Lookout my loyal readers, the zombies are here! It's chapter 4 of Jinchuuriki of the Dead!

Also, most of you want Rei back in Naruto's harem. So, I'll do that. Naruto's harem: Rei x Saya x Saeko x Shizuka x Yuuki x Misuzu x Toshimi x Kyoko x Rika

But, don't worry about Takashi or Kohta, they'll have someone for themselves, but later.

I'm also glad that a lot of you liked the scene I did with Misuzu and Toshimi. Also, I might take away the girls in Shido's group and pair one of them up with Takashi.

I mean, let's face facts here, we all know what Shido plans on using those girls for. Hell, I bet anyone of my fanfic's that him and the guys in his group would rape them and not give a damn.

Anyway on with the read!

Chapter 4: Escape from the Dead

Saya and Kohta are seen standing off to the side of the hallway, watching as other students run past them in fear as a few of "them" are seen eating other students that weren't lucky enough to get away.

'Why are they eating people? This isn't even funny.' Saya thought to herself before she started running past "them" with Kohta right behind her.

A random student is seen walking, holding his bleeding neck.

"T-This can't be...this can't be happening. Can it mommy? I-It's not, right?" The student said to himself before one of "them" grabs his face and has him for a snack.

Saya and Kohta run by, trying to ignore the sight of the unfortunate student's fate.

"Takagi-san, where do you think you're running too?" Kohta asked, trying to keep up with Saya.

"And what exactly was your brilliant plan?" Saya asked, glancing at him while they continued running.

"I was gonna talk to the teachers in the faculty room." Kohta replied, getting a huff from Saya.

"That's pointless." Saya said, stopping at a doorway that lead outside, via pathway. "What do you think a bunch of stupid teachers can do about it?" Saya asked, walking down the pathway with Kohta following.

"But Takagi-san...this is just...it's kinda-" Kohta tried to say, only to be stopped by Saya stopping in front of him.

"I've got a question for you." Saya said with her back to him.

"What is it?" Kohta asked.

"Do you want to die or do you wanna live?" Saya asked as she turned toward Kohta, surprising him.

"Well...that's...um." Kohta tried to say something before Saya spoke again.

"They had the same idea as you, let's see how it works for them." Saya said as she and Kohta turned to watch some students at the faculty room door.

The students knocked on the faculty room door, only for the door to suddenly swing open and a bunch of "them" to attack the unsuspecting students, freaking out Kohta.

"You wanna live, right? Then stick with me." Saya ordered as she pointed at Kohta, getting a scared nod from the frightened student. "Let's go chubby."

(With Takashi and Rei)

Takashi and Rei are sitting on the ground ignoring "them" as "they" continued to try and get through the barricade. They just sat there, with Takashi still remembering what he did to Hisashi. Rei noticed the look he had and ask about it.

"What's the matter?" Rei asked, getting Takashi's attention.

"I was thinking what hell's really going on." Takashi replied.

"That's a straight forward answer." Rei stated.

"What's the point in lying about?" Takashi asked, rubbing his hair.

Rei gave him a small smile before standing up.

"I think that I should call my dad and let him know that I'm alright. Let me use your cell?" Rei asked kindly as Takashi gave her his phone.

"I understand that he's a police officer. We can't even contact 1-1-0." Takashi stated.

"I know the secret number he told me not to call unless it's an emergency." Rei said confidently.

The line was trying to get through while Rei waited with baited breath.

"It got through." Rei suddenly said, getting Takashi's attention as he stood next to her. "Dad!"

~"Hello, Takashi? Is that you?"~ Rei's dad asked.

"Dad listen. Daddy, we're at school and there's been a-" Rei started, only to be cut off by her dads voice.

~"Hello, Takashi...you must have gotten this number from Rei...is Rei okay...is she with you...are you alright?"~ Rei's dad asked through static.

"Daddy! What's the matter, can't you you hear me!?" Rei asked worriedly before the call continued.

~"Listen carefully, the city is in panic mode-"~ Rei's dad was interrupted by more static.

"Daddy!?" Rei yelled before hearing a gunshot on the other side of the line.

~"You need to get outta there! You understand?! The city is already in panic mode right now!"~ Rei's dad said before the call ended.

Rei was shocked by this as she checked the phone service.

"No service? But I just called him! I don't understand!" Rei said as tears began to well up in her eyes.

