Hey guys, I know that many of you have questions about the vampires in this story; I'll try to answer some now and others in chapters to come and as you read on. The vampires in this story are going to have traits and weaknesses from different vampire movies that you know. For example, they are weakened by;

Wild rose or vervain (vampire diaries)

Garlic and silver (true blood)

Sunlight (except with the use of rings, like that in vampire diaries) Much older vampires can withstand sunlight like the Dracula version of blade.

Holy water (van helsing)

Invader johnny, yes Tori does have amnesia but it's temporal.


Disclaimer –I don't own victorious



By the time she woke up, she was not in her room. She could tell that she was not in the hospital either, because the place didn't stink of medicines and other things, instead it was filled with coffee.

'What if the doctor had turned her to the authority?' She taught, shifting on the the bed with her eyes still shut close, tighter than ever. But the place wasn't noisy for a normal police cell, well except for the coffee. And the bed was too soft and not hard like those in a prison; not that she'd been in one to know if they had strong or soft beds, but those in the movies looked strong.

She clutched at the bed tightly, her eyes still shut close as she contemplated whether to open them or not. 'What if the doctor handed her to the public and they wanted her to have her last supper before they burned her alive for murder?' She cringed at the thought of an angry mob soaking her in gasoline and letting her watch her skin burn. With her eyes still closed, she continued to fill her thought with; what if... What if... But finally, she summoned up courage and slowly opened one of her eyes, slowly peaking through it to see where she was.

It was dark inside the room, but she could tell that it was midday, judging from the light that was heavily shielded by the thick red curtain. She finally opened her second eye to take a closer look at the entire room and found out it was no harm to her. She sat up, raising her hands up to her eyes to inspect it and found out her hands where not back to its tanned color. She looked all over her body and she was only in her dark jeans and bra with no shirt on. She looked all over until she found it laying on the other side of the room. Groaning slightly and stretching her sore back, She stood up, thinking her legs might be weak, but rather it was strong, stronger than it was when she woke up in the hospital. She walked over to where her shirt was, picked it up and wore it.

She was about to walk out of the room, to check out where she was before they decided to kill her. But after finding a mirror at the far end corner of of the room, she decided to inspect her body thoroughly before continuing her search for escape. She moved over to where the mirror was standing, slowly inspecting her face; Her eyes where back to its brown color, and when she opened her mouth, her canines where back in its normal height.

"how?" she asked herself surprised. The last time she checked, she looked evil. 'Or maybe it was a dream?' She thought, rubbing her palm on her temple, to ease herself. "Maybe it was all a dream." she said this time with a smile. If it is a dream it means she didn't kill anyone. She sighed in relief, just at the though of all this madness being a dream. But her new found happiness was soon snatched away from her, when she heard someone talking beneath her, downstairs. "its impossible, stop thinking you can hear things." shuttered to herself, backing away from the mirror and with one last look on the mirror, she saw her eyes flash red briefly. "No, no." she said, holding her head as she continued to move backwards.

It wasn't a dream, she killed someone and she can't take what she did back. And soon the burning in her throat was back, not as intense like she used to know, but it was there, which meant she was going to kill someone again.

"... She already killed someone, let's kill her before she's awake." she heard someone say. She didn't know which part of the room it came from, but she knew she wasn't going to let them kill her. Her eyes flashed red once more, coupled with waves of different types of emotions. It wasn't fear; like she wanted, it wasn't sadness, it wasn't pity. This time it was anger, it was rage; like she'd never felt before. The last wave of emotions she felt was to seek for justice and revenge for reasons unknown to her and lastly to protect; Something, somebody, somewhere, and somehow, it will be achieved. And suddenly she stopped fighting with herself, and stood up straight "I can't die, not yet." she said to herself.

How it happened, or how she reached where she was now, was a mystery to her. She didn't know how she ran out of the room that fast, but she knew she was holding something, someone by the neck. Her eyes where blood red once more, and this is time the monster she was harboring in her didn't let her black out on what she was about to do. This time, it let her be there, see it and control it. She opened her eyes to look at what she was holding, and it was a man, the one who wanted to kill her.

