It had been five years since Xena died, five years in which she waited in Heaven, for the day that her soulmate would join her and together they would be reborn. Xena eagerly awaited the day that they would walk the earth together once again. For now, however, Xena merely waited.

She would spend her days in the light filled caves of Heaven, hoping that Gabrielle would think of her, for she could then hear her thoughts and feel her love once again. It had, however, been a while since that last happened. In the beginning it was a constant occurrence, Xena would sit next to the fountain of purification listening out for Gabrielle while watching the water play and jump over the stones. The joy that filled Xena when this happened was indescribable, she felt whole again, she could glimpse what was happening around Gabrielle and felt at peace. Then one day it just stopped.

Xena didn't know how long it had been since she had last heard or felt Gabrielle, time in Heaven had a funny way of passing, it could run so slowly it felt like a year had passed between each breath or it could run so quickly that events just blurred together.

She did know it had been a while, however, and she could feel her patience running out. Her spirit was still that of a warrior and sitting around doing nothing didn't suit her, though Archangel Michael told her there was nothing else she could do. She didn't have the power to visit earth herself and Michael insisted that he wasn't her messenger boy, no matter how much she yelled or threatened, he told her to wait.

Xena huffed in irritation, she didn't used to be a huffer, preferring to release her frustration out on some greasy bandits, but in Heaven there wasn't anything else she could do. She sat in her favourite hall of Heaven, listening to the laughter and chatter of angels and other blessed souls waiting to be reborn, the sounds of their happiness didn't do anything to improve her mood. Not for the first time she wondered if she belonged in Heaven, everyone else seemed so peaceful while she secretly hoped a fight would break out that she could break up.

She huffed again, and then stiffened, feeling his presence before seeing him. "Hello Eli, to what do I owe the pleasure?" she said while gracefully rising to greet him.

"Xena, my old friend, it has been too long! I find that I spend most of my time on Earth these days, guiding Eve in fact. She is doing very well, before you ask" he smiled serenely at Xena, waiting for her barrage of questions he knew would surely come, while hoping that she didn't notice him not answering her question.

Xena looked Eli up and down, he looked the same as he did when alive, long brown hair, trimmed beard and bright blue eyes. Now, however, he wore long white robes with gold trim, signifying his position in Heaven, gold trim allows him to enter Earth whenever he wanted, a power which Xena would give anything for, but now he seemed tense, no matter how serene his smile appeared. "What is it Eli? Something has happened hasn't it? I knew there had to be a reason that I can no longer hear Gabrielle! Is that why you have come to see me?" She asked warily, watching his every move.

"Come with me Xena, we need to talk to Michael" he sighed, turning and heading out of the hall.

Xena followed.