Dean sighed, dropping the book on the table and rubbing his face in his hands. He never knew de-aging spells were possible but according to two-year-old Castiel they were. Problem was figuring out how to reverse it.

Cas was still mostly Cas, just younger and speech-limited. Currently he sat on Dean's bed in an old t-shirt that absolutely swallowed him, watching cartoons. When he shrunk, a tiny pair of ebony wings, soft with down feathers, sprouted from his back. They'd flutter when the angel was startled, happy, or if he ran. Which apparently was the preferred method of getting around to Castiel.

Sam pulled back in to the motel from his shopping trip. He came in and dropped the bags on his bed. "Any luck with a reversal spell?"

"Nope," Dean stood and took a swig of beer, "How'd shopping go?"

Sam pulled out pairs of toddler jeans and khakis and a few shirts. "I thought you'd appreciate this one…" he handed one over with "Trust me, I'm a little angel" written across the front. Dean snickered, rifling through the others which included "Lady Killer" and "I know I'm cute" as well as a plain blue and green striped polo. Cas crawled to the end of Dean's bed and stretched an arm out.

"Hang on, hang on," Dean lifted him and tossed the tyke onto Sam's bed. He picked through the bags to find more boring things and threw them over. Cas picked through one to find a little plush bee; he squealed and cooed, hugging the bee close.

Sam laughed, "Hey, Cas look…" He reached under the plush and pulled the Velcro, turning the toy into a pillow. Cas smiled brightly, jumping to his pudgy feet and bouncing around. Both Winchesters laughed before Cas flopped onto his bottom. Dean snatched up a sippy cup and unscrewed the lid, finding milk to fill the plastic container with.

"Just so someone can't complain anymore…" Dean checked for a spill stopper then put the lid back on and handed it over. The cup changed from purple to blue where Cas handled it, which greatly amused him. He tossed himself down a cuddled the bee closer, sucking down the milk until he hiccupped.

Sam watched Dean smile at the miniature angel. He knew his brother was enjoying this more than he'd admit. Cas rolled on his side and stretched an arm out toward Dean.

"Mm…Deeee-ah!" Cas mumbled, milk dribbled down his chin. Dean stooped in front of him and the tot scooted closer, wrapping his arms and legs around the hunter, "Hold." Cas whined.

Both men snickered and Dean picked him up, settling the angel on his hip. "Happy?" Dean asked. He received a nod and a few flaps of tiny wings as Cas rested his head on Dean's collar. "You goin' to sleep on me?" Another, slower nod.

Sam snickered, "And now he'll never leave your side. Or, at least not without a fight."

"Shut up, Sammy…" Dean mumbled, "We gotta get to that job, anyway." The hunters began packing up, Dean readjusting the nearly-asleep toddler as necessary. Before leaving, Sam took the old t-shirt from Cas and Dean put a pull-up over his bottom. He pulled the first shirt over his head and a pair of khaki shorts made their way over the pull-up. "Kay, do you have to pee?" With a no, Dean took him to the bathroom, "Pee anyway," he turned away to give the child privacy.

The pair was out the door to meet Sam. The taller took Cas and plopped him in the carseat he just bought. Several minutes were wasted trying to figure out how to buckle the damn thing. "Whatever you do, do NOT unbuckle this. Or else." Sam threatened.

Dean sat in the driver's seat and smiled back at the two while Sam handed over the sippy cup and bee plush. They argued over using it as a pillow or a toy and the threat of tears from a sleepy angel won 'toy' as its purpose. Sam plunked into the passenger seat and sighed while Dean laughed, turned the car on and took off toward North Dakota.

They pulled into a motel parking lot; Dean lifted Cas out onto his feet and took the tyke's hand, allowing him to drag the hunter toward the doors to find a bathroom. Sam took care of getting a room while Dean watched the tot. They set up the room and Sam settled down to research what they already knew while Dean played Monster's Den with Castiel. It was hilarious to watch a grown man hide under a blanket and wait for the child to smack his head so he would pop out. Dean would quickly tickle his sides and retreat back under the blanket to repeat the cycle, leaving the giggling angel to recollect enough to attack again.

On about the 7th time of Dean popping through he snatched the angel and plopped him in his lap to tickle and raspberry him. Cas squealed and kicked, his tiny fists connecting with Dean's chest and arms.

"D-Dean-ah!" Cas yelped. Dean released the child and let him stand when he was tackled. Cas jumped on his chest rolled across him, "De-ee-ee-ean-ah!" Cas giggled, jumping on the man's ribcage with his bone-y butt.

Sam snickered where he sat, watching his brother get "beat up" by someone in training underwear.

"OK, OK!" Dean stopped the child, "Uncle, uncle," he laughed, "We need a new game…" he said as he rubbed his stomach.

