Hey guys! Sorry it took me long to update! Here is chapter five!

Thank you so much for the reviews you guys are making HAAAPPPPPYY!LOVE YOU GUYS(many heart emojis)

After Olivia woke up they ordered Chinese and watched cheesy movies together. Around 11:00 Olivia was sleep so Nick carried her back to his bedroom and laid her down. Before he got a chance to leave the room, he heard a faint voice call his name. He turned around to see Olivia sitting up staring at him with wide eyes. "What's wrong honey?"

"Can you..maybe...lay with me?" She mumbled. He stood there for a while with a stunned look on his face. He still didn't say anything after 5 minutes. Olivia ran to the bathroom with tears down her cheeks and slammed the door. The sound of the bathroom closing snapped Nick out his thoughts. he walked to the door quietly and heard faint crying.

"Liv sweetie open up." he said gently. "I'm sorry." She cried

"What are you talking Livvy?" He asked confused.

"I was scared to sleep alone and I wanted you with me but you didn't want too and I'm sorry." She sobbed through the door. Nick opened the slowly. He saw her in the corner, curled up in a ball while shaking. He approached her slowly and knelt down in front of her.

"Liv come back to bed. I'll sleep with you honey." He whispered. She lifted her head and he saw her puffy red eyes with tear stained cheeks. "You will?" She asked shyly.

"Yeah of course." He helped her up gently and led her back to bed. He tucked her in and got in too. She immediately cuddled into his side and sighed contently. She fell asleep while Nick laid awake thinking of ways he could help the woman beside him feel happy and safe again.

"So did you come up with anything yet?" He asked. The other shook his head.

"Come on Cassidy! We have to get out of here." Harris whispered.

"Yeah I know man. How about we get some guys together to help?" Brian smirked.

"That's good...but who?" Both men looked around discreetly to look for others prisoners. Once they found who they were looking for, they went back to their cell to plan the upcoming break out.

"Liv wake up." Nick shook her gently. Her eyes fluttered open slowly and she had a sleepy smile.

"Good Morning." She yawned and sat up.

"Good Morning to you princess." He chuckled.

She giggled. "Princess? What am I, 12?"

"No but you are a princess." He smiled. She put her head down in embarrassment.

"I'm not a princess." She mumbled. "Why is that?" Nick asked curiously.

Tears welled up in her eyes. "I'm broken." She whispered.

"Olivia look at me please." She lifted her head slowly and her lip was trembling.

"You're right." Nick stated plainly. She stared at him her eyes wide. "Why would you say that?" She cried.

He ignored her. "You are a queen." He told her boldly. "What?" She asked confused.

"I said that you are a queen." He pronounced every word slowly.

"How is that?" Nick laughed in question. "Isn't it obvious? Liv you are the most amazing person I've met. You do things most people in the world wouldn't even try to think of. You are beautiful, inside and out. You have scars that you even stronger and bolder than before." By then tears were slipping down her cheeks and she looked at him. "You really mean that?" She asked hopefully.

"With all my heart sweetheart." He stated wiping her cheeks. He smiled and stated. "Now my queen, would you like to go out for breakfast and a walk in the park this lovely morning?" He asked getting down on one knee. She laughed and he thought it was the most beautiful sound on the planet.

"Well?" She nodded her head and smiled. "Yes Nick I would love to." He got up and pulled her into an embrace. "I love you Olivia Benson." He whispered into her hair. "I love you too Nick Amaro." She said into his chest.

An hour later, they left the apartment happily hand in hand...not knowing the dangers ahead.

What's going to happen? What did Brian and Lowell plan? There something that comes up next chapter then might break Oliia fully...Find out next time. Reviews make me happy. LOVE YOU GUYS!

P.s.: If you want, you can follow my intsa (guccihargitay)