"It is the one with the selfies!" Wally exclaimed while Robin face palmed.
"Lets just get this over with." The 13 year old groaned.
"Well, its a pretty long compilation video, so you're gonna suffer." Wally replied with a smirk.

The first video showed Robin and Kid Flash standing together, chatting about minor things when Flash yelled, "Kid, time to go!"
"Kay, be there in a sec!", he yelled back, and shooting Robin an evil smirk, he then added to himself,
"But first - lemme take a Selfie!" Quick as a flash, he had his camera out and posed as he took a selfie of him and Robin, the latter having a dumbstruck expression on his face, which quickly turned to an annoyed one. Robin tried to grab at the camera, but the speedster was too fast and out of range in a second.
"KF, delete that or you're dead!"
"Dude, pose!"
"I'm not doing that stupid selfie thing!"

In reply ,Kid Flash sped out in front of Robin, behind him, to the left, right, zigzagged across, taking selfies at every angle of him and Robin, with Robin trying to stop him before he could take another, but without success. Kid Flash stayed just out of reach and was too fast, much to Robin's extreme vexation.

KF scrolled through the pictures and shook his head at them.
"You know, you're not smiling in a single one of these."
"Ya don't say." Robin huffed, glaring at Kid Flash.
"Rob, just pose and I won't take anymore! Speedy did it!"
"You guys are so weird!"
However, Robin seemed to ponder it, and came to the conclusion that it was worth it just 1 time to get the speedster to stop.
"Fine, one time. Thats' it. Just hurry up."

Wally swung an arm around Robin's shoulders and grinned mischievously, while Robin crossed his arms and smirked at the camera. Click.
"Now a peace sign!"
Sighing, Robin flashed a peace sign with Kid Flash as the speedster took another picture. Click.
"And the mockingjay 3 finger salute! Do it!"
"Ugh, fine!"
"Anything else? Perhaps a middle finger?" Robin asked, his voice dripping in sarcasm.
"Well, if you insist o-" Wally innocently replied, but was cut off with Robin saying "I'm outta here!" and took off, leaving Kid Flash to be yelled at for being a speedster yet taking so long to get over to his mentor.

next clip

Kid Flash and Robin were in the midst of a fight, fists and kicks flying. The group of thugs were not too skilled, falling after a few well-placed blows from the young heroes. However, they were able to get a few lucky hits in, like when two thugs punched Kid Flash at the same time, knocking his feet out from under him, sending the speedster to the ground.

"Wipe that punch off your face!" Robin yelled at him, grinning as he briefly helped his friend up before launching himself into the fight again. It took less than a minute for Robin to have nobody left to fight, and Kid Flash was in the process of taking his last thug out as well.

With one last kick, Kid Flash knocked out the hoodlum...but that wasn't the only thing knocked out.

"WHAT DID YOU DO?!" Robin yelled, freaking the freak out as he watched an eyeball rolling on the ground.
"I DIDN'T DO ANYTHING!" Kid Flash yelled back, looking at the eyeball in horror.
"The eyeball on the ground shows evidence to the contrary!" Robin shouted at him, scrambling several feet away from it, but not looking away. Both heroes were frozen in shock as they looked on with wide eyes at the eyeball, still rolling around innocently on the ground.
"What do we do?!" Kid asked Robin,
"Nuh-uh, not 'we', you're on your own on this one, no way I'm explaining why some guy's eyeball was knocked out of his head," Robin retorted,
"But its obviously a glass eyeball, right!" Kid Flash exclaimed,
"Ya, well, this is why he should have worn an eye patch! This never would have happened!"
"Just shut up and help me tie these guys up...and don't, uh, step on the eyeball."

Robin complied, but the entire time muttered about 'not being able to simply kick a thug without their frickin eyeball flying out' and shot Kid Flash dirty looks.

next clip

Robin dropped in front of a dimly lit alley, tracking something on his wrist computer. Putting his finger to his ear and pressing a small device, he said,

"He's within a mile radius, but there is a jamming signal in the tracking frequency."
"I'll wait till you're at my coordinates, you're almost - hang on." Robin stopped mid-sentence, turning around and looking into the dark alley. He disappeared into the darkness for a minute.

