"Yuki, Yuki, my princess Yuki, wake up, you have school," Juri Kuran sang while caressing her daughter's head.

Yuki groaned and shuffled down under the covers. Her mother attempted to pull on them but to no avail; Yuki was holding on for her dear life. She was wrapped up in a tight cocoon, squirming like snail hiding in its shell.

"But I've made your favourite breakfast," Juri whined, "you should be up and jumping at the sound of food." After a few more fruitless pulls she sighed, got up and left. Yuki smiled sleepily under the blankets, thinking her mother had given up and given her another half hour of sleep. But at the sound of familiar footsteps approaching, her regulated heartbeat began to quicken in panic and excitement all at the same time.

"Yuki," She heard the most beautiful sound to hear on a Monday morning: Kaname's voice. He caressed her head, tucked inside the blanket. "Yuki." The sternness in his voice was every bit stronger than her mother's pleas for her to emerge from her cocoon. She peaked her eyes out, blinking at the burst of light invading her vision after the darkness in her cocoon. She looked up at her brother and her irregular heartbeat continued to pound shamelessly quick. His silky dark hair hung in front of his eyes as he bent to kiss her head. Leaning his forehead against hers, he smiled.

"Your heart is beating quite fast Yuki."

Yuki blushed before frowning at Kaname for his teasing by pointing out what was blatantly obvious. Kaname laughed softly before lightly brushing his lips over hers.

Soon enough, Kaname managed to pull Yuki from her comfortable cocoon of warmth. After showering and dressing, she bounced down the stairs in lively spirits but stopped short when she saw the scene in the dining room.

There sat next to Kaname, looking as beautiful as ever, was Sara Shirabuki. Her long ash blond hair flowed down to her waist and her delicate features resembled that of a doll's; striking, feminine and utterly stunning. The familiar gnawing in the pit of Yuki's stomach flared just the smallest bit as she watched Kaname and Sara laughing at some private joke of theirs. Sara was familiar enough with the Kuran family to be able to come over whenever she pleased. The green eyed monster plagued her so much these days that it might as well have taken up permanent residence in her body.

Sara and Kaname had been childhood friends so Yuki had grown up with Sara in the picture. Sara treated her as a younger sister but eventually as Yuki grew up, the division between Sara and Kaname and herself began to annoy her. She felt like the unwanted kid in between two teenagers next to them, though they were only 2 years older than her and never actually made it seem as if they didn't want her there. She knew her feelings were childish and irrational but she couldn't seem to help it. There was a certain shine in Kaname's eyes whenever he looked at her. A fondness. Yuki sat down to a plateful of sausages, eggs and toast - her hunger slightly dampened by her emotions.

"Hey Yuki, ready for another day of school?" Sara winked.

"No," Yuki groaned jokingly. Her stomach growled and soon, she proceeded to stuff herself with food. Haruka watched his daughter while sipping his coffee.

"Yuki your consumption skills never fail to amaze me."

Yuki frowned at her father, her cheeks fully round with food. "Shu-up Otoshan!"

Haruka laughed while Kaname amusedly watched his younger sister eat to her heart's content while chatting with Sara. Juri swooped into the room with two more platefuls of food. Yuki focused on her food and switched off the negative thoughts concerning the two people right in front of her. It was going to be a good day. She was determined to make it a good day.

The moment Yuki entered the house after school, she plopped down face first onto the sofa and groaned into the pillows.

So much for making it a good day, she thought.

"Yuki," Juri's disapproving voice made Yuki wish her blanket cocoon was wrapped around her again.

"I know Okasan. I almost failed my maths and vampire history test today. I'll work harder next time." Yuki mumbled, feeling defeated.

"No. Your father and I have talked, and we've decided on something different. Your grades have been teetering since this semester has started and just to help you focus, we've decided to get you a tutor."

Yuki's eyes opened abruptly and she sat up, facing her mother and her father who had stayed silent throughout the conversation.

"A tutor? Like in school? Oh Okasan, it's general knowledge for people in school to know I'm not great at school but then to add a tutor is like-"

"No, no, this is a private tutor. He'll be coming to our house."

"He?! Why can't Onii-sama just teach me?"

"Kaname is busy developing new blood tablets with Sara and some other senior students right now, they're nearly there and are at their busiest. He can't afford to lose time to much else."

Disheartened and deflated, Yuki slumped down into the couch. She wasn't going to protest much more because her parents were right. Her grades really were fluctuating and she needed to focus - and the chances of that happening of her own accord were as little as the chances of her eating less than she usually did.

"Okay.. But.. Who is it?"

"Zero Kiryu."

Yuki's eyes almost popped out of her school. "Zero Kiryu?" She almost choked on the name itself. "Kaien Kiryu's son?!"

"Indeed," Juri grinned, "The Kiryus are our treasured pureblood friends. Kaien jumped at the chance to have Zero tutor you once I mentioned it. That man really does adore you. He mentioned that Zero's grades are impeccable so he'd be perfect for it."

Yuki was uncertain in how to respond. "Zero agreed to this? That doesn't sound very characteristic of him. I would imagine him to say he has better things to do."

"Yes he's agreed and he begins tutoring you tomorrow right after school. Two hours of it," Haruka confirmed. "If we see good results from this, we'll continue with it, for the rest of the year okay?"

Yuki gulped. Two hours with the glaring young silver-haired pureblood every day for five days a week. She had known him since they were children - since Kaien and her parents were close - but she had always been more friends with Ichiru than Zero. Whenever she saw him around school, the unfriendliness dripped off of him while his twin brother on the other hand, exuded cheerfulness and rainbows. Given that though, Ichiru wasn't the best student either, so she couldn't just ask to have him replace Zero - which would have been rude as well. Yuki sighed and resigned herself for her sudden bizarre and unwanted twist in fate.

How bad could those 2 hours be right?

"Otosan, why must I do it?!" Zero protested. "I never did actually agree to this!"

"If you don't, I'm going to marry you off so I can see some grandchildren!" Kaien sang, cooking a vegetable broth.

"I'm only 18." Zero paused, "And that's a far fetched punishment to a small thing."

Kaien giggled; he loved teasing his eldest son. "Eighteen years old in vampire terms, is marriageable age."

"Have Ichiru do it! They get along well. I have better things to be doing!"

Ichiru laughed, looking up from his laptop. "Zero my grades wouldn't be much better than Yuki-chan's. And plus why wouldn't you want to tutor her? She's adorable."

"Ahhh she is she is Ichiru! Yuki is just so cute and pretty and you-" Kaien pointed at Zero with his wooden spoon," are not going to disappoint her parents by bailing. Understood? This is a chance for you two to become better friends! Look at her friendship with Ichiru! Like that!"

"Hehe, we always get in trouble in class for dozing off at the back."

Zero shook his head at his ridiculous father and brother before walking off, muttering to himself.

"Don't go off for too long, I've cooked your favourite for dinner: tomato soup! It's almost readdddy!" Kaien called as Zero climbed the stairs.

He dropped his face into his palm for a moment and sighed. Sometimes people wondered how such an eccentric man such as Kaien Kiryu, could produce such a no-nonsense son like Zero. And then of course there was Ichiru, who was like a mini-Kaien in personality.

Tutoring the pureblood Kuran princess?

He honestly had much better things to do.

A/N: Hey guys! I'm really excited about this new story and I'd love to hear your thoughts on what you think so far! Please leave a review if you can, I would really appreciate it. Hope you enjoyed it!