The Master and his Slaves
Pyrrha's eyes widened further as she stared at the briefcases contents, she reached inside and slowly pulled out the black, leather handcuffs, before she quickly dropped them onto her bed. 'Why does Jaune own this stuff?!' She screamed in her head as she looked into the briefcase and noticed the soiled panties inside. 'And who owns these? Does Jaune have a girlfriend?' Pyrrha turned her gaze to the leather blindfold and the tube gag. 'Has he used these before?' Pyrrha noticed that she was only gaining more questions, and no answers, she was also growing slightly disturbed by the cases contents. She picked up the cuffs and went to put them away, but stopped when she suddenly felt something.
'How would it feel if I let Jaune put these on me…?' Pyrrha asked herself as she eyed the bindings. 'I'd be completely trapped, unable to move, at his utter whim… I'd be his toy, his plaything…' Pyrrha blushed and quickly dropped the bindings. 'Nope! No reason to think of things like that, you can just put these away and forget you ever saw them!'
The door opened and Jaune stepped into the room, he gave a glance to Ren and Nora's beds before looking at her. "Hey Pyrrha, are you alright?" When she didn't answer, Jaune looked down and noticed the briefcase on her bed, she could see all colour drain from his face. "Pyrrha… I can explain." He took a step forward and Pyrrha flinched back in fear. She regretted this instantly when she noticed the pain in his eyes, and he looked down in shame.
"I'm sorry." He spoke so quietly, almost inaudible. "I'm such a freak! You must be ashamed to call me your partner…" Pyrrha jumped from her bed and gave Jaune a hug.
"No Jaune, that's not it at all, I'd never be ashamed of you. I'm just… surprised. I never thought you'd be that kind of guy, or that you actually had a secret girlfriend." Pyrrha chuckled. "I guess this explains your odd behaviour recently." Jaune clutched Pyrrha's clothes tightly as he buried his head in her shoulder.
"But I have such a messed up fetish, I'm so wrong!" Pyrrha smiled and pat Jaune on the head, she grew nervous as she thought of what to say next.
"Jaune, everyone has a fetish, there isn't one that's any weirder than another. In fact, as much as it confuses me to admit it… I was a little turned on when I saw the stuff in that briefcase." Jaune's eyes widened in shock, and something in his head shifted slightly. Deep down, somewhere in the farthest reaches of his mind, Jaune felt something change in a way he couldn't describe.
"Pyrrha, you really think that all fetishes are equal?" Pyrrha held back her sigh of relief when he didn't question her about her arousal. She thought about what Professor Goodwitch told her so long ago.
"So long as everyone involved is consenting, there's nothing wrong with it at all." Jaune's grip wavered until he finally let go of the girl. Smiling as he did so, Jaune looked into Pyrrha's eyes.
"Thank you Pyrrha, really, you don't know what this means to me." Jaune moved from his position and grabbed the briefcase off of her bed; he put all of the items into it and locked the case. "I'm amazed you remember my code." He said, putting the case into the closet.
"You never know when a password will come in handy…" Jaune smiled as he closed the wardrobe door, he turned around and gave Pyrrha another hug. "Jaune?" Pyrrha asked as she wrapped her arms around him.
"Thank you again Pyrrha, this makes a massive difference." Pyrrha smiled and tightened her grip.
"Of course, what are friends for?"
Blake smiled as she entered her dorm room, although it quickly faded when she saw the rest of her team staring at her. "What?" She asked as she sat down on her bed
"Who were you talking to?" Yang replied with her own question, confused as to why her partner was out so late, Blake's eyebrow raised in her confusion.
"I was just talking to Jaune, I got caught up in the library and we met as I was heading back." Blake felt concerned when Yang eyed her suspiciously, but it was Ruby who spoke next.
"Is that why you're wearing his jumper?" Blake paled in shock as she looked down, true to her word; she was still wearing his hoodie.
"Oh, uh… I-"
"And you have been gone for quite some time, its passed dinner!" Weiss added her point as Blake began to nervously sweat.
"Both you and Jaune have been acting weird lately, almost like…" Blake was trying her hardest to turn invisible as Yang slowly pieced it all together. "Oh my God… You two are going out, aren't you?!" Yang grinned as she jumped off her bunk and looked Blake in the eye, she gasped at Blake's blushing expression. "It's true! How long have you been going out? Have you kissed?" She leaned in close. "Have you done it…?" Blake looked between Ruby and Yang's smiling faces, as well as Weiss' confused one and sighed.
