A/N I can't decide so I came up with a few ideas. I set up a poll so make sure you vote!
Option 1
"What?" Kushina's breath hitched. "But…"
"You miscarried," Yuko put quotation marks around the word 'miscarried'. "At least, that's what you were told."
"A stillborn, actually," Yuko corrected.
"That doesn't explain—" Kushina started.
"I'm not allowed to explain, unless Danzo-sama tells you explicitly," Yuko smiled.
"That bastard—"
"Not at all. I'm alive, aren't I?"
Kushina stopped. She was right. Tears pricked the corners of her eyes and Yuko disappeared in a shunshin.
"All this time…" Kushina dropped to her knees and beat the ground with her fist. After a few moments, the ground began to form cracks. Tears rolled down her face and she could taste them as they slid across her lips to her teeth to her tongue. Her cries grew softer until her chest hurt from keeping in her sorrow.
"Kaa-san?" Naruto tapped her shoulder. Kushina looked up at the young man of now 28. Kushina felt old now.
"N-naruto," Kushina pulled him down to kneel with her and she began to cry more.
"What's wrong?" Naruto asked.
"Your sister…is Yuko," Kushina choked out. Naruto frowned and picked her up. Kushina didn't object for once; she was too tired and saddened to fight.
Naruto opened the door and set Kushina on the couch.
"I'm home and—" Minato saw Kushina's depressed state and went over to her.
Things went downhill from there…including an investigation on Danzo.
Option 2
Turn back time to when Keisuke and Emiko are five.
"Keisuke-nii?" Emiko asked as they sat at the base of a tree under the shade.
"I found this pretty lake. Do you want to see?" Emiko smiled. Keisuke always liked it when she smiled; she was prettier that way.
"Yeah. It's hot," Keisuke said as he gestured at the air. Emiko nodded.
It was the heat of summer. Everything seemed to boil, including the icy water that was expensive this time of year, as usual. Even the air was somehow scalding. However, it would be strange for it not to be so during the summer; it was the Land of Fire after all.
Keisuke followed Emiko through the village streets. Suddenly, Emiko took a sudden turn and veered off the path and into brush and trees. She crawled through the plants, wincing as some made small cuts on her skin, making bright red streaks on her pale skin.
"Are you sure we're going the right way?" Keisuke hissed.
"When am I ever wrong?" Emiko glanced back at him.
"Whenever I'm right," Keisuke smirked. Emiko sighed and kept going.
Finally, they broke through the plants and stood on a small cliff overlooking a lake. On the other side was a dock. Oddly enough, there was a person walking to the edge of the dock and suddenly, flames burst from the person's place and the two children were amazed by such a show. As the fire died down, they peered into the steam and saw that the person was gone.
"Where did they go?" Keisuke wondered. Emiko shook her head.
"Right here," the voice said. The children shrieked and in their panic, the cliff broke and the children tumbled down towards the lake.
Suddenly, the were caught by someone. They looked up and saw the face of their father eye-smiling at them. They looked over at the cliff and saw a clone with the mysterious person who scared them.
"What did you do to my kids to make their chakra levels spike that high?" the clone sighed.
"Kakashi-sensei, I didn't mean it," the young man smiled and waved his hands in a gesture to say, It's fine, don't worry! His hands both looked like they were waving, but they were about shoulder height.
"Oh? And you expect me to believe you, rather than my adorable children?" Kakashi drawled. A kunai twirled on his finger.
"There not just yours," Sasuke snapped.
"Sasuke, if you want to discuss something else, I'd be happy to. Just not right now," Kakashi said, implying he didn't want to talk about the mother of his children in front of them.
"You mean you haven't told them?" Sasuke began to get angry. "You haven't told them who their mother is?"
"Sasuke," Kakashi said sharply. "You know just as well as I do that she is dangerous."
"Was, Kakashi-sensei. Don't forget that," Sasuke growled and walked across the water back to the dock.
"Tou-san, who was that?" Keisuke asked.
Option 3
Instead of trying out the Limited Tsukuyomi on Naruto and Sakura, Tobi tries it out on Keisuke and Emiko just before the war starts.
Option 4
(Hehe…so lazy.)
Since Keisuke and Emiko are Genin when Iwa and Kumo decide to declare war on Konoha for some past murder or something, they are in the reserves for fighting. Iwa and Kumo are much stronger than they had expected and someone in those two allied nations (to which much of the Konoha ranks couldn't understand; those two had been at each other's throats since the beginning) had stumbled upon Orochimaru's old scripts: a copied version of the Edo Tensei in an innocent scroll.
Rumors and photos could not even begin to describe Uchiha Akane to her children.
A/N If you want to see something happen that I didn't come up with, you can review. I give you permission to review. So do it. NOW.