Like a kid when they see something weird and go 'Mooooom!', Robin's voice from the darkness went, "Batmaaan!"...

And he came out of the alleyway holding...

"A baby." he said in an strained voice, sounding as though he would like to faint right then and there. He turned around and told the suddenly materialized Batman,

"I'll take it to the hospital, you should keep tracking Scarecrow" and sounded very put out about it.

"You sure you can handle it." Batman asked him.

"Its been 4 days since the unborn-baby-in-the-building-to-be-bombed incident, so I think I should be fine. At least this one's already been born."

Batman disappeared, leaving Robin to look at the abandoned baby he was holding in his arms, who had started to cry.

In exasperation, Robin pinched the bridge of his nose as the crying escalated, and moaned to himself,

"Batman never trained me for this."

next clip

Speedy, Kid Flash, and Robin were all casually hanging out on a cinder block wall, bored with the lack of action.

" So have fans ever thrown stuff at you?" Kid Flash asked, picking at a piece of loose rubble in the cinder block.
"I've had a crocheted scarf thrown at me." Speedy replied, arms crossed and leaning back. "It was heavy, I tell ya."
"I've had a fox thrown at me, and when you squeeze it it sings 'what does the fox say?!', that was so weird," Kid Flash reflected.
"I had a teletubby thrown at me." Robin interjected.
"The red one I'm guessing?"
"Ya. Rather Po than a grenade though."
"Concert tickets to Katy Perry." Speedy told them, causing the younger heroes to guffaw.
"Some girl threw a VHS tape at me, it was some show called Kids Songs." Robin offered up.
"Some jerk threw a water bottle and hit me upside the head," Kid Flash said, sounding aggravated. Robin started laughing,
"That was me!"
"And I repeat; some jerk!"
Speedy piped up, smirking, "Some chick threw a bra at me - " but Robin cut him off with a loud, "OKAY, moving on!", but Speedy kept talking, "it was black with a pink rose, still warm actually -"

next clip

"He'll never say yes." Speedy told Robin and Kid Flash.
"Not a chance." KF agreed. "It'll be a real fight to get him to let us."

The three young heroes were looking over at Green Arrow, apparently wanting permission for something or another.

"In the words of a most brilliant Captain..." Robin said with a smug expression, grinning, "Why fight when you negotiate."

He casually walked over to Green Arrow, and talked to him in a low tone, briefly showing him something on a holographic screen. The archer gave him a hard look, said a few things, but in the end must have relented; Robin came back to Speedy and Kid Flash with such a smug look it should have been outlawed.

"He said fine, among a few other things."

"Did you just...blackmail GA?" Speedy asked, bewildered.

"I did no such thing!" Robin replied, sounding mock-offended. "It's called bat-persuasion."

The two redheads looked at each other with slightly shocked expressions, before following a cackling Robin out of sight, most certainly up to no good.

next clip

It was night in a park, and Robin was crouching near a park bench, shutting down his wrist computer and muttering about dead ends and nosy news cameras. He was just about to leave when a girl of about 7 years old came up to him.

"Excuse me, Robin?" she asked, looking very nervous.
Robin smiled at her, and said, "Yes, miss? Do you need some help?"
The girl shook her head, but asked, "I was, um, wondering if I could get an autograph?"
Looking apologetic, Robin told her, "I'm sorry, I would just this once but I don't have anything to use...are you out here all alone? A park can be dangerous at night. Do you mind if I ask your name?"
"My name's Jackie, I came here with my brother's friends, but they are playing Thor and say girls can't fight, so I don't have anything to do." she explained, looking at the ground, embarrassed.

Frowning, Robin put a hand on her shoulder and said,

"I don't know how they came up with that assumption, girls can fight as good as any boy. Have you heard of a heroine called Black Canary? She can kick pretty much every person's butt on the league! I can't give you an autograph, but I could show you a couple of fighting moves, if you'd want to learn them."

Immediately the little girl brightened, losing all bashfulness and vigorously nodding her head yes.