"Rei!" Takashi exclaimed, getting her to turn towards him with tears running down her face.

"Takashi...my dad...he didn't even know it was me at all. He didn't even know me." Rei said as she cried.

(With Naruto, Misuzu, and Toshimi)

Naruto and the girls are running through a hall while the earlier killed any of "them" that got in their way. Naruto had to get the girls and the rest of his friends out of harms way. The only problem being, unfortunately, is that he had to find them all while killing "them" and praying that they were all safe.

'Jeez, "they" just keep coming.' Naruto thought with an irritated expression.

They soon turned a corner, only to come to a stop. More of "them" crowded the hallway in front them.

"What now Naruto?" Toshimi asked while hugging Misuzu in fear.

Naruto thought for a moment before seeing an empty room to their right.

"This way." Naruto said, running into the room with the girls following.

They shut and locked the door, each sighing in relief.

"That was close. Smart thinking Naruto." Misuzu commented kindly.

"No problem, but what are we going to do about "them". "They've" got us cut off from the hall and I'm starting to get tired. We need to find a way through "them", but how?" Naruto questioned as he leaned on the wall.

Naruto may have been able to fight enemies with bloodlines, multiple hearts, or godly powers, but he was still human none-the-less. These things might not be tough or have any of those abilities, but "they" still have "their" own advantages over humans. Humans have to eat, sleep, etc. These things don't have to worry about any of that stuff and whether "they're" tough or not doesn't matter since "their" numbers are made to overwhelm.

Naruto sighed in frustration. He wanted to use his full power, but he didn't want his friends to freak out from what he could do. Besides, even if they didn't freak out, they would still ask him questions. Just how would they react if he said that he was from another dimension.

"Hey kit, if your done with your little daydreaming, how's about you acknowledge the girls trying to get your attention." Kurama said, breaking Naruto out of his thoughts.

"Naruto, are you listening?" Toshimi asked, getting Naruto's attention.

"Huh? Sorry, I was just thinking to myself about something. What's up?" Naruto asked.

"Misuzu and I think we have an idea how to get out of here." Toshimi answered, getting a raised brow from Naruto.

"Really? What might that be?" Naruto asked, earning him a smile from the two girls.

"We're in the science lab. Maybe we can make something to help us out." Misuzu answered, making Naruto think to himself for a second before smiling.

"Heh, that's not a bad idea. In fact, I know just the thing we can make." Naruto said, making the girls wonder what he had in mind.

"Really? What?" They questioned in unison.

"Let's just say, it's the reason I failed this class on my first day." Naruto replied as he started grabbing materials.

(With Saya and Kohta)

"Takagi-san, I know it's against school rules, but do you have your cellphone on you?" Kohta asked Saya as they stood near the stairs while watching "them".

"I'm a straight A student. Besides, even if I had one, who would I call?" Saya asked.

"Well, the police maybe." Kohta answered, making Saya look at him with a sweat drop.

"God, you're so stupid. Look how serious this is. There's no way people haven't called them already, but yet we haven't heard a single siren. So now ya know." Saya said, making Kohta whimper.

"So this is happening all over." Kohta said to himself.

"Jee, ya think? I'm sure the police have been dealing with this all over already, but look how things are." Saya said.

"I wonder if we should call the Self Defense Force or something." Kohta said, making Saya scoff.

"I wouldn't expect much from them." Saya said with a huff.

"I know that they can't conduct any defense or public security operations without the governments order, but-" Kohta began before Saya interrupted him.

"That's not what I meant!" Saya yelled in anger.

"Well, what did you mean exactly?" Kohta asked, sliding closer to Saya.

"They're just like the police!" Saya yelled, moving Kohta off of her. "What do you think would happen if people were eating people in all the cities out there? Listen, there are 130,000,000 people. How many of them do you think work for the Self Defense Force? And what if the same things were happening inside the Self Defense Force?"

Kohta was frozen stiff as Saya's words dawned on him. All of this was happening everywhere and it just came out of nowhere. How could such a normal, peaceful day turn into such a nightmare?

Saya and Kohta gasped when some of "them" came down the stairs, freaking them out.

"Come on! We need to go!" Saya yelled as she started running down the hall.

"Ah, o-okay!" Kohta yelled, following Saya.

'Jesus, the only reason I have to stay with this dumbass is because Naruto is in here. I'm such a nice person.' Saya thought to herself with a light blush as she and Kohta continued running.

