Chapter Eight: Evie has a conversation in an hallucination
Evie felt like she was experiencing deja vu, thick fog was rolling around her and she was suddenly aware of the giant strange tree that she encountered when she first crossed over. She then a had sinking feeling in her gut, she was in the purgatory place where she was neither dead nor really alive. It was just her and the tree, alone within the fog world of beyond just waiting for something she couldn't put her finger on. She remembered passing out after her horrible incident with the kidnapper. She wondered if she was going to die this time around, she was very ill and she was pretty sure she sustained some near fatal injuries from all the fighting.
This tree was making her nervous, this time she wasn't even near the tree before she passed out so why was she here again, and what strange connection did she have with this one particular tree? There were so many questions buzzing around in Evie's mind, filling her with anxiety. Where was she going to wake up at this point, would she ever wake up? Was this her ultimate fate? Did Sesshomaru leave her to slowly die in the forest, was she already dead?
"You've done well so far." called a familiar yet haunting voice behind her, she knew who it was, but why was she here again.
"Thanks for the encouragement." answered Evie, "what's going to happen now?" She turned around to regard the Lord, he was smiling very gently like he did last time, but she was looking for some answers.
"Well, you're not going to die, that's good isn't it?" He gave her a comical smirk but she knew that he was hiding something from her.
Evie let out a sigh and asked him a question that was burning inside her. "Can you tell me what's up with this tree? It's literally the center of all theses interactions with you, does it have something to do with Izayoi? The past? The future?"
"You are very observant ," answered the Lord. "It's called the Tree of Ages…" He paused slightly, "I can't tell you anymore right now, but it will serve as an important piece of the overall picture, if you will." Evie felt like she couldn't get a straight answer from anyone. "Just be patient, the time will come that this will all make sense, until then just do you best."
"Well then… what can I call you?" Evie asked, "if this is going to keep happening I would like to know how I should address you."
The Lord seemed surprised by her question but chuckled. "You can call me Toga."
"Okay, Toga…" said Evie a little more sternly. "What information can you divulge to me at this point in time. Like you said last time Sesshomaru cannot harm me, which I am completely grateful for, but it's still all so unusual."
"I know, time will be you're greatest enemy but your most trusted friend. You must put your trust in it, it will not lead you astray."
"You have a wonderful talent for being vague," said Evie becoming slightly frustrated. "I can't even put a finger on what I know is reality or a figment of my crazy, almost suicidal imagination."
"In this world, there are powerful forces everywhere, all trying to dominate the same thing, they're both human and demon alike." started Toga, "you were brought here on the cusp of a very turbulent future and the fate of this nation and possibly the world rest with you-"
"And Sesshomaru working together," finished Evie. "You know, this is an immense amount of pressure on some girl how doesn't know what going on."
Toga chuckled again, Evie didn't know what was so funny. It was like he was leading her into the dark and telling her there wasn't anything dark about it. "You've seem to have the same gusto as before. Now," he appeared right in front her her and touched her face gently. "You're probably aware that you're the reincarnation of my late wife, Izayoi, and Sesshomaru is bitter toward you because my death was a result from saving my beloved and our newborn son."
Something clicked in Evie's head, "then you're Sesshomaru's father…." Evie said, she thought it was just to herself, but she couldn't blame a woman for falling in love with someone so handsome…and kind hearted. "What happened to Sesshomaru then, if you're like this…"
"Sesshomaru has been focused on power, a little too transfixed in obtaining it for himself, and he believes that he can do it all on his own," explained Toga in a very serious way. "He doesn't understand that no one can obtain the power he wants by their self, it's not possible." Evie raised her brow in disbelief. "I know that in this world it seems like anything can be possible but we are restricted to a nature of our own. Without you Sesshomaru doesn't stand a chance to reach his full potential, mind you, he has been great strides since my death."
"Oh really…." Evie clutched her throat remembering the way his claws dig into her skin while he was watching the life leave her eyes. "Well he has a long way to go still…."
"My point exactly," said Toga. "You will aide him during his path to achieve supreme conquest."
"Does Sesshomaru know what's going on or are we just tolerating each other until we find the deeper meaning in this 'quest' we're forced into?" asked Evie increasingly becoming disheartened.
"After today, he has a good idea of what needs to happen in order to succeed." replied Toga, "you were kidnapped by a great demon, which are different from regular demons, and with your particular innate power, if a great demon consumes your heart and soul before you are able to unlock your they will inherit something immeasurable." Evie listened intently because this seemed very important to her own survival. Her mouth was almost wide open in shock but this explained some. "If you can unleash and harness the power as your own you will be a 'force to recon with' to put it in your modern terms."
"That was unusually helpful…" said Evie still processing the information. "How do I do that, or is it something that will come with time?
"You must travel into the forest and find the demon tree Bokuseno, he has been entrusted to keep a special object that will help you tap and control your true power, and that my dear, will come with time. But until then, please rely that Sesshomaru will not let you die," said Toga reverting back to his gentle nature. The fog grew thicker and Evie could only guess what would happen next. "You will be fine, trust me."
"Thank you," said Evie in much appreciation, she didn't get all of her answers but this meeting was more fruitful than she had originally thought it would be. Everything disappeared around her and she wondered how long it would take before she gained her consciousness back. She still had so many questions, but she knew that she would have more one she woke up.
Evie suddenly had a warm sensation, and she felt that someone was holding her, even though she was still standing in the fog. It freaked her out a little bit, she heard some muttering, like she was trying to listen to a quiet conversation through a thick wall. She didn't know where these sensations were coming from, she guessed it was probably an out of body experience since her soul had traveled to this dream like state.
After a while she was overcome by warmth and felt very comfortable and she slipped away into the darkness again, this time it felt peaceful and serene.