"It all started around three months ago…"
Jaune breathed in deep as he took in the night time air of Beacon's Grounds. There was still an awkward feeling in the air after he and Pyrrha spoke, so Jaune decided to take a walk outside to clear his head. He also needed to inform Blake that his secret was out. He pulled up his Scroll and typed 'I've been found out,' before sending it to Blake. The second he hit the 'send' button, he received a message from Blake as well. 'I've been found out, meet me in the library.'
Jaune's eyes widened and he took off for the library as fast as he could, he wondered how anyone could figure out Blake's secret, the only way possible is If someone saw her collar, but Blake never takes it off, such a thing would be impossible. When he found her in one of the bean bags on the upper story of the building, his questions were answered for him. "The hoodie…" He spoke slowly as he sat on the sagged seat next to her.
"They were smart." Blake replied. "They all noticed things we couldn't pick up on; the jumper was just the last clue they needed." Jaune sighed and Blake leaned over, so her head rested on his shoulder.
"So what do they know?" He asked, hoping it wouldn't be too bad.
"Ruby and Weiss know we've been going out for a few months, Yang on the other hand knows that we've had sex, but that's the worst of it. No one knows about the other stuff." Jaune gave a relieved sigh at the thought. "What about you?" Blake asked, removing any and all of Jaune's previous contentment, he gave an aggravated sigh.
"Pyrrha found my briefcase, and opened it." Blake gasped and looked at Jaune in shock. "Yeah, don't worry though, all she knows is that I have a girlfriend and we do BDSM together, she never asked who it was, and I don't think she noticed your symbol." Blake felt somewhat relieved, but she gave Jaune a concerned look.
"What did she say?" Jaune smiled.
"What I needed to hear. I feel… better, I guess, less conflicted. I've come to terms with who I am, I'm alright with it." Blake felt her eyes tear up as she gave Jaune a smile. "Something else though, I think she's like you. She said she was turned on by the stuff she found in there." This caused her eyebrows to rise in shock, Blake turned to face Jaune fully.
"Are you sure?" Jaune nodded.
"She told me so herself." Blake looked down and contemplated this; she turned back to Jaune and smiled.
"Alright, I think that's enough excitement for one night." She gave Jaune a warm kiss. "We'll talk more tomorrow, goodnight Master." Jaune sighed with a smile as he watched her retreat again.
"Goodnight Pet…"
The next day was largely uneventful. Jaune woke up, had another awkward conversation with Pyrrha and continued on with his day. The entirety of Team RWBY gave him odd looks, either swooning from Ruby, smirks and knowing glances from Yang or even more glares from Weiss. Blake however, wasn't at school today. She was missing from all classes, and her team informed him that she was gone by the time they woke up. Yang made a joke asking if Blake was in bed with him, but luckily Pyrrha wasn't around to hear it. The stern talking to that Yang received told her not to blab about it.
In any case, Jaune was fairly bored as he sat in his room alone at the end of the day. Both Ren and Nora were out and about again, and Pyrrha got a message from a friend asking to meet her elsewhere. So Jaune was left with no one to talk to. He considered the team across the hall, but knew he couldn't speak with those girls again anytime soon, not after what happened last night. Eventually, Jaune got a message from Blake to go into town and pick up some supplies for her, with nothing better to do, he headed out immediately.
Once Jaune departed from the airship, his stomachs contents completely depleted, he checked his Scroll for the address Blake wanted him to go to, he could only sigh when he saw where. 'Is the Condomerie the only adult store in Vale?' He continued to the store anyway and eventually made it upon the familiar street he had come to know so well. 'What could she want that we don't already have?' Jaune asked himself as he opened the door to the morally dirty, yet physically clean store. He made his way up to the cash register and the clerk sighed, having recognised Jaune's face. "Uhh, I'm here to pick up an order?" Jaune asked as he warily eyed the cashier.
"Name?" The man replied as he checked a small desktop he had on the counter.
"Jaune Arc?" The man clicked a few keys and turned to him.
"Nothing, anything else?" Jaune thought for a moment.
"Blake Belladonna?" The man checked the machine once more.
"Nope." Jaune stopped for another moment and thought hard, he sighed when he found the only plausible answer.
The man chuckled as he pressed more keys. "That's a common one that comes up in this system. Ah, here we go, paid for in advance and everything, I hope they fit." Jaune nodded as the man entered the back of the store and returned with a small box. "Here." He said, handing the box to Jaune.
