A/N: Sorry for the really short chapter. The next chapter will be longer I promise. Chapters should be released weekly unless something comes up

"Why are you crying?" The dragon asked.

"My…..parents…a…abandoned me and now…you're…..going to eat me" The girl cried, tears rapidly flowing down her cheeks.

"I would never hurt someone who has a pure soul as yours. I only go after darkness," The dragon stated softly, trying to calm down the girl.

"Then…what are you going…. to…to do to me?" The girl asked.

"How about I take you in and teach you magic" The dragon requested. The girl just nodded her head. She was still afraid of the dragon but since she really had no other option, she went with the dragon.

(Time skip: 5 years)

"Very good child, but you have yet to master the full extent of Dragon Knight Magic." The dragon stated, letting out a soft roar.

"May I ask what is Dragon Knight Magic is." The girl asked.

"Well my dear Faith, the magic is one that allows you to control and if mastered summon dragons to your side." The black winged Dragon stated.

"But wouldn't that drain my life essence?" Faith questioned the dragon.

"It would, but if you have a lot of magic power it would only drain that."

"I see master, so before I master Dragon Knight Magic, I need to focus on building up magic power."

"Don't call me master, I am your father."

Faith just laughed. The day was ending and the sun was setting over the horizon. Faith let out a small, cute yawn. The dragon let out a soft roar and walked into the cave. Faith followed him and once he had lain down, she snuggled into his scales like she always did. She was sound asleep in no time.

(Later that night)

"Faith wake up, I need to seal you away," The dragon stated as he shook Faith softly.

"What's going on?" She hastily asked.

"I don't have time to explain," he stated. He began to chant a spell.

He who will be king.

Please teach her what I could not.

Send her to the future.

So that she may bring about peace.

"No, please don't do it." Faith screamed, but it was no use. The magic circle was complete and Faith was put into a deep sleep. Her vision was black, with no dreams or images coming forth.