(With Shizuka)

A random student was with Shizuka. He had just brought in his friend who was bitten by one of "them". Said friend was starting to freak out the student.

"Okata?" The random student questioned his friend that was moaning.

"Okata?" The student asked again as his friend stood up as one of "them".

The student gasped before walking into an IV pole. The student growled before picking up the IV pole.

"Dammit!" The student yelled as he charged at his dead friend. "Ahh, forgive me! Forgive me! Forgive me!" The student continuously repeated as he smashed his dead friends head.

Meanwhile, Shizuka was calmly walking around with a thoughtful expression.

"What should I do?" Shizuka asked herself as she walked over to the medicine cabinet, her bust bouncing the whole time. "I can't get hold of the police or the fire department. I can treat 'em, but once they're bit they're bound to die and once they die they'll resurrect. This is exactly like that George Romeo movie I once saw."

"I don't think it's the time to be impressed." The student said while panting. "Let's get out of here Marikawa-sensei."

"Hold on a second. Let me take all the stuff I can carry." Shizuka said while digging around the medicine cabinet.

"Just do it quickly." The student urged, only to be silence when the window to the room was shattered by "them".

As "They" came through the broken window, the student jumped in front of Shizuka to cover her.

"Marikawa-sensei!" The student yelled before one of "them" bit into him."Ahh, Marikawa-sensei! Ahhh, get out of here, quick." The student yelled in pain as Shizuka's back was against the wall.

"Hey, I'm sorry, what was your name again please?" Shizuka asked, making the student look at her like she was crazy.

"Wh-What?" The student asked before falling with "them" still bitting into him.

"Oh, goodness." Shizuka stated as "they" surrounded her.

"They" were about to attack Shizuka, only for "them" to each be attacked and killed by a bokken strike from Seako, surprising Shizuka. Seako finished with "them" quickly before walking over and taking a knee to face the bleeding student.

"I'm the captain of the Kendo Club, Saeko Busujima, a sophomore. What's your name kid?" Saeko asked, putting a hand on the students shoulder as he coughed up some blood.

"I-Ishi Kazu." The now named Ishi answered.

"Ishi, you did a great job protecting Marikawa-sensei, I commend your courage. You do know what happens to you once you get bitten. Do you want your parents or friends to see you like that? If the answer is no, I will end your life as painlessly as I can, but I've never killed anyone before." Saeko said, surprising Ishi for a second before he smiled.

"P-Please do that." Ishi said, still smiling.

Saeko nodded and stood up, readying her bokken.

"W-Wait! What're you gonna do?" Shizuka asked worriedly, only to be shushed by Saeko.

"You're the school doctor, I got it, but stay out of it. This young man is going to die with honor and I'm going to make sure that he does." Saeko said as she held her bokken in a two handed strike over her head before bringing it down and smashing Ishi's head, splattering his brain on the window.

Shizuka stood silent as she looked at the dead Ishi on the ground. She had never seen someone die right in front of her before. Her thoughts were broken when more of "them" came crashing through the door. Saeko turned to face "them" with a smirk on her face.

(With Naruto, Toshimi, and Misuzu)

Naruto was adding the finishing touches to his concoction. What it was, he still didn't tell the girls. Though, whatever it may be, was making Naruto smile like a madman.

"Naruto, whatever you're working on, you might want to hurry." Misuzu said, as "they" started to get closer to the room door.

Luckily, Toshimi handed Naruto the last thing he needed. Naruto poured the chemical into the mix, causing a small cloud to explode from it.

"Alright, it's ready." Naruto said as he poured the mix into a large test tube.

"That's great Naruto, but what is it suppose to do?" Toshimi asked as she eyed the test tube in Naruto's hand, making him smile.

"Well, do you two remember when the science lab exploded last year?" Naruto asked, getting a nod from the two girls.

"Yeah, who doesn't remember that? It blew up half the science lab." Misuzu answered.

"Oh right, it took them weeks to clean that mess, but what does it have to do with right now?" Toshimi asked with a raised brow.

"Well, you see… I was the one that caused that explosion." Naruto replied, rubbing the back of his head and shocking the girls.

"What?!" Both Toshimi and Misuzu yelled in unison.

"Yeah, what can I say, I didn't know a thing about chemistry at the time. Anyway, that's not important right now." Naruto said, making the two nod as he walked to the door.

