Hey guys! It's been a while, school started, work took over, and you know, the usual story. Well, Im back, because I had some inspiration that would not go away, and I have midterms to study for but am writing this instead! I probably won't update super regularly, but I do promise to at least update it more than once a year. I recycled a name from my other story, because I love the name!

That season 5 premiere was awesome wasn't it?

Anyway, I do not own any characters or places mentioned but those of my own creation.

Chapter 1: 25 Years Previous

Daryl hadn't ever been so nervous in his entire life. It wasn't even his kid that was being born. But Merle had flaked out, and was nowhere to be found and the mother of his child was in a panic attack. Daryl guessed it was more from withdrawals and the fact that labor hurt like a bitch.

The hospital waiting room was fairly empty, only a couple other people milled about. This was the maternity ward, so they were probably waitin for whomever they were there for to have a kid too.

Shit. He was nervous. Where was Merle? Merle, the god damn sonofabitch whom had probably passed out on some couch after shootin up, not even knowing his own kid was about to be born.

The doctors had been nervous when Daryl had arrived at the hospital, and when they heard he was looking for Karen, the girl that Merle had knocked up, they had immediately made him take a drug test. he knew what for. Karen hadn't been able to stay clean her entire pregnancy, and Merle definitely hadn't. The only reason that Karen had even gone into labor this early was because she had nearly OD'd. The baby would be two months premature if it was alive. The doctors wanted him drug tested to see if they would have a family member that was capable of caring for a new born, one that would probably have some issues. Of course the test came back clean, Daryl never touched anything but alcohol, and that only on rare occasions.

Daryl knew it was a real possibility that he might end up the child's legal guardian, but he wasn't ready for a kid. He was only 18 years old. He couch surfed most of the time, so he never had a stable roof over his head, and most times when he got a good stable job Merle screwed it up for him by showing up at work high and looking for money for another fix. The kid would probably need constant medical care, and that would cost money. Money, Daryl didn't have. But the kid was a Dixon, Dixons didn't abandon other Dixons.

Daryl had been so lost in thought that he didn't even see the nurse come in.

"Mr. Dixon? Would you like to come meet your niece?" Niece? So it was a girl? Karen hadn't had enough money for one of those fancy tests that tells you whether or not the baby is a boy or a girl.

Daryl followed the lady around the halls, and when they arrived at the room, the nurse knocked. A police officer opened the door, and escorted him inside.

Karen was handcuffed to the hospital bed. Both arms were. She must have tried to hit the officer when she was read her rights. She was out cold at the moment, with a sheen of sweat, most likely from just giving birth, and pale, probably from the withdrawals.

Across the room from Karen was a nurse, who was holding a little pink bundle. She handed him the baby and left the room.

Daryl hadn't ever held a kid. Was he holding her right? He decided it was probably best to just sit down, and figure it out from there.

Studying the kids Face he determined, that Merle had created one hell of a looker. On top of her head was a wispy mop of dark auburn hair, which he thought was odd as he thought all newborns typically were bald. She gave a little yawn and opened her eyes, which were a grayish blue. Just like his. Figures Merles kid would look like Daryl instead. Whom would want to look like Ugly Merle?

Daryl just sat there looking at her for what seemed like hours. This kid needed to have a good life, and he would be damned if he couldn't provide it.

The doctor joined them a while later, closing the door behind them. Karen was still asleep, and the Police Officer had yet to say a word.

"Evening Mr. Dixon. I'm Dr. Jenkins. Now am I correct in saying you are the brother of the father?"

"Yes sir."
"We made you take a drug test upon arrival, seeing as the case involved an addict who would be transferred to the women's jail after the birth. Your test was negative correct?"

"Yes sir. I ain't never touched that stuff."

"Good for you. Now, may I ask as to the whereabouts of your Brother?"

"I don't know sir. I called him, but..."

"I see. Is the father in the same state as the mother?"


"What about your Parents? You may be the next of kin able to be granted guardian ship of the child, but and 18 year old, without a job or roof over his head isn't the kind of guardian the state would like to give the child to."

"Dead. They wouldn't have been able to anyway."

"I see. Well Mr. Dixon, I shall leave you with the child, though we will be needing to take her for some tests soon."

"Okay. Thank you." Daryl said, then immediately turned his attention back to the kid.

She needed a name. She had been in this world a couple hours now, and didn't have a name. Her last name would be Dixon of course. But she needed her own name. But he was drawing a blank. The nurse came in a short time later, with a bottle, and one of those blanket things that people throw over their shoulders for when the babies puke on them. She offered to feed her, obviously Karen couldn't breast feed her, having heroin in her system, but Daryl could bottle feed her. He let the nurse show him, and soon, the baby was drinking away. Afterwards the nurse showed him how to burp her, and soon despite the shoulder blanket, he stunk of baby vomit. He didn't care though. His next 18 years would be bottles, baby vomit, and blankets, and better to learn now then later.

