Disclaimer: I do not own Avatar the Last Airbender.

Oocness is to be expected.

A silver cadillac pulled into the parking space seconds before Katara did.

Pulling to a quick stop, she laid her hand hard on the horn. Her brother let out a cry of protest.

Everyone in the silver car minus the two people in the front jumped. Through the other car's mirror she saw the driver smirk.

Katara gritted her teeth. She did not want to deal with this on the first day of school.

"Come on Katara let's just find another parking spot." Her brother Sokka said. Usually Sokka would go out there and pound the crap out of the driver. But ever since Yue, he had been passive. Something their friend Aang helped him with.

Katara sighed. She unbuckled her seatbelt and opened the car door, slamming it in her brother's face.

"Katara wait... Where are you going? Katara! Get back here." Ignoring her brother she made her way to the other car.

This was her parking spot she found it first. She was already late for school, she was not going to spend the rest of her time trying to find a parking space.

Realizing that there was going to be an angry confrontation, the four people in the car got out.

There were two girls in the back. One of them who was wearing a pink belly shirt and pink skirt flipped out of the car. She landed on the side walk. Her long braid fell in front of her face. The girl pushed it out of the way.

The other girl, who must have not been as flexible, climbed out of the back without using a door. She was wearing mostly black. But she had red skinny jeans and brown low cut boots.

Her black hair was dead straight and down around her shoulders. Her bangs were cut straight across her forehead.

The girl stared at Katara almost daring her to take another step. Katara wasn't going wuss out. They started it and Katara was going to get her parking spot.

Katara didn't even notice the third girl getting out of the car until she heard the clip clop of the girl's boots on the pavement.

She never thought there would be this many types of clothes in just one group. Katara's head was starting to swim with all the different fashion terms she remembered from a long time ago.

The girl's clothes were definitely designer. She was wearing a black skirt that reached mid thigh and a long red sleeve shirt. Her long black hair was carefully styled and was in a ponytail.

Katara started to feel self conscious of her ratty sweatshirt and worn out jeans.

The girl started clip clopping over to Katara. The girl's gold eyes were raging pure fury like she couldn't believe she had to put up with the likes of Katara.

"I'll take care of this Azula." The driver put a hand on the girl's shoulder. Azula took a step back and went to wait with her friends. But not before giving him a death glare.

He was wearing a leather jacket and peaking out from under that was a dark red hoody. Pristine black jeans were tucked into scuffed up combat boots. His whole outfit screamed 'I'm rich but I don't give a dam.'

The driver took off his sunglasses and threw them in the car. His shaggy black hair fell into his golden eyes. The same color as the girls he told to basically 'back off'. That color, Katara had never seen before. It was almost unnatural.

But the look in his eyes was not what made Katara want to take a step back. Around his left eye was an angry red-pink scar. It reached about halfway down his cheek and she assumed pretty high up on his forehead.

His ear was probably damaged too, Katara thought. She knew that he knew that she was looking at the scar. Something told her there was a reason he kept his hair long enough to get in the way of his eyes.

He took out headphones from his ears. His gold eyes meet her blue ones.

While his eyes were warm and held comfort to an extent. Azula's were cold and calculating. Katara could tell they were siblings. But by the distance they put between each other, they were not close like her and Sokka.

His piercing gaze never left her, as he walked towards Katara. It was like he was calculating her weaknesses, and taking an assessment to see if she was worth the aggravation she was probably going to put him through.

She felt blush rising in her cheeks at the close proximity.

Get a hold of yourself, Katara thought. He stole your parking spot, you are mad at him.

"What the hell were you thinking? That spot was ours. We were here first." Katara got right up in his face, and poked his chest.

He had the decency to smirk. He lowered himself to her height. "It doesn't matter who got there first, it's who gets there last." He brushed past her, purposely bumping into her shoulder. He reached into the car and pulled out his backpack.

Slinging it over his shoulder, he mock saluted her.

Katara watched him meet up with his comrades and head into the school. She really wanted to give him the bird but it was too late now. With his back turned he wouldn't be able to see it.

She turned back around and almost ran into Sokka. "Gahaa... What are you doing out here?"

"I was going to protect my baby sister if the scumbag decided to do anything." Sokka cracked his knuckles and crossed his arms over his chest.

Katara had to smile at her big brother's protectiveness. She slung her arm over his shoulder as they started to walk back to the car. "We should find another parking spot."

Finding the school's office was a nightmare. Katara held onto her brother's backpack so they wouldn't be separated by the crowd.

This was one of the reasons Katara hated changing schools. It didn't help matters that she was technically supposed to be a junior this year but since she skipped that grade, this made her a senior.

She was a fifteen almost sixteen year old going to be in a sea of seventeen almost eighteen year olds. It was a scary place.

If all seniors were like the douche and his posse, she was not going to be able to survive this year. Luckily her brother was (hopefully) going to be in all her classes. Her friends Aang and Toph were starting their freshman year at this school too. But Katara had yet to see them.

After elbowing their way through a group of freshman, they reached the office.

It only took them a minute to look over their schedules. It took Katara another 30 seconds to realize she and her brother had no classes together.

Feeling disappointed, she bid her brother a farewell. Katara made her way to locker 231 and her first class. Math. Her least favorite subject.

Finally finding the room a good five minutes after the warning bell, she opened the door and made her way to the teacher.

Katara could feel everyone watching her. She tried not to feel embarrassed by her messy hair and second hand clothes. She heard the whispers but tried to ignore them.

She went over to the teacher. The teacher was a woman that had terrible fashion sense.

Leopard print high heels, a plaid skirt and a white, gray striped shirt. Even Katara knew you never mixed plaids with stripes.

Feeling all eyes on her, Katara quickly explained to the teacher that she was new.

The teacher nodded. "You can sit next to Zuko in the third row." The teacher pointed to a boy with shaggy black hair, a scar and golden eyes.


First time writing for this fandom. Hope I didn't screw up anything to badly. But yes there is alot of occness. I wanted to write them like this.

Tell me what you think in a review:)