Dear Yui

By moonlight ray

Disclaimer: I do not own Angel Beats. If I did, I would've made a second season by now.

[A/N: Just a short one-shot from the view of Yui's mother. I think it's a bit poetic, but maybe that's the feel of reminiscence. Enjoy, and reviews are always welcome!]

Dear Yui,

Do you remember that time when you and I went to the park to play? You were only five. You were so vivacious at that time, running about playing on every piece of equipment you touched, teasing some of the other children into playing with you, energy and exuberance radiating off your every move. You were so happy, so carefree…

But nothing lasts forever. On our way back, as we crossed a busy street, I let my attention be diverted from what should've been most important to me. I took my gaze off of you for a second, and that second I'd repay for the rest of my life. Because in that single second, I allowed that car hit you from behind.

Dear Yui,

It was my fault. I was the one who suggested we go to the park. I was the one responsible for taking care of you. I was the one who didn't fulfill that responsibility. I was the one who deserved to be paralyzed. Me, not you.

After the accident, I was furious with myself. How could I have let such a thing happen to you, my only daughter? What kind of mother was I? Instead of guidance and love, all I'd brought you was agony and sorrow. I didn't want to try anymore.

But you were a miracle, even in your pain. You came out from the hospital, smiling and putting on a brave face. You said to me, "Don't worry, Mom. I'm okay." And I lost it. Startling you, and even some of the nearby nurses, I lunged forward and clutched your tiny frame to me.

Tears brimming my eyes, I thought to myself: How could I give up when you were still here trying your best? When you were still counting on me, now even more than before? I'd almost lost you, and I wasn't going to make that same mistake again. I'd make it up to you, Yui. I promise.

Dear Yui,

Please don't ever feel like you're a burden. As these years have gone by, I can see the light in your eyes constantly dimming. Are you losing hope? Feeling as if there's nothing to live for? As if you'll only cause trouble for me?

Well, that's not true. Even if all I can offer you is a secondhand glimpse into the world, I will give you everything I can. I already took away from you the ability to experience them for yourself. I will definitely not withhold from you any more.

Please, don't give up. Even if I'm never able to provide you with what's lost, I will never cease to seek restitution. You are my cherished child, no matter what impairment you may have. I love you, Yui. Don't forget that, ever.