Hey guys! The long awaited chapter of truth has arrived!
So lets not waste any time, and enjoy
Listening to the sound of the rain Itachi stood beside Sasuke on his bed side.. His eyes were narrowed, as he gazed at Sasuke sleeping on the bed. His hands were in his pockets, and his back was slightly hunched. His body would move from time to time. Almost as if he wanted to take a step forward, but at the end he didnt. With the lights turned off the room was consumed with darkness. The only source of light was from the hallway causing Itachi's shadow to be casted along side the wall. Making him have a mirror image of himself.
Standing at the entrance of the room Hinata sighed. She wanted to approach him, but she couldnt. It was clear he had a lot on his mind. " Itachi nii-san. . ."
One hour ago.
"Sasuke's. . .my brother!?" With out saying a word Tsunade nodded her head. The tension in the room grew heavy, as it went completely quiet. The only thing that could be heard was the light tapping sound of the clock.
"Uso. . ." With his head lowered Itachi spoke softly. His voice quivered slightly.
"Itachi nii. . ."
"Sasuke cant be my brother! My younger brother died the day he was born!" Itachi grit his teeth as he glared at Tsunade. Tightening the grip on his knees.
" I understand if you believe me but-"
"This isnt some type of joke you know!"
"Just listen Itachi!" Standing up Kushina matched Itachi's glare. Sparks seemed to fly as they locked eyes. "Just listen to what she has to say. . .Im certain things will become much clearer."
Holding his head Itachi leaned back on the chair. His breathing was a bit uneven.
"I suppose I should start from the beginning. . ." Sitting up straight Tsunade crossed her legs.
"For many years I have worked for a company called Black Jet. It was a prestigious company dedicated to the better of man kind. At least. . .thats what it was portrayed. . ."
"What do you mean it was portrayed?" Glancing at Hianta Tsunade narrowed her eyes softly.
"Black Jet was know through out the world as the place where 'miracles happen'. Medical geniuses, and scientists gathered there to solve the worlds diseases, and problems. It was considered the greatest honor to work there."
"I've heard to that place." Folding his hands Itachi leaned forward. "It was a large facility, and it was said that they even found the cure for caner."
"Although some of those rumors werent true. We did mange to discover many cures." Falling silent a small smile crossed Tsunade's face.
" I was given a important position in the company. Me and another 2 associates were assigned to develop new DNA samples that would be identical to other living beings. We were told that if someone would have been born with a birth defect, the new DNA sample would help. By injecting it before the child was born."
"Is that even possible? To identify if someone has a birth defect before they are born?" Raising a eyebrow Itachi eyed Tsunade.
"Yes it was. The technology in the facility was advanced enough to identify it. I was overjoyed that I was able to help people, that was if we were successful." Tsunade's expression deepen as she stared at the cup. "Me and a close partner named Jiraiya worked together in order to develop new DNA. After many months we came up with nothing. Jiraiya told me that it was going to take some time, for copying a human's DNA was no simple feat."
"It was several months later that Kushina joined our team. Progress did increase greatly, but we were still far from our goal. Then one day. . ." Clenching her fists Tsunade closed her eyes.
"Our third partner suggested that we tested on animal DNA samples. At first we all agreed to it, but soon after we started he suggest that we test animal DNA. . .on a human beings."
"Human transfusion!? Thats. . . Who could think of such a thing?" Holding her cup tightly Hinata's eyes widened.
"His name was Orochimaru."
"Orochimaru. . ." Itachi's eye twitched as he grit his teeth.
" He was a classmate in the same academy as Jiraiya and I. We graduated and entered the facility around the same time. As we got older, I learned that Orochimaru enjoyed the thought of human experimentation, and DNA. But I never thought that he would have taken things as far as he did. . ."
17 years ago: Black Jet corp.
"Human experimentation! What the hell Orochimaru!" Grabbing his collar tightly Jiraiya shook him furiously. " How could you think of such a thing!?"
"Think about it Jiraiya. For these past few months we have made no progress in our project. So in order to improve-"
"Thats nonsense!" Cutting the both of them apart Tsunade glared at Orochimaru. " We agreed to what you said. But we never agreed to test on a human being!
"Tsunade-san please relax" Walking up to her Kushina waved her hand trying to calm her down.
Looking to the side Jiraiya sucked his teeth. "There's no way in hell the officials will allow such a thing. You've said some crazy shit before, but this is the worst. . ."