"Thank you." Jaune replied as he left the store in a hurry, the box under his arm. He managed to make it back to the airship before his curiosity got the best of him and he opened the cardboard container. Jaune's eyes widened as he looked as the items, they were all the same as what he had bought for Blake, but red.
Crimson red with gold highlights.
On the edge of all the cuffs held a small symbol of a circle with a spear piercing through it, and inside of the golden, metal collar the words were written: 'Pyrrha Nikos – Property of Jaune Arc.' Jaune paled. 'There's no way…' He looked at the contents and eyed the symbol. "There is no way." He looked at the name on the collar and read it over and over again. 'Holy shit, Blake convinced Pyrrha into a threesome…' Jaune felt sick to his core. 'But I wouldn't want to do it with Pyrrha; Blake is my girlfriend, not her…'
'But she isn't.' A voice inside said slowly, almost condescendingly. 'She is your pet and she knows it. She doesn't think of you as equals, she just wants to please you, to increase you harem.' Jaune blinked slowly and processed what he just thought. "I guess that's true, she stopped being my girlfriend when all this began…" Jaune grinned.
"I wonder if I can do the same to Pyrrha…"
Jaune thrust his dorm room door open and strode into the room. Blake was smiling at him and Pyrrha sat nervously next to her. "So this really is happening?" He asked as he sat down on his own bed across from them. "You're really okay with doing this?" Pyrrha nervously gulped and nodded.
"I am." Slowly, Jaune shook his head.
"That's not good enough Pyrrha; I don't know what may happen after all of this. I need you to be certain that you want to do this." Pyrrha seemed to calm down at his words and she gave Jaune a smile. She stood up from her bed and crossed the small distance between them. Pyrrha put her hands on Jaune's shoulders and leaned down to kiss him. Blake didn't even flinch.
"I want to do this with you Jaune, only you." Jaune gave her a confused look.
"You like me?" Pyrrha looked to be deep in thought at this.
"Not as anything more than a close friend, but I know that you won't hurt me if we do this. Who knows… maybe it'll be different after we're done here." Jaune gave her a warm smile and kissed her harder, even going so far as to snake his tongue into her mouth, Pyrrha was shocked when Blake still sat there smiling.
'Trust me Pyrrha; everything will be different after this.'
As the two broke apart, Jaune looked between Blake and Pyrrha. "I'm guessing she's told you how this works?" Pyrrha nodded.
"You tell us to do stuff that turns you on, while degrading us, and eventually it escalates into sex. The cuffs are optional most of the time." Jaune held in his laugh at the simple rendition of all the pain that had been plaguing his mind recently.
"I guess that about does it, yeah. Alright, let's start off easy… don't want to alienate you just yet." Pyrrha sat back down on her bed next to Blake and an idea immediately shot into his head. "Make out with each other." Blake grinned while Pyrrha blushed furiously.
"J-just jumping right in?" Jaune smiled wider and looked her in the eyes.
"You don't have to if you don't want to." Pyrrha shuddered at the look as she turned to face Blake, the girl sat there expectantly. Pyrrha weighed the pros and cons; she could degrade herself for someone else's amusement, while also finding sick pleasure in the act, or she could leave, but always wonder 'what if?' when thinking back to the situation. Pyrrha was never one to back down, so she grabbed Blake by the shoulders and pulled her in. Blake gasped as Pyrrha pressed their lips together, she instantly felt Pyrrha's tongue invade her mouth, and she didn't need to look to tell that Jaune was enjoying the sight.
Blake closed her eyes and started kissing back, fighting against Pyrrha's tongue with her own. Blake moaned in pleasure as Pyrrha felt her ass, Blake would've done the same to Pyrrha, but another pair of hands beat her to it. Pyrrha gasped when she noticed that Jaune was sitting behind her, his hands gliding over every inch of her behind. She moaned out his name when his hands slipped under her skirt, and continued further until he was touching bare skin.
"You both have such fair skin…" Jaune was awed, but a thought came to mind that caused him to grin. He let go of Pyrrha, grateful for the groan of displeasure she gave, and stood in the centre of the room. "Pet, come here. Pyrrha, I want you to watch every second of this. Do not look away." Pyrrha nodded with trepidation as Blake stood from the bed and kneeled in front of Jaune. Pyrrha was amazed by the girls unwavering obedience.
'Am I going to be like that after this…?' The thought both scared and excited Pyrrha more than she cared to admit, so instead, she merely watched as the master and his slave looked into each other's eyes. She honestly felt jealous from how much love they shared for each other in one look, but she realized that such things might be happening to her in the near future too.
