Hello readers,
Afraid I have some bad news, It is quite unlikely you will see any kind of update from me for some time as I am currently at University and obviously that leaves little time and effort to write stories. This isn't to say I won't be writing just don't expect chapters to be massive or regular.
Just wanted to say no I'm not dead or giving up, just too busy but will not forget about my stories, so for now consider my stories on hold for now, but remember that's not to say updates won't occur just don't be surprised if chapters are like 1,000 – 5,000 (not likely to be 5,000).
So once again very sorry for those who have been waiting patiently for new content but please understand Uni is a big deal and I want to do my best.
I might get around to updating One Eyed Dragon Slayer soon, might not be 5,000 words but it'll be something. Oh but don't worry I will later edit any chapters of any stories into 5,000 + words as they build up.