"Wait, that explosion wasn't very big." Misuzu stated, since she remembered how big the explosion was.

"Yeah, I know. That's because I had a small test tube back then. This time, I'm using a bigger one." Naruto said as he opened the door and stuck his head out to see "them" getting closer.

"W-Wait a minute, bigger?" The two girls asked in unison, just now realizing what that meant.

Naruto threw the explosive mixture at the undead horde and everything seemed to go in slow motion. As soon as the tube left Naruto's hand, he ran back to the girls and pushed them both to the ground with him covering them. The tube flew through the air before landing right in one of "their" mouths before "it" clamped down on it causing a massive explosion to rock the school.

Naruto, Misuzu, and Toshimi got up after a minute and walked out of the room. What they saw that was left was nothing but a half chard hallway full of blood and body parts.

"Heh, now that's what I call a hall pass, ya know." Naruto joked, getting a giggle from Misuzu and Toshimi. "Now let's get out of here before more of "them" show up."

Naruto and the girls soon started running through the hall again.

(With Saya and Kohta)

Saya and Kohta ran for awhile before making it to the wood shop room, just as an explosion was heard, surprising them.

"W-What was that?" Kohta asked in surprise, making Saya smile.

"If I had to guess, that was Naruto." Saya said as they entered the room.

"Wait, you know Naruto?" Kohta asked, making huff.

"Of course I know him, who doesn't? Anyway, get here!" Saya yelled, making Kohta run into the room and shut the door.

"Okay, we're here. What do we do now? Although, I do see some things that would come in handy-" Kohta began, only to be interrupted by Saya.

"Just shut up you chubby geek! Lock the door so "they" don't come in!" Saya exclaimed.

Kohta ran to the door and slammed it shut and locking it, not realizing that the noise attracted some of "them".

"I-I locked it." Kohta said before walking over to where Saya was standing, looking at a bunch of tools on a table. "Are you gonna use them as weapons?"

"You're one of those basement shut ins. One of those military nerds or gun geeks aren't you? Come on, at least you've seen this thing before. I mean, it was in that Mel Gibson movie." Saya said, pointing to the nail gun.

Kohta picked up the nail gun and inspected it closely.

"A nail gun, huh, and it's gased." Kohta said impressed.

"Hell yeah, we wouldn't be able to carry it around if it was one of those compressor types, right? God, you're fat and stupid." Saya said with a sad expression.

"So, you like movies?" Kohta suddenly asked, making Saya look at him like he's dumb.

"Don't be ridiculous. I'm a genius, so I know everything." Saya replied before some of "them" started beating on the door, making Saya gasp.

"We got an extra tank and nails. We're all set." Kohta said sinisterly.

"Why are you so calm, cool, and collected!? "They're" coming! "They're" in the hallway!" Saya yelled in fear and anger as "they" were coming closer to breaking through the door.

Kohta was busy ignoring the sounds of Saya voice and "them" at the door as he continued to weigh and inspect the nail gun before letting a wicked grin appear on his face.

"Hey you, are you listening to me?!" Saya yelled, trying to get Kohta's attention.

"They" were close to breaking the door, making Saya worry.

"H-Hirano-san." Saya said as Kohta worked on parts for his gun.

"They" soon broke down the door and moving towards Saya with "their" mouths wide open, making Saya yell in fear.

"Hirano!" Saya yelled as one of "them" came at her, only to be stopped by a nail to the head and fall to the ground.

Surprised, Saya looked behind her to see Kohta with a finely assembled rifle with a wicked grin on his face.

"Gotcha." Kohta stated excitedly.

"Hirano?" Saya questioned, surprised by the guys attitude change.

(With Takashi and Rei)

Takashi and Rei were unraveling the fire hose. They were planning to use it to escape. However, they were interrupted by the sound of an explosion.

"What was that!?" Rei yell in shock at the unexpected noise, while Takashi only smiled.

"Sounds like Naruto is doing just fine if there was an explosion in the school." Takashi said, happy to know that his friend was still alive.

"Naruto? How do know that was him?" Rei asked.

"Trust me, I know. Anyway, are ya ready?!" Takashi asked with the hose in his hands.

"Yeah!" Rei answered, ready to turn the hose on.

"Then turn it!" Takashi yelled, but was losing control right away. "Shit!"

"Takashi?!" Rei exclaimed worriedly.

"I'm okay!" Takashi said before turning toward "them". "I didn't like most of you fucks then and I sure as hell don't like you now!"

