Disclaimer:            Really, I own everything!  Not……lol…J.K. Rowling rightfully owns everything except I guess I own the plot…

Author's Notes: Okie, folks, I made an epilogue because I really wanted to and peeps were telling me I should :)  sorry so short…but a sequel is most likely coming (the first chappy is under construction right now…) so plz stay with me!  Thanks for reading my fic, I had tons of fun writing it, I'm glad u guys enjoyed reading it!


            "Hermione?" murmured Draco.  Hermione was leaning on his chest, eyes closed, mumbling softly to herself.  He shook her slightly. 

            "Hermione??" he asked, more urgently.  Hermione finally stirred awake. 

            "Yeah?" she asked, softly.

            "You looked scared," Draco said.   "Are you okay?"  Hermione shook her head slightly.  Silence lulled on, the only sound was the bus hitting rocks and periodically the splashing of waves of some random ocean they were crossing. 

            "I don't know," she finally said.  Draco held her tighter and said, into her hair,

            "I don't want to say that everything's going to be okay," he said.  "Because I don't know if they are going to be okay.  But I am going to stay with you, no matter what."  Hermione felt the familiar feeling of tears pricking her eyes.  She snuggled closer to him. 

            "I know," she said, simply.  Draco let the rhythmic sound of the bus drone on and let his thoughts take over. 


            "We're here," said Draco, shaking Hermione awake.  She groggily followed him down the steps of the bus.  It was night and the moon was full, casting a soft glow on everything around them.  The breeze carried the sweet scent of summer and the warmth of the coming of hotter days.  Hermione looked around her; they were in a street, old-fashioned streetlamps lighting the cobblestone path.  Closed stores along the streets were dark but cozy and inviting.  Hermione gasped when she read the script on one of the store doors.  She felt a smile starting.  She looked down and found her clothes had changed.  She was wearing a crisp white blouse and a beautiful skirt; her hair was soft and glowing in the moonlight.  Hermione looked back at Draco who was grinning at her.

            "Ma cherie," he murmured.  He looked like a prince in the moonlight.  He too looked fresh and awake.  He took her hand and pulled her close.

            "Beautiful girl," he whispered, into her ear. 

            "Draco," said Hermione, not wanting to speak to loud in fear that she might break the spell that she felt twining around them.  "Are we…in Paris?"  Draco grinned and pulled her close for a kiss.  Hermione melted into that kiss, into the moonlight, and finally felt free. 


A/N: Gah, sorry so short but it's fitting, right?  Heehee…the sequel (*crossing fingers* I hope I will get around to finishing the first chapter…) will most likely be called Last Dance in Paris. So if you see that fic floating anywhere…read it!  Thanks for reading, please R&R on your way out!