Chapter 14: The Yule Ball


"H-How do I look Ya-Yami?" I asked as I finished tying the bow tie on my dress robes.

They were plain black with a purple undershirt and black bow tie. My hair was slicked back showing the mix of blacks and blondes down the length of my hair.

Yami smiled and said, "Excellent for wizard standards... As for everywhere else, positively insane."

I laughed and said, "F-Fine... I'll give you th-that one, but don't you have t-to dance with the Gr-Grey L-Lady?"

He gave a small chuckle and said, "True..."

Shiro walked through the walls and said, "Now if you girls are done chatting, the rest of the punks are waiting outside your dorm door."

I nodded and said, "Th-Thanks Shiro-ro."

He glared at me and said, "Take your potion before you go Motou. I don't want a stuttering idiot there the entire night."

Oh! I almost forgot!

I walked over and picked up the vile of liquid the Professor gave me earlier that day.

I quickly downed it letting it's effects take root in me.

I looked at the two spirits and said, "Let's get moving then."

I walked down the stairs and out of the common room to see all the guys outside waiting for us.

(By this I mean Siri, Harry, Ron, Joey, Tristen, Neville, Marik, Duke, and Ryou.)

They all wore dress robes in the more modern twist. All except Ron, who wore the dreadful maroon colored ancient dress robes.

Shiro burst out laughing when he saw Ron.

Ron groaned and said, "Aw come on! Some one please murder me now..."

Ryou looked at him and said, "But if you die now you don't get to dance with Fleur."

That picked up his mood quickly, while Tristen and Duke shared a glare.

Harry sighed and said, "Come on guys we have to get to the Great hall to meet the girls... Speaking of which, we'll you please tell us who you asked Sirius?"

Siri giggled and said, "No, it's staying a suprise, until we meet the girls."

Joey looked at us and said, "Well then let's get moving... As much as I hate to say it... We have a ball to attend."

"I take back what I said..." Joey stated as we met the girls in the lobby.

We were all awe struck by how beautiful the girls were although Hermione hadn't shown up yet.

Luna was dressed in a lovely shade of light purple wrapped like a Greek goddess toga, comparing to her platinum hair pulled in a braided bun.

Serenity was dressed in a light pink dress, like the Victorian age with black roses on the trim and woven into her hair.

Mai had wore darker purple cocktail dress with her curly blonde tresses pulled back in a ponytail.

Fleur was in a ball gown made up of peacock feathers, and fabrics of blue and green.

(Susan, Hannah, and Parvati wore their dresses from the movie)

Then there was the most stunning and surprising three...

First was Kissara and she had her long white hair was flowing outward while she dressed in a silver blue dress, glazed in glitter as it went down.

Then there was Tea... Who looked absolutely beautiful, in her emerald green ball gown, and her hair pulled up in a sophisticated bun.

But the most surprising of them all was Siri's date... Ariana Malfoy...

You could just she the look of shock on everyone's face when the young first year came out of the crowd of girls wearing a baby blue dress with layers of lace and white ribbons, while her light blonde hair was curled and tied up with a white bow.

Harry looked at his brother and said, "So that's why you didn't tell me..."

He nodded and said, "Yep... Ari didn't tell Malfoy either so... Watch out, alright?"

He nodded and the two first years, along with Tristen, Duke, Marik, Joey, Neville, Ryou, and their dates entered the hall, hand in hand.

I looked at Tea and said, "Y-You l-look be-beautiful to-tonight T-Tea..."

She looked concerned at me and said, "I'm flattered Yugi, but did you forget to take you potion tonight, you are really stuttering a lot."

Fleur laughed and said, "Do not worry Ms. Tea. He is just very nervous as you can tell by the blush grazing his cheeks."

I'm blushing...?

Tea giggled and said, "It's alright Yugi."

Kissara and Fleur approached towards us, along with Harry and Ron.

Kissara smiled and said, "Hello boys. Don't you look..."

She looked at Ron and his ugly robes.

She then gulped and said, "... Dashing."

Ron hung his head a bit embarrassed. Fleur walked up and said, "I don't know... I find the old traditional dress robes... quite stunning. They use them all the time in France."

Harry looked at the Kissara and said, "You look amazing..."

She smiled and said, "As do you Mr. Potter."

"Here you are Potter and Miss Fleur. Are you and Miss Lovegood and Mr. Weasley ready for the dance?" Professor McGonagall asked as she looked at the four.

Harry nodded and said, "Ready as we'll ever be Professor."

She nodded and said, "You have ten minutes before the Grand entrance."

