AN: Alright, this is the end, ladies. I know it's been like a bajillion years, but I pretty much stopped writing, and couldn't make myself start again. Anyway, it's been a super fun journey, and a great introduction into swanqueen fanfiction. Enjoy!
My nose scrunched as sunlight irritated my eyelids and forced me to abandon my belief that I could continue to sleep. Stretching and glaring out the window, I determined that the sun was higher than expected and thus later than I thought. Cool and empty sheets met my hand on its downward sweep. Rolling out of bed, I grumbled as my feet fumbled for stability. After a valiant struggle, I managed to shed my night gown and pull on pants and a shirt. My bare feet trudged along the wooden floor, leading into the main area of the cottage. I continued fastening the buttons on my shirt as I surveyed the room.
Slightly annoyed and surprised to find the space empty, I retrieved the boiling kettle from the stove and made a cup of tea. Following a hunch, I took my steaming cup outside and squinted into the sunlight. The air seemed unseasonably warm and held the faint scent of wildflowers. A flock of small birds gathered in the grass ahead of me, squawking their contentment at finding the food they sought. Smiling at the entirety of the scene, I sipped my tea, and immediately cursed the scalding liquid.
Just at the edge of the forest, across a blooming field, I could recognize the shape of a horse and rider. Despite my scorched tongue, I grinned at the approaching figures. It had been five years since Regina found me, and my infatuation with the princess increased every day. A priest from Jefferson's kingdom agreed to marry us about four years prior. Then, about a year after that, a good friend, who worked in the castle, gave birth to a little girl. Unfortunately, Mal died six months later from a horrible strain of influenza. Before she died, she begged Regina and I to take in Lily. The father of the child had been a visiting duke uninterested in acknowledging the child of a sloppy affair. So, with no one else to care for her, we accepted. That event led to this moment, three years later, a horse getting close enough for me to see the second rider. Our daughter was nestled in front of my wife in the saddle.
Sunlight framed Regina's figure, making her shimmer. Beaming smiles decorated the pair's faces as they noticed my presence. The trio came to a stop several feet from me. After a tentative sip, I placed my teacup down on a stump and crossed the minor distance to my family. "Hi, mama!"
A warm smile stretched my sleepy mouth, "Hi, baby. How was your ride with your mother?"
"Very fun. We saw squirrels and foxes and birds and butterflies and stinky flowers and a tiger and Tansy almost pooped on mommy."
Arching a brow, I asked the obvious question, "You saw a tiger?"
Lily shrugged, "Mommy say it not a tiger. But, I think it was! It was huge!"
As I chuckled at her enthusiastically spread arms demonstrating the size, Regina ruffled her hair, then addressed me. "Good morning, I'm happy to see you made it out of bed."
The husky, teasing voice of the brunette trickled a warm tingle down my spine. I stuck my tongue out at her, "Well, it is not my fault someone kept me up last night with all kinds of needs."
Regina furrowed her brow, eyes sparkling, "Lily, honey, did you keep your mama up last night?"
Lily frowned, somehow looking identical to Regina, "No, mommy...I was sleepin'."
The little girl with dark chocolate ringlets and amber eyes slid off the horse into my waiting arms. Without looking at Regina, I mumbled, "Lily was not who I was talking about." The second the girl was fully in my grasp, I blew a loud raspberry on her cheek. Tiny giggles met my ears and melted my insides.
"Mama, you're slobbing on my face!" Lily wiped her cheek dramatically, then gave me a quizzical scan. Her small hands dropped onto my head and pressed, "Your hair is all messy."
A snort came from my wife as she jumped to the ground, and I shot a pointed look toward her. "Yes, well, that is also your mother's fault."
Regina laughed as she caught my glare, twinkling eyes and glowing smile exposing her unapologetic pride at being the pleasurable cause of my unkempt appearance. Lily glanced between the two of us, narrowing her eyes, "Why you mess up mama's hair?"
I chuckled as Regina appeared to contemplate her answer, finally she simply shrugged and slipped her arm around my waist, hugging us close, "I just love her so much, I had to start a tickle fight that ended up lasting all night." When I turned to respond, she covered my lips with hers in a hard kiss, causing Lily to squeal and slap a hand over her eyes.
When our kiss continued despite her protests, Lily sighed and began squirming in my arms, "Mama let me down. Too much kissing." We broke apart, slightly breathless and grinning. Without hesitation or words, we turned and began peppering the little girl's face with quick, adoring kisses. "No! No more kisses!" Her attempt to get us to stop lost effectiveness as she giggled hysterically into our attack.
We relented enough to let the girl breathe, "I see you chose to take Tansy on your ride, did she behave?" I cast a side-long, suspicious glance at my horse.
Regina smiled and placed another lingering kiss under my jaw, "Of course, she likes Lily."
As if it prove my point, I felt a tug on my hair and turned to find Tansy chewing on a chunk of blonde. "Tansy! Why are you so mean to me?" I tugged my hair free and pushed gently at her nose.
Lily laughed, "She just loves you lots."
Regina helped Lily out of my arms so I could inspect my hair, "She's right, Tansy loves you the most. She's just a bit ornery with how she shows it. She even hates to share you, that's why she's actually mean to me."
"Well, that's not going to change, so I guess that's just something she'll have to live with." As I leant into my wife, a sharp pull at my shirt forced me to stumble backward. "Are you serious?" When I forcefully whirled around to glare at my golden horse, she hopped away several yards, then stood stone still to stare at me. "You are not as funny as you think you are." When all I received as a response was a snort, I turned back around. "Now, I'm going to try that again." Regina chuckled and nodded, meeting me halfway in a sweet kiss, our arms winding around each other. "Much better." I mumbled against her lips, resting my forehead against hers. As we swayed for a few moments, a large, blonde horse head squeezed in between our chests, nuzzling us until we separated more. Loud laughter came from the brunette princess and the tiny brunette, eventually causing me to give in and wrap my arms around Tansy's neck. "Fine. I love you the most, too." Tansy let out a low whine, then backed up and headed toward the stables.
