This is my second Winx Club story. This one is going to be a little different and for now is rated T, however it may be rated R in later chapters. I will still be updating frequently for my other story and I hope to receive the same support for this one, as I have the other.

Thank you.

I do not own the Winx Club

"That's it!"

Getting up I began banging on the wall. This was the third night since my new neighbor moved in and I had been woken up in the middle of the night every night. The first night I was woken up a little past three to the sound of arguing. There was a girl, who was clearly drunk screaming loudly about something until everything went quiet. After a few moments the quietness was broken with the girl being louder than before.

"Are you kidding me? Did you really just fall asleep on me?!"

After a loud slap and a yell from the guy I heard the sound of a door slam. It was finally quiet, but needless to say I didn't get any sleep.

The second night was pretty similar to the first night. I woke up a little after 3:30 this time to the sound of another argument. Apparently the girl fell asleep this time and when the guy went to wake her up, she yelled at him for breaking her sleep. I found it funny that they both had been complaining about sleep, when I was the one that should be complaining.

Tonight, however was something completely new. Today at 4:17 am, my new neighbor has decided to play the guitar.

"It's 4am! I'm trying to sleep!" I yelled banging on the wall. I wasn't the type to complain, and considering that I had never officially met my new neighbor I wanted to at least have a civilized conversation with him and then bring it to his attention that his nightly activities were destroying my sleep. There were only three units on the floor that I stayed on, and up until now I was the only one renting a unit on this floor. I have been staying in my comfy thirteenth floor condo for the past three years and I have grown to absolutely love it. The layout was spacious, yet intimate, with hardwood floors, large windows, and a large outdoor balcony big enough to comfortably hold a small gathering. In the building there was a gym, a vegetarian café, and an outdoor garden and park was located at the back of the building... I really love my condo, but this new neighbor was beginning to become a problem.

"Yeah yeah alright!" I heard my neighbor yell before I could hear him unplug his amp switching his guitar to acoustic. He started playing again, but I could hear it getting lower until I heard the sound of a door shutting. I guess he went into another room or something. Laying back into my bed I closed my eyes and tried to get back to sleep.


Looking at the time it was now 5:30 am and time for me to get up. Currently my company was undergoing a merger and being as I am a junior executive, I had been leaving out early and coming back late assisting my senior execs with various tasks. The merger was set to be complete in 2 weeks time and there was a company party to be held tomorrow night for the two companies to intermingle. Yawning I got up and headed grudgingly for the shower. I'm going to have to have a talk with my new neighbor. I thought to myself.

Walking into the office I looked around and sighed. Even though my boyfriend Brandon and I worked in the same office I still barely get to see him now a days. We had both been assigned to different projects and outside of work we had both been so busy. We made plans a few times, however typically I ended up having to cancel. Tomorrow would be different though. My boss promised me that I could have tomorrow off for all of my hard work and I decided that I would pop over to Brandon's house and surprise him. I would use Sunday to catch up on my sleep. Sitting before the mound of paperwork before me I took a deep breath before digging in.

I trudged home around 8pm. I had just pulled another thirteen hour shift and it showed. The only good thing is I somehow managed to finish all my work, so I can get tomorrow of as promised. He's going to be so surprised. I thought to myself. Arriving home I kicked off my heels, and threw my jacket and keys onto the chair. Walking into the bedroom I stripped down before flopping onto the bed falling asleep.





"What… the… HELL!"

Jumping out of bed I grabbed my house coat before stomping out of my condo. Walking down the hall I prepared to bang on the door when it suddenly opened. Standing in the doorway was a man with spikey magenta colored hair. Initially he looked shocked, but that was quickly replaced with a smirk as he crossed his arms.

"Sorry to disappoint you but he's not home. I'll tell him you stopped by." The man began walking away.

"How do you even know who I am?" I yelled out to him.

"I don't and I don't really care." He stated nonchalantly as he entered the elevator. What a jerk! Knocking on the door someone else answered, this time a carpenter. He gave me the same shocked look as he stared at me.

"Excuse me, but could I please talk to the owner." I stated getting straight to the point.

"I'm sorry but you just missed him." The man responding still staring at me. What exactly is he staring at? Looking down I realized that I had threw on my robe but hadn't bothered to tie it. Underneath it all I had on were my lace pink boy shorts and camisole. Quickly tying my coat I continued.

"Well do you know when he will be back? I was informed that you guys would be undergoing construction next week not this week. I live in the condo next to this one and this is very disruptive."

"I'm sorry mam, but we have our orders. We were told to start today, but we should be done by early afternoon if that helps. The owner isn't expected back until tomorrow night." I gave an exasperated sigh as I rolled my eyes.

"In that case please inform him that I stopped by and that I would like to speak with him." With this I turned around and left. I didn't leave my name, because I didn't like the way that guy was eyeing me. I'm the only other tenant on this floor so I would imagine that he could put two and two together. Going back to my place I decided to hop in the shower. I wasn't going to get any sleep under these conditions so I might as well head out.

Getting out the shower it was still early. I still hadn't got a costume for the party tonight and I needed to kill a few hours so I decided to do a little shopping. Brandon wasn't the earliest riser and I didn't want to ruin his sleep just because mine had got ruined. After getting a costume and a few other things I relaxed at the park for a bit before I went back to my house to grab my car. My condo was downtown and close to everything except Brandon's house. He commuted to work and lived closer to the suburbs. Throwing my bags in the backseat I went to Magix diner, Brandon's favorite breakfast spot. I got his favorite and continued on to his house.

Knocking on his door I anxiously waited for him to open it. After a couple of minutes he didn't answer so I decided to let myself in. Brandon had given me a key a while back, but I never actually used it. Turning the knob I slowly entered as quietly as I could. Since he didn't answer I figured that he was still sleep so I should just surprise him. I went into the kitchen, took his pancakes out of the box, stacked them on a plate and topped them off with blueberry syrup just the way that he likes. Going up the stairs I tiptoed excitedly hoping not to wake him up. Opening the bedroom door slowly I crept in to find Brandon still sleeping soundly under the covers just like I figured. Looking around his room I smirked. He always was a pig. There were clothes thrown everywhere. There were pants, socks, underwears, bras...


Giving Brandon his pancakes directly to his face he woke up.

"Whose bra is this?"