Author's Note: Hey kids! Welcome to Rock Me Again, Baby: Live In Europe. Things will be a bit different this time around. Not all characters are returning, and things will get crazy! Or crazier? *shrug* Anyway, let's get this thing started!

Chapter 1

Let's get things started with a featurette on the lives of our rockers since the end of Rock Me, Baby.

Ed Hill and Eddy Karlsen returned home, and now run a very successful business. Nazz St. Germain went back to school. She decided singing wasn't a viable career for her, and is planning to become a veterinarian. Rolf Kelamis returned to his home country, and is teaching the third-world citizens how to rock.

Jimmy Christenson is still in prison, and he probably won't be getting out anytime soon, even though it hasn't been proved that he actually did shoot his ex-wife's lover.

And as for our boys who are still rocking?

"Jim, why are you working?" Plank asked, sipping at his coffee. "We're going to Europe in two days."

"All the more reason," Jim said, making a latte for another customer. He'd gotten a job at the local coffee shop not long after the disbandment of the tour. "I want to accumulate some money for our trip to Europe."

Plank perched himself on a stool at the counter. "What you should be doing is practicing. We'll be looking for gigs right off the bat. We'll be staying in England for a little while; Edd wants to check out the underground scenes, y'know."

"What, you think I've lost my touch?" Jim chuckled. "Just because I'm slinging coffees, doesn't mean I've lost my magic."

The giant grinned. "Of course not. What was I thinking?"

"Honey, I'm home!"

Rave rolled his eyes. "Get out of my house, Goldberg, I'm watching Once Upon A Time!"

Nat appeared in the living room, a lovely aroma accompanying him. "But I brought pizza. Half bacon for me, half Hawaiian for you. Your favorite."

The actor smiled. "How am I supposed to hate you when you keep giving me reasons to love you."

The teal head leaned down to capture a kiss. "That's the idea, gorgeous."

He plopped down beside Rave on the couch, and the latter automatically reached for a slice of pizza. "Can you believe we're going to England tomorrow?"

"Hells yeah!" Nat said, mouth full. He swallowed, then put on his bad British accent. "I'm game for this trip, love, and now I'm fancying some tea. Why don't you brew me some, wife?"

"Never use that fucking accent on anyone in England, Goldberg, you'll offend everyone and get us deported."

Nat shrugged. "It's charming."

"It's obnoxious."

"Charming, obnoxious. Same diff."

Rolling his eyes, Rave nibbled his slice of pizza and said nothing.

The soft sound of Edd playing his acoustic guitar filled the bar. He needed a way to relax, so instead of actually relaxing like everyone else, he decides to play some of his solo songs.

So we've become so cinematic,

With every word you come unglued

So we'll let this settle, ferment and grow

Until we're both completely out of control

And who's in the audience? Why, Kevin of course.

How was I supposed to know

Retrace my steps, find my way home

How was I supposed to know

Retrace these steps, find our way home

Things between Edd and Kevin have been great. At least, that's what people who see them would say.

So I'll push my seat back, as far as it will go

Hold on tight, as your lungs collapse

I can't wait 'till the impact hits you in the face

You can finally see we were meant to be

Really, their dominant complexes have been pulling them apart little-by-little. They can never find a middle ground on anything and it's hurting them both.

How was I supposed to know

Retrace my steps, find my way home

How was I supposed to know

Retrace these steps, find our way home

But somehow they stay together and make it work. But for how long? Could they survive living together all through Europe?

With my lungs collapsing

I'm drowning in the backseat

Holding on to nothing

That's all that's left of me ...

All that's been on Edd's mind is the possibility of things reaching a boiling point between them, and that's his worst fear because he loves Kevin.

(These breaks are going out

I'm looking straight ahead

Before we both go out

I loved you half to death)

How was I supposed to know

Retrace my steps, find my way home

How was I supposed to know

Retrace these steps, find our way home

There's beauty in a car crash

There's beauty in the payback

This is my big city shakedown

When there's beauty in the breakdown

And so, some drunken applause and a bottle of Jack later, the redhead and the ravenette ended up in the dressing room in a very compromising situation. As in, Edd sitting on the dressing room table with Kevin between his legs.

The redhead traced kisses up the side of his boyfriend's neck, and whispered, "So, I was thinking in London we check out the Buckingham Palace. I heard there were these guards who just stand there and do nothing no matter how you mess with them."

Edd leaned his head back, enjoying Kevin's lips on his skin. "We were only supposed to be looking for gigs in the London underground, Kevin. That money won't take us all the way through Europe. We need to make sure we're taken care of."

The redhead started unbuttoning the swimmer's shirt. "What, we can't do anything else the whole time? I've always wanted to go to London and you're trying to make it all about work."

The ravenette pulled off Kevin's shirt and ran his hands along the exposed skin. "Since when is music a chore?"

Kevin tried not to give in to Edd's touches or else he'd lose his words. "Music isn't a chore. But you're starting to make it that way because it's all you ever talk about anymore."

All movements ceased and the two stared each other down. "Because I'm a fucking musician, Kevin, trying to make a fucking living off of it. I'm doing it for you."

"No one said you had to do anything for me."

"I could've become a doctor or lawyer with my intelligence, you know. But no, you and music are my passions, and if you want to keep it that way, you need to keep your eye on the ball."

"You really need an attitude adjustment lately-"

The two were interrupted by the door swinging open. "Hey guys I... oh." Rave stood there awkwardly, wishing those horndogs would remember how to lock a door before they start devouring each other. "I hate to interrupt, but we have a management meeting with Sarah Jaud."

The two nodded, and Rave left the room to let the get dressed. Not a word was shared about what happened, and surely the pressure would build sooner or later. For now, though, they drop it like they drop every argument just to keep things going.

"No. No way."

The management meeting with Sarah wasn't going too well.

"But Sarah, it was you that helped us become a hit in the U.S., now help us get big in Europe," Rave reasoned.

"You were two different bands then," she argued. "You're well-known by your separate bands, not this combination folly."

Edd's ears perked up. He was sitting on the other side holding Kevin's hand. "Excuse me, Sarah, but we've worked hard on our music since the idea of going to Europe was proposed. Our sound is in no way a folly I assure you."

"Yeah, Edd's a musical genius," Kevin added.

The ravenette smiled at his boyfriend, and kissed him on the cheek.

"And what about money, huh?" the woman asked, unconvinced.

"I've got plenty from the tour," Kevin assured. "And Jim worked for the remainder of the summer. We have more than enough money, and will make more playing gigs."

She glared. "The answer is, and will always be, no. Now, I have an appointment with some serious clients."

"What makes them serious, exactly?" Rave asked. "Are they adults whereas we're merely teenagers? Was it not you and Jimmy who took a chance on us not long ago? Because for a bunch of teens, we brought in quite a bit of money, you'll agree."

"Yeah, well-"

Rave continued. "And wouldn't Jimmy want you to watch out for us?"

She glared. Of course he'd play that card. "Alright fine. I'll manage you guys. But there better not be any shenanigans, understand? I don't want an international incident. Looking at you, Nathan."

Nat looked up from his bag of chips. "Wha' I du?" he asked, mouth full.

"Now if you'll excuse me for a moment, I need to make a call," Sarah said, leaving the room.

The six musicians cheered. They were ready to leave for Europe and their flight was just a few hours away. First stop, England.