They pulled up to a diner and came in, sitting down for breakfast the next morning. Cas sat in a booster seat with an activity sheet and crayons. He didn't understand the maze so was just coloring it purple. The waitress brought their plates over, cooing at Cas, who smiled bright and thanked her for the food. The three shoveled food in (some neater than others…) when Officer Jody Mills came in.

"Well look what the cat dragged in," she smiled. A double take later and, "Who's the kid?"

"His name's Cas. He's…an angel…" Sam explained. "He got hit with an age reversal spell - we think - so now he's two. Ish."

Cas tossed his head back and held up his coloring page for her to praise. The angel got a smile from her, which was good enough for him.

"So I guess you boys are here about the whole de-hearted, de-livered murder?" Jody asked.

"Yeah, possible werewolf but the liver part's confusing," Dean said, gnawing on his bacon strip.

"Maybe he was just extra hungry?"

The boys snickered, "We'll see…" they answered. Standing, Dean picked Cas up and Sam tossed down money for the meal. They followed Jody out and she led the way to the crime scene. Sam and Dean were dressed already for the FBI skit while Cas had his striped shirt and jeans. The light-up sneakers made their bit a little less serious and convincing but Castiel couldn't go around barefoot.

Sam spotted the vic's wife and went to question her about her husband while Dean and Cas looked at the body. Yeah that looked pretty funny; a toddler pointing out wrist scratches and looking expressionless as he stared into where the man's chest should've been. After freaking out the woman, Sam rejoined the other two, determining 'werewolf who got confused' was the most likely scenario.

"Alright we'll figure out who might be next and gank that sonofa bitch tonight." Dean said, readjusting the angel on his hip.

"One little problem," Sam started, pointing to Cas, "What're we doing with Clingy McToddlerpants?"

"We'll take 'im with us." Dean shrugged.

"Dean. He's two. We can't take him to go kill a werewolf." Sam chastised.

"I can take care of the little guy." Jody offered, catching the tail-end of their conversation.

"Really? Are you sure?" Sam asked.

"Yeah, sure. Taking care of a baby angel can't be much different than taking care of a kid." The boys took up her offer, saying they'd bring the now-sleeping tot over that evening.

The Impala pulled up to Jody's house and the Winchesters came up with angel in tow. Sam handed her a bag of necessities for the child and Dean handed over Cas.

"We'll be back as soon as possible," Sam said. Jody nodded, bouncing the two-year-old on her leg where she sat. Cas looked up at her then over at Dean before making grabby-hands for his hunter.

"You gotta stay here, bud. We'll be back soon, kay?" Dean ran his hand through Castiel's hair and lightly squeezed his palm with his thumb. Dean and Sam left right after, not wanting to see Cas' freak-out that Jody was oh-so naïve wouldn't happen.

"Welp, looks like it's just you and me." Jody said to the child, turning him to face her, "You hungry?" she asked, standing.

"D-Dean…" Cas mumbled, clutching her sleeve in his small fist.

"Dean'll be back after he and Sam get rid of the werewolf, sweetie." The woman rubbed the small of his back when large tears filled his eyes. Castiel's wings smacked as hard as they could against his back and her hand, signaling distress.

"I WANT DE-EE-AH!" he sobbed, slamming his head against Jody's chest. She quickly ran him to the living room, remembering that Dean said Cas liked cartoons. She turned on the TV and switched it to Spongebob, still trying to stop the tears.

"Look, look Cassie, cartoons," she said with a coo. Cas continued to cry, mumbling about Dean and Sam. Jody reached into his bag and pulled out the bee plush, "Here, here's your bee."

That seemed to somewhat calm him as he snatched the toy and buried his face in the fuzz, colliding against the woman's neck. "Dean-ah…" he hiccupped, "S-Sam…" Eventually the crying stopped long enough for the tear-soaked toddler to fall asleep in the police woman's lap with a yellow sponge laughing in the background.

The Impala purred to a stop about an hour later, waking Jody but luckily not the bundle beside her. Dean made his way inside, knocking on the door frame. Jody sat up, starling Castiel awake. The tot spotted Dean and jumped to his stubby legs, toddling over and stretching up. Dean smiled, lifting him swiftly up, "Hey, Cas." The angel grabbed at the hunter's cheek where a large scratch made its presence known.

"Uh oh…" Cas whispered.

Dean snickered, "It's OK, bud. Just a small cut." Cas smiled and hugged the man's neck. Dean looked to Jody, "How was he?"

"Well, he cried for a good twenty minutes until he fell asleep…after that he just now woke up." She explained.

Dean chuckled and nodded, "Yeah I kinda expected that…"

"So how'd it go getting the werewolf?"

Dean shifted feet, hiking his angel up on his side, "Well…it wasn't exactly a werewolf…it's a little worse than that…"

"What do you mean?"


Okay~! Chapter one done! What do you guys think so far? Enjoying the deaged!Cas instead of season 10? Didja need some fluff?

Next chapter will be interesting to say the least, feel free to try and guess what's gonna happen and who is kicking Sam's seat!

Review and let me know what you think so far!