Astrid spent her time being quite the wife. Vikings in the village joked that it was back-to-front; she was the brave warrior and Hiccup was the housewife. She was not impressed when she found out that being pregnant involved having to wear 'girly clothes' and a distinct lack of her favourite activities- axe throwing, dragon racing and any kind of sporting activity at all. She took it in her stride- albeit grudgingly- and soon gave birth to a little girl named Magnhild. She didn't stop there; within three years she was pregnant again, this time with a chubby boy whom they named, loyally, Stoick II. And, true to her word, she slept beside their cradles every night with her axe held close.

The Haddock household basically became the Home for Orphaned Dragons. Within a year they had a Terrible Terror with a missing wing and a Lead Speed Stinger with no stinger to call her own. The village was particularly apprehensive about Pangora, the Stinger, but the surprisingly soft dragon was smitten with Astrid and refused to do anything against her. She caused no trouble to the village, and turned out to be a great courier of messages, as long as the message was sealed away from the blistering wind. Astrid even tried riding Pangora once- and staggered back into the house with a smouldering skirt, chaotic hair and the worst windburn anyone on Berk had ever seen. She did not repeat the experiment.


Hiccup adapted fairly well to being chief, although some in the village didn't. His methods were unconventional; when Astrid wasn't confined to the house she served as a second-in-command, and truth be told she was pretty good at it. The villagers joked that the Haddock household was the wrong way around; Astrid was the Viking warrior and Hiccup was the housewife. No-one actually said it in front of the chief, but word got around. Hiccup took it graciously, although the joking abruptly stopped when Hiccup took to wearing a proper sword strapped to his back. He had been warned by Gobber that the flimsy, hollow frame of Inferno would be hopeless in a real fight, and a chief had to carry a chief's weapon. Turning down the hammer that was twice the size of his head, Hiccup chose a sturdy Gronckle-Iron blade he called Endeavour.

A year after the defeat of Excellinor, Spitelout prompted Hiccup to start planning his personal Berk flagship, as was tradition. The results were startling; he designed a longship adorned with a figurehead carved from the tusk of the Muddy Bewilderbeast, which had just been left abandoned in the harbour for four years. The figurehead was carved in a frightening likeness of Toothless; albeit stylized to scare the Hel out of anyone who saw it in the fog. He also spruced it up with several of his own innovations, including an extra set of wing-like sails. He dubbed the boat The Valkyrie, although the reluctant crew on the first voyage nicknamed it The Valhalla Express instead. The ship's voyage was quite the success, making it to Dragon Island in record time, despite Hiccup's clear distaste for ships in general.


After two months it was glaringly clear that the Stormy Bewilderbeast could not stay on Berk. It was causing the tunnels beneath the village to cave in, and rockslides were common. It was growing at an alarming rate, more than four times its hatching size. After one particularly nasty incident where the Bewilderbeast nearly plummeted to its death off a ninety-foot cliff, rescued only by the quick thinking of Hiccup, the Bewilderbeast took up a position in the seas around Berk. Sometimes of a night-time it could be seen on one of the rock formations jutting out of the ocean, looking very serene indeed. Unfortunately, the Stormy Bewilderbeast developed a habit of following The Valkyrie's Run every time it left Berk waters, which always unnerved the oarsmen. On the upside, when Hiccup had his first run-in with a rather violent dragon-rustling ship, the Stormy Bewilderbeast erupted out of the ocean and sent them running like children. Tuffnut humorously nicknamed the Bewilderbeast 'Doomfang', and after that there was no stopping the dragon from following them like an overprotective demon, no matter how stupendously large he grew.


They were delighted when Trader Johann arrived on their shores telling stories about the Warriormen who had flown into battle with the Nightstalker, and wasted no time in informing Johann that they were the Warriormen he had been talking about. Johann didn't quite believe them until Egbert's enormous Typhoomerang showed up; after that he steered clear of the subject. Egbert's men did a decent job of looking after their dragons, but at one stage the Typhoomerang set the entire village alight in a temper tantrum- Egbert wouldn't let it out of the stable to go flying. They called an emergency meeting and agreed that it was best to release their dragons into the wild. They never forgot their part in the battle, though; in fact, they even changed the name of their tribe for it.


The two were left rather awkwardly after the battle with Excellinor- it hit them hard that they may as well have painted 'UNTRUSTWORTHY' on a shield and carried it around for the rest of their lives. Hiccup surprised them; after the ceremony for Idris and Snorri, he led them to the cove where Skullcrusher and Bladewing were waiting. Heather was smitten with Bladewing's big, innocent eyes, and even more so with her prankster's personality. The two got along quite well, and even joined in with Dragon Racing for a while…

Ruffnut was enraptured with Eret, much to the man's irritation, and it culminated in the night his temper finally broke and he punched her in the face. Tuffnut was not impressed and threatened to beat up Eret until Hiccup stepped in. Surprisingly, Ruffnut was still determined to catch Eret… that is, until she found out he was hopelessly in love with Heather.


The two were quite pleased at Excellinor's death, and even went as far as congratulating Hiccup- which irritated him to no end. However, Termagant decided her dragon-riding days were over, and released Scorchfang into the wild with the statement 'I can't claim to own him. No one can.' Eelnose held onto Daydream though, and Toffa the seamstress would not shut up once she found out Daydream had no canine teeth. She kept calling him the Fangless Daydream, and in the end Daydream decided this was so enamouring he started to prefer Toffa's company over Eelnose's. He took it well, stating that since they were going back home anyway, Daydream had best stay here. The two left Berk with the promise of keeping an eye out for anything amiss in their village; Excellinor never had believed in half-measures.


Valka recovered quite well from her injury. It was luck, pure and amazing, that stopped the arrow from puncturing anything important. She was completely smitten with the Stormy Bewilderbeast, and Fishlegs actually caught her hugging one of its tusks after she was allowed out of her bed. She said nothing about the bloodstain on her staff, instead doing her level best to scrub it off when Hiccup wasn't around.


Fishlegs was overjoyed when Hiccup told him that he was now in charge of the expansion of the Book of Dragons. Right away, the chubby Viking took off in pursuit of new species, Meatlug by his side. It didn't take him long; he discovered three new dragon species, including the Razorhorn, the Howlercane and the Shadecutter, within six months. He was very proud of his achievements, and Hiccup was very impressed with his discoveries. Fishlegs was even happier when Ruffnut finally realized that Eret wasn't worth her time and turned to Fishlegs for comfort- which she got. Lots of it, to Snotlout's disappointment.


Tuffnut had long since reconciled to the fact that he would never have a date. Not only was Astrid the only girl he actually could marry, but he didn't particularly like her spiky personality. She wasn't nearly fun enough. Instead, he 'liberated' one of Hiccup's old sketchbooks and began work on one of his more destructive inventions. Hiccup bitterly regretted the day he sketched out the idea for the Explosive Catapult and the smoke bomb. What he kept completely quiet was when he discovered he had a green thumb. For the first time in his life, he made something rather than destroying it- a greenhouse on the other side of the island. He filled it with every plant he could find, but never mentioned it to anyone. He preferred to keep his popularity.


Fiske, understandably, took the loss of his brother Snorri quite hard. He spent almost a month shying away from the village, looked after by Toffa. After releasing Thunder and Lightning, he told himself that he would never again train a dragon, but he was proved wrong when he single-handedly trained a raging Sword Stealer that nearly destroyed the entire village and rescued an unimpressed Hiccup stuck to the dragon's stomach. The dragon was besotted with Fiske, and he reluctantly accepted the dragon as his own, naming it, with great imagination, Fafnir.