"Hehe. . .Thats were you're wrong Jiraiya."
"What!?" All three of them faced Orochimaru in shock. A large grin crossed his face.
"Imagine it! If we managed to successful created a fusion of a human, and animal. . . It would be the start of a new era!" Stretching his arms out, Orochimaru's eyes sparked in delight. It appeared that he was a mad man.
"Orochimaru you. . .piece of SHIT!" Rushing towards him Jiraiya punched Orochimaru in the face. Stumbling to the ground he looked up at Jiraiya's angry face.
"I always knew you were strange, but. . .but I never thought you would think of such a thing!" Wiping the blood off Orichimaru slowly stood up.
"You were always the thick headed one werent you." Gritting his teeth Jiraiya stared at him in anger.
Dusting himself Orochimaru smiled at Tsunade, and Kushina. "What about you Tsunade-san, Kushina-san. Wont you join me in this project-"
"Forget it." Not waiting for him to finish, Tsunade looked away from him. "Our objective is to help human kind. Not to harm it." Seeing that Kushina had the same resolve as Tsunade's he shrugged his shoulders.
"Very well. . ." Turning around Orochimaru started walking away. "But remember this my dear friends. . ." Turning his head head he smiled.
"There will be a day when you will beg for my return. Until then farewell." Waving his hand he left the room.
"That fool. . ." Holding his head Jiraiya sighed heavily. With the three of them standing next to each other, they watched Orochimaru's figure slowly disappear.
Sitting at home Tsunade sighed as she leaned back on her chair. " Its been nearly a year since Orochimaru left us. . ." Looking at the clock she stood up and plopped onto the bed.
"Tsunade-san I've brought you some tea." Entering the room Kushina placed a small tray next to the computer desk.
"Thank you Kushina. By the way, how Minato doing?" Blushing she smiled.
"He's fine, and he's really excited about the baby as well."
" Im happy for you Kushina. It was about time you two started a family, so have you decided on a name yet?
" Yes we decided on naming him Naruto."
"Naruto. . . Thats a odd name, but not bad. Who came up with it?"
"It was Jiraiya-san. He came by the other day to show us his new book. While talking about it Minato and I decided to name him after the protagonist.
"I see. . . He must have came up with that name while he was drunk. . ."
Sitting next to her Kushina lightly rubbed her stomach. "I hope he's born a healthy, and strong boy. . ."Exchanging smiles the both of them started to laugh.
* Beep, Beep. . .Beep, Beep. *
Walking over to her house phone Tsunade looked at the caller ID " . . .Jiraiya?"
"It must be urgent if he's calling you this late. . ."
"Im sure he's drunk. He usually calls me when he's like that. . ."
After ignoring the call, the phone continued to ring for the next 10 minutes.
" T-Tsunade- san. . . I think you should answer the phone. Ya' know so he would stop calling. . ."
"Alright, alright, but get ready to listen to his ranting. . ." Picking up the phone Tsunade sighed.
"What is it Jiraiya?"
[" Thank goodness you answered. Listen I dont have much time, but Im going to be sending you some classified information."]
"What are you talking about, where are you?"
["That doesnt matter right now! Is your computer on?"] Sensing the uneasiness in his voice Tsunade nodded.
"Yes it is. ."
["Alright, now quickly go to your email. Hurry I dont have much time. . ."]
Walking towards her computer she narrowed her eyes. " Alright Im waiting."
["Okay they should be arriving soon. . ."] Shortly after he finished talking, a file appeared on Tsunade's screen.
[" Now quickly open the file and-"]
[" What are you doing here! You have no authorization to be here!"]
"J-Jiraiya, whats going on!"
["Shit. . . Listen Tsuande open the file and save every bit of information on there. I gotta go!"]
"Jiraiya . . .Jiraiya!" With the dull sound coming from the other end, Tsunade stared at her computer screen.
"Tsunade-san is something wrong?" Walking towards her Kushina stood beside Tsunade.
"I dont know what Jiraiya did, but he sent me this email. He said it contain classified information we need to see." Reaching for the mouse Tsunade clicked on the file.
As the contents started to load both Tsunade, and Kushina's eyes widened in shock.
"What. . .on earth. . ."
There on the screen showed a infant child strapped to several wires, and tubes. The infant appeared to be no more than 5 months old. To the side of the picture showed information of different test records, and failed experiments. But what caught their attention the most was the text on top of the picture. It stated:
"No. . ." Backing away from the screen Kushina held her mouth with her hand.
