Just a little bit of a trigger warning, just in case :):)



We stood around as Rick tried to convince us to stay put. One of the cars was running on fumes and we all couldn't fit into the other car. We were stuck till morning.

The only reason why I hadn't left for the farm to find Vic was because of my promise. She had told me to stay with her family if something happened. She had made me promise I'd keep them safe, whether she was alive or not. And I couldn't break a promise to her.

"We'll make camp tonight over there." Rick gestured to some stone walls. "Get on the road at the break of day."

"Does this feel right to you?" Carol asked me, and I just nodded sticking with Rick.

"What if walkers come through, or another group like Randall'?" Beth asked Rick, the girl obviously scared.

At the mention of the boy I remembered what me and Glenn found. "You know I found Randall, right? He had turned, but he wasn't bit."

"How's that possible?" the girl asked Rick.

"Rick, what the hell happened?" Lori asked her husband.

I answered for them, already figured it out. "Shane killed Randall. Just like he always wanted to."

"And then the herd got him?" Lori just didn't get it.

Rick looked at the ground, I could see him trying to figure out how he was going to explain it all. Silence grew heavy as we waited, hoping everything would finally be answered.

"We're all infected." that was not what I expected.

"What?" I shifted my crossbow.

"At the CDC, Jenner told me." Rick went on. "Whatever it is, we all carry it."

We all looked at each other, fear and shock spread like wild-fire though our group.

I turned away, thinking about Vic out there, not knowing this. If something were to happen to her... what if she turned and I had to kill her?

"And you never said anything?" Carol asked. I turned, needing to see Rick when he answered.

"Would it have made a difference?" Rick shrugged.

Glenn shook his head. "You knew this whole time?"

"How could I have known for sure? You saw how crazy..."

"That is not your call. okay, when I found out about the walkers in the barn, I told for the good everyone." Glenn was pissed.

"Well, I thought it was best that people didn't know." Rick said, looking to each of us before walking away.


I ran through the woods, walkers everywhere. Though none of them noticed me. I gathered it was because I was covered with walker blood and smelt like them. I kept running until my legs hurt, and then I ran more. My knife in my hand, ready to kill at any moment.

I looked behind me for a spilt second, the sounds of walkers fading.

"Hey!" looking in front of me so I could see where I was running I saw a truck on a dirt path. "Come on!" I rushed over to the truck, the door opening for me to jump in. I slid in and slammed the door before they drove off.

My rescuer was a man, probably in his late twenties to early thirties. He was tall and well-built. His hair dark brown and shaggy, his face covered in stubble, his eyes dark brown. He looked over at me, his eyes searching my body.

"You bit?" I shook my head. "What's with the blood?"

"It's Walker blood."

"Walker? That what you call them?" he smiled, amused.

"Well what do you call them?"

He kept his eyes on the road now, weaving through the trees. "Roamers." he shrugged. "You got a group?"

I nodded. "But our farm was overrun. They don't know I'm alive."

"So everyone thinks you're dead?"

"Yeah. What about you? You got a group?"

"There's about thirty of us." he shrugged.

Thirty of us... Roamers... Randall had been in a group of thirty people and he called walkers, Roamers... Suddenly I thought I was safer out with the walkers.


He stopped the truck by a camp site. Three tents were pinned up and a group of men were around a fire.

"I thought you said you had thirty people?" I asked, still sitting in the car.

He opened the door and got out. "Yeah, but a few of us are scouting the place. The rest are somewhere else." he told me before closing the door. With a deep breath I got out, following the guy to the rest of them.

"Jason." one of the men stood up, looking our way. "You brought a friend?"

The guy who rescued me, Jason I suppose, shrugged. "Found her runnin' from a pack of Roamers. Saved her." we stood by them all now, their eyes staring at me in a way that made me shift uncomfortably.

"Saved her huh?" another man stepped forward. "Think she owes you Jas." he lifted his hand to touch my cheek.

I stepped back and pushed him. "Don't touch me."

They all laughed as they closed in on me. I turned trying to find a way out, but they had already circled me. One grabbed me from behind and as I struggled against him another grabbed my legs.