She raised him from the floor, her fingers still wrapped around his neck as she held him midair like she was holding a cup. She had strength beyond her wildest imagination and she wanted to be sad about it, she wanted to be afraid of it, she wanted to fear herself, but it never did happen. Instead it was the other way round because she wanted him to be afraid, to plead for mercy, to struggle and she was pretty satisfied because she began smell his fear as he struggled to get himself out of her grip, but the more he struggled, the harder she gripped and squeezed, while looking at him intently to see what he would come up with, but he couldn't do anything, instead he began to bore her. She was about to have her final squeeze, but something hard connected to the back of her head. She groaned in pain, dropping him on the floor as she fell on her knees.

"Step away from him." the lady who had possibly hit her said from where she stood behind the Latina.

"Aww!" she groaned when she found her voice, rubbing the spot that hurt, as her eyes turned to its brown color. "What did you do that for?!" she asked, removing her fingers from her neck to check if you there was blood. Seeing that there was nothing, she stood up to face the lady.

"You..." she said surprised after seeing the doctor. She had thought the woman had abandoned her was, but she was here.

"Yes me, now step away from him." the doctor said again, pointing a gun at her.

"Okay, okay." the Latina replied stepping away from the boy, as he coughed loudly trying to clear the his throat, possibly from the hold she once had on him. "You didn't have to hit me you know." the Latina said again when the doctor dropped the gun.

"You where going to kill him. You should be able happy that I didn't kill you first" the lady huffed moving closer to the boy.

"You guys where the ones who wanted to kill me first." the Latina defended.

"Oh that." the doctor replied nonchalantly. "Are you alright, Beck?" she asked looking at the man and he nodded still coughing.

"I'm thirsty, can I have something to drink?" the Latina asked again when her throat began to burn slightly.

"Yes." the doctor replied as the Latina walked into the kitchen.

"Is it me, or are you becoming weak?" the doctor asked Beck when the time Latina left.

"Hey, she caught me without notice." Beck defended sitting up. They where just talking and the next thing he knew, someone was squeezing the life out of him.

"Nah, I think you're just weak." she mocked helping him up. "Besides, she's a new born and she doesn't have that kind of strength yet." she said again.

"Well, she does have It." he replied, both of them turning to look at the Latina who drank the fifth Bottle of soda and still looked unsatisfied.

"She's thirsty, we need to get her something to drink before she goes on a killing spree." he whispered, as they continued to watch her. She drank the sixth Bottle and huffed angrily letting it drop on the floor, as she moved over to the curtain.

"Why is everywhere so dark? Don't you guys ever open the curtain–"

"–No, get back, stay away from the windows." the doctor interrupted in horror when the Latina was about to open n the curtain. As much as she loves to see vamps burn, she wasn't ready for this one yet.

"Why?" the Latina asked looking at them and then proceeded to open the curtain. She cringed a little bit from the intensity of the sun that seemed to be burning her into her skin, like she was literally set ablaze, but she became used to it in no time. "Its hot out here." she said turning to face them, "What?" she asked, when they continued to stare at her.

"How did you do that?" Beck asked unbelievably, as he watched the light from the sun come in contact with her skin and she didn't burn like she was supposed to instead she was perfectly normal, only for the light glow and Little smoke her skin was giving off. And she had no ring and she was only a new born.

Over the years, the more the vampires grew in number, they began to get terribly allergic to the sun. The more they reproduced, the more their children became allergic to different substances. Only elders; vampires who had lived from the very first time, where able to walk under the sun, without burning to ashes. This elders could withstand silver and garlic amongst other things. While the new age vampires are frightened from the thought of going near the sun or silver.

But the fear of sunlight was overcome by high ranked vampires who could afford to buy magical rings that could Shield them away from the sun but never from their other growing weaknesses.

"Do what?"

"Stand in sunlight?" the doctor answered, "You are not supposed to be able to do that."

"Haha..." she laughed like they where out of their mind, "...Everyone walks under the sun." she said folding her arms on her chest, "You made it sound like I was a... Um vampire or something." she said. A vampire? The word Rang in her head. 'No it can't be.' She thought again. 'No it can't be true.' but it was. She drained a person; sucked her blood, she had strength of no normal human being, she could hear sounds of things far away from her, she could smell out a persons fear, she could smell out the lightest of smell. She had elongated canines, she had red eyes... And the list could go on and on and on.

