A/N I do not own Vampire Knight nor do I make any profit from it
Chapter 1 – Monster
"We have to keep Yuko a secret! She is…not normal!"
"I agree…If the village found out…then there will be a riot!"
"Her twin sister is normal though…how do we keep it from her? What do we do if she does?"
"We must be cautious…we must not let everyone know that she is a monster…"
Yuko's eyes snapped open, waking up in a cold sweat. She took heavy breaths. She knew she was different and odd, but she didn't need her dreams to rub salt in her wounds. She placed a hand to her mouth, trying in vain to stop the dull ache in her elongated canine teeth which could only be described as fangs. Whenever they ached, her eyes would take on a red hue….making her craving for one thing more intense.
Her dreams were right…she was a monster…or rather…a vampire…a beast in human form.
She had been told that there people like her and if they bit a human, then that human would become a vampire too.
Yuko had been born to human parents and she even had a younger fraternal twin sister who was human. Her name was Mio. She was a pretty girl with long black hair and chocolate brown eyes. Yuko had long white hair, which reached her knees and was poker straight. She had a straight cut fringe and a hime cut around her face. Her eyes were as blue and as clear as the sky in summer.
Yuko gazed at her reflection. Her parents made her hide her white hair whenever they were forced to go out. They feared that her unusual beauty would draw too much attention and they definitely didn't need people sniffing around. In addition, Mio was none the wiser to why they did this. She had no idea what Yuko was.
"Yuko…? Are you all right?" a sleepy voice asked. Yuko looked to the open door to see her sister there.
"Umm…yes…please don't worry. It was only a dream," Yuko replied, "Did I wake you?"
"No, I was already awake," Mio replied, "But I heard you squeal a bit."
"I see…sorry that I disturbed you," Yuko said softly, looking down at her trembling hands. Mio closed the door silently before she crept over to Yuko's bed and sat down, "It's our 18th birthday tomorrow," she whispered, "Are you excited? I know I am."
"It's always nice for you," Yuko replied, "You are cherished by our parents. In my case…they regret my existence. They are ashamed of me. I do not know why," she lied. She knew why but she always bit her tongue when it came to this subject.
"Just because they make you hide your hair when we go out doesn't mean they're ashamed of you," Mio said naively. Yuko didn't have a comeback to that. It would reveal the truth if she did.
"It's not just that, Mio, you always get the nicer presents," she replied, "The best clothes…best food…best everything…whilst I get the scraps. Our parents are ashamed of me and wish you had been an only child," she gazed around her room which had not been decorated properly in years. The wall paper hung from the walls and her curtains were like rags. Her bed was squeaky and broken.
"That's not true," Mio hissed, "You always have something bad to say about them!"
"That's because you have nothing to complain about," Yuko replied, "You are loved and cherished…and look at everything through rose tinted glasses."
Mio huffed, "There is no reasoning with you! I'm going to get some sleep," she said indignantly, "Good night…please have no more nightmares," she said before she left. Yuko shook her head. She laid her head down and stared at the ceiling. Without knowing it, a single tear streamed down her cheek. She hastily wiped it away and gritted her teeth.
"Be strong, Yuko…do not going to cry," She told herself, "I am strong…"
The next morning, the sound of Mio's excited footsteps could be heard running across the landing. It woke Yuko up. She let out a small sigh, she stood up and stretched. Walking to the door, she opened it and slowly stepped out. She turned her head to look at the woman who gave birth to her or rather the one who resented her existence.
"Morning, Yuko," her mother said stiffly, whose name was Nanami.
"Morning, Mother," Yuko replied, "Mio is excited this morning."
"So she is," Nanami replied, "Happy Birthday," she went in for an awkward embrace but broke it as soon as Yuko had tentatively reciprocated. Yuko felt the tension in the air before Nanami drifted wordlessly past her. Yuko stood still for a moment before slowly walking down the stairs. The place was decorated with pink and blue decorations.
"Happy birthday, girls," their father said as he hugged them both. His name was Itsuki was a somewhat kinder parent but was weak minded as well, easily controlled by his wife. Nanami cleared her throat and he let go of Yuko quickly. Yuko was very used to that. She sat down at the breakfast table where a spread had been laid down for them both.
Then, there was a knock on the door and feminine sing-song voice could be heard, "Happy birthday!"
"Oh no! It's Mrs Izugai…village elder's wife," Nanami hissed. She dragged Yuko to her feet and dragged her hair into and hid it in a silk scarf. Yuko sighed, used to her mother's treatment, "Let her in!"
Itsuki nodded and walked to the door. The busty middle aged woman who wore a loosely closed kimono bounced into the room, "Hello! What a wonderful day this is!"