"Take off my pants." Jaune ordered, shocking Pyrrha with his forwardness. The girl was shocked even more when Blake wordlessly removed his jeans, never once breaking eye contact, or frowning.
'This is them trying not to alienate me?'
"My boxers too, Pet." Pyrrha wondered if she was going to get a pet name like that too, but figured Jaune would've thought something up by now. Pyrrha was shocked once again by the mere size of Jaune; the lanky blonde didn't seem the type to be sporting at least seven inches. Blake also seemed awed, despite the amount of times she'd have seen it before, the sight never got old to the girl. "Rule number one." Blake grinned as she opened her mouth and licked her lips; she then dragged her tongue along the base of his shaft, all the way up to the tip before taking his entire cock into her mouth.
Pyrrha's jaw dropped as Blake slowly slid his cock into her mouth, far enough to reach the back of her throat and then further! She wondered how many times she would've had to have done that to gain such skill, and imagining the two of them doing such things daily turned her on, as if the sight didn't already. Pyrrha couldn't take her eyes off the two as she lowered her hand to her crotch and pressed her fingers against her panties. She felt burning warmth inside her, the same feeling she got when finding those bindings in the first place.
Pyrrha moaned as Blake moaned, she rubbed her clit in sync with Blake's bobbing motions, and she stared at Jaune's face as he smiled back at her, that cold, menacing grin never leaving his face. It sent shivers down her spine. Jaune put his hand to the back of Blake's head and pushed her down further, speeding up her momentum too. He stared Pyrrha in the eye as he said one thing.
"You're next."
Pyrrha was certain she came about three times from that alone. Her blush intensified as Blake picked up speed once more, she moved faster and faster, using such force that her throat burned, but it was well worth it when Jaune moaned out her name and came into her mouth. Jaune sighed as he let go of Blake's head and felt his knees buckle, he hit the floor softly, and smiled at Blake's smiling face. "Pyrrha." He called out, grabbing the girl's attention and stopping her from pleasuring herself further.
"Yes…?" Pyrrha replied, afraid of what it was he was planning. Jaune grabbed Blake by the cheeks and whispered something into her ear; he then turned her head so that Pyrrha could see her fully. Blake opened her mouth in a wide, toothy grin, giving Pyrrha a full sight of Jaune's cum layering her tongue, teeth and gums.
"I just thought you should see what your mouth will look like in a few minutes." Pyrrha shuddered as Blake swallowed hard; she then opened her mouth again and showed that all of it was gone. Blake drank every last drop.
'That is actually quite impressive…' Jaune's grin widened with his eyes as he got an idea, he actually wasn't sure how well it would go down, so for once he asked Blake if she'd be okay with it first. After whispering the idea to the girl, Blake paled and gave Jaune a quizzical look.
"Master, I can understand if that is what you wish. But are you sure we should do such a thing in front of Pyrrha? She might get the wrong impression…" Jaune grinned and scratched her behind one of her ears.
"I appreciate the concern you show for my soon-to-be slave, but I'm asking if you're okay with it."
"I-I haven't agreed to anything yet!" Pyrrha stuttered out, having no sway in the conversation. Blake grinned.
"I'd be happy to, Master." Jaune gave a content smile as he gave his girlf- slave a kiss on the lips. Ignoring the taste of his own semen, he stood up again and took a deep breath.
"Pyrrha, I haven't done this before, and you're probably going to be disgusted, so you can feel free to look away this time. I just want you to see what Blake and I really are first hand." Pyrrha felt very disturbed that after what she just saw, whatever this was going to be was apparently worse. Blake's happy smile was all Jaune needed to get hard again, but this time, he didn't order her to take it into her mouth, only point his dick at it. Jaune took another breath as he imagined running water, and the drink he had before he came in here.
Pyrrha paled when she saw a stream of yellow, smelly liquid come out of Jaune's dick and flow directly into Blake's mouth. She credited the sight to a car accident, horrible and devastating, but something you simply can't look away from. Pyrrha's eyes were glued to Blake's face as she let the piss pool into her smiling, awaiting mouth. She could tell why Jaune was so head over heels for the girl, clearly she was willing to do anything. Pyrrha felt the burning warmth inside her again, but even hotter this time. She let a small moan escape her lips as she slipped her hand inside her underwear. She felt herself grow wetter and she couldn't stop her fingers as they penetrated herself.