Reading the files Tsuande lips quivered. " After many failed experiments we finally found a subject that was able to support the animal DNA transfusion. . ." As she kept reading Tsunade's mouth opened. Clenching her fists she slammed it against the table.
"Orochimaru he. . . he used our research! He used our research for this!" Feeling the blood rush to her head Tsunade's body started to tremble. As she scrolled down she saw even more disturbing evidence.
"After many years since the founding of Black Jet corp. Project Human transfusion can now commence. For this is the sole purpose of Black Jet. . ."
"So all this time. . .The true purpose of Black Jet. . .is this?" Staring at the picture of the infant Tsunade, and Kushina stood there frozen.
"Tsunade-san . . ." Walking down the walkway of her house Kushina looked up Tsuande. "What are we going to do now? Noticing Minato pulling up the drive way Tsunade faced Kushina.
"After everything we learned today, I dont think I can sleep tonight-"
"Tell him."
" Minato is a good man. I trust him enough that if you need to tell someone. . .Tell him."
"B-But Tsunade-san. . ." Pushing her lightly on the back Tsunade nodded her head. Realizing that the conversation was done Kushina walked over the car.
Sitting down on her chair Tsuande looked over the information Jiraiya had sent her. Her body was heavy as she looked at the small child on the screen.
"Hmm?" Noticing an extra file attached to the email she opened it.
" . . !?" There a picture of a couple popped up along with information regarding them below it.
"These were the parents of the child. . ."
Leaning back in her chair she covered her eyes with her hand. A single tear fell down her cheek, as she let out a light chuckle.
"I never knew that our research. . .Our research we spent months on. . . would be used in such away"
Opening her eyes to the sunlight shinning though the curtains, Tsunade sighed.
Ding,Dong. . .Ding, Dong *
"Hmm . . .?" Haven fallen asleep on the chair Tsunade felt a sharp pain in her back. Looking at her clock she let out another sigh.
"Who could it be this early in the morning." Slowing walking towards the door she noticed a large figure on the other side.
"Is that. . .!" Quickly opening the door she saw Jiraiya breathing heavily. His face was covered with sweat, and covered with scratches.
"Sorry Tsunade! Here take these." Giving her a tan colored folder he rushed inside and closed the door.
"Jiraiya what is this and-" Falling silent Tsunade's eyes widened as she saw the small bundle in his arms.
"Oh this. . ." Noticing her staring Jiraiya smiled, and showed her the small infant in his arms. His hair was the color of night, as his cheeks were rosy pink. A pair of small back ears laid on the top of head, along with a tail sicking out form the bottom.
"Jiraiya. . .is that. . ."
"Yeah, this little guy is the one Orochimaru was testing on. . ." Approaching him she gently placed her hand on the babies head. His hair was soft, and warm. Opening his eyes slowly the baby looked up at her. His coal colored eyes stared into her amber ones.
"I wont ask you how you did it, but. . .what are we going to do? He's just a child. . ." Looking at Jiraiya's face Tsunade furrowed her brows.
"I. . .Im going to take him with me."
". . .What!?"
"They're searching for me right now, and my only option is to leave this town. Im taking him with me, so they wont do anything more to him. . ."
"But we need you here! If we show him to the public we can bring an end to Black Jet-"
"Tusnade." With his voice low Jiraiya spoke up cutting her off.
"Dont you realize that if the public were to know about him. They are only going to experiment on him even more. The whole reason Im doing this, is to save him!" Not knowing what to say Tsunade lowered her gaze.
Walking towards the door Jiraiya faced her and smiled. " I dont know how to stop this, but without a doubt we will have peace someday."
"What does that mean?" Without saying a word Jiraiya smiled, and stepped outside closing the door behind him.
Sitting down Tsunade slowly opened the folder. "This is!" Looking down at the paper in hand Tsunade's smiled.
"Thank you. . .Jiraiya."
. . . . .
"With the papers Jiriaya left me, I was able to expose Black Jet, and bring an end to the company. Several years later me and a few other associates created the Konohona hospital." Reaching into her bag she passed a thin folder to Itachi.
"This documents held the key to bringing down the company. . ." Getting a hold of the folder Itachi looked up at Tsunade. "They also hold the peace that you have been searching for."
