CHAPTER-1 First day of school

I'm Alec Lightwood, my full name is Alexander Gideon Lightwood, but I don't like when people call me Alexander or even Gideon. I've a sister called Isabelle, she is 16 right now also known as Izzy, and two brothers Max and Jace. And I'm in love with my brother. Jace. Oh don't get all 'Ewww' or 'god you jerk faggot' on me he is not my real brother but an adoptive one. I realized I was in love with him when I was just 12. He dropped upon in my life when I was 7 and he was 6 and now I'm 16 and so is he. I initially thought this was a passing thing but it never passed. But who could blame me, he is perfect, he is as they say the golden boy, from the tips of his hair to his toes he is literally golden. He has soft and silky slightly curly golden blond hair and amazing, piercing golden eyes which can look right through you. He also has defined facial features, a firm jaw, broad shoulders and chest, he has well defined muscles but they are not too much or to little they are just the perfect amount and sun bathed, golden skin, as I said the golden boy. He is perfect. Whereas I'm not at all. I'm anything but that. I've messy black hair which no matter how hard I try to fix it just won't fix, I've normal blue eyes which are two big for my liking and to top it off I've very long lashes which give me a very girly edge, I've ghostly pale complexion which makes me seem like I've put make up on but I really haven't, I'm very skinny with some muscles here and there, so in short I'm very ugly. I don't know why people call me angelic looking, I'm more like an ugly witch. And the icing on the cake is I'm closeted gay, I knew I was gay since the moment I realized I was in love with Jace. No wonder Jace would never like me I'm not worth him I should just watch him from a far that's all I can ever do. That's all.

"Alec! Alec! Have you gone deaf?" The object of my dreams breaks me away from my dreams and I sit up straight on my bed, I turn around to see him staring down at me and leaning against the door frame.

"Good morning to you too Jace", I said sarcastically.

He raises an eyebrow and crosses his arms against his chest. God that do wonders for him. "Someone is not in a good mood today."

"Well I would have been if you wouldn't have dragged me to that retched party, because of that I didn't even managed to get to sleep." I huffed and crossed my own arms against my chest my sheets falling from my body. His eyes lit up and he smirks. In reality I didn't got no sleep because of the party, which was held as beginning of a new semester or something, it had alcohol and loud and drunk teens everywhere but I don't like such places, I only went there because of my siblings because when they get drunk I've to drive them home (yay! perks of being the eldest), I couldn't sleep because to many thoughts occupied my mind.

"Well whatever Alec. Just get ready. You don't wanna be late for the first day of school." Still smirking he turns and leaves my room. I got up and shoot daggers at his retrieving back but can't help but admire his strong firm hard back *drools* I really need to stop doing this. I get up reluctantly and go to my own personal bathroom , which is attached to my room and even though it's not that big it's still big enough for me (one perk of having unbelievably rich parents is you save yourself from a waste of time of sibling rivalry). I got inside the bathroom and take off my boxers which was the only article of clothing I was wearing and put in the laundry basket, I even wore it in front of Jace, now he must think my whole body is ugly, I open the shower and warm water hits my skin, I sigh in relief and content, I finish the shower in a record time and realize I didn't bought any clothes with me. I scowl and go outside to my room only in a towel lying low on my waist revealing the curve of my butt easily and water dripping all over my body and my hair but I don't bother I'm just going to my room but I was so wrong, I was greeted by Jace all ready to go to school wearing a yellow V-neck t-shirt with blue tight denims (he looked hot as hell) sitting on my bed and looking intently and thinking to the family photo place on the night table near my bed. He looks up and he freezes, first he looks shocked but then an expression I couldn't quite decipher takes it place and as quickly as it came it goes away replaced by a blank expression.

"Wanna give me a show or what?", he says while smirking, I blush feverously looking down and put my towel a little above hiding as much as I can.

"W-why are y-you h-here Jace?", I stammer out and I curse myself inwardly for blushing and stammering, I seriously can't let him know my true feelings. He still smirks but replies:

"Oh! Nothing I just wanted to let you know that soccer practice will be beginning from today only and we might have to stay after school as it's a new semester team members will be decided."

I take everything in and say: "Oh! Okay. So that's it?"

"Well yeah I'm here to ask how Izzy will get home? We can do this, you can take your car and drive yourself, Izzy and of course Max to school and I'll take my car and after practice we can drive home together and Izzy can take my car."

I nod quickly in agreement as to get him out and say "Sure." He got up and smiled at me and turned around to leave my room. I quickly go to my closet, all my clothing items looked similar to one another. Taking out whatever my hand grabs first; I took my black boxers, a white V-neck t-shirt and black jeans. I groan when I realize I've picked up one of the few pair of jeans which are close to being skinny, just as I was about to put it back a voice came yelling.