'I'm going to lose my virginity while acting as a sex slave…' Pyrrha felt hollow at the thought, but she remembered the person she was going to be doing it with. Blake couldn't actually swallow all of it, so Jaune grabbed a cup from the table and held it under her chin as she drooled the urine out of her mouth. He slowly instructed her on what to do next, and Blake took small sips from the cup, at her own comfortable pace. Pyrrha smiled. 'He's still nice in his own sadistic, disgusting way…'
"Alright Pyrrha, I'm sure that was quite the sight to see. I'd ask if you're ready, but judging from your soaked underwear, I'd imagine you are." Pyrrha blushed as she stood from the bed and walked over to Jaune; she stopped in front of him and smiled. "You can still back out if you want to, at any time." Pyrrha shook her head and kissed Jaune on the lips.
"I'm not going to be doing that, but any other order you give me I'll follow… Master." Jaune's heart stopped for a moment as he stared at the girl in front of him. After a moment of time to regain his bearings, Jaune wrapped her into a hug.
"Pyrrha, I don't know where this may go, but if at any point I end up hurting you… I'm sorry." Pyrrha smiled as she hugged him back.
"And I'll forgive you, Jaune. I know you only want what's best for us." As they broke apart, Jaune smiled at her, his usual, cheerful smile that would calm even the deadliest Grimm. But in seconds, it turned ice cold and giddy.
"Before we start, we'll need a pet name for you." Pyrrha held in the urge to say she 'called it.'
'Well you need to focus on who she is as a person. It needs to have something to do with something she hates, but is still a part of her. You know how Pet's works…' Jaune nodded to himself as he looked Pyrrha up and down.
"How about… Dog?" Pyrrha blushed and Blake held in a snicker.
'I was thinking something more along the lines of… Failure.' Jaune felt sick at the thought.
"There's no way I could call her something like that!" He whispered to himself, confusing Blake and Pyrrha greatly.
"What was that, Jaune?" Pyrrha asked, concerned for her friends wellbeing.
"Nothing-nothing! Just… thinking out loud. Well, it's settled then. From this point onward, you are my Dog." Blake smiled and Pyrrha felt herself burning up on the inside, she knew now that the feeling was simply her desires waiting to be let out.
'Whatever, I still think mine's better…'
"Dog, I want you to take off your clothes, and get on your knees." Pyrrha found herself trembling as she slowly removed her school uniform, she was taking so much time that Blake moved to help her, but a cold look stopped Blake in her tracks. "Don't try to help her, Stray. The Doghas to do this on her own." Blake understood the order and stepped back a bit, but Pyrrha stopped entirely.
'What on Remnant was that? It was like he was a whole other person. Is that what he turns into when he gets fully into this?' Pyrrha began moving her hands again, untying her tie and unbuttoning her blouse. When Jaune didn't say anything, she continued with her skirt. Still he said nothing, so Pyrrha took off her bra. This got a reaction out of Jaune, as he finally stopped looking at nothing but her face, but he soon returned to keeping eye contact as the silent order was given.
'Remove everything.' Pyrrha sighed as she lowered the last piece of cloth that hid her shame, she felt Blake pat her on the back as Jaune stepped up closer to her.
"Good work, I'm impressed." He cupped one of her breasts and Pyrrha felt herself tear up. "Now get on your knees." Pyrrha shivered as she dropped to the ground, it felt so degrading having to look up so far to keep eye contact with him. "Here's how this is going to work:" Jaune started. "You're going to lick my dick until I shove it down your throat, then I'm going to continue to push it in and out until I cum, at which point I'll completely choke you with my dick until you're on the verge of passing out. Then I'm going to pull out and you're going to confess your undying love and loyalty to me. Understand?"
Pyrrha wasn't entirely sure if that was how everything would go down, but she nodded nonetheless, getting wet at the thought of choking on his dick. 'So this is what it feels like to be Blake…'
"Good." Jaune commented, pressing his dick against her closed mouth. "Then begin." Pyrrha opened her mouth and gave Jaune's cock a small kiss; she slowly kissed it harder until she was basically making out with the thing. Her gloved hand softly grasped the shaft as she opened her mouth further and let her tongue out. She dragged it along and around his tip as she slowly began lapping his cock with her tongue.
'Huh. I guess "Dog" actually works after all…'
Jaune grinned as he grabbed a fistful of her beautiful red hair and forced himself closer to her face. Pyrrha smirked as her mouth opened wider and she felt half of it enter her. Jaune was amazed by how different the two girls felt, while Blake was tight, and her tongue was dexterous, Pyrrha's mouth was naturally larger, and her tongue seemed to drag along when she used her lips too much. Jaune still loved every second of it though, and simply to make a show of dominance over the cocky girl, Jaune forced himself as far in as her throat would allow.
