Cometfire waddled around, climbing up on the couch and sitting on one of the end armrests before closing her optics. She was content with her position until the unexpected happened. She instantly felt clawed servos suddenly tickle the plating at her waist along with a low-voiced chuckle. She too giggled at the sensation, occasionally attempting to bite the fingers that were torturing her.
Megatron smiled as he felt her nipping at him. Daddy's little girl was apparently just like him which would drive Momma nuts for the next millennia. There was no doubt about that. Then again, another Megatron, to most, would mean chaos and destruction all over again. Bullshit!
Squealing as the claws ran over a very ticklish spot, she escaped by squirming onto his arm and crawling up it until she was perched on his shoulder. She swatted at his servo when it got too close to her. If she could hiss, she would have.
"Oh, you don't want to play anymore?" Megatron cooed.
Comet shook her head before curling into a ball and closing her optics once more. Knowing how grumpy she became when awoken more than once (Gee, wonder who she got that from?), he carefully moved around the penthouse, not trying to move his right arm or shoulder. When he reached her room, he gently removed her from his spiked armor and placed her in her crib. She moved slightly but was already too deep in a dream to fully wake up.
Quietly, he shut the door, flinching when it closed louder than he anticipated. No crying, that was good. He sighed and cracked his back. He would admit, old age was getting to him. The sparkling was so full of energy, he couldn't keep up anymore. He wasn't as agile, as powerful, or as swift as he used to be; if he became pathetic suddenly, he would kill someone.
"Is Comet asleep?" Arcee's voice sounded from another room.
"Good. She's been so crazy all day, I lost track of her within two hours!"
"Well, worry no longer," Megatron smirked, "Our baby is out, drained, kaput!"
He walked into the room she was in to see Arcee laid out, reading one of the many data pads they had. Her back was arched slightly which gave her lower half great definition; Megatron had to slap himself mentally to quit staring. His body had a different idea and didn't obey the commands he was attempt to shout.
"You look bothered. Something wrong, Big Daddy?" She purred.
She knew.
He gulped before moving closer, his libido no longer hidden from his mate. Putting a servo on her thigh, he leaned towards her and positioned a heated kiss on her lips. As their kiss deepened, his claws began to explore her body, playing with delicate nodes along her waist. He heard her purr as he bit her neck cables.
"You have no idea how much I want you. I want you to scream my name again, just like our first time."
Arcee gave a low laugh, "And what happens if my cry of ecstasy wakes our sparkling?"
Megatron sat on the berth with a sadistic smirk, "Well, at least we'd have some sort of release for the night. Cometfire recharges like a log; we'd have to be screaming at the top of our vocal capacities to wake her. Besides, I know you're dying to feel me pound you into the berth again, the thick, soothing pleasure of my spike. You can't deny it!"
"Oh, we'll see who craves what very soon," she seductively said as she straddled his lap.
Four Weeks Later…
The femmes all gathered again, some now more plump than usual and others holding newborns of all sorts. Arcee sat down and set Cometfire on her lap who was attempting to snatch the panther pup from its cushion on the table.
The panther pup, a descendant or child of the late Ravage, was a gift from a returning ex-gladiator who apparently knew Soundwave enough for the silent mech to entrust him with Ravage's unknown cub. Whether Ravage was the carrier or the sire, no one knew, not even the ex-gladiator, but the pup was living proof the cassette panther mated.
Razor, that's what Elita named it, opened his red eyes a little at the cooing sparkling who was playing with his tail before stuffing his head between his arms and falling asleep once more.
Cometfire snorted in rage at the cub's defiance and sat back in her mother's arms, ushering baby talk to herself. Another trait she picked up from her sire which Arcee knew would be hell to deal with in the future. Soon, Comet dozed off before resting her helm on her carrier's chassis.
"Hey, Arcee," Moonracer said as she sat next to the blue femme.
"Hey, how's Moonlight?"
Moonracer cradled her daughter, "Ah, not too bad. She's been crying a lot lately but it's nothing to serious. It's just that time in a sparkling's life, you know. She'll cry less after a while. What about Cometfire?"
Arcee sighed, "This bundle of joy has many, and I mean MANY traits from Megatron, not to mention the unlimited energy she burns when she's fully awake. It's a hassle but if I can survive the original, I can deal with 'Daddy's little clone'."
