Calling all Nothin But Trouble fans!

This story is a little different, and is somewhat going to be set up a little differently, but I would really appreciate it if you gave it a shot.

This is the first chapter of my new TMI story: "Destroying Hatred"

You will find a second chapter under the story's title if you would like to continue.

And, once again, thank you. :)


Tuesday, June 17, 2011.

The shots rang out through the night sky – two to be exact. He put one through the man's heart and the other through the head – right between the eyes.

He would never understand how people could pay – him – to kill people they were supposed to love… or at least "like." As if that wasn't bad enough, he would sometimes go to the funerals – though, not often due to a better chance of being caught – and watch as people pretended to be upset. He knew what really went on at home.

He almost snorted at the thought.

By this point, he was walking out of the jewelry store where his latest victim – the manager of said store – lay bleeding but already dead. He discarded the poncho he had worn for the crime in the alley next to the store. He took off the ski mask – that had covered his whole face entirely – and shoved it in his left boot. He took the plastic off his boots, ripped them into small pieces, and discarded the pieces as he walked. He had already shoved the gun into the small of his back.

At this point, he arrived at his motorcycle and he flung his longish, curly blonde hair back, put on his helmet, turned the key, and headed home.

It was just another night out of the office for Jace Herondale.

Chapter 1: It All Begins
A year later…

Jace Herondale looked at the label of "Restricted" on his ringing phone and scowled as he sat there with his adopted brother, Alec Lightwood, and sister, Isabelle Lightwood, playing a late night poker game.

"What's wrong?" Alec asked, not looking up from the table.

"Nothing, I…I have to take this." Jace said, and he exited the room, putting the phone up to his ear.


"Is this Jace Herondale?"

"That depends on who's asking." Jace replied defiantly.

The voice on the other end of the line chuckled, "I suppose that would be my answer. This is Detective Sebastian Verlac and before you hang up on me, I have an offer that I don't think you can refuse."

Quickly, Jace pressed the record call option on his menu and brought the phone back up to his ear, "Alright, talk, but I'm not the only one listening."

"Oh? And who else might be listening?"

"That depends on what you say, but I never talk to someone alone."

'Detective Verlac' chuckled again. "Very well, if that is how you like to play it, then fine. Meet me at the abandoned shack on Whitehouse Road in an hour."

And with that 'Detective Verlac' had hung up.

Jace stared blankly at the phone, but shoved it back in his pocket and sat back down with his siblings.

"Who was it?" Alec asked, again, not really looking at him.

Jace shrugged, "Some woman who went on and on about how I was apparently supposed to pick up her child from daycare yesterday and since I had been ten minutes late the daycare billed her extra, and I was a stupid bastard because of it…"

"Wrong number?" Isabelle looked up and quirked an eyebrow at him.

They must not have listened to his end of the conversation.

Jace smirked and nodded, deciding to let the smart-ass retort die on his lips.

Isabelle shrugged and went back to the game.

Once Alec gave away his hand, Jace threw his cards down in a fold.

"I fold."

"Jace! You can't fold!" Isabelle yelled in protest.

"Why not? I'm going to lose if I don't. Besides, I've got an errand to run. I'll be back later."

"An errand, huh?" Alec asked snidely, still not looking at him.

Jace spun on his heel from previously walking to the door, "Yes, an errand. You have anything else to say?"

Alec shook his head, and Jace walked out the door.

It would take him less than an hour to get to the shack, but he didn't care. He needed the time to think.

If it really was a Detective on the other line of that phone call, how the hell did they get his name and phone number?

What the hell were they saying, exactly?

And, most importantly, why the hell had he not just shown up on his doorstep ready to arrest?

Jace wasn't one to follow the news, but he knew he was labeled the 'Silent Killer' for his…err, profession.

He was good, he knew.

Nobody had been able to find him for years now.

He had more bodies to his name than even he could count.

But, he also had very good reasons for them.

Jace shrugged, having made it to the shack and looked around. He cautiously got out of his black Dodge Charger and looked around some more.

It was pitch black, being that it was close to eleven o'clock at night and the shack was in the middle of nowhere. As Detective Verlac had mentioned, it had been abandoned some time ago, and nobody had been in the area since.

Unsure of what to do now, he slowly walked up to the door of the shack, opened it lightly and peered in.

Someone was standing there, arms crossed over his chest, and smiling wickedly at him.

"I knew you would come." He said to Jace, as Jace stepped in.

Jace wasn't going to lie, his skin was absolutely crawling and Jace almost attacked him on the spot. Besides, frankly, the reason this guy had asked him to such a deserted place couldn't have been good to begin with.

"I'm Detective Sebastian Verlac." The man held out his hand for Jace to shake.

Jace eyed it warily before placing his own in it, and they lightly shook.

"You mind telling me how the hell you got my phone number?" Jace scowled, arms crossed over his chest. His leather jacket rustling was the only noise in the shack.

Sebastian chuckled, holding up a hand, "Now, now, patience. Why don't I start with how I got your name and why I needed it?"

Jace narrowed his eyes, but other than that, didn't move a muscle.

"Okay, okay. Let me put this simply. I know what you've done. I know that your first murder was here, seven years ago. And, better yet, I can prove it…them – all of them. But, I won't, and I'll tell you why…"

"You want to take advantages of my services." Jace growled.

Sebastian smiled, and once again, it sent chills down Jace's spine, "Precisely. Very good."


"My wife. I'm afraid she hasn't been acting like a wife should, and I'm tired of putting up with her shit. I want out, but I refuse to go through a divorce. The bitch doesn't deserve half of my shit."

"Okay. I don't think you really know how this works…"

"Oh, but I do. I brought you the recent picture, her schedule, and where and how I think it should go down."

Jace eyed him warily before taking the documents in question out of Sebastian's outstretched hand.

The first thing he laid eyes on was her picture.

She was beautiful, breathtaking. Jace had to swallow a lump in order to cover the breath that was caught in his throat.

He looked back up at Sebastian, who had recognition laced through his eyes.

"Ah, yes, I can see that you see in her what I once did. I swear, I married her for her looks and, trust me when I say, that's all she has to offer."

Jace nodded, slowly, and continued going through the documents.

He came across her schedule next.

She was taking classes at a local technical community college for art three days a week. For three other days a week, she worked as a secretary in a veterinary hospital. The last remaining day, she usually did "nothing" according to Sebastian's schedule.

Her work shifts were long – usually eight in the morning until five at night. Her classes were almost as long – eight in the morning until three in the afternoon.

Next, Jace came across Sebastian's scrappy handwriting of where and how he thought it should happen.

Jace's eyebrows furrowed as he read.

"I don't care what you do to her, or how you do it. Just make sure she and the deed never come back to me."

Jace's eyes met Sebastian's and he glared again.

Sebastian just shrugged. "I really don't care. This is what you get paid for, right? You figure this damn shit out. I don't have to. I want it done as soon as possible, and if it's not done in three months, I'm turning your ass in."

Jace shrugged as though he didn't care, and really, there was only one thing in all this he did care about. "So be it."

He knew that if he wouldn't do it, Sebastian would find someone who would.

He knew that if he wouldn't do it, Sebastian would turn his ass in, and then she would die anyway.

And his only regret was that he wouldn't be getting any money from this bastard.

They shook hands again and the deal was sealed.

Jace was being blackmailed to murder Clarissa "Clary" Verlac.