"See? She just wanted some acknowledgment." Regina smiled.
"I give her plenty." I grumbled as I picked up my tea again.
"Hey, Mama, who's that?" Lily pointed down the pathway, prompting Regina and I to turn around.
Shielding my eyes from the sun, I squinted, attempting to recognize the form approaching us. "I'm not sure Lil. But, why don't you go with your mother inside, and I'll find out who it is."
"I'm not leaving you out here alone. Lily, please, g-" Regina bent down to speak with Lily.
"No, it's okay. It's Daniel." I interrupted with relief.
The black steed and rider stopped several yards away and he dismounted, "Hello, your highnesses."
Grinning, I called back, "I told you not to call me that, Stable Boy."
"I like it." Regina remarked as she rushed toward our visitor and nearly dove into his waiting embrace. "Welcome, old friend."
"Hi. It's been far too long." Daniel squeezed her for another moment before letting go and turning to me. "Emma, you're looking well. Not as well as me, but suitable."
Smirking, I kissed his cheek, "Thank you for that heartfelt sentiment. And, how are you?"
Daniel scooped up a beaming Lily, "I'm doing very well. Hello, there young Lily. You've grown considerably in the last year."
She giggled and pat his cheeks, "Yes, I did."
After putting her back on the ground, he turned to us as Lily went to greet his horse, "Unfortunately, I do not have a great amount of time to stay. I have a lovely young fiancee waiting on my return, and quite a bit of business to complete at the castle. I do, however, have an important message from Marco."
Regina held up her hand, "That can wait for a few are engaged? To whom?"
Daniel smiled widely, "A fishermen's daughter, that I met at market. Her name is Ariel, and she is kind, and warm, and light-hearted, and brave. She's wonderful."
Regina and I exchanged amused grins, before she responded to him, "That is lovely to hear, Daniel. I'm completely thrilled for you. I wish we could attend the wedding."
I cringed at the sadness in her voice, and regret saturating her tone. There were no words for me to offer that would ease that particular disappointment. However, before I could attempt to assuage her upset, Daniel responded, "Well, your highness, you might be able to." When Regina and I simply rose our eyebrows, waiting for an explanation, he continued with a steady gaze into the brunette's eyes, "That is what brought me here. I regret to inform you that your mother has fallen ill. The doctors say she will not recover and likely only has a few days left." Regina gasped, and I reached to lay a supportive hand on her arm. "And, Regina, you are the only surviving and rightful heir to the throne."
My jaw dropped, parting my lips as Regina shook her head, "No. I mean, yes, I suppose I am. But, I have a family, a life here." Lithe, tan fingers threaded through mine, "A life I am not willing to give up for the throne."
Daniel nodded and glanced at Lily and I, "You would be giving up this life, but not necessarily your family. As queen, I suppose you can make any rules you'd like. That includes having a queen to rule with instead of a king. It is rare, but you'd not be the first. Your mother is a fine queen, however you always held the potential to be much greater. You were always adored by the kingdom, and many still mention you." Watching as we stood with matching frowns of contemplation, he added, "I'm simply here offering a choice. With news of the queen's condition beginning to filter through the kingdom, a battle for the throne has begun stewing. I just wanted to be sure you were aware and allowed the opportunity to end the battle with your acceptance, if you should wish to do so."
"Th-thank you, Daniel. I...I don't know quite what to say." Regina's voice tapered off, her eyes scanning the ground as she obviously attempted to process everything she had just been told.
Daniel nodded, "Of course. You do have a small amount of time to deliberate. However, I do need to return now." With a warm hug to each of us, then Lily upon returning to his horse, he grinned, "Lily would make a stunning princess."
The three of us watched him disappear into the mid-morning light, dust trailing behind him, and birds jumping from the grass and bushes as he rode past. "Mommy, I'm hungry." Lily broke the thick silence. "I go pick some apples to put in my oatmeal."
Regina nodded, "Good idea. Be careful, and your mama and I will be there in a moment."
"Okay. Don't be too slow." The tiny brunette called over her shoulder as she sprinted toward the apple tree on the west side of the cottage.
Laying an arm around her shoulders, I gently inquired, "What are you thinking?" If I were being honest, I could not quite put into words what I was thinking. Never once had I envisioned her returning to the castle. Perhaps I should have. Her mother would, inevitably, die and unless she married, there would not be another heir. And, ruling with her? I guessed that there were likely dreams I had that entertained the idea, but it was not something I ever fathomed a part of any type of reality. My dreams for our future only included us together and safe.
Her arm curling around my waist brought me back to the present. "I honestly don't know. This was completely unexpected." Her answer was breathy and almost a laugh. Rustling from the apple tree and Lily muttering to herself were the only sounds heard for another minute. Then, Regina questioned, "What do you think? This was not a possibility we ever discussed."
I smirked as her words mirrored my thoughts. Taking a long moment to focus on my instincts, feelings, and pictures of possible futures, I let a few tangible thoughts form. Tightening my grip on her shoulders, I answered slowly, "Well, there are many things to talk about, but... I suppose, I think that you were always meant to be queen."
Regina nodded absently, then queried in a near whisper, "And, what about you?"
My reply came instantly and accompanied by a gentle smirk, "Well, I don't think it matters what I am, only where. I was always meant to be next to you."
AN: The end. I hope this felt satisfying enough. It was only like two years in the making... Anyway, thanks again for a warm welcome to this fandom, it's been a blast.