As she left in a hurry I heard Tea whisper out, "She looks beautiful."

We all looked up the stairs to see Hermione dressed absolutely beautiful.

(Dressed like she was in the movie... I'm tired of describing dresses to you...)

She walked down the stairs towards the entrance approaching her date.

Viktor Krum.

He took her hand and they walk together linked at the elbow.

Tea looked at me and asked, "Is Hermione with Viktor Krum?!"

Ron shook his head and said with a growl, "No. Absolutely not."

We waved goodbye to the two parts of the golden trio and their dates as we entered the hall.

It was beautiful...

Ice, snow, and shades of winter that made me think we entered some sort of ice cavern.

I looked to see Professor Flitwick and a small orchestra setting up. Behind them was a band...

Tea bounced a bit and said, "That's the Weird Sisters! They're one of the best bands in Wizarding England!"

I heard the loud eruption of trumpets as the champions and their dates made their way to the floor.

They all got into position and the waltz began.

I don't see why Harry was complaining... He's not half bad a dancing.

Soon others began joining in, Dumbledore and McGonagall, Mr. Filch and his cat, Hagrid and Madame Maxime, Yami and the Grey Lady all took the first spots.

Then the students begin taking the floor starting with Neville and Serenity, followed by Ryou and Luna, Joey and Mai, then finally Siri and Ariana, which was rather funny to see Malfoy's jaw drop so low.

Tea looked at me and said, "Wanna dance?"

I gave a smile and asked, "D-Did you need to ask?"

Soon we too were swept away into the dance.

After about 30 minutes the orchestra stopped playing and the Weird Sisters took the stage. It went from the slow moving pace to a vibrant rock band, which everyone was having a blast.

Eventually we stepped out of the crowd and took a seat, next to Ron, Harry, Fleur, and Kissara, who looked equally exhausted.

Soon Malfoy stepped out and approached Harry. "Did you have any idea about..."

He shook his head and said, "Sirius refused to tell me who he was going with until we arrived."

He sighed and said, "The same with Ariana... Frankly I'm more pissed that she didn't tell me more than who she went with."

That surprised me... What he saying he was alright with Ari going here with Siri...?

He glared at Harry and said, "Just let your brother know if he breaks Ari's heart he'll have to deal with me."

With that Malfoy walked away.

Hermione stepped up and she asked, "What did Malfoy want?"

I replied, "To know if Harry knew about Siri and Ari going to the ball together."

Fleur laughed and said in her French accent, "It was rather obvious... Those two are as inseparable as glue. It's quite adorable."

Hermione fanned her self and said, "Hot isn't it? Viktor's gone to get drinks. Care to join us?"

Ron huffed and said, "No, we'd NOT care to join you and Viktor."

She glared at him and asked, "What's got your wand in a knot?"

He replied, "You're fraternizing with the enemy."

Oh, now I get it... Ron's jealous of Viktor... Which means he likes Hermione!

She glared at him and yelled, "The enemy?! Who was it wanting his autograph? And just look who you went with! Besides, the whole point of the tournament is international magical cooperation, to make friends."

Hermione walked off in a huff toward Viktor.

Fleur looked at the brooding red head and asked, "Are you going to ask me to dance? It is a lovely song."

Ron looked up a bit flushed and said, "Um... Yeah... Sorry Fleur... I just got a bit distracted... Hermione is like family to me and I don't want to see her get hurt..."

She laughed and said, "I understand... I was the same way when my sister... Tried to get a boy to get ask her out... He had to build up the courage with my wand pointed at his throat."

Ron sighed and said, "Yeah... Let's dance alright?"

The two stepped on to the dance floor once more.

Tea smiled and said, "So Ron likes Hermione? Never would have thought it..."

I nodded and said, "Y-You have to admit they are pretty go-good at hiding it from one another-r."

Kissara looked at the ball and said, "Looks like thing are coming to a close. Will you walk me to my commons Harry?"

He nodded and the two headed out the door.

Tea smiled and leaded her head on my shoulder. "Thanks for the wonderful night Yugi."

I flushed a bit more and said, "Uh... You're-re we-welcome T-Tea... I-I mean it the le-least I c-can..."

She placed a finger on my mouth and said with a smile, "Yugi... Shut up."

She placed a kiss on my cheek and said, "Good night Yugi. I'll see you tomorrow."

She walked away leaving me their blushing like an idiot.

Yami appeared next to me and said, "So Yugi how was the ball?"

I placed my hand on my cheek where she kissed and said, "The best night ever..."