The green femme nodded, "So have you heard about what happened to Bumblebee and his crew?"
"No, why? Did something bad happen?"
"Oh yeah…well, yes and no. The prison ship they were supposed to be meeting, crashed on Earth and word is, all prisoners have escaped."
"Damn and no word from Bumblebee?"
"Not entirely. He's alive, we know that but we can't reach them for some reason. Ultra Magnus has decided to send Jazz to see if they are alright," Moonracer reassured.
"Hmm…back to Earth again? If we keep returning, we're going to have to set up an entire permanent colony there which I know the humans will hate. Hey, do I tell Megatron this? He's probably going to celebrate because he hates Bumblebee more than any other bot so far."
The green sports car shook her head, "I wouldn't."
Nodding, Arcee checked on Cometfire and laughed at the sight of her daughter's positioning. The grey and violet-blue sparkling was almost halfway off her lap; her face leaning oddly into her carrier's arm, still asleep.
"Megatron, what are you doing?" Arcee laughed.
The warlord, who was formerly struggling with some chains hanging from the ceiling in the Sparring Room, now was suspended ten feet off the ground, his limbs caught awkwardly. Judging by his efforts of thick entanglement, he put up a good fight but finally lost to the lifeless chains.
"I WAS trying to jump off the platform above and land on the ground inside a hoop just to test something. Unfortunately, I never realized that the chains were the same color as the floor and the surround objects. I happen to have the one angle where none of them were visible. Send whoever designed this room my unyielding gratitude," Megatron growled.
"Alright, hold on," she smiled as she reached up to undo the mess her mate had trapped himself between.
After a few minutes, he was free though he hit the floor hard when the chains finally loosened their grip.
"There, better?"
The warlord rolled his shoulder blades, "A lot. Thank you, my dear. Oh, and I have a surprise for you waiting in Cometfire's chamber. Forgot to mention that."
Arcee felt like squealing in delight, "Really? Well, I've also got a surprise for you but show me yours first!"
"Alright. Come on, Princess, we don't have all day."
Both bots moved quickly to their baby's room; the eagerness on Arcee's face was what the humans would say was priceless. It looked as though she would explode with joy at any second like a bomb with no detonator. When they opened the door, Megatron gestured to the table beside the crib.
The blue femme let out a cute sound the warlord couldn't identify but knew it signified something good. She picked up the item and gave it a shake, beads within clashing together to make an interesting noise.
"Aaawww, a rattle? How did you get this? This is only found on Earth!" She exclaimed as she shook it some more, admiring its maraca-like qualities.
Megatron chuckled, "Built it with Ratchet's help, mind you. I figured it would keep Comet occupied for some time and thankfully, Ratchet still has a fused connection with the Internet so he's helping me find and construct more human baby-like things a Cybertronian sparkling may like."
Arcee placed the rattle back on the table, "That's great but I think you may need to make two of everything, including another rattle."
That threw Megatron off, "Wait, what?"
The motorcycle pointed down towards her abdomen. She gave an innocent smirk.
"No. No…you're not, you can't be."
"Tell that to Ratchet. He hasn't just helped you prepare your surprise to me."
The warlord was at a loss for words. He tried to talk but it always came out as a constant stutter stuck on a single constant. He was going to be a sire again!
"T-that's wonderful!"
He noticed Comet was in her crib, biting the railing while giggling at her dad. Megatron picked her up and kept her close to his chest, rocking her as he did so. "You hear that, Comet, you're going to be an older sister."
Cometfire didn't understand but she knew he was happy so she felt happy. Whatever her sire was very pleased about, she wanted to know. It was a curiosity she would meet soon, and boy was she looking forward to it. In return to his feelings, she smiled and when she was handed the new rattle, she shook it gleefully.
AN: And thus this series ends. Whatever happens next is up to you. Here's one of the reasons: since this story supposedly takes place before and now during the new RID series, I can't continue at all until the first season is over and I really do need to start another story before I run out of available time.
If Megatron is introduced, it's not going to be like this, nor is Arcee, but I really do think they'll make good partners considering Arcee may be the only bot from Team Prime, besides Optimus, to actually control Megatron mentally.