Opening the folder Itachi's eyes became glassy with tears. "Uchiha Fugaku, and Uchiha Makoto, the biological parents of the subject were informed that their child was born deceased. It is also aware that the subject has a biological brother, Uchiha Itachi. . . A substitute child was show as proof of the subject's decease. . ."
"Itachi nii. . ." Placing her arm around him Hinata felt her self close to tears.
"So its true. . .Sasuke really is my brother. . ." With tears falling Itachi gripped the papers tightly.
"Tsunade-san why didnt you tell me Sasuke was his brother. If I've known I would have. . ."
"I couldnt risk it. If Sasuke were to be discovered who knows what could have happened." Walking over to Itachi, she gently placed her hand on his shoulder.
"No matter how much I apologize, or how much money I pay. . .I can never replace the time lost between you two." Shaking his head Itachi wiped his tears.
"I dont blame you for any of this. . .All you did was protect him." Standing up he bowed his head.
"Thank you. . .Thank you for protecting my little brother."
Present: Hinata's/Sasuke's room.
"Itachi nii-san hasnt moved for quite some time. . ."
"Y-Yes!?" Flinching she saw Itachi smiling at her.
"What are you doing there?"
"O-Oh I was umm." Blushing Hinata started to fidget with her fingers. Chuckling lightly Itachi waved his hand.
"Dont be afraid, come and stand beside me."
"O-Okay. . ." She timidly walked over to Itachi, and stood beside him. Looking up at she saw that his eyes were puffy, and slightly red.
Taking a deep breath Itachi smiled. "To think after all this time. . ." Reaching out to Sasuke Itachi placed his hand on his head. "To think that my little brother is alive. . ."
"Itachi nii what happened exactly. I-I mean you don have to tell me if you dont want to."
"No its alright. To put it shortly the day Sasuke was born the doctors told us that he died. That shortly after he was born his heart beat stopped. . ." Lowing his gaze Itachi clenched his fist.
"My parents were devastated when they were told this. And like the documents said, we were showed the baby. . ."
"I. . .I see."
"Hinata can I ask you a favor?"
"What is it-" Before she could finish Itachi wrapped his arms around her. "I-Itachi nii-san!?"
"Im sorry but. . ." Holding her tightly he rested his head on her shoulder. Feeling his warmth of his tears she returned his embrace.
"I understand. . .its alright."
After staying like that for a while there was a low grunt sound.
"What the hell. . .are you doing to her you bastard. . ."
" . . .!"
"Sasuke!" With his voice horse Sasuke used his elbow to sit up. His brows were furrowed, as his eyes slightly narrowed.
"Sasuke you're okay!" Flinging her arms around him Hinata started to cry.
"H-Hinata whats wrong!?" Separating herself from him Hinata faced Sasuke with tears in her eyes.
"I. . .I was so scared that. I thought I was going to loose you!"
". . .Baka" Grabbing a hold of her chin Sasuke lightly kissed her on the lips.
"Sasuke. . ."
"You dont need to worry, because Im not dying. . .no way in hell."
"Sasuke. . ." Looking up at Itachi, Sasuke's cheeks blushed slightly.
"Thanks. . .Thanks for helping me." Mumbling this he quickly looked away from him. His face growing more red by the second.
"Oi Itachi!"
"I-Itachi nii-san!?" Falling to his knees Itachi covered his face with his hand.
"Thank goodness. . .Thank goodness you're alright!" Tears streamed down his face as Itachi smiled warmly at Sasuke. His cheeks were blushed, and it was hard for him to speak.
"I thought I was going to lose you again. . . my dear little brother."
"What?" Standing up Itachi walked over to him and embraced Sasuke, and Hinata.
"H-Hey what are you-"
"Im glad you're alive. . .Im so happy. . ."
"O-Oi whats gotten into you. . ." Trying to squeeze out of his embrace Sasuke found it impossible to escape from Itachi's strong grip.
"S-Sasuke. . . w-waaaahhh!"
"H-Hinata!?" Both Itachi and Hinata cried loudly as they embraced Sasuke even tighter. Snot started to drip out of their noses.
"E-Eh? What the hell has gotten into these two!?"
"Im glad to see you're awake. . .Sasuke." Turning on the lights Tsunade stepped into the room with Kushina right behind her.
". . .Who are you?" Narrowing his eyes Sasuke glared at Tsunade.
"Hehe you really are like your brother arent you."
" . . .?"
"My name is Tsunade, and now that you are awake I would like to talk to you."