Takashi managed to turn the hose on "them", sending "them" all down the steps.

"Yeahahaha!" Takashi yelled with a laugh.

(With Saya and Kohta)

"You see the drill and the nails over there, will you put them in a bag or something?!" Kohta yelled as he fired at "them", making Saya angrey.

"Excuse me?! You're nobody to me! What makes you think you order me around?!" Saya yelled, making Kohta turn to her with a vicious look before it changed into a pouting expression.

"Pretty please with sugar on top?" Kohta asked, making Saya sigh in deafeat.

"Alright." Saya said as she did as asked while Kohta held off "them".

None too soon, Kohta finished off "them" and Saya had put the drill and nails into the bag. Kohta then started loading more nails into the nail gun while Saya walked to him.

"Hey, what are you doing? You hold this too." Saya said as she handed Kohta the bag.

"Um, okay." Kohta said as Saya started walking to the door before he spoke again. "Hey, Takagi, can I… can I ask you something?"

"What?" Saya asked as she stood at the door.

"Well… why are you with me?" Kohta asked.

"Why? Because I'm such a nice person." Saya answered, making Kohta sigh.

"Yeah, I can see that. Oh well." Kohta said before readying his weapon, surprising Saya.

"Hey, you're on the ball all of a sudden. Something click in you or what?" Saya asked with a smile, making Kohta turn to her with a feral grin and a gleam in his eye.

"I think I found my calling!" Kohta yelled.

"Behind you!" Saya yelled, making Kohta turn to some of "them" coming at them.

(With Takashi and Rei)

Soon, the stairs were cleared enough, allowing Takashi and Rei to walk down them.

"The fire hose, not too shabby." Takashi stated.

"Yeah, I figured the water pressure would be strong enough. Don't you remember, during the fire drill when we were in junior high, Naruto, Hisashi, and you got-" Rei began, but stopped when she saw Takashi's sad expression.

"Yeah, I remember." Takashi said without emotion.

"I think it should be okay now." Rei stated.

"How I admire your optimism." Takashi said dryly. "You sure about this?"

Takashi's only response was Rei handing him the bat and her nodding.

"Let's go." Takashi said, getting him and Rei to run and kill two of "them" that were still left.

They're soon seen running down a random stairwell inside the school.

"Where do we run to?" Rei asked worriedly, making Takashi stop before turning to her.

"To my house. Go there, get supplies we need, and meet up with other people who haven't turned yet. Work together and get someplace safe. Sounds like a plan to me." Takashi explained, with a smile.

"Yeah… yeah, you're right. Now that I know my dad's okay. Oh, we should probably call your house and make sure they're alright too." Rei suggested.

"Waste of time, nobodies home. My dad won't be back in town 'til next week and my mom's a school teacher, so she won't be home 'til after five. Besides, they get on my nerves." Takashi said with a smile as he walked down the steps, making Rei giggle.

"Heh, well, they're parents. That kinda comes with the job." Rei said as she followed him.

Unknown to Rei, Takashi was actually very worried about his mom since she works in the same kind of place they're at.

(With Naruto, Toshimi, and Misuzu)

Naruto and the girls ran through the hall, avoiding, or in Naruto's case, slashing any of "them" that came out of nowhere. As they're running, Naruto notices that some of "them" are trying to get into a janitors closet.

"No, go away!" A woman screamed from inside the closet, making Naruto charge at "them" with his sword raised to attack.

"Uzumaki Style: Instant!" Naruto yelled before disappearing and reappearing on the otherside of "them".

Naruto then sheathed his sword and the moment it was all the way to the guard, "they're" heads all fell to the ground with sickening thuds along with their bodies.

"Whoa. Naruto, that was amazing!" The BFF's exclaimed in awe.

"Thanks, I've been meaning to test that one out. Now…" Naruto said as he turned to the closet door and knocked on it. "You can come out now, they're dead."

When the door slammed open, Naruto found himself in a death hug by Kyoko Hayashi, the teacher he saved back at the front gate.

"Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! I'm in your debt Naruto!" Kyoko yelled as she hugged him tightly, unknowingly draining the oxygen from his lungs and crushing his ribs.

"T-Thanks… a-and I'm glad… y-you're thankful,… b-but can you please… l-let me go now? I… can't… breath." Naruto said, starting to turn pale.