"Please tell me tell me I'm imagining things, tell me I'm not what I think I am." she pleaded with them.

"Afraid not, you're a vampire." the doctor said confirming her worst fears. And how she wished she could just go unconscious right now.




She moved from the window, walking towards the couch until she was lying down on it. She closed her eyes deep in thought, thinking about everything that had happened the past few weeks ; except she couldn't process what happened when she left work and how she ended up at the hospital. And when she opened her eyes, amazing blue Green eyes was staring at her. She had always liked the lady's eyes, but today, now, this time she saw the lady in a different light. Maybe because of how she had been waking up this past few days, did not let her see the beauty in front of her. But now she can see, and it was marvelous in her sight . Just her eyes alone was making the Latina float on cloud 9 maybe 10.

"Are you okay?" she heard the doctor ask.

"Yes, yes of course." she replied slightly flushed even though the evidence was not shown on her cheeks.

"I could've sworn you had this dreamy look on your face." the doctor, replied making the Latina smile.

"What happened?" she asked sitting up in embarrassment.

"You where deep in thought and we couldn't pull you out of it. And the Latina's spirit sunk when she remembered what got her thinking at first.

"So I'm a vampire now?" she asked the doctor.

"Yep." the Blue Green eyed beauty replied, "Beck, Andre, she's up." the doctor called out walking to the kitchen.

"Alright Jade." Andre replied. 'Jade.' the Latina thought, 'such a beautiful name.'

"You've a beautiful name." she complemented with a whisper, not even sure the doctor heard her.

"What?" Jade asked turning around to look at the latina

"I said you have a beautiful name." she said again more confidently this Time.

"Thanks." Jade smiled "My dad chose the name."

"I'm glad he chose that name, it takes over you." the Latina said again. "My name is Tori." she said, not sure if the doctor wanted to know her name, but she wanted to tell her anyway. And Jade smiled nodding her head.

"What's up guys." Andre greeted walking inside the room, the Latina studying him closely. He was tall, dark skinned and more built than Beck was. 'Maybe he's a vampire like me.' She thought further.

"Hey -dre." Jade replied, pouring herself a glass of orange juice.

"Hey." the latina waved.

"I've heard so much about you." Andre said to her and she was surprised.

"How come? You guys met me a day ago." Tori replied smiling.

"Well considering the fact that it took you a month to change into a vampire, it's pretty serious." the dark skinned boy replied, sitting on the couch next to her as they watched her whole expression change.

It had been a month since she was brought to the hospital, where the doctors believed that an animal could've attacked her, because of the bite marks on her neck. She had been unconscious since that night and woke up only a day ago.

"Wait did you just say a month?" she asked. 'It couldn't have been a month it was just a day ago when her car had developed a fault and she didn't know what happened but she woke up in the hospital a day after. How come its been a month' she thought.

"Yes, Jade said they brought you to the hospital a month ago." he answered her. She quickly stood up from the couch and began to pace mumbling to herself. 'it can't be a month.' she mumbled.

"Well it is, deal with it." Jade finally spoke up, like she was bored of the conversation.

"No, I've a life, school, a job, a house, a car. And it's been a month, I lost everything. " she snapped, eyes flashing red.

"Woah! Calm down..." Jade said when she saw the Latina's eyes. "You're overreacting, and you're hungry."

"I'm not overreacting and don't tell me to calm down." she said again still pacing.

"Well if it helps we can help you get your car back and maybe another apartment but not sure on the job or school." Andre cut in and immediately the latina stopped pacing and faced the boy.

"You can?"

"Yep Jade will help out." he replied and the doctor just let out a loud groan.

"Thank you." she sighed with relief

"When was the last time you fed?" Jade asked after a minute of silence.

"I haven't eaten anything–"

"I meant drink blood, when was the last time." the doctor interrupted again as the latina got sad again just remembering the nurse she killed.

"At the hospital."

"Follow me." Jade replied as she began to walk with Tori behind her.

"You have nice house." Tori spoke looking around, any and everywhere they passed through.

"Thanks, my dad built it." Jade answered

"What about your boyfriend? I didn't see him."