"Alec! Get your pretty little ass here quickly or we will be hella late", Izzy yells, I scowl and put the clothes on and try to brush up my hair which as usual has no effect. I run down to the kitchen to find Izzy, who was wearing a tight red off shoulder top which was showing more than it should and a tight yellow thigh long skirt but I know better to not say a word cause if I do then Izzy will just kill me with her rants, Jace and Max were sitting on the chairs eating breakfast, Jace as usual was shoving breakfast worth of three people, Izzy eating only one or two grapes (god she already is as thin as a tooth pick if she eats any less she will definitely disappear), Max on the other hand was reading a manga and was completely engrossed by it and has forgotten to eat. I frown.

"Max! Eat your food first." I take his manga and put it on the table, he makes an irritated face but starts eating, I take up a bowl and fill it with cereal and milk, I sit down on the chair between Jace and Max and start eating.

"So when are Mom and Dad returning?", Max asked looking up from his bowl his glasses falling down from his nose, I put them back on and he smiles, I smile back.

"I don't know Max", I replied truthfully and he nods in understanding, I'm sure this kid doesn't behave his age, he is just nine year old but he behaves even more mature than Izzy and Jace combined but then again he has to be, our parents are never home so all of us had to be more mature at least I've to, and take care of my other siblings, I'm quite proud to say that my little brother is very mature for his age. We finish our meal quickly and I drive Izzy and Max whereas Jace drives alone as planned. I drop Max off at his school and tell him that Izzy will pick him up which she reluctantly agrees to. Then we make our way to our school and reach it soon, I saw Jace waiting for us, leaning against his car, many people look at him in admiration and envy, I mean why shouldn't they he is perfect, even some girls wink and giggle at him in an attempt to flirt, he smirks and waves at them, I feel my insides burn.

"Hey!" Jace see us and comes to walk with us, people start glancing at us, but I'm quite sure they are looking at Jace and Izzy, not me, definitely not me, not someone as ugly as me. Izzy ,just like Jace, is beautiful with height and figure that is equivalent to a model and with pale skin but not as pale as mine she is tanner than me, she has big brown eyes not my blue ones and long lashes, perfect lips, she resembles a model, again how the hell am I related to her. We reach the receptionist outside Principle office to get our schedules, we get it and I find out I only have three classes with Jace which makes me happy and sad at the same time, happy as I can stare at Jace for three classes, sad as I would never be able to do anything else but stare. We went to our lockers ,my locker being right next to Jace, we make small talk until his Jock friends come and we say our goodbyes to each other and I head to my first class, being English. I reach my class many students were still not there or not seated and chatting. I look for a seat and I beam looking at my friend Maia (well she is Izzy's friend and I got introduced to her and we became friends); I took a seat right next to her. She beams and says:

"Hey Allie! How have you been?" She smiles with her nose scrunching.

"Fine! You?" I smile back the best I could.

"Me too", she replies looking around looking for someone. I understand this and say:

"So what's new?" I raise my eyebrows suggestively; she looks at me surprised than laughs.

"Well there this guy I saw when I reached school, he is really hot and I kinda really want to see him again", she says and blushes a little.

"Only see him?", I asked mischievously raising one eyebrow. She chuckles and lightly hits me on the arm. I fake a hurt expression and rub my arm, she laughs at that.

"Okay! Maybe do a little more. If you know what I mean." She raises her eyebrows suggestively making me chuckle. We talk for a little more, until the bell rings announcing the commencing of first period but no teacher comes.

"Hmm! Wonder what happened to Mr. Steve's. He is usually always on time", I ask a little confused.

"Oh! You don't know?", she asks me giving me a questioning look.

"I don't know what?", I ask getting more confused.

"Well Mr. Steve's got into an accident. So he won't be teaching us anymore", she said, pity in her eyes.

"Oh! Is he okay?", I asked genuinely concerned for Mr. Steve's, it's not like I liked him it's just I didn't hated him or anything. So I just asked. Okay so I was a little concerned hang me.

"Oh! He is fine. Don't worry." She pats my arm.

"So who's gonna be teaching us then?", I ask.

"Don't know the name but I saw him. The guy is hot. You will like him", she says suggestively. I look around as to make sure no one heard. Oh did I forget to mention she and Izzy are the only ones who know my preferences.

"Sure I'll", I said rolling my eyes and open my notebook to draw something for time pass. I was almost making progress in what I was sketching just then the door opens and I don't look up but I do realize the teacher came. He clears his throat and everybody looks up but me, as I was so engrossed in completing my sketch.

"So, I'm your new English teacher and I'll be teaching you", the voice speaks, it's very silky and smooth but even now I don't look up. "My name is Magnus Bane and I'm magnificent." Now that caught my attention and I smile still looking down and sketching. One thing about me is when I began sketching no one holds my attention, not even Jace.

"I'm here against my will and I want to be anywhere but here", the voice says in a mischievous but serious tone. "But due to some circumstances I'll have to be here and teach you. So let's just do us all a favor and bother each other the least we can. Shall we", the voice said in warning tone. I still don't look up, my drawing almost complete.

"Mr. The one who is scribing in his notebook in the back." Maia nudges my arm and I look at her and see that the whole class is looking at me. I blush and duck my head "So what are you doing so intensely that you don't even bother to respond?", the voice asked. I look up and I am stuck, mesmerized by the most beautiful green gold cat eyes I've ever seen in my life.