I don't know what I'm doing, seriously. I just wanted to write something nice and commitment-less. My other HP fics just sit there waiting for me to update them and I'm sort of stuck so I'm using this ficlet as a sort of method of easing my way back into writing in the fandom.

I own nothing that is recognizable. Also, I apologize for any mistakes made.

Green eyes peered out at the empty street in front of them. It was the same. Not that it was a surprise to Harry. She was very familiar with this particular street, it was never changing, the same black tar and banged up street signs at both ends. Ironically, she both loved and hated this street. It was her end and beginning, her curse. Not literally she supposed but it had something to do with it.

It didn't matter how it happened, she always died on this street, always at the same time, one minute past midnight, no matter the world, time period, reality or universe. It had become a routine of sorts to simply walk to the street on her last night and wait for her not so final end. It had taken three cycles for her to notice the pattern, two more to accept it. Certain circumstances changed, like her parents and up bringing, even her chosen profession but others stayed like her physical appearance, her accent, which was always hard to explain, her memories. The important things never changed and so she always knew what to expect.

Her life was a constant loop, a repetition of words, scenarios and people. She was frozen in one period of her life, cursed to live it over and over without fail, without a chance to make it to the next stage. She never understood why, she gave up caring a long time ago, it wouldn't change anything. She had learn't to be patient with her fraction of lived life, eager to remember the wonder at living life before she grew bored of it. She referred to that first life as her original cycle or her child years. She hadn't been a child for so long now. Not since her eleventh birthday the first time around.

Idly Harry wondered what her next life will be like. Would her parents love her? Would she even have parents? She wasn't too eager to be an orphan again, however it did make things easier. Home tutored or school? What should she study at college and university this time? Did her next world even believe in female education? All things she thought about before she restarted.

Harry glanced down at her worn leather wrist watch with patience born from constant waiting. "Almost time." She muttered softly to herself.

She would miss this particular watch. It was rather simple looking but the leather felt comforting against her ivory skin, the soft texture rubbing reassuringly against her inner wrist. A reminder of a ticking down clock, she hadn't exactly enjoyed this cycle, waiting as patiently as she could for it to end and now it was. But the watch wouldn't be coming with her. It would stay with the carcass she left behind, at least she assumed it would.

Harry didn't actually know what happened after she left one life to enter another. Reincarnation was a fickle thing, perhaps her body stayed and was buried or maybe she just vanished into thin air only for missing person posters to be put up in the next forty-eight hours. She had thought about this quite a lot but there was just no way of actually knowing because once she was instilled into another reality she never went back, no matter how much she tried.

The watch emitted a small chime indicating a preset alarm and without bothering to turn it off Harry stepped into the middle of the road and closed her eyes.


She hoped that her watch would be taken care of should a body remain in this world.


She was oddly attached to the thing.


Her parents in this world weren't too fond of her.


Still, they would be sad to never see their child again despite their awkwardness around her.


She had done well to keep distance between herself and anyone who wanted be friends.


She knew better than to fall in love with anyone, not again.


She would only die and leave them.


She could hear winds in the distance, rustling the leaves among the trees.


Her body hit the cold ground with a light thud.


A worried cry and a scream. It didn't belong to her.


Running feet slapped against wet pavement.


"My god! Are you all right?"


She couldn't respond, eyes still closed she felt something twitch in her chest.


"Call an ambulance!"


She couldn't breathe.


"Hold on please, you'll be fine."


Fingers carded through her hair. Light touches. Urgent whispers. Panicked cries. Sirens and blaring lights.


Her watch abruptly stopped chiming and through the chaos it's lack of ringing was deafening.


Harriet J. Lume.

Time of death- 12:01 06/08/2346

Place of Death- A street in the remnants of Old London.

Cause of Death- Unknown.

Death was the only certain thing in life.

From before you even have you first coherent thought, your first breath, Death started his journey towards you. For some, this journey took years. They would live full and happy, content lives and pass with another thought, their lives taken from them in their sleep. Others, lived monotonously. The years passed them by and when Death came for them they were quite indifferent, either way, they live long lives.

However, for some, Deaths journey seemed too short, a mere step away from where he started. Some died before knowing what gender they were, before being given a name, before making a single memory. There were some who died before learning what love was, what it was like to dream, what it was like to fear death. They were too young to understand that falling asleep could mean never waking up. They had never lived, why should they fear Death?

And what came after? Was there a god above who looked down sadly at the poor souls that never got experience all that he had created for them? Did he welcome these poor pitiable beings with open arm? Lead them into golden gates? I liked to think so. It made me feel better about the whole ordeal. I'd like to think that a generous god and his angels watched me from above whispering words of encouragement, grief stricken eyes following the girl who could not enter heaven because she could not die without breathing in life again.

Heaven could not accept me and hell did not want me and so I was stuck in purgatory, an endless cycle and I would live because there was nothing else I could do. Even if there was something I could do, what then? It had been so long since...it didn't matter. Not anymore. What was it that arrogant dragon said in face of a group of inconsequential humans? Oh yeah-

"I am fire, I am death." A giggle burst from my lips at the thought of the dragons most remembered last words. It was a pretentious being, cocky with the power it held, just as she had once been.

A shift of clothing could be heard to my left. With an internal sigh I prepared to open my eyes and greet my new life. "All right, here goes nothing."

"Did you say something Harry?" A quiet voice asked.