"My boyfriend?" the doctor asked, stopping to face the latina.

"You know, the brunette guy."

"Beck?" Jade asked laughing, as she continued to walk and Tori just nodded, "He is not my boyfriend, just a friend. Besides I'm not into men." she completed, refusing to say anything more, unknowingly putting a smile on the latina's face. They walked further down the dark path in silence, with Jade opening the door of the basement, before entering inside.

"What is this place?" Tori asked, looking around the empty room with only a standing rectangular steel box at the middle.

"We basement." Jade answered walking towards the box. By the time she opened it, it was filled with iv bags of blood that seemed to draw the latina in, bringing that burning feeling back in her throat.

"You store blood in your basement?" she asked, watching Jade pick out one bag from the box and walked back towards the latina, only stopping when she was close enough.

"Yes, now drink." she replied giving the bag to the latina, who immediately moved back.

"I can't take it, I don't want it." she said fighting the urge to collect and drink.

"Well you have to. Because if you don't, I'll have to kill when you go on a killing spree." Jade simply stated, still holding the bag forward for the brunette to take.

"But I don't want to be a vampire." Tori stated, still trying to fight her increasingly growing urge.

"To bad you're one already." she said, pushing the bag forward into Tori's hand, leaving her with no choice but to hold on to it.

''Why is it warm?" she asked feeling the warm liquid through the plastic.

"Because you'd prefer it that way, trust me." Jade answered, walking past Tori, "Meet me upstairs when you're done." Jade said, as she left the half latina in the room with the bag in her hands.

She knew she was thirsty, she knew that drinking water or soda or a beer couldn't help because she was tried it already. She didn't want to drink blood but she knew that she had to or she could kill innocent people and 'go on a killing spree' like Jade said. She watched vampire movies before and she knew that once they thirst blood they'll do anything to get more and they never got tired. 'Was she going to be like that?' she asked herself. What if after this, she began to kill? She already did it once and she didn't want to again.

But finally the urge to drink had won over her mind; poking a hole through the bag, she thought again; Maybe if she drank this one, it wouldn't be tasty as she expected and then she would hate it for the rest of her life. But she was wrong, very wrong; because the minute a drop of the red liquid entered her mouth, she didn't hate it, no. Rather she loved it. The taste of it was amazing, it was sweeter than anything she'd ever tasted. For all its worth, it sweeter than honey, sugar. And whatever it was, she knew she loved it. She knew she was addicted to it, it was like getting high. And she had to have more.

In less than a minute, she finished the blood she was holding, she wanted more; the more she drank, the more she had wanted it. So she had more. She quickly moved to the box and opened it, smiling like she just uncovered a lost treasure and quickly, she picked another.




By the time she was through, the thirst was gone and she was filled up. Part of her still wanted more even though she had drank to her fill; but she just turned it out completely. If she could control herself, then maybe she'll drink less blood and then later she might be like one of those vampire heroes in a movie or something. She followed the path she and jade used to come down to the basement back to the living room, where the doctor and Andre where having dinner; well only her because the guy just sat on the chair reading something from his book.

"That was fast." Jade said, not looking up from her plate as the latina walked towards the dinning area shrugging.

"Hey." she greeted pulling out a chair and sitting. Andre raised his head from the book, smiling and her replying back, while Jade nodded like her normal self. "Why aren't you eating?" Tori asked him.

"Because he's an alien." Jade answered for him as she stood up with her plate and walked to the kitchen.

"Because I'm like you." have a replied smiling and waving the doctor off.

"Is she always like this." she whispered, leaning forward to the dark skinned boy.

"Yup." Andre smiled.

"I heard that." Jade said from the kitchen making them laugh. "and if you're hungry Andre, there's blood in the basement."

"It's finished." The latina cut in, looking at the surprised Jade.

"What do you mean finished?"

"You know drank it all, it's finished–" she continued to talk but the doctor interrupted her.

"I know what you meant, how come you finished 50 bags of blood?!" she screamed to show that she was really mad.

She didn't even know she drank up to 50 bags, she just knew that after the first bag, she had wanted more and before she could count how many she took, she found out that the whole steel box was empty. But She wondered why the doctor was mad. 'I Thought vampire drank more than that' She wondered.

