DISCLAIMER: I don't own Cross Ange, Dragon Ball Z, or Ghost Nappa. They're all owned by their respective manga artists/anime companies. Ghost Nappa is owned by TeamFourStar.

A/N: For those dissatisfied with the speed of the characters' relationship development in the first few chapters, I ask that you please give them a chance before deciding whether this is worth reading or not. The bonds of the relationships develop over the next few chapters, and it does get better...hopefully (lolz). The romance in this story is more like how it is in middle school: Becoming a couple first, then getting to know each other along the way. Reason? I'm just really excited to pair Ange together with Goku as soon as possible, and I don't want to waste so much time trying to build up their relationship before having them date. Intimate moments are beautiful to me, and I'd like to write them as soon as possible.

Chapter 1: Saiyan God Goku & Imprisoned Princess Ange (Goku x Ange)

The omnipotent Super Saiyan God known as Son Goku had been watching over Planet Earth from the Realm of the Gods for almost 4 billion years of its existence. As of today, though, he had decided that it was time for him to return to earth. The Saiyan God saw how the people who used Mana treated those labeled as "Normas" (who were unable to use Mana), and he was sick of it. When a certain princess was arrested on this day, it finally pushed him over the edge. Using Instant Transmission, Goku left the Realm Of The Gods to make a few changes while protecting said princess.

Princess Angelise Ikaruga Misurugi had just been dropped off on a strange island and taken inside of a prison for what was to be the rest of her life. Cuffed from the arms to the neck, she was brought inside before having her mugshot taken from the front, left, right and front again.

"Norma #1203-77 Angelise Ikaruga Misurugi. Born in the Empire of Misurugi. 16 years old," A woman by the name of Officer Emma Bronson stated as she looked over Angelise's mugshot and statistics. "You'll be enlisted here in Arzenal from now on. You will be required to fight as a soldier."

"What is this place? What's happening to me?" Angelise asked, obviously frightened.

Ignoring the princess's question, she resumed with her explanation of protocol, "As a 16 year old, you'll be educated-" Before she was able to finish, however, Angelise cut her off.

"My mother. What happened to my mother? Let me see her. Now, please!" Angelise pleaded with Officer Bronson, who then started walking towards her.

When Angelise asked what the woman was doing, she told the girl that she was taking all of her personal belongings. The princess had a bit of a fit when the woman tried to take her ring, though. Officer Bronson was about to respond when another woman stepped in, introducing herself as Officer Jill.

Taking the cuffs off, Officer Jill apologized for the rough behavior. When Angelise tried to tell Officer Jill that she wasn't a Norma, however, she got kicked in the stomach by the newcomer.

"My, my, I'm impressed. 16 years without using mana. Didn't you ever think that was a little strange? Not even once?" Officer Jill asked Angelise.

When the princess asked the woman what she was talking about, Officer Bronson spoke up, saying she heard that Angelise had a Mana-using maid.

"I see. 16 years of effort, all for nothing. It seems your mother died in vain," Officer Jill said to Angelise, causing her eyes to widen in shock before said officer took the ring away from her.

Angelise demanded for Officer Jill to give it back, only to be told that she'd have to take it back with her mana, which she wasn't able to produce.

Having now been stripped of all her personal belongings, Jill told Angelise that she had nothing anymore, meaning neither privileges as part of the royal family, nor any rights as a person.

Putting a knife up to the princess's throat, the woman said, "Welcome to hell."

She then used the knife to cut Angelise's dress open before ripping it off of her body. Next, she grabbed the princess and slammed her onto a metal table before getting right behind her.

"Officer Bronson, some assistance, please," Officer Jill ordered her assistant officer. When the woman in question asked why she had to be the one for this, her superior answered with a question of her own. "Don't you want to get the dirty work over with?"

Sighing, the assistant officer used her Mana to chain Angelise's hands to the table so that she couldn't resist. Then Officer Jill ripped the princess's panties off, exposing her completely.

When Angelise begged for mercy, Jill ignored the plea and told her to relax and that it would only be an examination.

Angelise once again pleaded for the woman to stop, this time using her title as a princess in a desperate gambit as tears threatened to leak from her eyes. Her attempt was only met with another undesirable response as the aforementioned woman attached a ball-and-chain to Angelise's feet.

"No, from now on, you're Ange," Officer Jill replied just before raping/fisting the girl.

"NOOOOO!" Ange screamed out at the top of her lungs as Jill violated her sacred area, leaving the poor princess gaping in shock and horror.

Ange's perfect body was now beaten up, her beautiful golden-blonde hair was disheveled, and tears streamed down from her beautiful ruby-red eyes as her tormentor made her cum.

Suddenly, both the newly dubbed Ange and Jill heard Officer Bronson let out a weak grunt, followed by the sound of a body hitting the floor.

Before she could even hope to react, Officer Jill suddenly fell to her knees as she felt her left arm being held in an unbelievably painful vice grip.

PLAY SONG: "Hero" by Skillet

"STOP THIS, RIGHT NOW!" A new voice roared at Officer Jill as she winced upon feeling her bones creaking under the strain.

