I glanced up from the cold steel of the table in what I figured was an interrogation room when the door opened. The person who walked in wasn't what I was expecting. He was dressed in all black, including a long black trench coat and a black eye patch. He was imposing and scary, and it seemed as though he never smiled. This version of me was 19 years old, and didn't recognize Director Nick Fury of SHEILD. His voice commanded attention, "Miss Brittney Lawrence I presume. I'm director Fury, is it true that you can manipulate the elements fire and air?" The 19 year old me is practically quaking in her boots, "yes sir, that's correct." If the man who stood in front of me could smile, what I saw then would have been it, "Miss Lawrence, let's talk about your future."

I woke up in my room to a knock at the door. I bolted out of bed and opened the door to find Agent Maria Hill. She is a slim woman with an unimposing look about her but her voice is commanding and she has a glare to rival many.

"Do you come with a Mission Hill?"

She holds out a folder to me, "your flight leaves in an hour. Meet Coulson on deck in 45 minutes."

I nod and close the door as she turns to leave. I read through the papers as I pack a bag for my trip.

It's a mission in New Mexico, Coulson and I are going to be looking into a series of electric storms. Nothing major, but we will be meeting Agent Barton there. This'll be fun.

I leave my room and arrive on deck a few minutes early but Coulson is already there. We board our plane as we exchange some small talk, "I hope you got plenty of sleep last night Lawrence, Fury said not to rest till we know what's going on."

I shake my head in disbelief, "of course he did. I'm gonna catch a nap on the ride down there. Wake me when it's over."

Coulson laughed and nodded as I fell back asleep.

A/N: hey y'all so this is kinda a teaser for my new story, I'll be posting more if this gets good reactions.