are you guys?" Sam questioned, a curious look in his eyes.

"'Us guys', are leaving," The Doctor replied sternly before Clara could respond, turning on his heel to leave. "Come along, Clara."

"Doctor, wait!" Clara quickened her pace to keep up with him. "Isn't this your kind of thing? Aren't you curious about this?"

"Not until I've collected enough data," The Doctor replied curtly. "Demons, ghosts, none of this adds up! There's something wrong."

"He's a Doctor?" Dean voice floated towards Clara as the two brothers followed them back to the Tardis. "A doctor of what? Is that telephone box a psychiatry unit?"

"Maybe the Tardis malfunctioned, maybe we ended up in a parallel universe," the Doctor muttered, pulling open the Tardis doors and storming inside, his red lined coat billowing behind him. "Clara get in. Winchester's, under no circumstances follow us into the mysterious blue box."

Clara stepped inside the Tardis and smirked slightly when she heard the clang on boots on metal as the Winchester brother's followed them into the spaceship. She turned around and grinned, enjoying the expression of shock on their faces as they took in their surroundings, mouths gaping open.

"Save it, I know what you're going to say," The Doctor sighed heavily, not bothering to look up at the unwelcome visitors in his Tardis. "Actually, you know what? Go ahead and say it, they all do-"

"Son of a bitch!" Dean breathed, causing the Doctor's head to whip up in surprise as Clara gave a small chuckle.

"Are you two aliens?" Sam eyed the pair warily, narrowing his eyes slightly as he took another step closer to the console.

"I'm not, he is," Clara jabbed her thumb in the direction of the Doctor. "Don't ask him what species he is though, he's a-"

"Time Lord," the Doctor boomed proudly, head held high and hands stuffed in his deep pockets, a small smug sile etched onto his face.

"Lord?" Dean scoffed. "Well, you can't get much more pretentious than that. Nice wheels."

"Don't touch anything," the Doctor muttered as Dean redrew his hand from one of the pillars.

"This… This is amazing," Sam breathed, running a hand reverently over the console. "The power in the engine alone must be-"

"I said don't touch anything," the Doctor sighed exasperatedly, slapping Sam's hand away. "Honestly, you humans and your inability to understand plain English astound me more and more each day."

"This is what you have to put up with?" Sam raised an eyebrow at Clara with a small grin.

"Yeah," She laughed at the Doctor's annoyed expression. "I should really get a pay rise."

"So what are you two… I mean are you… Like…" Dean pulled a face and made a gestured with his hands, pointing first at Clara, then at the Doctor.

"What- No!" Clara burst out, realising what he was implying.

"Absolutely not," The Doctor cleared his throat in embarrassment.

"We just… Travel together," Clara clarified hurriedly.

"So he's not your space sugar daddy?" Dean let out a sigh of relief.

"No!" The Doctor and Clara chorused simultaneously.

"How does this work?" Sam questioned in awe, making sure not to touch the ship again. "Can it travel anywhere? What kind of energy does it run on-"

"Sam, control your inner geek, please!" Dean raised his two hands and closed his eyes in exasperation.

"Dude, this is awesome, I mean look at it!" Sam shook his head at his brother.

"Anywhere in time and space, that's how it works," The Doctor stated proudly. "But I'm afraid it doesn't cater for 'hunters', so if you two would just-"

"Doctor, don't be rude!" Clara slapped his arm lightly. "They can come for a quick ride, can't they?"



"Absolutely not."

Clara sighed in resignation and fixed the brothers an apologetic smile.

"Whatever, I think I've had enough weird for one day," Dean turned towards the Tardis doors. "C'mon, Sam."

Sam sighed, seemingly reluctant to go. He turned to the Doctor.

"It's bigger on the inside, how does that work? It's-"

"Transcendentally dimensional, yes," The Doctor replied curtly. "It's called the Tardis, Time And Relative Dimension In Space."

"Yeah and speaking of time, we gotta leave, Sammy, my baby's waiting outside," Dean stepped outside the Tardis.

"He's talking about his car," Sam answered Clara's unspoken question at Dean's reference with a roll of his eyes. "It was… Interesting meeting you two."

"And you," Clara grinned in response as Sam joined Dean outside the Tardis.

"Nice meeting you, Clara," Dean smirked with a wink. "Not so sure about you, Doc. And by the way, my baby's better than yours-"

"And that's enough of that," The Doctor clicked his fingers as the Tardis doors slammed shut in the brothers' faces.

"Hey, that was really rude, Doctor!" Clara exclaimed, gesturing towards the door as the Tardis took flight. "They were really interesting- Hunters? That's something we've never heard of before."

"Exactly. It's unnerving."

"I thought you said you liked finding out something new," Clara raised an eyebrow challengingly.

"Yes, it's not often that I don't know something so I like to relish in it," the Doctor replied obscurely. "But this, this Clara, this is big. This is in need of some research."

He left the room, not giving Clara a chance to speak, muttering about ghosts and ghouls.