"Why should I?"
Crossing her arms Tsunade smiled at him " It will help you understand why these two acting this way." Glancing down at Hinata, and Itachi, he sighed in defeat.
"So Itachi. . .is my brother." Nodding her head Tsunade took a sip from her cup.
"Yes, and if you dont believe me, the proof is in those documents." Flipping though the pages something caught Sasuke's eye.
"Are they. . ."
"Those are our parents."
"Huh?" Looking up Sasuke saw Itachi holding a cup of tea in his hand. Placing it down on the table he sat beside him.
"Our mother is named Makoto, and our father Fugaku." Looking down at the picture a small smiled crossed his face.
"Mother, and father. . .I have a mother and father!" Closing his eyes a large smiled appeared on his face.
Looking at Sasuke from the kitchen Hinata smiled "I havent seen Sasuke smiled like that since I told him I was pregnant." Placing the clean dishes in the cabinets Hinata sighed.
"Well he just discovered that he has family. . ." Drying her hands Hinata narrowed her eyes.
"K-Kushina sensei. . ."
"Yes what is it?"
"Will Tsunade-san be able save Sasuke. . ." Placing her hand on her shoulder Kushina smiled.
"Dont worry Hinata, Im sure Tsuande-san will come up with something."
"I hope so. . ."
Looking at her watch Tsunade sighed. " Its already 4 in the morning. . ." After thinking for a moment she reached into her bag, and pulled out a small bottle.
"What are those?" Seeing Sasuke's uneasiness she smiled at him.
"These are antibiotics that I prepared before I came here. I currently dont know how strong your pains are, but these should do for now." Standing up she placed them in Sasuke's hand.
"I will come by tomorrow, and run some tests on you."
"Hold it." Standing up Itachi stood in front of Sasuke. "You're not going to experiment on him are you?"
"Dont worry Itachi, these are just tests so that I can create the right antibiotic for him. If I dont Sasuke's condition will only worsen."
"I see. . ." Picking up her things she face the two brothers.
"I should get going. The sooner I get back, the sooner I can begin to make Sasuke's medicine." Walking into the living room Hinata approached Tsunade.
"I. . .I cant thank you enough. N-Not only are you saving Sasuke, but you also found his family." Everyone smiled as they looked at Hinata.
"I dont know how to repay you. . ."
"There's no need Hinata. I am doing this because I want to, and because its the right thing to do."
"I too should thank you." Stepping forward Itachi spoke up. "You brought my younger brother, and. . ."
"Alright enough of this emotional stuff." Walking towards the door Tsuande turned around. "Take care you two." Opening the door she stepped outside.
"I better get going as well, Hinata please take care of yourself." Standing at the entrance Kushina smiled at them. "Itachi-san you should get going as well. You are a teacher after all."
"I-I completely forgot!" Before leaving the house Itachi looked over at Sasuke.
"I honestly still cant believe you are my brother. . .Sasuke"
"W-Why are you disappointed?" Furrowing his bows Sasuke looked at him.
"Hehe dont be ridiculous. . ." Reaching out to him Itachi place his hand on the back of Sasuke head. Bringing his close he bumped foreheads with him.
"Now that I know you are alive. . . No matter if you accept me as you brother. . ." Feeling the tears form in his eyes again Itachi smiled
"I will love you forever. . .Sasuke."
" . . !" With his eyes widening Sasuke looked up at Itachi. His face blushed slightly, as he looked at the man in front at him.
"Please take care Hinata." Walking over to her Itachi poked her forehead.
"Y-Yes of course!"
"I honestly dont want to leave you both, but I need to work later. I'll exuse you both, so you can rest today. I will see you both later." Turning around he waved goodbye.
Seeing that everyone had left Sasuke stared at Itachi's car until it was out of sight. The streets were quiet with the sun starting to brighten the night sky.
"Sasuke. . .are you alright?"
Touching the place where they bumped foreheads Sasuke took in a deep breath.
"Yeah Im fine. . ." Placing his hands into his pocket Sasuke smiled.
"Thank you. . . .Aniki"
Man this felt good to write. Tell me what you guy think, it really helps.
Just a reminder I will be leaving for a month, so I wont be able to post anything during that time.
The good thing is since I will be going to a different county, I should get inspiration to write more story material. New scenery should help right?
I will really try to add another chapter before I leave, but the chance of that arent to high. So I'll see you guys next time!