HI! I'm going to post the chapters as 'new' so the ones that were following the story get the email. If I replace the chapter, doesn't tell readers that I've replaced the chapter so yeah.
Stay tuned for the new/revised chapters soon!
(takes place during 6x1 the mastodon in the room)
She regretted it deeply. She regretted running away from her feelings. Running away from him. From his love. Now it was too late. He had someone. He'd found someone to maybe grow old, have kids, get married.
Temperance Brennan threw her bag on the couch and walked to her bedroom. 7 months away from home. She needed to change the sheets of her bed. She skipped that step and just got under the covers after turning on the air conditioner unit.
"Serious as a heart attack."
She was very happy to see them all after so many time without any communication. The new case was going to help get her mind off Booth's new love. If she hadn't said no they probably would be together. They would still have the lab. She ran away to Maluku to get away from everything that reminded her of Booth.
Booth's words stuck to her. His smile and enthusiasm and he talked about Hannah, his smile wasn't because of her. Another woman was the cause. A woman who was making him happy.
Turning on her side facing the window, Brennan tried finding sleep. Not long, she didn't notice, her eyes closed and she fell into a deep sleep.
next day
Angela and Brennan agreed to meet at the diner to share some breakfast and catch up. Angela invited Wendell to join them when she saw him a few tables over, eating alone. Angela eyed Brennan with a slight smile when she saw her examining the x-rays from their case. She missed her best friend.
Brennan shared her findings and doubts with Wendell and he excused himself to go and check them out at their borrowed lab.
"Sweetie…" Angela looked at Brennan with affection. "Sweetie, can I get some attention over here?"
Brennan freed her hands and turned to Angela. "Yeah, uh, yes, it's very good to see you. Because you're my best friend and I love you like a sister." In her lips grew a smile. Bigger and bigger as she shared those words with her best friend. Then she went on to explain it was maybe because she didn't have an actual sister. Obviously, all in her own squinty words, as Booth would say.
Angela smiled and nodded. "Yes, yes I know." She went right ahead and asked.
"So, um, what is the deal with Booth?" Brennan's eyes wandered around, her jaw tightened. "Is it weird seeing him again?"
"Not at all weird. Very nice." Not a complete lie. She was happy to see him and it all went great until he told him about his new love interest. It was all nice with them, how they talked and all but it felt hard for her on the inside. She could still feel the heaviness of her chest when he 'gushed' over Hannah.
"Are there any old surges of feelings? Anything like that?" Angela observed her best friend closely as she made her questions.
"Booth fell in love in Afghanistan." He fell in love and forgot and maybe forgot all the things he said to her when she turned him down. He moved on.
"Oh, sweetie, I'm so sorry."
"Why? Are you in love with Booth?"
"A little bit, but that's not what I mean." Brennan understood her. "Don't tell me that you're happy about him finding somebody else?"
She didn't know how to feel about it. If she says she's happy, she'd be lying to herself. If she says she's not, they were going to consider her a bad friend. She gets enough from people calling her 'cold'
"I'm pleased for him." She looked away while answering Angela's question. Angela noticed that and knew she was lying.
"Bren, you can be honest with me." Brennan continued eating her oatmeal. "Did you think about Booth at all when you were away?"
"Yes, I did. I actually dreamed about him a few times." A tiny smile appeared on her face along with a shrug of her shoulders.
"Oh, well, there you go. Dreams are meaningful"
"I dreamed about our work. Solving cases and catching murderers." She also dreamed of that night, outside in the steps of the FBI. She dreamed she'd said yes to Booth. There were also some nights she woke flustered and only his name in her mind. "Do those dreams mean anything?"
Angela sighed in frustration. "It means you're going to die loveless and alone."
Brennan frowned. "I don't follow our reasoning."
Angela shook her head and grinned. "Sweetie, can you ask me how I am, please?"
"I already know how you are. You are sitting right there. You were telling Mr. Bray and I how much you missed Paris and not murderers and violence." She turned to her unfinished plate of oatmeal.
Angela's smile stayed on her face. "What I did miss is my period."
Brennan and Angela stared at each other for a few seconds. Brennan opened her mouth and then gasped smiling. She wrapped an arm around Angela and hugged her laughing in excitement.
"I hope you're hugging me because you're excited about being an aunt."
Brennan smiled. They weren't biological sisters but because of their amazing friendship, they were like sisters. "I am your metaphoric sister." She nodded to assure Angela.
"I haven't told Hodges yet"
Brennan went off about an anthropology fact. "Anthropologically speaking women often confide in other women before broaching sensitive subjects with their mates."
Angela sighed. "I missed you." She laughed when Brennan threw her arm around her for another hug.
stay tuned (eyes emoji)
- pao