When she looked up to see who it was, she gaped in shock at the sight of a man in the room with them. How had he gotten in without being detected?!

When she turned around to get a look at her captor, she was quite surprised by his appearance, to say the least. He had spiky black hair that seemed to defy gravity, and coal black eyes as well. He was wearing an orange gi over a dark blue undershirt, with the kanji for "Turtle" on the back. He also wore dark blue wristbands, a blue belt around his waist, and dark blue boots with a red border, as well as a thin, yellow outline.

"Who the Hell are you?!" Officer Jill yelled at the mysterious male in both anger and pain.

"My name is Goku, and I am a Saiyan...from Planet Earth," Was the reply that said Saiyan gave her.

'What the fuck is a Saiyan?!' Officer Jill wondered to herself in frustration before she heard Goku speak up again.

"YOU ALL ARE THE MONSTERS HERE! Nobody deserves to be treated the way that you treat these people! I've sat on the sidelines and watched this happen for far too long now! I'VE HAD ENOUGH!" Goku bellowed out in extreme anger, causing the ground to shake lightly as he released only a fraction of his crushing aura.

As a result, the princess snapped out of her funk.

He then started walking over towards a beaten, broken, and quivering Ange, who started screaming and begging for him to spare her. When the Saiyan God reached her side, she shut her eyes tightly and braced herself for death. Instead, though, she heard the sound of the chains on her wrists, along with the ball-and-chain on her feet, shattering. This was followed by the feeling of two strong, muscular arms catching her bridal-style, preventing her from falling to the ground as her legs gave out.

"Here, eat this," Ange's eyes suddenly shot wide open upon hearing the voice of Goku.

Before the princess could blush from the way she was being held, she felt a small bean being placed into her mouth. After chewing and swallowing it, she gasped, staring in shock and amazement as her wounds were healed in an instant. She also noticed that her stomach was miraculously full.

"There, all better," The Saiyan God said in a calm, caring voice.

"Wha-?" Ange's question was cut short when Goku interrupted her.

"Senzu Beans! Gotta love 'em!" The Saiyan God exclaimed cheerfully with his famous Son grin in place.

Suddenly, his expression changed to a mixture of kind, soft, caring, compassionate, and slightly sad.

"I'm sorry that you've suffered so much. You don't have to worry anymore, though. I'll protect you so that you never have to go through anything like this again. I promise."

Ange was at a loss for words upon hearing this and wondered why this man cared for her so much. Then again, she didn't really care about the reason at this point.

'This man...who is he?! How can someone be so pure-hearted? It's so...peaceful and relaxing. When I'm with him, I feel safe, as if everything's going to be okay,' She thought to herself as a feeling of warmth suddenly enveloped her entire being.

Then tears started streaming down her cheeks from the joy she felt for the first time in what seemed like an eternity to her.

"Who...are...you?" Ange managed to barely whisper out to the Saiyan God in amazement.

"Oh, my name's Goku!" He exclaimed cheerfully with his famous Son grin.

"Goku..." Ange whispered breathlessly.

Just then, the moment was interrupted when a voice suddenly started yelling at Goku, who was still holding the princess in his arms.

"DON'T FUCKING IGNORE ME, BASTARD!" Officer Jill roared at the Saiyan God before rushing forward and hitting him square in the nose with her fist.

"NO, GOKU!" Ange screamed out fearfully upon hearing the sounds of bones shattering.

Nothing could've prepare her for what happened next, though.

"Oww! My ears!" Goku yelped.

Before Ange could even begin to think of a reply or express her confusion at his reaction, screams of pain coming from Officer Jill pierced the air. When the woman's fist made contact with the Saiyan God's face, every bone in her right arm had shattered into tiny particles of dust. In addition to her broken arm, the right half of her collar bone had cracks in multiple areas.

"How?!" Ange gasped in shock.

Ange knew that a military officer shattering an arm from hitting someone in the face was unheard of. She couldn't help but wonder if the guy was made of steel. Goku just gave the princess a smirk before turning his attention back towards his opponent.

"I can't afford to leave these 'Normas', as you call them, in your care, so I'll be staying here for awhile to watch over everyone and keep them safe. I hope you don't mind, officer." Goku smirked as he said the last word mockingly, causing Jill to shake in rage.

"BASTARD! YOU DON'T SEEM TO KNOW YOUR PLACE, YOU LITTLE SHIT!" Officer Jill screamed at him before pulling out her large bowie knife and charging at him, intent on ending his life.

Goku sat Ange down quickly before getting back up to face his opponent again. Smirking once more as his opponent swung the knife at him, Goku extended his index finger and blocked it.

Both the jaws of the incarcerated princess and the military officer dropped all the way to the floor while their eyes bulged 4 inches out of their sockets in a comical fashion (like in "One Piece") upon seeing this impossible spectacle. No words could be formed to describe what they were feeling at that exact moment.