"Alright Jackie, first you want to learn how to block. Take this stance with your feet, and put your arms like this; remember, you have to be fast with your arms, and strong with your stance. Just like this; now try and punch me." she swung at him, and he showed her exactly how to block. He continued to work with her for a minute or so until she could block one of his light punches, and then moved on to a new move.

"And this next one is where you duck a punch or knife attack then sweep the legs out from under your attacker. I'll demonstrate on this tree, and then you try it one me, alright?"

This continued for a few more minutes, him showing her defense and offense, until Robin told her,

"Awesome job, you learn fast! Now go kick some butt."
With a breathless 'thanks' Jackie ran away to presumably kick butt, and Robin disappeared into the shadows.

next clip

Kid Flash was giving Robin a dirty look as the red clad hero's sides heaved with laughter.
"Mini Flash! This is too much, its like the mini candies! Which are called Fun sized candies, HAHA, you're the fun-sized Flash!"
"Will you just shut up?" Kid Flash snapped at Robin, who was doubled over from laughter.
"Nonono, hang on, I'm still trying to get over Flash Boy, let alone Mini Flash! First its Flash Boy, which makes you sound like a streaker, then Flash Kid, which isn't much better, then Flash Junior which just kills me, but Mini Flash? This is gold!" he continued to laugh, and then choked out,
"I, I can't breathe, okay, let's, let's just change the subject before I suffocate from laughter."

next clip

It was almost pitch black out, and the camera zoomed in on Robin and Kid Flash, enabling the longer distance special microphones.
The light from Robin's wrist computer illuminated both of their faces with an eerie glow.

"Well whatever you're doing, I suggest you do it a lot faster!" Kid Flash, with stealth mode on, told Robin as he pulled on his goggles and looked right at the camera, before taking them off again.
"Silence! I am hacking!" Robin snapped at him.
"Well did you get it?" the speedster asked,
"Shut up so I can think,"
"Why won't it work, did you miss something?"
"No! The switch wont work!"
"Well don't slam it, flip it gently!"
"I am flipping it gently, its not working! One of the wires must be loose."
"Well hurry up and fix it."
"No duh, Sherlock!"
"And when you get a chance, jam the camera frequency so we can get on with this without them nosing in."
"Way ahead of you KF, which is ironic since you're the speedster here."


next clip

"I have no idea where I got that," Robin told Kid Flash, pointing to a cut on his exposed arm that was bleeding.
"I didn't do anything to get cut, how the heck did that happen?"

The speedster shrugged, not having any idea. "You know, some girls claim to faint at the sight of blood." he said, but then added to himself, "but thats impossible, really."

Cleaning up the cut, Robin asked, "How is that impossible? They see blood, then Bam, they're on the floor."

"No, it doesn't make sense." Kid Flash told him, "Its, well, you know...its just impossible."
"Pfft, if you say so." Robin told him.
"You don't get it, they can't simply faint at the sight of blood! Cause I mean, that's ridiculous, and impossible cause the whole...werewolf, thing..." the speedster finished lamely.
"The...werewolf thing." Robin stated, very much confused.
"Ugh I'm just saying that its pretty much impossible for girls to faint at the sight of blood! its illogical and a stupid suggestion. Cause, the uh, moonsickness.." KF trailed off. "Just forget it."
"O - kaaay then. Hey, I gotta go, prison break at Arkham - See ya." Robin told him, then shot a grappling line and was gone.

next clip

Speedy dropped down next to Robin in a run down part of town.
"Made it. Let's head back to the South part of town and - " Speedy was saying, but stopped talking as Robin put a hand up in a silencing gesture and stared at the boxes by a nearby dumpster. Quickly pulling up his wrist computer he typed something, and then the color suddenly drained out of his face.
"It can't be," he choked out in a strangled sort of voice, as he looked at a dumpster, and headed towards it.

From around the boxes at the base he pulled out a baby who looked to be about 5 months old, dirty but looking healthy enough.

"WHERE are they all coming from?!" Robin exclaimed, grabbing his hair in exasperation.
"Well you see, Robin, when two people - "
"It was a RHETORICAL question! Geez, Speedy," Robin snapped at him, but sighed in defeat when the baby started flailing his arms around, repeatedly smacking Robin on the jaw and smiling.