Clara shook her head, realising that he would probably be gone for some time. She wished they hadn't left Sam and Dean so hastily, they seemed to be part of her world that she hadn't even known had existed, and she felt her curiosity peak at the thought of demons and ghosts. She thought back to what they had witnessed today. She had seen and done a lot of things in her time traveling with the Doctor, faced a lot of monsters but this, this was different. This was incredibly different.

Until now the Doctor had been able to find a scientific explanation for everything, no matter how bizarre. There was always some kind of aliens of extra-terrestrial technology to explain it. But this, they were dealing with spirits now. Angry ones, too. It was a lot to think about, and the Doctor seemed to be doing a lot of thinking.

After a while, Clara realised that the Doctor would be gone for a lot longer than she had realised, and getting hi to tap in the coordinates to her home in London. She sighed, heaving herself up from her seat beside the console and padding down the Tardis corridors, hoping to find the library. She always found that reading was the best way to pass the time.

The Tardis seemed to be willing enough to cooperate today, and she reached her destination without too much trouble. She entered the room quietly, almost reverently out of habit, tiptoeing with velvet like treads and ran a hand along the nearest bookshelf, uttering the names printed along the binding of each under her breath as she went.

She started as she realised she wasn't alone in the room, peeking out behind the shelves the see the Doctor hunched over a large volume, muttering darkly to himself.

"Windigo? No good, no good. Ghouls? No, that can't be…. Must check the Tardis Data banks."

"Doctor?" She tried timidly, unsure of her friend's wellbeing at the moment. "You alright?"

The Time Lord jumped at the sound of her voice and whipped his head around to face her.

"Clara!" He exclaimed, rising from his chair. "Clara, Clara, Clara, none of this makes sense, it contradicts everything I have ever known!"

Clara blinked at him in confusion and slight concern as he drew closer, staring down at her earnestly with his icy blue eyes.

"What you on about?"

"The supernatural!" The spread his arms wide as if it was the most obvious thing in the universe. "Why have I never come across it before, over a thousand years I have been visiting this earth and it takes one visit from two idiotic Americans to bring it all crashing down!"

"Doctor, I think you need to rest," Clara frowned

"No, no time for that," The Doctor's eyes lit up as if he had just remembered something vital. "I've got to check the Tardis Data banks."

Before Clara could respond, the eccentric Time Lord had vacated the large room.

"Definitely overdoing it," She sighed to herself with a small smile.

She cast her eyes over to the large book the Doctor had been poring over moments previously, her curiosity getting the better of her as she wandered over to see what it was.

She sat down on the chair, staring at the ancient book in front of her with a frown. On the desk in front of her was hundreds of scattered pages with various sketches of beasts unfamiliar to her and scribbled writing by different hands. Seven candles linked together by a chalk line surrounded A metal bowl which on closer inspection appeared to be filled with strange leaves and herbs, bones and… Clara shuddered at the substance that looked suspiciously like blood, tearing her gaze away from the contents. Where had all this come from?

She focused on the book again, scanning the page the Doctor had been reading. She saw various phrases and titles that made her head swim with the knowledge of it all.

"Leviathan, shape shifters, dragons?" She scoffed, shaking her head. Whenever she encountered something like this on her travels with the Doctor, it always turned out to be some sort of alien.

She flipped the pages, skipping on a few chapters.

"Angels, demons?" She let out a quiet incredulous laugh. "Okay, now this is really getting weird."

She began to wonder if what was in the book was real, but she found the more she read, the more interested she became. The Doctor was right, all this was new, and she wanted to find out more.

"Crossroads demons," She murmured quietly, running a finger under the small handwriting and squinting as she read. "Demon summonings…"

She glanced worriedly at the small bowl again, the candles flickering at her almost menacingly. Where had the Doctor found all this? She wondered why he had been examining it, and was sure that if he found her here he would give her a huge lecture on staying out of trouble.

The lights in the room began to flicker and she groaned inwardly, wondering what the Doctor had been doing to cause a power cut.

"Not now," She muttered with a grimace, searching for a box of matches and lighting one quickly, bringing it as close to the page as she dared so she could continue reading.

She squinted at the yellowing page again, casting her gaze over the incantation written there which seemed to be some form of Latin.

"Et ad congregandum, eos coram me," She muttered under her breath with a perplexed frown. "What-"

She jumped at the sound of the Doctor calling her name in the distance, dropping the match into the bowl in her haste to stand up.

"Damn it!" She hissed, realising she was in for a huge lecture now if the Doctor found out. She jumped again with a gasp as the lights above her smashed and the candles flickered violently as if a gust of wind had caught them. The Tardis shook violently, knocking her off balance as she fell to the ground with a panicked shriek. She looked up in shock, her eyes widening with fear as her eyes fell on a man who had not been standing a few feet away from her moments before.

The man smirked in amusement, though his eyes remained cold and menacing and a chill ran down Clara's spine at the realisation of what a dangerous situation she was in.

"Hello, love."

Ayyy so what did you think? :D Yay or nay? Hopefully it wasn't too bad, it was fun to write! I think we've all guessed who the demon Clara accidentally summoned is ;)

But it's like 1am now and I have school in the morning but hey, fanfiction is more important.

Soooo, let me know what you think with a review, constructive criticism is always welcome aswell :)


Laters, mishamigos.