"Oh, sorry." Kyoko said as she released him, causing him to suck in air as desperately as a fish out of water.

"It's okay. Now, we need to get back to finding our friends and finding a better place to hide." Naruto stated, getting nods from the three women before Kyoko spoke up.

"Oh, we can go to the faculty room. It's big enough to hold as many of us as needed." Kyoko suggested, getting nods from the three.

"Good idea and if I had to guess, the rest of our friends will head that way too. Well, better not keep them waiting." Naruto said as he walked down the hall, the girls following him while looking out for anymore of "them".

'Saeko, Shizuka, Takashi, Hisashi, Rei, Kohta, Saya, Yuuki; please be okay.' Naruto thought as they continued walking.

As they walked, the girls were each having the same thought.

'Naruto is so amazing and so kind. Maybe this nightmare won't be so bad as long as we stay with him.'

(With Saya and Kohta)

As one of "them" is seen walking aimlessly in a hallway, a wet rag hits "it" in the back of the head, but utterly got no reaction whatsoever. From a safe distance, Saya and Kohta are seen watching the undead student.

"W-What are you doing?" Kohta whispered from behind Saya.

"Just be quiet." Saya ordered as she wet another rag and threw it at some lockers, creating a loud sound.

The noise got the undead students attention and made him walk into the lockers without thinking.

"Do you see that? They don't even react went something hits there bodies, the big dumbasses." Saya said as the dead student continued walking into the lockers. "Most likely they can't see either. Otherwise, they wouldn't bump into the locker."

"Well, what about heat?" Kohta asked.

"I'm sure we'll get plenty of opportunities to find out." Saya answered as she stood up, hanging her bag over her shoulder. "Let's go."

"S-So, we're going outside?" Kohta asked nervously.

"You think we're hanging around here?" Saya asked.

"I kinda… I hate walking." Kohta said with a sweat drop.

"And that's why you're so fat! You need to put down the wal-mart Cheetos and exercise!" Saya yelled at him before gasping.

"What?" Kohta asked before turning and seeing some of "them" coming toward them.

(With Saeko and Shizuka)

One of "them" is pushed away by Saeko into a locker as her and Shizuka walked down a hallway. Earlier, they heard an explosion, but pushed their curiosity aside for now. They had to find a way out of the school first. Which Shizuka suggested getting to the faculty room.

"Faculty room? Jesus, what a pain in the ass." Saeko said in irritation.

"But all the car keys are in that room, that's where they keep them." Shizuka said as she tried to keep up with Saeko.

Another one of "them" came at Saeko, only for her to use her bokken to push "it" into the window.

"Why don't you just kill them? You done so well this far, why stop now?" Shizuka asked as they continued to walk.

"One or two at a time, believe me no problem and I wouldn't think twice about doing it. But they come at you in packs. And don't be fooled, they're a lot stronger then they look. And once they grab you it's hard to get loose." Saeko explained as they prepared to enter the faculty room.

"Wow, I'm impressed." Shizuka said before slipping on a floor mat, making her fall and for her boobs to bounce. "Oh, I hate these stupid floor mates, jeez!"

Saeko then kneeled down to her level.

"What you're wearing isn't exactly made for running." Saeko said as she grabbed bottom of Shizuka's skirt and tearing it up to her thigh, showing the hem of her purple panties.

"Wha… are you crazy!? This is Christian Dior!" Shizuka yelled childishly, making Saeko sigh.

"Your clothes or your life, which is more important?" Saeko asked.

"Both are!" Shizuka yelled out before they started hearing something. "What was that?"

"It came from the faculty room." Saeko stated before she helped Shizuka up and they headed to said room.

(With Saya and Kohta)

Kohta is seen shooting "them" with Saya standing behind him.

"If you keep shooting them how will we learn about them?!" Saya yelled.

"You know, you could help me fight 'em too." Kohta stated.

"You stupid fat idiot, that's what I have you for!" Saya yelled.

"The magazine is almost empty." Kohta argued.

"YOU THINK THAT'S MY PROBLEM?! HURRY UP AND JUST RELOAD IT!" Saya yelled in absolute anger.

"But they're… they're right behind you, see." Kohta said as he pointed before her.

"Huh?" Saya said before turning and coming face to face with one of "them". "AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!"

"H-Hirano." Saya said in fear as she backed up.

Kohta tried to shoot the dead man that stepped towards Saya, but fate was not on his side because the magazine was empty.