"Didn't you get to be a midwife a few weeks ago? I believe you've dubbed it the unborn-baby-in-the-building-to-be-bombed incident?"
"Shut up Speedy," Robin told him, and then muttered, "That baby had the worst timing in the world."

"Ow." he said as the baby in his arms pulled his hair. "I'll get this little guy to the hospital, you go on to the South side."

Speedy came over and ruffled the baby's hair, gave him a smile, and told him,
"Don't give Robin too much trouble now, alright?"
"Later, Rob!" Speedy told the young hero, and began heading towards the South part of town.

"I think I'll call you Jack for now, just for the sake of having a name to refer to you by. Jack sound alright to you?" he asked the baby, who just laughed and hit him again in the jaw.
"Ja." the baby repeated.
"Well that settles it then, yes? Let's get you to a safe place Jack."
"Gahhhwahaaaama!" was Jack's opinion on the matter.
"Hey, lets keep your hands out of your mouth." Robin pulled Jack's hands out of his mouth, only for the little guy to put them right back in. A process that was repeated 20 more times until Robin and Jack could be seen no more.

next clip

Speedy was standing by himself, restringing his bow when a red and yellow blur sped up to him and screeched to a halt; Robin flipped himself off of Kid Flash, landing and casually leaning against the speedster, while Kid Flash crossed his arms and looked at Speedy with a pleased look on his face.

"Hey Speedy." Kid Flash greeted nonchalantly.
"You two certainly make an entrance."
"We know." Robin told him, with a smug expression.
"So Speedy, I was wondering, why's it so hard to explain puns to kleptomaniacs?"
"Dunno." Speedy told him, looking bored.
"Because they always take things literally!" Robin and Kid Flash both laughed at this, but Robin kept going,
"Heyhey, Speedy, what do you call dangerous precipitation? A rain of terror!" Speedy looked unimpressed, but the two younger heroes continued to whoop with laughter.
"Oh, and here's the best one! Alright, what kind of shoes do ninjas wear?"
"Do tell." Speedy sarcastically replied.
"Sneakers!" Robin said, which caused even more laughter between him and Kid Flash, because of the inside joke.
"Dude, you're killing me," Kid Flash told him, to which Robin replied,
"Robin never meant to kill, Robin only meant to main or seriously injure.", a comment that caused Rob and KF to crack up all over again.
"You know something, some news lady described you two as completely immature. Can't imagine why." Speedy told them in a flat voice. The youngest hero scoffed,
"Immature is just a word boring people use to describe fun people, amiright KF?"
Speedy sighed. "Would you two clowns please stop?"
"You see, theres the problem;" Robin commented, "When someone says stop I don't know if it's in the name of love, if it's Hammertime, or if I should collaborate and listen!" Cue more snickering.
"You are miserably random," Speedy stated.
"I'm not random, you just can't think as fast as me!" Robin retorted. "Come on KF, we've got places to be!" and hopped onto Kid Flash piggyback style; the two of them sped off as Speedy shook his head in disbelief.

End video

The room erupted with noise; everyone was talking at once.

"Really Wally?! Moonsickness!" Artemis yelled at him, smacking him on the arm.
"Can I see the selfies?!"
"Was Jack alright? And the other baby?"
"Why would someone throw a teletubby at you?!"
"I can't believe you blackmailed GA."
"It's called bat-persuasion, I already told you guys this!"
"What did you do with the glass eyeball?"
"That was so gross!'
"Is it normal for bras to be thrown at heros?"
"How long did you guys work on that entrance?"
"5 days."
"Wolf, get off! You're crushing us!"

A new voice cut through the chaos,

"Everyone, quick, go go go!"

Hope the final chapter was good you guys! This is the end of this fic, sorry if I didn't use your suggestion, but I do try.

If this chapter didn't make you laugh, then I've failed as an author, so I really hope you had a good time reading it!

This shoutout will go to Queen Sound, who was kind enough to promise not to stab my computer with a basilisk fang, so rock on Queen Sound!

See you all in the next story!