Karen woke up a little while later when the baby was sleeping. The police officer, with the help of the nurse got her into the wheelchair then she was wheeled out of the room. Probably to the jail. Daryl never saw her again. She didn't even look at the baby. Didn't even ask to hold her.

It was shortly after this that the doctor returned and motioned for Daryl to follow him. He was led around a corridor and through a couple of key card locked doors that led to what looked like a bunch of testing rooms. A nurse took the baby and Daryl was led to a waiting room.

A name. She needed a name. But what to name her? She would need to have a name before he took her home. He needed to find a home. He supposed he could take her back to his parents old house, it would need cleaning, and a repainting, and new... everything. But he didn't have that much money. He supposed he could take out a loan, to get everything in order. The baby needed stuff too. Soon. But he couldn't leave her here alone. The nurse. He peeked his head out of the corridor, and motioned to her.

"Can I help you Mr. Dixon?"

"Is it okay if I leave her here for a little while? I need to go pick up some baby stuff. Like.. food, toys, one of those carrier things."

"Well, we have to keep her overnight anyway, so I suppose so."


And with that Daryl left. To the baby store he had seen on his way there. He was completely lost in the store. Does a baby really need all this stuff? He only had $50 in his pocket. A couple hundred to his name, and the price on most of this stuff wasn't cheap. What the hell was he doing? He couldn't care for a baby, even if she was completely healthy, which was a slim chance. She would be growing up in circumstances similar to his, and he wouldn't allow that. He couldn't. But he still wanted to be in her life. But how? The state would have to take her, and she would probably be adopted. Her new parents wouldn't want her raggedy old uncle to be a bad influence. But... She needed a good life.

He had somehow wandered into an isle filled with stuffed animals. There were animals of all different colors. Some were bright pink, others were rainbow. Some just looked odd. One however, caught his eye, it was a plain little puppy. Small, and unassuming. Brown and white, with a red tongue sticking out. Small, basic, plain. But it would be enough. He grabbed that, and wandered through the store until he found the blanket isle. He ran into the same problem in that isle, everything was a multitude of bright colors. But he knew what he was looking for this time. And he found it. A plain, simple dark blue blanket that was sturdy, and wouldn't fall apart too easily.

That was all he bought at the store. No food, or carriers. Just the dog and the blanket. Because what child growing up doesn't have their special stuffed animal or safety blanket? He himself may never be able to give her a life, but maybe he can give her the things that will protect her through her childhood. The things that will save her from her nightmares.

Daryl arrived back at the hospital, and found his way to the nursery. The baby girl was sleeping in one of the little clear baby beds. She really needed a name. He would give her that much. But what?

"Welcome back Mr. Dixon. Would you like me to bring her out for you?"

"Nah, let her sleep. What did the tests say?"

"Well, her sight is good, hearing is good, her blood is good, no trace of the drugs her mother was using."

"Will she be... slow?"

"We did a few tests but they are still being analyzed. But she seems completely healthy, and her digestive track is working like it should. As is her respiratory system."

"Good. Good."

"Her heart is working exactly as it should as well. So she won't have to have any surgeries. Most babies born to addicted mothers have developmental issues with certain organs, but she seems okay, even for being premature. She was nearly the size and weight of a normal baby."

"Good. That's a relief." She hadn't seemed like a normal baby when he had held her, she seemed tiny. Small. Breakable.

"It will probably be a while before the tests come back, do you need me to show you to waiting room?"

"Nah, I wanna stay here for a little while longer."

"Alright Mr. Dixon" The nurse turned to leave.

"Wait... what's your name? Like your first name?"

"Charlotte. Why?"

"I can't figure out what to name her. Charlotte is a good name. She should be named after someone who took care of her like they were her own."

"It's my job to take care of premature babies Mr. Dixon."

"Still, she could have had no one to take care of her at all."

A little while later the Birth Certificate was signed.

Her name was Charlotte Sandra Dixon. Sandra after Daryl's mother.

Merle and Karen was listed as the biological parents, but neither were given guardianship. Daryl signed off on her name, but the state was given guardianship. Daryl held her only once more before she was taken away. He kissed her head as she cooed, reaching up to him with tiny fingers, and it nearly made him cry and change his mind about letting her go. But she needed to. She would be adopted, and be given a better life than what he could give her. He walked out of that hospital, determined to find a way to give himself a better life, so that if he ever had a child, it wouldn't have to be taken away to have a better life, because next time he would be able to give it to it.

Thanks for reading the first chapter!

Let me know what you think!

This story is not Beta'd because I don't trust anyone after last time.