
Hello my name is Alana Marie Ryder Copeland. I am 16 years old, I have blonde hair and light blue eyes. My favorite color is blue, my favorite food is macaroni and cheese. I live in Ontario, Canada. My mother's name is Leah Ryder she has blue eyes and blonde hair. My father left before I was born I don't know much about him expect that he was way older than my mother. When I five years old I needed a kidney transplant the doctors took my DNA and found a match. Luckily the person said yes. I later found out that person was my half brother I never knew of, it turns out we have the same father and he bailed on both of us. My brother is 40 years old, he has blonde hair and hazel eyes his name is Adam Copeland and he is a wrestler in the WWE. My last name was originally Ryder like my mother but after meeting my brother my mom found out my father's last name was Copeland and wanted me to take my father's last name even though he wasn't around. After my brother found out about me he wanted to be in my life and my mom thought it was good idea. Since then Adam sees me whenever he is in Canada, for my birthday and some holidays. Since my father is not in my life Adam took over as the male authoritative figure in my life. You would think your big brother would help you get away with everything, you would be wrong Adam is very protective and sometimes acts more like my guardian than a brother. So this is my life...