As soon as they pulled her out of the ice cave, Emma threw herself into Hook's arms. Well, threw is probably too strong a word, as she was so weak from the cold. Perhaps leaned with conviction? At any rate, she clung to him, and he held her freezing body close.
"We have to get her out of here," he said to David. He could hear the way his voice bordered on hysteria, but he really didn't care.
"But what about -?" he gestured towards Elsa.
"Take her home, introduce her to the wife. I'll take care of your daughter." He could tell David didn't like it, but the man nodded. Elsa might be getting better at controlling her powers, but until they were sure, both men wanted to keep a safe distance between her and Emma Swan.
Without another word, Hook began leading Emma away from the wall of ice and the woman who caused it. Emma could hardly walk. He knew she wouldn't like him carrying her around like a damsel in distress, so he just kept an arm around her and let her lean on him as they stumbled to her car.
"You can't…" Emma began, her voice soft. "Drive."
"I used to steer a ship, love," he scoffed. "I am sure I can manage."
It turns out the two were not quite as similar as he had hoped. However, with some instruction from Emma, he managed. His parking job left a lot to be desired, but luckily for him, he happens to know that the two members of the sheriff's office aren't likely to be ticketing anytime soon.
As gently as he could while still being swift, he half led, half carried her up the steps to his apartment. He didn't have much in the way of furniture, so he set her down on his bed.
"You need to get out of those clothes, Swan," he said.
"Of course I do," she said in a rather mocking tone. He glanced over at her to explain how they were just making her colder, but she was already taking them off. She just wanted to tease him. He turned his back on her to give her some privacy while he looked through his closet for something to lend her.
"I knew it!" came her weak voice from behind him.
"Knew what, love?" he asked.
"Your closet is just a bunch of identical leather jackets. Mary Margaret owes me twenty bucks."
"Did she think I had just been wearing the same clothes for the entire time we've known each other?" he asked, baffled.
"Is it any stranger than having five of the same shirt, pants, and jacket?"
"Yes!" he said emphatic. "That would just be… unhygienic. I would smell. Wait – do I smell?" demanded, turning swiftly to face her, forgetting for a moment that he had meant to give her privacy. As it happened, she was already undressed and in his bed, the cover pulled tightly around her.
"You don't smell," she assured him, with a weak laugh.
"Well that's comforting." He brought over one of his jackets. She sighed.
"Come on, Killian. You know that coat isn't going to thaw me out. I need something warm." She looked at him pointedly.
He did not even pretend to be confused.
"I don't want to take advantage of a situation," he confessed. "When you were in the cave, your father wanted to discuss my intentions…"
"I am too tired to argue with you," she interrupted. "Just shut up, undress, and get in bed."
"As you wish," he said, shedding his coat. In just a few moments, his clothes were lying on the floor next to hers. He took off the hook as well. After glancing at her to make sure she hadn't changed her mind, he slipped under the covers. Gently he pulled her still freezing body toward him, pressing his warm flesh against her icy skin. The sensation was far from pleasant, but he didn't care. It was Emma who was important.
"So is this still our second date or our third?" Emma asked softly.
Hook laughed. "Third," he decided.