Pyrrha began to gag and couch as Jaune's dick hit the back of her throat, she could still breathe, but barely. She really wondered how long it took for Blake to get used to this now. As Jaune's cock made it further and further down her throat with every thrust, she could feel herself getting wetter. Her insides felt like they were on fire. Jaune moaned out her name as he pushed himself as far as he could go. Pyrrha moaned as well when she felt the slimy, salty substance shoot down her throat and directly into her stomach. Jaune pulled out before he was done and coated her face with his semen.
When he finally stopped, Jaune walked over to the bed and left Pyrrha to Blake. The Faunus was on top of her instantly, kissing her with force until the redhead fell to the ground. Pyrrha couldn't understand why until she noticed the taste in her mouth. 'Pineapples?' Blake's tongue invaded Pyrrha's mouth as she attempted to fish out any of the remaining cum that Pyrrha couldn't swallow. When she was done, they parted and a thick stream of saliva and semen could be easily seen between the two.
Blake moved closer once again and began licking all of the cum off of Pyrrha's face too, Pyrrha could tell that Blake had experience with her tongue, and she wondered how it would feel if she let the girl eat her out. Pyrrha shocked herself with just how dirty her thoughts could get in such a short time. When Blake finally finished licking Pyrrha's face clean, she pressed her lips against hers and gave her another cummy kiss. Pyrrha actually enjoyed the taste and wondered how Jaune managed to pull that off.
She also wondered how he managed to take so many pictures of the two of them without her noticing until now. In Jaune's hand was Pyrrha's Scroll, and he had been using it like a machine gun to capture every second of the scene she and Blake just shared.
"Wow… You two are the greatest women in the world…" Jaune grinned as he put the Scroll away and grabbed the golden collar Blake had ordered. He stepped up to Pyrrha and took another deep breath. "Pyrrha." He said, using her real name for emphasis. He took a moment to remember the line that started all of this. "Listen here, Dog. You belong to me now, you will do what I say, when I say, at all times and without question. You belong to me, but I do not belong to you, understood?" Pyrrha nodded her head in understanding, a smile adorning her face.
Jaune sighed. "Then repeat what I said, and mean it. Just remember that this is your last chance to back out. If you make this oath, you'll be mine for life." Pyrrha smiled and arched her back; she placed her hands on her knees. No matter how hard she tried, the drool would not stop flowing though.
"I, Pyrrha Nikos, hereby relinquish ownership of my life, and give it to Jaune Arc. From this day onward, he is my master and I am his dog, to do with what he wishes. May I serve his pleasures, and may he treat me well." Jaune nearly let a tear fall at hearing those words.
'Blake, you bitch. You taught her that just to get a reaction out of me, didn't you?' True to his thoughts, Blake held a Scroll to Jaune's face and smiled.
"I think I'd prefer that as a background, Master." Jaune sighed and scratched her behind the ears.
"Of course Pet, whatever you wish." Jaune looked down at Pyrrha and gave her his warmest smile, Pyrrha returned it tenfold. "From this point onwards, whenever we're alone, you will refer to me as 'Master,' understand?" Pyrrha smiled.
"I imagine that 'alone' refers to being with Pet as well? And that you will call me Dog at such times?" Jaune fell in love with Pyrrha at that one moment, simply by calling Blake 'Pet.'
"Of course. You learn fast, Dog." Jaune held the collar out for Pyrrha, and the girl stretched her neck out for Jaune to place it on her. 'I wish Blake could've had a collaring ceremony like this, with an audience I mean…'
'Indeed. It would've been glorious…'
Once he read out the inscription and placed a kiss on her forehead, Jaune walked over to Pyrrha's bed and sat down, he ordered both girls to join him and the three sat together, nude. "It would be unfair of me to be the only one having fun here. So I think it's about time you both enjoy yourselves too." Pyrrha and Blake wrapped themselves around Jaune's arms and kissed him simultaneously.
"We have such a caring Master…" They said in unison, as if trying to give Jaune a heart attack. He quickly leapt from the bed and looked down at the two. Their collars shone in the afternoon light, giving him a sight he knew he'd never forget. He took a fair few moments to memorize the scene, before finally rewarding his toys.
"Since you've both been so obedient, it's time I give you a gift. Pet, I want you to lean your back against the bedframe, keep your legs spread." Blake was already in position by the time it took for him to look at Pyrrha. "Dog, I want you to get on all fours facing her, make sure you stay close." Jaune grabbed all four pairs of bindings; Pyrrha's two from his bed, and Blake's two from the briefcase. By the time he turned back to them, both girls were blushing heavily as Pyrrha stared at Blake's wet pussy.