"Oh no, I'm out!" Kohta yelled.

"Get away! Get away!" Saya yelled before tripping on the bag that she dropped and backed up into the trophy case.

"Takagi!" Kohta yelled.

"Get back! Stay back!" Saya yelled as she threw a trophy at the dead man, but didn't even come close to slowing him down as he continued walking towards her.

Thinking fast and in fear, Saya grabbed the only thing she could, power drill. Just as the dead guy lunged at her, she thrust the drill right into his head and drilled his brain all over her. This was the sight that Naruto, Toshimi, Misuzu, Kyoko, Takashi, Rei, Saeko, and Shizuka came to see.

"I CAN'T TAKE IT ANYMORE! SOMEONE PLEASE…" Saya yelled before finally stopping the drill as the dead guy fell over.

Naruto looked at "them" that were still around and stepped in front of everyone.

"Naruto-" Takashi began, only to have Saeko stop what he was going to say by sticking her bokken in front of him.

"Just watch." Saeko said, watching as Naruto looked directly at "them".

He slowly drew his sword from his sheath before speaking.

"Uzumaki Style: Instant!" Naruto yelled before disappearing and reappearing in between "them" and resheathing his sword before all of their heads and bodies fell to the ground dead.

Almost everyone was shocked to see this, but decided that it was just a thing that Naruto could do.

"Takagi are you okay?" Rei asked the pinkette.

Before Naruto could say anything, a certain blonde bombshell had jumped on him and hugged him into her very generous bust.

"Oh Naruto, I knew you were alive! I'm so happy!" Shizuka yelled as she hugged him into her large breasts, unknowingly making Rei, Kyoko, Toshimi, Misuzu, and Saeko give her light glares.

"Uh, thanks Marikawa-san." Naruto said, though mentally back flipping.

Saeko sighed before speaking.

"You already know the school doctor Marikawa-san right? And I'm Saeko Bushijima of class 3A." Saeko introduced.

"I'm Takashi Komuro of class 2B." Takashi introduced.

"Saeko, I remember you and Naruto won the National Championship last year. I'm Rei Miyamoto of the spear martial arts club." Rei introduced.

"I'm Kohta Hirano of class B just FYI." Kohta introduced.

Naruto finally got Shizuka off him before speaking.

"You all know who I am, but still. I'm Naruto Uzumaki, more or less the schools watchdog." Naruto introduced with a grin.

"I'm Kyoko Hayashi, the ping pong clubs adviser." Kyoko introduced.

"I'm Toshimi Niki." Toshimi introuced.

"And I'm her best friend Misuzu Ichijou." Misuzu introduced.

While everyone was introducing themselves, Saya was getting more and more irritated before finally losing it.

"Why are you guys all being all warm and fuzzy? Why are you being so polite to them Miyamoto!? You flunked last year, you're at the same age as them! They're not your elders!" Saya yelled at Rei, making her look down in shame.

"Saya…" Naruto whispered.

"What're you talking about Takagi?" Kohta asked confused, making Saya turn to them with a glare.

"DON'T TALK TO ME LIKE I'M STUPID! I'M SMARTER THEN ALL OF YOU COMBINED! YOU SHOULD BE LUCKY I'M EVEN IN THE SAME SCHOOL AS YOU!" Saya yelled before looking to the ground in a state of shock before Naruto walked over to her.

"It's okay, that's enough." Naruto said as he placed a hand on her shoulder.

Saya llooked at him before turning and looking at herself in a mirror.

"Look at me. All these blood stains. Now mom will… have to take it to the cleaners." Saya said to herself before tiers started streaming down her face and she clung to Naruto and cried, Naruto hugging her close.

While Naruto was letting Saya cry on him, he soon noticed that someone was missing before turning to Takashi and Rei.

"Takashi, Rei, where's Hisashi?" Naruto asked, making the two look at each other before turning and giving Naruto a sad look.

At this, Naruto's eyes widened at the one realization of what happened to one of his friends. Hisashi was dead. Naruto lowered his head, letting his hair cover his eyes as tiers began streaming down his whiskered face.

And that's chapter 4! I apologize for taking so long, but when you have limited resources and use the canon version, you find your hands tied. If someone can write down everything they say in the episodes and PM them to me, I'd appreciate it. Either that, or tell me where I can find a place that sells HOTD on DVD. Anyway, read and review!