A few seconds later, however, Goku's opponent recovered from her shock and started swinging her knife rapidly at him. This only led to her having every attempted strike blocked by the Saiyan God's finger. When she broke off to catch her breath, Jill noticed there wasn't even a scratch on him.

'This can't be happening! No, no! I am Officer Jill, dammit! There is no way in hell that I am going to be beaten by this...freak!'

Just as Officer Jill started to swing her bowie knife at the Saiyan God again, though, everything went horribly, horribly wrong for her, as she suddenly found herself face-to-face with the most terrifying creature imaginable: GHOST NAPPA!

PLAY SONG: "Ghost Nappa" by TeamFourStar

"Hiya guys! I'm-" Ghost Nappa started to say as he popped into existence in front of the three, only to be cut off by the terrified, ear-splitting screams of Ange, Officer Jill, and Goku.

Their voices reverberated throughout the entire complex, surprising everyone on the island. The officer also involuntarily threw her knife straight up into the air where Goku also just happened to be. The Saiyan God caught the knife in mid-air and landed on his feet, only to hear a second shrill, ear-splitting scream being emitted from Officer Jill. This one was even more intense than the first.

It turned out that Goku had landed right behind her in a squatting position, his arms extending the blade upward and forward at a 45-degree angle. This also happened to be the exact location of Officer Jill's asshole. That's right, Ghost Nappa had just caused Goku to accidentally shove a bowie knife up his opponent's small, sensitive anus.

Officer Jill let out a weak, excruciatingly painful wheeze as she fell face-first onto the floor. Goku, Ange, and Ghost Nappa stared silently at the sight of a handle sticking out of the woman's ass for the next five minutes before one of them finally spoke up.

"So are either one of you going to pull that thing out of her?" The Saiyan Ghost asked Goku and Ange before getting affirmative nods from the two, though one of them was noticeably more worried about getting dirty than the other.

The princess and the Saiyan God grabbed hold of the handle, counted to three, and pulled the knife out of Officer Jill's anus. Five seconds later, a combination of shit and blood spewed out from her rectum like a sprinkler.

"Wow, she was full of shit!" Ghost Nappa commented, causing Goku and Ange to face-fault at the lame pun.

Both immediately recovered and stuck the bowie knife back inside Officer Jill's anus to stop it from leaking anymore than it already had.

"Now, I believe you were about to tell me where Ange will be staying," Goku said to the injured officer, who then wheezed out directions to Ange's cell.

When the Saiyan God then asked the woman if she had any problems with Ange and him sharing a room together, she shook her head in the negative just before passing out.

PLAY SONG: "Everytime We Touch" by Cascada

Meanwhile, Ange blushed at the thought of sharing a room with the man she wanted to kiss. 'Wait, when did I start feeling this way about him?'

She was then pulled out of her musings by Goku, who told her to follow him. Nodding, she did so until they reached and entered her cell.

She looked at the cold, colorless room before she started to remember her home, and how warm and welcome everything was. When she had finished daydreaming, she once again looked around the bland room she was in.

"I miss everyone. It's lonely in here...and I'm freezing," Ange muttered in a sad tone while wrapping her arms around herself.

As soon as she had said that, however, she suddenly felt a hand on her shoulder.

"Hey, it's okay. Don't worry, I'm here with you, right?" Goku said to the princess.

She turned around and saw the most heartwarming smile that she had ever seen before in her life.

'That's right...I'm not alone, because I have you,' Ange remembered, smiling at Goku as tears began welling up in her eyes from the amazing warmth that Goku always seemed to give off.

"Well, I'm going to bed. I'll see you tomorrow morning, alright? Goodnight, Ange!" Goku said with a smile full of joy and warmth.

As he started to walk past Princess Ange, she grabbed his arm with her hand. As soon as the Saiyan God turned around to see what the princess wanted, his eyes widened in shock when he suddenly felt a pair of soft, perfect lips gently pressing against his own. The lip-lock lasted for about 30 seconds before Ange slowly pulled away from the stunned Saiyan God.

"Angelise Ikaruga Misurugi," The princess said to Goku.

"What does that mean?" He asked in confusion.

"It's my name. Angelise Ikaruga Misurugi," She told him, rolling her eyes.

"Ange-what?" Goku asked, causing Ange to face-fault.

Regaining her composure, she told him to just call her Ange.

"Okay, Ange!" The Saiyan God replied cheerfully, getting her to smile as a blush crept across her face before gaining a serious look in her eyes again.

"Also, now that we're officially a couple, you had best not cheat on me, got it?!" Ange asked/demanded.

When Goku nodded his head in the affirmative, the exiled Misurugi Princess smiled up at him lovingly.

"Well, goodn-" Goku abruptly was cut off by Ange.

"G-Goku? C-Can we sleep in the same bed tonight? I'm really cold," Ange requested of the Saiyan God.

She nearly squealed out of happiness when he told her that he didn't see why not. With that, Goku and Ange both crawled into bed together and fell into a deep sleep in each other's arms.


Chapter 1 complete! Please leave a comment and tell me what you thought about this chapter. Until next time, peace out!