They were in the exact position Jaune imagined, and as he walked back over to the bed, he sighed. "Dog, this is going to feel weird at first, but I promise you'll like it." Pyrrha nodded as she continued to stare at Blake's pink cunt, Blake herself was growing embarrassed quickly. Jaune took one pair of Blake's bindings and bonded her right hand to one of the bedframes; he then took one of Pyrrha's and bonded her left hand to the other. Pyrrha could literally see the orgasm that came from the act.
Jaune came into her peripheral vision as he took Blake's other binding and bound Pyrrha's right arm to Blake's left leg, he took Pyrrha's binding and did the same to the other. Now both girls were unable to move and were stuck together, a fact all of them loved immensely. Jaune got back onto the bed and kneeled behind Pyrrha. "Dog, I'm going to take your virginity." Pyrrha yelped in shock when she felt his cock enter her from behind. "Just figured I should warn you."
Pyrrha was glad that they had all done massive amounts of foreplay, and that she was properly lubricated. Jaune seemed to have taken all of the necessary precautions to make sure she enjoyed herself. 'I've made a good choice with my life today…' Pyrrha thought to herself as Jaune began pumping in and out of her. 'If only he… ngh gave me better warning!'
"Don't let Pet feel left out now, Dog. It's up to you to make her feel good." Pyrrha, while panting and unsure of what was reality, followed the order effortlessly. She kissed Blake's clit softly, before tracing her tongue around her inner and outer folds. Blake was amazed at how much better Pyrrha was at this act than Jaune. Both girls began to pant as pleasure took over them, and they lost all thought and reason, all that mattered were each other's bodies and what they could do to pleasure them further.
Blake was panting hard; Pyrrha was trying her hardest to ignore the slight pain she felt, and Jaune was simply euphoric. 'I never knew one pussy could feel so much more different than another…' All three of them felt their end coming soon, there was just too much teasing leading up to this moment, and they were running on fumes when they began. Jaune held Pyrrha's ass as tightly as he could as he thrust further inside her.
Pyrrha was trying her hardest not to cum too soon, while also making sure that Blake wasn't left out, as she was ordered to do so. And Blake was trying not to pass out, she seemed to do that when cumming too much.
Over time, it all became too much, Pyrrha came first, having been the virgin of the three. Blake was second; never having a woman lick her private parts, and Jaune was the last to finish, having already been numbed to the pleasure after the second go around. All in all, they were thoroughly pleased with themselves, none more so than Pyrrha, who felt she made the best decision of her life.
After he released them from their joint captivity, Jaune lied down on Pyrrha's bed and sighed as both girls sluggishly snuggled up to him. He pulled the blanket over them and smiled. "I love you so much Blake and you as well Pyrrha." Both girls sighed contentedly, and managed to speak in unison once again.
"We love you too, Master."
In their sex infused coma, none of them noticed the loud gasp that came from the doorway when the door was quietly opened.
It was all over the school, everyone was talking about it, and there wasn't a student alive who didn't know the story. Jaune Arc, the resident 'Goofball' of Beacon was dating both Blake Belladonna, the school's 'Silent Beauty' and Pyrrha Nikos, the 'Goddess of Victory.' How he managed to snag both girls was anyone's guess, as they wouldn't disclose any information to anyone outside of their group of friends. But the fact that he called them 'Pet' and 'Dog' in public, while they openly called him 'Master' certainly sparked a few rumours.
Their group of friends were slightly confused, in an understated kind of way. Team RWBY was shocked to find that Blake wasn't only dating Jaune, but another girl as well; her demeanour changed drastically when Yang told everyone too. Ren and Nora were certainly happy for their teammates, hoping that the two of them would eventually be 'together-together,' they just weren't expecting them to be 'together-together-together' with Blake as well.
All of the male students in Beacon were outraged by the situation, but anyone who voiced their protests was quickly dealt with by Goodwitch herself. There was no loss of rumours about her and Ozpin either…
By the end of it, Jaune was happy with his slaves, and they were happy with their master, but one thought always plagued Jaune about this fact.
'Can things really stay this way forever?'
*Five Years Later*
Jaune sighed as he turned off the engine to his car, taking out the keys and shutting the vehicles door with a thrust of the hand. He held Crocea Mors close to him as he looked upon his home. A grand, two-story Valean house with some small, Mistralian touches here and there. Painted white with a black roof, and gold trimming, he loved the building with all his heart and he held many memories inside the place.