Opening my eyes and allowing them to adjust to suddenly harsh light I was surprised to notice that the world around me was a blurred mess. It was odd to think that a disadvantageous thing such as being as blind as bat was something to feel dangerously happy about but I felt almost on the verge of letting out copious amounts of deranged cackles at the small fact. I hadn't had this human disadvantage in such a long time, it was beautiful. If you could call failure eyes beautiful.

"Harry?" The same voice called, a tinge of concern no laced within. Most likely seeing the large grin I now sported.

I turned to see a blurry, brown figure sitting closely at my left. A definitely female, blurry, brown figure. "Sorry, I just...can't see." Carefully I made sure to make my accent as soft as possible, the voice I often used when trying to convince people to do my bidding.

An awkward sound of realization came from the girl beside me and then there was cold metal being pressed against my palm. Eager to feel wire frames against the bridge of my nose I shoved them not so carefully onto my face. Disappointed when I noticed they were not the round spectacles I once sported many cycles ago. I slowly let my eyes trail along the girl beside me. Her chocolate brown eyes bore into mine and just pain flared behind my eyes as memories danced against my psyche.

Seeing the disgruntled look Bella placed a hesitant hand on my shoulder. "Do you have a headache Harry? Should I ask for some water?"

"No, I'm fine Bella. Just remembered something is all." I replied quietly, ignoring the disbelieving look aimed my way.

The first few weeks of a new life were always painful with memories surfacing about the life she now inhabited. Clearly, I was on a plane. Where was I going? No idea. Why was I going? No idea. Who was this Bella to me? No idea but she was obviously someone I was quite close with because I knew she liked reading Wuthering Heights and Romeo and Juliet, was a vegetarian and had no real preference for colors. Then there were the little things like, how I knew that if I were to lie to her brow would furrow the slightest bit and she would bite her lip if there was something she didn't approve of, things you should only know if you were around someone for so long. Were they family? I had never had a sibling in any of my other cycles, always a lonely child.

"The plane will land soon Harry, did you want to go to the bathroom?" Bella asked as if I was incapable of looking after myself and maybe this self wasn't before I had hijacked this alternate version of myself.

Bella was clearly used to taking care of others, but so was I and so I gave a small shake of my head to signal my answer. It would probably take time for this Bella girl to get to the personality change but I wasn't the type to let myself be coddled.

Bella was American, her accent giving her away, her clothes were rather plain but uncomfortable apposed to what my body was currently wearing. I didn't mind the clothing having been successful career wise in all cycles (whether this was due to previous experience or not was debatable) I was used to wearing quality clothing. I was never one to follow the trends as different cycles left me unable to keep up and so I simply wore what looked good on me, something my alternative self must have agreed on.

Bella and I did not converse for the rest of the flight, happy to rest in companionable silence. Something that apparently disturbed Bella the slightest bit and I idly wondered if I was a chatter box on the norm.

A cruiser, more specifically, a police cruiser was parked outside the airport. Seattle Airport, somewhere in America I could vaguely remember from a cycle where I was born to two American Catholics during the second world war, sparking my need for a faith, a higher power, an end.

I observed that Bella wasn't the most graceful of creatures having tripped three times in the time it had taken to gather our luggage (one I could not recognize and had to wait for Bella to point out) and walk out of the tall building. We then walked straight towards the vehicle, Bella leading the way, both of us dodging the downpour. I smiled lightly up at the dreary weather, it reminding me of my home country.

Upon reaching the car, a man walked up to the two of us a genuine smile upon his lips, his eyes lighting up at the sight of us. Beside me Bella stilled slightly as she took him in, a sense of hesitance.

Seeing this the mans smile dimmed somewhat. Only then did I take in his features, brown hair and eyes set in a handsome face, one that looked quite like the girl beside me and in a move I couldn't predict myself I flung myself into his arms, a need to make the disappointment in his eyes disappear. My arms wrapped around his middle and my face was suddenly pressed into his chest, breathing in his scent which strangely enough, comforted me.

A choked noise of shock made it's way from his throat and my cheeks heated up with mortification. What the hell was that?!

Still my arms wouldn't unwind themselves nor would my neck move to remove my face from this strangers chest. Soon I felt the mans body relax and warm arms wound themselves around me just as pain once more flashed behind my eyes making me hold in a wince as memories rushed past my mind with a flurry of emotions.

I pressed myself further into him as a wave of happiness hit me. A residue of the girl before me, I had no doubt. This was Charlie, my father who I hadn't seen for some time now, not that I had choice in the matter. Confusion swirled through me as I was hit with information on the man I was- dare I say it? Snuggling.

It was odd that I would be hit with memories of my father but none of the girl who I had spent time with on the plain rather than small doses of information or knowledge, nothing be vague points to symbolize my lengthy relationship with her.

My new father released me after sometime, probably noticing the now awkward Bella. "It's good to see you Harry, Bella."

Bella moved forward to give him an one armed hug which he eagerly accepted even it was rather forced. "The two of you haven't changed much. How's Renee?"

My mother. I frowned at the small amount of acknowledgment of this woman. It was barely there, a small faint whisper at the back of my mind and nothing more. No picture of her, no, nothing but a defeated sigh of 'my mother.' Were we not close? Even then, there should be more like the emotion of dislike. Did my alternate self not have an opinion of her own mother?

My lack of knowledge led me to pass the answering on to my...whatever Bella was to me.

"Mom's fine. It's good to see you too, Dad." She seemed to have trouble calling him that but now I at least knew what our relation was. It was difficult considering I always kept my physical appearance, I very rarely looked like my parents and my accent always baffled.

"That's good."

Clearly the two of them were not the most verbose of people and I wondered if I was going to survive the car ride let alone the next seven years of my life in this cycle.