First english fanfic ever. Many thanks to The Silver Trumpet for beta reading me ^^

Sitting against a tree, Maleficent looked thoughtfully as the sun slowly sank into the horizon. She exhaled deeply with a little smile of satisfaction. Everything was settled now; she had her wings back, the curse was revoked, and the little beastie's coronation uniting the two kingdoms was planned for tomorrow.
Her eyes were drifting closed of their own accord when she heard wings flapping to her left. Without a look to the newcomer, she raised her hand and changed the raven into a human. The fairy was now accustomed to this annoying ability of his to find her even when she didn't want to be found, so she didn't comment. She glanced at him while he was clumsily walking to the tree next to hers, trying to catch his breath. He seemed even more exhausted than she was. This had been a very long day for both of them.

"She's finally sleeping," he said with a little sight of relief.
She gave a smile. He accepted the ungrateful task to talk Aurora to bed without even realising how excited the girl was, but she was thankful. If it had been her, the princess would never have gotten to sleep. At least not without a bit of magical help.

They both stayed silent for a while, contemplating the night falling on the Moors from their higher spot.
"You should get some sleep mistress. Tomorrow's a big day," said the raven-man as he heard her yawning. He was about to stand up, but she stopped him with a wave of her hand.
"First we need to talk, Diaval," she said resolutely.
He frowned and sat back with her. "That doesn't sound good… What is it, mistress?"

She paused to think thoroughly about what she had to say, and proceeded. "You've been a loyal servant, and-"
"No, wait. Are you-" He interrupted her at once.
"Diaval-" she cut in with a warning look. "Let me finish. Please." The fairy added, hoping the gentle way would be enough to convince him to shut up for at least ten seconds.

The raven-man heavily sighed, crossed his arms on his chest, and just waited for her to spit it out, knowing in advance what she was about to tell him. "Listen, it would be unfair of me to keep you at my service as I don't need you to be my wings anymore. So, after the coronation, tomorrow, I'll change you into whatever form you like most, and let you be. You will be free," she said, trying to sound as indifferent as she could.

A lengthy silence filled the air between the two of them. Diaval knew this would happen. She had already tried to get rid of him, and had failed miserably. He'd known she'd try it at least once more, just to be sure. "Am I supposed to be thankful?" he said sarcastically, frowning at her. Maleficent was a little taken aback and couldn't say a word at the moment. Was he being ungrateful or just silly? She just couldn't picture his intentions until he added with a steady voice, "I won't leave your side, mistress. Except if you really want me to." They shared a long look. "Do you?" he inquired after a few seconds.

She smiled at her former servant's genuine need of interest and glanced the other way. She just couldn't look at him in the eyes while confessing that. "I do not," she simply answered. "I think I have grown accustomed of your constant whining." He chuckled lightly as they glanced at each other and smiled.

The two of them stayed up there for a while, observing the sleeping Moors. When the time came to go to bed and the fairy stood up and stretched her wings, Diaval couldn't stop himself, saying, "By the way, mistress, your wings are even more magnificent than I imagined."
She smiled and walked to the edge of the cliff. She changed him into a raven with a wave of her hand, and told him, before launching into the starry sky with him, "Be a good friend and call me Maleficent from now on."

More chapters to come...