Mio grinned, "Yes, Mrs Izugai! It's our happy birthday," she beamed. Yuko stood silently. Mrs Izugai cast a nervous glance at Yuko. She had always been nervous of the girl and her almost expressionless yet beautiful face.
"Well…I have brought a cake," she said with a grin. Nanami nodded.
"Thank you so much, Mrs Izugai, would you care for some tea?"
"That would be wonderful, thank you," she said as they walked into the lounge, bringing Mio and her husband into the lounge but mouthed to Yuko to make the tea. Yuko wordlessly nodded and walked into the kitchen to make the tea.
After a few moments, Yuko walked into the lounge with a tray of hot tea. She served it to everyone wordlessly. Mrs Izugai sipped it, "Oh, Miss Yuko…this is very nice tea."
Nanami sneered, "That's all she is good for."
"Now now, dear," Itsuki said, trying to meekly take over the situation. Nanami glared at him but calmed down when Mio spoke.
"The cake is wonderful," she smiled, "You did a wonderful job."
"Well, aren't you sweet," Mrs Izugai smiled, feeling more at ease with the dark haired girl. Yuko rolled her eyes a bit and rested her delicate chin on the palm of her hand and began to daydream. She was snapped out of her daydream suddenly when Mrs Izugai snapped her fingers at her as if she were a servant, "Aren't you listening, girl? Your mother has sent you to get more snacks. Be quick about it."
Yuko glared at her but earned a fierce glare from her mother. Yuko stood up and slowly walked out. She buried her face in her hands. She began to cut into some bread to make sandwiches. It seemed like forever when she earned a sharp tap of her shoulder.
"Mother is wondering where you are," Mio said in an accusing tone. The shock of being taken by surprise had made her slice her finger, leaving a deep cut. Blood dripped down onto the counter, "Yuko, are you all right?" Mio asked, clearly alarmed. Yuko could barely breathe as the suffocating feeling of blood lust took over. She suddenly grabbed her sister and shoved her against the wall. Mio screamed as she saw Yuko's glowing red eyes, "Yuko?! Wh-what are you?!"
"M-My throat is…so dry," she said hoarsely. She leaned forward and licked her neck before her elongated fangs grazed Mio's pale neck. However, she was interrupted by several screams of terror. Yuko pulled back and looked at them with what could only be described as sadistic, manic even. She had been holding back for so long, all her life to be exact.
"M-Monster!" Mrs Izugai cried. The scarf fell from her head, revealing her long snowy hair. Mio sank to the ground, completely bemused and terrified. Now she understood why her parents were so eager to hide Yuko away.
"Monster…you say?" Yuko asked before giggling, "Yeah…perhaps I am…"
Mrs Izugai ran towards the door, screaming as she ran out of the house. Due to being in a very small village, it was not long before there was a total uproar. Yuko began to regain some of her sanity as she heard the screams and she gasped in horror.
She had revealed herself. Yuko looked to her sister who was still trembling and whimpering and she turned back to her parents who backed away from her with horrified faces. Yuko's eyes were still glowing and her throat still hurt. Before anyone could stop her, she ran for door, not caring that she was in a sleeping kimono and barefoot.
However, when she did step out of the house, she was greeted by an angry mob carrying pitchforks and torches. It was then that they saw Yuko for what she really was.
"She is one of them!" someone screamed.
"She is one of those blood suckers whose eyes glow red!"
"They don't age either! It must be some kind of sorcery!"
"She can make us one of them if she bites us!"
"Let's get her and destroy her before she can do so!"
Yuko was like a tortured and caged animal as they began to close in on her, cornering her, "NO! LEAVE ME ALONE!" she screamed. Suddenly the sound of galloping hooves could be heard, making the villagers turn around. A hooded woman on a pure white horse galloped through the crowd.
"Grab my hand!" she cried as she held out her hand to Yuko. Without much of a choice, Yuko grabbed her hand and she was swiftly dragged onto the horse. The woman then turned around the horse and galloped away. Some of the villagers left to pursue them however, the rest of the villagers turned back to Yuko's family's house.
"We should burn it with them inside! We do not want them producing another monster!" Mrs Izugai cried. The riled crowed were all in fierce agreement.
"NO!" Mio could be heard screaming from the inside, having heard what the woman had said but it all fell on deaf ears as she heard the doors being sealed shut with nails and planks of wood.
"Let us out!" Nanami cried, "Anything but this!"
Again, their cries fell on deaf ears. The ones with torches stepped forward and began to set a light to Yuko's house, making her family scream desperately.
Yuko watched as smoke and screams filled the air. The horse she was on galloped away and wasn't about to stop. She held tightly onto the woman who had saved her.
There was no turning back now. There was nothing left for her there now.
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