"I was thirsty." she replied a moment after, remembering that she was asked a question.

"You where supposed to drink three, or five, if you where that thirsty!"

"Sorry?" she apologized feeling bad, while jade just nodded in understanding.

"So who built this house for your dad?"

"Argh! You ask too much questions."Jade replied irritated.

"Well, I just woke up with people I don't know and they tell me I'm a vampire. So I think it's only fair to ask questions." Tori replied with a smile, "So if you're like us why do you eat?"

"Because I'm not cursed like you, my curse is quite different from yours." she simply said, while the latina got confused.

"does that mean I'm cursed?" Tori questioned.

"Well, technically you're." Andre answered.

"Well what is your curse, Jade?"

"Immortality, that's my curse." Jade answered, leaning her hip on the counter, to support her weight, getting ready to answer more questions Tori had.

"Does that mean you'd never get old?"

"Yep, exactly. That's my burden."

'If the doctor wasn't a vampire how come she knows about them? Because it took her twenty-two years of her life to find out about supernatural creatures' The latina thought.

"I know them because my father was one." she stated like she knew what the latina was thinking.

"Was?" Tori couldn't help but ask. 'Maybe Jade's dad found a way to be human again and maybe Jade, could help her, and tell her how her dad turned back to to human. So she could do it too' she thought.

"He died a month ago." Jade said, but this time her voice was low and filled with pain.

She had been at home when she got the call, she was cooking steak that was dipped in blood and nothing else, it was his favorite meal and it was for his birthday. Sure she cooked the meal a lot of times for him, but this time it was special because she wanted to show him how much she appreciated him for being there for her, to tell him that she was lucky to have a father like him; because she was sure nobody in the world could match the love their father had for the hem with hers. He had always cared for her, protected her and even though it was annoying; she loved the times he sang her to sleep, or followed her around when she had a date, or danced around goofily in the kitchen, when making soup for her because she was sick and he wanted to keep her happy and healthy. Or those time he sat and watched her all night long because she was having bad dreams, those time he had followed her to work because he didn't want anyone mistreating his daughter; not that she couldn't protect herself. But he did it anyway, because he thought she was needed him to, and yes she did need him.

Ever since her mother died, he was all she had left. He promised he would never leave, he'll always be there but it was a promise he couldn't keep; because he had left like he promised he wouldn't. She wanted to hate him for leaving her alone in this world, but she couldn't because he was taken away from her. It wasn't his choice to leave, it theirs and she promised she'd make them regret ever taking him away from her.

"Jade are you alright?" the latina asked as she and Andre watched a tear slide down the doctors cheek.

"Y-es, I'm f-ine." she stammered wiping the liquid of her cheeks.

"You don't look fine, you're not fine." Tori answered, walking towards the doctor. "Do you want to talk about it?" she asked once more, because she understood how Jade felt.

She would always know how it feels. She was only fifteen when she lost her sister and adoptive parents in a car crash. She loved her sister and adoptive parents like she did no other, not even her real parents. Sure she loved her parents at one point, but they never returned it. She and Trina where always left at home to take care of their selves, they did everything without their parents by their side. And a day came that they where told that their parents had died.

They where supposed to cry but not a single tear came out. She taught she was not going to know what it felt like to feel parental love, until the Vaga's adopted her and her sister. They had loved them like no other, gave them everything they needed, took care of them like no other, until the day that wicked crash took all of them away from her and she was left alone in the world with no one by her side.

"I don't want to talk about it, I'm fine." Jade said again as she walked out of the room. Leaving the latina with Andre.

"Is she going to be okay?" she asked concerned turning to face the dark skinned boy.

" Yeah, just give her a little time. She is always get that way whenever she remembers her dad." He replied.

"Okay." the latina replied still looking worried. A minute later Jade came back inside.

"You guys wanna go out?" she asked her voice husky to show that she had been crying.

" Sure." Andre replied.

"Where to?" Tori asked as Jade picked up her coat.

"You ask to much questions." she replied walking out of the house with the smiling latina and Andre behind her.

'And she's back' the latina thought.




Review please and I hope everyone liked the chapter :)