"Squirmy one, ain't she?"

"Let me go!" I screamed thrashing my body around. It was no use. They were holding me tight, and there was nothing I could do. But I wasn't going to stop.

"Get the ropes." the one holding my legs called. "Tie her up." a few of them walked off before returning with ropes. I screamed and cried and struggled against them. But they didn't budge.

A gun was pressed to my head and I froze. "Now you're gonna do what we tell you. Or we kill you." the guy holding the gun shrugged.

I cried as they started to tie me up and gag me. They tied my hands together, tying the rope to a tree, my arms above my head. They left my legs untied though I knew they'd shoot me if I kicked.

"Who wants first shot?" one of them asked, all of them looking down at me with hungry eyes.

The one who had spoken first nodded to Jason. "You found her. You go first."

Jason moved so he knelt between my legs. He reached forward and pulled my knife out, pressing it against my stomach. "No fightin', okay?"

I cried, the gag digging into my skin. I nodded as he pressed the knife harder.

"Good girl." he grabbed my shirt and used my knife to tear it. Leaning forward he licked my neck down to the valley of my breasts.

"How she taste?"

"Look at them mountains."

"Hurry up, I wanna go next."

All the men cheered and yelled behind him. He used the knife to cut my bra, my bare chest meeting the cold air.

"Oh my, Lord."

"Haven't seen a pair like that in ages."

I cried, his tongue pressing against one of my breasts where he sucked and licked the skin. I could feel his smirk, his hand slowly undoing the zipper of my shorts.

I struggled then, trying to push him off as I screamed against the gag.

Jason brought the knife to the top of my breast and cut me. It was deep enough to leave a scar, but it wouldn't kill me. "What did I say?" he pushed my shorts down, shoving his hand into my underwear. "What did I say?!"

Two fingers pushed into me and I screamed out. He forced them in deeper as he groaned, enjoying this.

"How she feel?"

"Looks so tight."

"Yeah, you give it to her. Give it!"

He sat up and pushed his pants down realising himself. "Don't fight baby. You're gonna like this too." he grinned, the knife sliding against my skin leaving more cuts that would lead to scars.

I cried as I watched him move himself between my legs. He pressed himself against me, and I felt everything come up as I choked on my vomit. He grinned leaning down and kissing the gag, as he rubbed himself against me more, his tip edging in.

At that moment I didn't care if they would kill me. I didn't care if I died. But I wasn't going to let this happen.

Pulling my knee up and slamming it into his nuts he cried out. I shook my head so the gag moved before my teeth latched on to his tongue, biting it off and spitting it out.

He got off me screaming and crying as he held his mouth, blood pouring everywhere.

"You bitch!" one of them men stepped forward. But with one more pull and tug, my hands were free.

I kicked him in the stomach making him stumble back before I grabbed my knife and threw it at him. It dug into his chest as he fell. Grabbing the gun Jason had left beside me I shot down the rest of them. All of this happening in a matter of seconds. They had been caught off guard and now they were dead... except for Jason.

Walking over to him, still bleeding I stood over him the gun pointed to that sweet spot between his legs. "I'd kill you. But that would be too easy." I shot him in the leg and he cried out. "Instead I'm gonna take your truck and leave you here. Walkers would have heard the shots by now, and soon they'll smell all the blood."

I grabbed the ropes and tied him to the tree he was leaning on as he cried and struggled against me, his eyes full of fear.

"Soon you'll just be a meal. But don't worry. If you don't fight. You'll enjoy it too." I stood and walked away, heading for his truck.

His cries and screams called out, insulting me I was sure, but with no tongue it was hard to understand.

Slamming the truck door closed and turning the ignition on, I drove away. There was no one I could trust now. Every stranger a danger, and every loved one gone. I was on my own...


So I was gonna let Jason go all the way, but I couldn't do that to Vickie. Speaking of which, what will she do next? Where will she go? What will she do? How will she survive... or die? I guess you'll just have to wait for the third part :P

I hope you enjoyed, don't forget to review :):)

Love and miss you all xox