He looked around the small suburban neighbourhood he now lived in, just on the edge of the residential district of Vale. He looked upon all of the other beautiful houses and sighed happily. He made his way up to the door, but stopped before entering; he put his ear to the frame and listened closely. He smirked when he heard muffled voices from inside and he looked down at his left hand.
Two intricately designed golden rings sat on his ring finger, a constant reminder of the greatest choice he ever made in his life. Jaune smiled at the two of them and sighed; he looked up at the door, took in a deep breath and opened it.
"Master! You're back!" Pet called out as she sat on her knees in front of the doorway, completely nude.
"Of course I am, I couldn't leave you waiting, now could I?" Pet grinned up at him as Jaune turned his attention to his left. Standing next to Pet was Dog, dressed in a maid uniform that accentuated her curves nicely and with her hair let down as usual, in her hand she held a black leash that connected to Pet's collar. He scratched behind her fake dog ears as he looked down at the tail that came with the outfit.
"Good afternoon, Master. Did you enjoy your day?" Jaune smiled as he took the leash from her hand and kissed the gloved appendage.
"Only now that I'm home." He looked at both girls and smiled as he saw the wedding rings adorned on both hands.
"Well, would you like something to eat? Perhaps a bath? Or what about… me?" Jaune grinned at the line he taught her so long ago.
"Not right now I'm afraid, in fact, you two need to get dressed; we're eating out tonight." Dog and Pet both frowned at the statement.
"Jaune, you're not still on about that are you? We already hugged all through yesterday as you apologized to us; you know we're alright with how things are." Jaune chuckled as he gave Dog a kiss on the lips.
"I know Pyrrha, but you know that this still isn't me, you know that I'm always worried about hurting you. Even now I'm still hearing that voice in the back of my head, telling me to do terrible things to you both. One day of the week where I try to make up for who I am just never feels like enough…" He coughed into his hand as they both glared at him. They liked the dark voice in his head; some of their best memories came from him adding a touch here and there.
"Which is why it's good that I'm not still on about that, we're going out for the night to enjoy ourselves- well, myself. And you know I can't do that without you." Pet's ears shot up as she quivered with excitement.
"Are you going to cum on my face again, like you did last time so I can show everyone how much I love you?" Dog seemed to perk up at the thought too, causing Jaune to laugh.
"Not yet. We'll have dinner first, and then we'll relax at the park. I'll put your makeup on you two when we're there. Who knows, I may even take you for a walk…" Dog and Pet visibly brightened as they remembered the last time Jaune took them for a walk. He held onto their leashes with such pride as they crawled through the streets of Vale. Everyone was watching. They both sighed at the memory, one of their favourites.
"Alright Master, we'll be ready soon!"
The next day, Jaune heard a knock at the door, and despite the girls protests, he left the basement to go and answer it. To his surprise, Yang was the one who knocked. The girl hadn't changed much over the years, longer hair, more defined features and a few changes to her getup, that was about it. Larger bust of course, but he managed not to look at it too often.
"Yang? To what do I owe the pleasure?" Yang sighed and peaked into the house, a worried frown on her face.
"Ruby got a message earlier; the whole team is needed for a mission, which means I need Blake…" Jaune smiled as he looked behind Yang.
"Then where are Ruby and Weiss?" Yang growled at the question as her eyes turned red.
"They sent me here alone after what happened the last time we came! Pyrrha should not have been answering the door naked, Jaune! It isn't right!" Jaune sheepishly laughed as he scratched the back of his head.
"I guess I was a little overboard that day…" Yang's mood worsened.
"And don't even get me started on Blake! Do you have any idea how awkward it was explaining to Ruby that the 'white stuff' on Blake's face was not something she should be touching?! And even then Blake wouldn't wipe it off because she 'needed to show everyone how much she loves her master!'" Jaune smiled wider as he remembered that day, his blush grew wider too.
"Well I'd love to grab Blake for you, but I'm afraid she's a little tied up…" Yang's eye twitched when she heard moaning coming from downstairs. She turned on her heal abruptly and walked away while flipping Jaune off.
"I'm out! Fuck it, I'm out! Just tell Blake to meet us at my place and no semen, or any bodily fluids for that matter!" Jaune laughed as he waved the blonde off, he closed the door softly and leaned against the wood. He could still hear deep moans and high pitched mewls coming from the basement and he couldn't help but grin.
'I could stay this way forever…'
The End.